

单词 对折

See also:


discount n
bend n

a loss
turn sth. over
suffer loss
tip sth. out (of a container)
document folded in accordion form
accounts book
turn upside-down
change direction
break (e.g. stick or bone)
convert into (currency)
tenth (in price)

External sources (not reviewed)

可伸缩座管能够适应身材较高骑手 的骑乘需求对折叠尺 寸没有多少变动。
The telescopic pillar can accommodate the needs of taller riders, with
[...] little change to the folded size.
秘书长表示,离职后健康保险负债估 对折 算 率 的变动非常敏感(同 上,第 28 和 29 段)。
The Secretary-General indicates that the valuation of
after-service health insurance liabilities is very sensitive
[...] to changes in the discount rate (ibid., paras. [...]
28 and 29).
自 2009 年 1 月 1 日起,将根据新的死亡率表格对折算、转移价值和其他精算因数,例如遗属恤金等 因数进行修订。
With effect from 1 January 2009, the commutation, transfer values and other actuarial factors, such as those relating to survivor benefits, would be modified to reflect the new mortality tables.
饺皮中间放上1.5大匙馅料(图10) 对折 后 先 捏紧上缘,然后从右角开始,向中间一边打小褶一边捏紧,最后从中间向左边同样捏紧(图11)。
Fold the wrapper over to form a half moon and press the center edges to seal. Then [...]
start from the right side, fold slightly the back side to form pleats.
压扁小球擀成圆饼,放上4茶匙肉馅(图15) 对折 捏 起成鲜肉酥角柸。
Place 4 tsp filling on a half side
[...] (picture 15), fold over the other half over the filling and seal the edges [...]
(picture 22).
利用超过端子长度的中心分隔片防止排针引 对折 这款 创新的连接系统基于两个端子系统(064 尺寸和 280 尺寸端子),以提供最佳的电气性能。
The header pins are protected from scooping by a center wall that extends longer than the terminal length.
HSO-250 具备多个加热室,能对折叠的 包裹球囊导管进行热处理。
The HSO-250 has multiple chambers for
[...] heat treatment of folded, wrapped balloon [...]
掺杂程对折射率 在此波长范围内(200至2500纳米)只有非常小的影响。
Dopant levels also have a very small effect on
[...] the index of refraction in the wavelength [...]
ranges considered here (200 to 2500nm).
叶鞘松散,最上部的鞘约厘米,到达基部的花序; 叶舌1-2毫米对折的叶 片平或,8-20厘米,1-3毫米宽,粗糙的边缘和正面。
Leaf sheaths loose, uppermost sheath ca. 10 cm, reaching
base of inflorescence; ligule 1–2 mm; leaf
[...] blades flat or conduplicate, 8–20 cm, [...]
1–3 mm wide, margins and adaxial surface scabrous.
亦有其他可用于软防弹衣的物料比Kevlar®便宜,但它需要 对折 衷 重 量、舒适性和/或体积。
There are other materials available for soft-body armour that are cheaper than Kevlar®, but which require a trade-off in weight, comfort and/or bulk.
我想再次正式申明,尽管希族塞人领导 对折 中 办法显然缺乏热情,而且否 认岛上土族塞人的平等伙伴权利,土族塞人方面仍随时准备而且正在竭尽全力实 [...]
I would like to put on record once again [...]
that, despite the Greek Cypriot leadership’s apparent lack of enthusiasm for compromise
and its denial of the equal partnership rights of the Turkish Cypriots on the island, the Turkish Cypriot side is ready and doing its best for achieving a settlement in the form of a new partnership which will be in line with the established United Nations parameters and body of work.
Anti-scooping features
对可折叠捕 笼的测试显示在捕捞加拿大的大西洋鳕和阿根廷的羽鼬鳚 (Genypterus blacodes)的令人鼓舞的结果。
Recent tests with collapsible pots have shown promising results for Atlantic [...]
cod in Canada and for pink cusk-eel (Genypterus blacodes) in Argentina.
作者将击剑视为一种通过战斗做出裁决的形式,以书中第 6 对折页(图 16)为例,图中的对战者在竞技场上手持武器进行决斗,作为解决争端的最终手段。
By displaying fighters in an arena, as seen in folio 6v (image 16), the book also shows fencing as a form of ordeal by battle, an armed duel between two combatants used as a final means to settle a dispute.
通过 MCVD 流程,OFS 能够精确控制每条光对纤芯的折射 率, 包括纤芯的中心区域。
The MCVD process enables OFS to precisely control each
[...] fiber’s index of refraction across the core, [...]
including the core’s center region.
本次 会议是非洲信息和传播技术的折点 ,也 是 对 所 做 工作进行协调的转折点。
The meeting should mark a turning point in the handling of the question of the NICTs in Africa, adopting a consistent approach and creating synergy between all efforts.
花冠通常黄的或淡黄,辐状或很少钟状; 筒部非常短; 裂片开展折,对左边 ,很少对右边重叠。
Corolla usually yellow or yellowish, rotate or rarely campanulate; tube very
[...] short; lobes patent-reflexed, overlapping to left, rarely [...]
to right.
选取函数后即打开“函数参数输入”对话框,然后单击 折 叠 对 话 框 ”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认,“函数参数输入”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第一名学生总分。
Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box,
[...] and then click "fold dialog" button (that [...]
is, the right button Number1), when
the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box appears again, click the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following Total students first.
尼泊尔军队继续无对被控在 2004 年折 磨和 杀害 15 岁的 Maina Sunuwar 的军官下达的逮捕令,并据报在调查法庭为其 开脱,该法庭是尼泊尔军队为查明 2009 年该名军官从联合国中非共和国和乍得 特派团被遣返的实情而设立的。
