单词 | 对流层顶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 对流层顶 —top of tropospheretropopauseSee also:对流层 adj—tropospheric adj 对流层—lower atmosphere 对流 n—troposphere n 流层 n—troposphere n • tropospheric n
参看,环境署的研究报告,“限制短期 [...] 气候变化和改善空气质量的措施:对黑碳 和 对流层 臭 氧 的综合评估”,2011 年(即将出版)。 daccess-ods.un.org | See, the UNEP study, “Measures to Limit Near-Term [...] Climate Change and Improve Air Quality: An Integrated Assessment of [...] Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone”, 2011 [...](forthcoming). daccess-ods.un.org |
一定要清洗顶部对接表面的 两个流体出口 (X)。 graco.com | Be sure to clean the two fluid ports (X) in the top mating surface. graco.com |
大气层”――或空气质量――是“地球周围的气体混合物”、其中 大部分存在于“对流层”和 “平流层”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The atmosphere — or air-mass — is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, most of it existing in the troposphere and stratosphere. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二、排放到“对流层上部 ”和“同温层”的氯氟烃(CFC)和哈龙造 成臭氧的耗损。 daccess-ods.un.org | Second, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons emitted [...] into the upper troposphere and stratosphere cause ozone [...]depletion. daccess-ods.un.org |
在启用之后,又努力增加对网站流量 的跟 踪,并且在新的语言目录中在顶层页 面 采用 Google Analytics,这使得对网站使 用情况的追踪更加高效,并且改进了按语言分列的使用情况分析(见图一至图 三)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Shortly after the launch, a new effort was undertaken to improve [...] the tracking of site traffic with the implementation of Google Analytics on top-layer pages within new language [...]directories which [...]has enabled more efficient tracking of site usage, as well as better analysis of usage by language (see figures I-III). daccess-ods.un.org |
这些测量对于了 解环境等 离子体密度的变化以及磁暴和极光亚暴期间等离 子 层顶 的 位 置非常有用。 oosa.unvienna.org | These measurements will be highly valuable in understanding the variations of the ambient plasma density and the location of the plasma pause during magnetic storms and auroral sub-storms. oosa.unvienna.org |
鉴于去年利用所有语言对联合 国网站顶层页面 进行了重新设计,所以这一点尤显重要,并且重建网站结构的目 的在于应对网站多种语言带来的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was particularly important in [...] the context of last year’s [...] redesign of the website’s top layers across all languages and [...]the newly revamped site architecture [...]that aimed to address the challenges posed by the multilingual nature of the website. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们对使用 347 [...] 型的祈祷是: 选择使用 347 型的工程师将会知道,在线路板上有 X 种对热敏感成分或零件,其所要求的 最高回流顶温不 能高于 230 摄氏度,很希望线路板组装能以最恰当和最有效的模式来进行 [...]回流。 asahisolder.com | Our prayer for the utilization of 347 is that the engineer who chooses it will know that he/she has X [...] number of sensitive [...] components on board which require a peak reflow of not more than 230 degree Celsius and will [...]like the board assembly [...]to be reflowed in the best optimum modes within the oven. asahisolder.com |
在“对流层”和 “同温层”, 大部分气体的相对比例是相当稳定的,在科学上,这些“气层”一起组成“下大 [...] 气层”,它往上延伸至平均海拔 50 公里的高度,而与“上大气层”区别开来。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the troposphere and the stratosphere, the relative [...] proportions of most gases are fairly stable; scientifically these [...]spheres are grouped together as the “lower atmosphere”, which extends to an average altitude of 50km, and are distinguished from the “upper atmosphere”. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究 院的主要职能包括:参与国家科技发展战略研究 的 顶层 设 计 ,承担组织重大战略 问题的研究,培养和建设科技战略人才骨干队伍,建立开放式的、集成各方战略 研究资源的合作交流平台。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its major functions include: [...] participating in the top-level design of national S&T development strategies; undertaking key strategic research tasks, developing research capabilities on S&T strategies, setting up an open exchange platform [...]and attracting various research resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
第三、“对流层”和“平流层下部”的组成发生变化就 会引起“气候变化”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Third, changes in the composition of the troposphere and lower stratosphere cause climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
