

单词 对...惊叹不已

惊叹不已 ()

exclaim in astonishment

See also:

惊叹 n

marvel n
awe n
wonder n


exclaim in admiration
a gasp of surprise


Is it right?
OK, yes? (colloquial)
right or wrong?



External sources (not reviewed)

在活动期间采访我公司的家入先对 点 群 测量表现功 惊叹不已。
Mr. Ieiri from the Ieiri laboratory who had
commented on
[...] FORUM8 during the event was surprised by the ability to replicate [...]
data through the use of point cloud measurement.
我们对该机构 引入知识产权保护时的热情感到惊 , 也为他们改变研究领域的传统开放式文化的自觉努 力而叹不已。
We were struck both by the vigour with which intellectual property protection was being introduced, and by the conscious effort being made to change the traditionally open culture of research.
他们富于创造力和想象力的设计如同一股清新的和风,以其出色的独创性让 惊叹不已。
Their innovative and imaginative styling is a breath of fresh air that keeps wowing us with their impressive ingenuity.
都伯林景色醉人,海岸线更是让人 叹不已 , 浩 斯头径(Howth Head)对所有人来说,都是一个不容错过的远足路径。
With stunning views over Dublin City and its mesmerising coastline, Howth Head is a must-do walk for all abilities.
IWC万国表博物馆珍藏着公司历史上各个时期最精美、最复杂最迷人的表款,令众多参观 惊叹不已。
A source of wonderment to the IWC Museum’s many visitors, the
most beautiful, complicated and fascinating models from every phase in the
[...] company’s past are, in a sense, his children.
当冯先生在几分钟内把一个素色的面团变成栩栩如生的熊猫和鹦鹉时,同学 惊叹不已。
Students were impressed by the Chinese folk art as Mr. Feng made a vivid panda and a lifelike parrot from plain-looking coloured dough within just a few minutes.
测 试结果令惊叹:与竞争对手的产品相 比,我们的产品产生的灰尘量最小。
The results are impressive: the lowest dust emissions compared with our competitors’ products.
参观结束后,孟加拉记者团观看了现代肿瘤微创之旅系列的视频,向肿瘤科首席专家彭晓赤主任提出癌症治疗技术的相关问题 对 广 州现代肿瘤医院的微创治疗纷纷表 惊叹不已。
After that, the Bangladeshi media delegation watched a series of videos about the minimally invasive therapy of modern oncology, got the answers relevant to cancer treatment and technology from Dr. Peng, and expressed their admiration to the minimally invasive therapy of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou.
对以色 列持续不断地谈论战争感到 惊不 已。
The world is absolutely shocked at Israel’s ongoing talk of war.
对历史有兴趣的公众和专家可能会发现或再发现丘吉尔、罗斯福和戴 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 家可以钻研梵高、高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 计算稿,或者是巴斯德和居里夫人的工作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的 原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。
The public and experts
[...] with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists may delve into the letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and theologians may marvel at a surah of the [...]
Koran or a verse of the Old Testament.
所有来宾对当晚展出的铂金腕表 叹不已 , 尤 其是Patrimony Contemporaine腕表,更获得了本年度最佳经典男士腕表的殊荣。
The platinum watches on display were admired by all those present, particularly the Patrimony Contemporaine, which received this year the award for Best Classical Men's Watch of the year.
在 所有这些讨论中,令我感到鼓舞的是,我发现大家有 一个一致的观点:我们对利比里亚自 2003 年战事 结束以来取得的诸多成就感惊叹, 但 是,所有人都 充分认识到,利比里亚面临的这些挑战仍然非常艰 巨,而且归根结底,我不能认为任何事情都是理所 当然的。
In all those discussions, I was encouraged to find a convergence of opinion: we all marvelled at how Liberia has achieved so much since the end of the fighting in 2003, but all realized fully just how breathtaking the challenges confronting Liberia still are, and that, ultimately, we take nothing for granted.