The Nepal Army continues to disregard a warrant for the arrest of the officer accused in the torture and killing of a 15-year-old, Maina Sunuwar, in 2004, and has reportedly exonerated him in a Court of Inquiry it established to probe the circumstances of his repatriation from the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad in 2009.
本产品在英特尔平台上的重大改进与Ligos公司专有的创新性软件以及硬件设计相结合,使本产品成为简约、可靠的备选方案,它重新定义了服务提供商过去一直被迫 对 的 性价 比 折 衷。
Combining dramatic improvements in the Intel platform with Ligos’ own innovative software and hardware design, MediaRig Encoder SD is the compact, reliable alternative that redefines the cost vs. performance tradeoff that service providers have traditionally been forced to address.
[...] 类法》0和1级课程而言,最接近年龄6岁的阶段结束应当用作《国际教育标准分类法》0 级和1级的折点;ii)对于不 分阶段的跨《国际教育标准分类法》0和1级课程而言,以 [...]
If use of the classification criteria does not result in a clear boundary between ISCED levels 0 and 1, ISCED recommends: i) for programmes spanning ISCED levels 0 and 1 that are organized in stages, the end of the stage closest to 6
years of age
[...] should be used as the transition point between ISCED [...]
levels 0 and 1; ii) for programmes spanning ISCED levels
0 and 1 not divided into stages, grades targeting children under the age of 6 should be classified as ISCED level 0, and the remaining grades should be classified as ISCED level 1.
正如秘书长的报告(A/64/350)所概述,对于因海平面上升而被迫移民的情 况,如果采取不协调的应对战略,可能使建设和平与冲突后恢复稳定的努力 折, 从而构对国际和平与安全的威胁。
Uncoordinated strategies aimed at coping with forced migration caused by sealevel rise may create social and political tensions, which may derail efforts in peacebuilding and post-conflict stabilization and become a threat to international peace and security, as outlined in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/350).
在Number一栏中输入H4(或单击其右边 折 叠 按钮 ” 对 话 框 消失,单击H4后按“回车键”,此栏中即为刚才选定的单元格H4),Ref一栏中输入“总分”,单击“确定”按钮退出就可以得到第一个学生的成绩排名,然后选取单元格J3,通过“复制句柄”复制,得出全班成绩的排名。
Number column in the importation of H4 (or click the right "button folding" dialog box disappears, click H4 and press "Enter", this column is just the selected cell H4), Ref column Enter the "Total", click "OK" button can be out of the scores of pupils in the first place, and then select the cell J3, through the "copying handle" to copy, come to class results in the rankings.
該期權獲行使後,除於該期間發生的期權回購開支(包括期權溢價以及利潤分成)外,還對114百萬美元的額 折 舊 開支加以確認,以 反映假設相關資產先前於期權期限內並無分類為持作出售而須對計提 折 舊。
Following the exercise of the option, in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit entitlement) incurred during the
period, $ 114 million of
[...] additional depreciation expense was recognised to reflect the depreciation that would have been charged if the related assets had not previously been classified as held for sale during the option period.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅折扣; (b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 [...]
地减少本组织网络意外停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最终用户电话程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach
provides the following benefits: (a)
[...] significant worldwide discounts for all locations; [...]
(b) speedier diagnosis of problems,
thereby minimizing unplanned downtime of the Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user procedures for telephones at all offices.
(B) 在公司法與公司細則與新股有關的條文的規限下,本公司所有未發行股 份(包括因增加股本而設立的任何新股份)須由董事控制。董事可按彼 等唯一及全權酌情認為屬適當的條款及條件以及時間向其認為屬適當
[...] 的人士發售、配發、授予購股權或以其他方式處置該等股份,惟該等股 份不得折讓方式發行。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Bye-Laws relating to new shares, all unissued shares in the Company including any new shares created upon an increase of capital shall be under the control of the Directors who may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, on such terms and conditions and at such times as
the Directors shall in their sole and absolute discretion think fit, but so that no shares
[...] shall be issued at a discount.
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參 考 熟 悉 情
況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當
[...] 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to
current fair value of other financial instrument with
[...] similar nature, discounted cash flow method [...]
and option valuation models.
冈比亚还报告称,它继 续开展合作,在受影响地区的社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人道主义排雷队,时刻准备 对 任 何 紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少 对 非 洲 人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.




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