做最糟的设定,以典型的 SAC 合金来用作回流,其所能设定的回 流顶 温 必须不低于 235 摄氏度,仅仅只能提供 18 摄氏度 的所谓温差,这也确是一个免强可以让 SAC 形成可靠焊接点的最低温差,但是,在很大的 程度上,对那些 热敏感零件仍然会造成可能性的破坏,从而使整个组装在信赖度方面也只能 达到最低水平。 asahisolder.com | To illustrate, for the worst scenario, only 18 [...] degree Celsius “differential” temperature above the melting point of a typical SAC alloy subject to a peak reflow temperature of 235 degree Celsius, which certainly a minimum setting that can be attained for a proper joint to form and [...]to a large extent, still [...]subject to a borderline case of reliability performance should a highly heat sensitive component be involved. asahisolder.com |
主要存在于对流层和同 温层的大气(气圈)是地球上最大的单一天然资源,是 维护人类的生存所不可缺少的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The atmosphere (air mass), mostly existing in the troposphere and stratosphere, is the planet’s largest single natural resource, and it is indispensable for the survival of humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数的“气 体”和“气溶胶”会被“对流层”中 的一种天然的“清洁过程”所清除,但是, [...] 当“排放量”达到覆没“这一过程”的程度时,就开始发生“气候变化”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most gases and aerosols are expunged by a natural “cleansing [...] process” in the troposphere, but when emissions [...]overwhelm this process, climate change begins to occur. daccess-ods.un.org |
b) 如果静压表正常工作,并且进水流量 正 确,移 除 顶 盖 ,确保布水喷头直 接 对 着 进 水箱,而 不是指向上方。 china.geotechenv.com | b) If the gauge is functioning [...] properly and the flow rate is correctly set, remove the lid from the top of the tray stack [...]and confirm that the [...]water distribution nozzle is directed into the influent reservoir and not pointing upward. geotechenv.com |
在层 状冷云及对流云人工增雨潜力区,采用人工增雨催化作业技术;建立人工增雨综合决 策技术系统。 wrdmap.org | In the artificial rain [...] potential area of bedded cold clouds and convective clouds, adopt [...]artificial rain-increasing catalysis techniques. wrdmap.org |
位于最顶层的Az ur餐厅供应日式寿司、新鲜的马尔代夫金枪鱼以及精制烤肉,客人亦可在此纵览印度洋波澜壮阔的海景,如果想品尝各式东南亚风味佳肴,欢迎光临全天营业的Lime餐厅。 shangri-la.com | Enjoy sushi, fresh Maldivian tuna, grilled premium meats and ocean views at the rooftop Azur Restaurant while our all-day-dining Lime Restaurant features an abundance of Southeast Asian flavours. shangri-la.com |
巴尔喀什--2002 年 9 月,教科文组织与法国非政府组织“技术合作与发展援助机 构”(ACTED)一道,对阿富 汗最古老的清真寺,巴尔喀什的 Hadji Pyada 清真 寺的九个圆顶的保护层顶进行 了紧急修缮,以使它不受严冬气候的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Balkh – In September 2002, UNESCO jointly with the French NGO Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique et au [...] Développement (ACTED) [...] undertook the emergency repair of the protecting roof of the nine domes of the Hadji Pyada mosque in Balkh – the oldest mosque in Afghanistan [...]– in order [...]to preserve it from the harsh winter weather. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些报告中,有些对于打印项目状态信息十分有用,例如“项目摘要”、 “ 顶层 任 务 ”和“预算”报告。 seavusprojectviewer.com | Several of these [...] reports, such as the Project Summary, Top Level Tasks, or Budget reports, are especially useful for printing project [...]status information. seavusprojectviewer.com |
它们是:大气中四氯化碳浓 2 度的测量,多数在低层大气(对流层 ) , 在 高 层大气(平流层下部)有 一 些辅助测量;《 蒙 特利尔议定书》第 7 条下提供的关于国家四氯化碳消费量的报告,以及来自行业来源和国 家与执行机构提交给秘书处的项目数据中包含的行业生产量和使用量的报告。 multilateralfund.org | They are: measurements of CTC concentrations in the atmosphere, largely in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) with some supporting measurements in the upper atmosphere (lower stratosphere); reports on national CTC consumption provided under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol, and; reports of 2 industrial production and use, available from industry sources and also contained in project data provided to the Secretariat by countries and implementing agencies. multilateralfund.org |
该门靠近舱口和舷梯,可以从顶层甲 板 通向舰桥甲 板。 daccess-ods.un.org | This door is near to the hatch and ladder, which allows [...] access from the top deck to the bridge deck. daccess-ods.un.org |
对CLS起搏器开展的调查是迄今为止规模最大的一次,调查证明了这类产品在右心室所有刺激部位 ( 顶 端 、 中隔 、 流 出 道 )表现出的卓越性能,甚 至 对 重 症心衰患者的治疗效果也非常好,与无心衰患者的状况没有区别。 tipschina.gov.cn | The RECORD investigation of CLS pacemakers is the largest to date and demonstrates excellent performance in all [...] pacing [...] sites within the right ventricle (apical, septal, outflow tract), and even in advanced heart failure [...]with no difference to patients without heart failure. tipschina.gov.cn |
对流层和平流层的数据紧密相连,两个数据集都被纳入 2006 [...] 年科 学评估小组的“臭氧消耗科学评估:2006 年”报告中,其中估计,2004 年全球四氯化碳的 排放总量约为 70,000 公吨(77,000 ODP 吨)。 multilateralfund.org | Tropospheric and stratospheric [...] data is strongly interlinked and both data sets were integrated into the findings of the [...]2006 Scientific Assessment Panel (SAP) in their “Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2006” report, in which it was estimated that global emissions of CTC in 2004 totalled some 70,000 metric tonnes (77,000 ODP tonnes). multilateralfund.org |
在研究生态系统中紫外 [...] 线变化影响方面出现的进展将有助于评估太阳紫外线辐射的变化如何影响碳循 环和微量气体(包括对流层臭氧)及影响空气质量的浮质的化学性质。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | This progress in research into the effects of UV changes in ecosystems would contribute to the assessment of how changes in solar UV radiation would affect [...] the carbon cycle and the chemistry of trace [...] gases (including tropospheric ozone) and aerosols [...]that affected air quality. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
首层的“旅行探索区”充满了各类精致考究的皮具、阳刚优雅的珠宝配饰、充满吸引力的趣致类产品,置身其中仿佛时光的故事在此静 静 流 淌 ; 二 层 的 成 衣零售区、量体裁衣定制服区、高级定制室全面定义一名绅士在各种场合的服装造型;三层的会员制KEE Club餐厅和酒吧为绅士的品位生活提供饕餮美食与美酒 ; 顶层 的 Al fred Dunhill尊属贵宾室让小酌和休憩充溢着怡情的况味,踱步阳台便能领略优雅英式花园之美景。 madeincompany.com | The “Travel and Discovery Room" on the ground floor is filled with all kinds of dedicate and fine leather, masculine and elegant jewelry and accessories, [...] attractive gifts, [...] just like the quiet flowing of time; the first floor is menswear section, custom room, and bespoke tailoring room, defining the clothes and images of a gentleman at various occasions; the membership KEE Club and bar on the third floor provide fine food and wine for tasty gentlemen; the VIP room of Alfred Dunhill on the top floor is a great place [...]to relish a sip of [...]wine and have a rest, and the balcony provides a wonderful view of an elegant English-style garden. madeincompany.com |
办公室的 2010 年风险评估和工作计划 编制活动,利用了来自下列各方面的资料:各级管 理 层 、 内审办工作人员、与 审计咨询委员会的交流、对 2009 年审计工作的情况的审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its 2010 risk assessment and work plan preparation exercise used input obtained from various levels of management, OIA staff, interactions with the Audit Advisory Committee and a review of the status of 2009 audit engagements. daccess-ods.un.org |
文莱达鲁萨兰国代表团指出,关照本国人民的福利是苏丹陛下政府的一项 [...] 简单而基本的政策,这项政策包括提供和平的环境、 一 流 的 卫 生制度 、 顶 级 的 教 育制度、适足的住房、照顾生活贫困者、处理贫穷问题、确保粮食安全、为人民 [...]提供就业。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation stated that looking after the welfare of his people is a simple and fundamental policy of His Majesty’s government, including provision [...] of a peaceful environment, a [...] first-class health system, a top class educational system, [...]adequate housing, providing for [...]people in need, addressing poverty, ensuring food security, and jobs for the people. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过信息技术方面的投入以及实践方法有效利 用,项目厅将进一步促进其业务流程 和 工具的跨职能融合,以确保业务控制的复 杂性不会转移管理层对战略 实施情况的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through investments in information technology and leverage of the practice approach, UNOPS will drive further cross-functional integration of its business processes and tools to ensure that complexity of operational controls does not divert management attention from the execution of strategy. daccess-ods.un.org |
她强调必须建立高质量知识基础,根本而 [...] 言包括政策领域的基础构架和人事(例如学习评估和信息管理),然后是提供服务 分支体系(例如幼儿发展、学校保健和劳动力开发 ) , 顶层 为 全 民学习。 daccess-ods.un.org | The imperative of building a high-quality knowledge base was emphasized, and includes at the foundation, infrastructure and personnel in the policy domains (e.g., learning assessment and information management), then service delivery [...] subsystems (e.g., early childhood development, school health, and workforce [...] development), and, at the top, Learning for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
违犯禁止令或其他保护 人格权利的其他措施,不包括违犯临时禁止令,如 果 对 他 人 的生命、健康或财 产构成威胁,或者一再违犯禁止令或其他保护人格权利的其他措施,可以处以经 济惩罚或顶多一年的监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Violation of a restraining order or other measure of protection of personality right, except violation of a temporary restraining order, if this poses a danger to [...] the life, health or property [...] of persons, or repeated violation of a restraining order or other measure of protection of personality right is punishable by a pecuniary punishment or up to one year of imprisonment. daccess-ods.un.org |