这里的一个必到之处就是气势恢弘的穆森登教堂(Mussenden Temple)——它位于悬崖边,让不由心 生 惊叹。
A must-see on any visit has to be the breathtaking Mussenden Temple, an awe-inspiring spot perched on the edge of a cliff edge.
他的早期作品,由于其近乎照片的完美令 惊叹不已。
His early works subsequently stunned those whom [...]
saw them, such was their almost-photographic perfection.
大白鲨”Greg Norman与旭宝宋矿满董事长进行了亲切的交流和暂短的会晤 对 旭 宝 高尔夫球场别具特色的石狮和曲线曼妙的场地动线 叹不已 , 当 得知旭宝高尔夫俱乐部7次承办VOLVO中国公开赛时 对 俱 乐 部 对 于 中 国高尔夫的发展所做的贡献表示赞赏和认同,对宋矿满董事长为推动中国高尔夫事业的发展中作出的不懈努力表示肯定,并期待下次有机会与旭宝俱乐部及会员展开更多更广泛的交流。
Greg Norman had a cordial talk with Beta and showed his praise to the characteristic stone lions on each hole and the marvelous design of the course and when he got to know that Silport was the home of the VOLVO China Open and be the venue for 7 times, Norman appreciated and said Beta really did great contribution on the China Golf and he also show his expect to have more communications with Silport in the future.
本法不应沉溺于对发表 咨询意见机会的斟酌,我感到 惊 的 是 ,本法 院竟在本咨询意见(第 29 至 48 段)中,如此关注这一问题,以至于挑出种种技术 问题(在 36 和 39 段中,关于安全理事会和大会各自的作用和职能),并逃避仔细 审议科索沃严重人道主义危机的事实背景(参见下文),在本咨询程序的书面和口 [...] [...]
It is not for the Court to indulge in an appreciation of the opportunity of an Advisory Opinion, and it is surprising to me that [...]
the Court should dispense
so much attention to this issue in the present Advisory Opinion (paragraphs 29-48), to the point of singling out technicalities (in paragraphs 36 and 39, as to the respective roles and faculties of the Security Council and the General Assembly) and of eluding a careful consideration of the factual background (cf. infra) of the grave humanitarian crisis in Kosovo, brought to its attention by several participants in the course of the written and oral phases of the present advisory proceedings.
尽管最近在吉布提市各街区以及一些地区首府的年轻人之间经常发对 抗,暴力冲对人员 和财产造成威胁,但国 不 存 在 令人 惊 的 犯 罪行为。
Although recently there have been regular violent clashes between young people from different neighbourhoods of Djibouti city and in
some regional capitals,
[...] which could pose a threat to individuals and to property, there is not an alarming level of crime in the country.
[...] 登一符腾堡州。其中有1984至1994年任联邦德国总统的里查 德·魏茨泽克;荣获德国书商协会和平奖的作家马丁·瓦 尔茨;国际巴赫学院的创始人及指挥家赫尔姆德·里林; 许多年来一直担任斯图加特芭蕾舞团团长的世界顶级芭蕾 舞家玛西亚·海迪;还有两位网球传奇人物斯德菲·格拉 芙和波立斯·贝克尔;罗兰·爱莫里西则是一位令好莱坞 精惊叹不已的导 演;还有德国足球队的前任和现任教练 约根·克林斯曼和约儿西姆·勒夫。
The ideas, work and cultural or athletic achievements of numerous individuals from all walks of life have made them famous well beyond the bounds of Baden-Württemberg: Richard von Weizsäcker, Germany’s president from 1984 to 1994; Martin Walser, a contemporary writer who has been awarded the Peace Prize of the German book trade; Helmuth Rilling, conductor and founder of the International Bach
Academy; Marcia Haydée,
[...] world-famous prima ballerina and long-time director of the Stuttgart Ballet; the two tennis legends, Steffi Graf and Boris Becker; Roland Emmerich, a film director who wowed Hollywood’s elite.
会议同意《教科文组织组织法》具有持久的现实意义,一位代表 惊叹 ” 于 这部六十 年前制定的《组织法》所使用的语 不 仅 称 得上“优美”,而且“准确无误”。
The meeting agreed on the abiding relevance of UNESCO’s
Constitution, one delegate expressing
[...] “awe” that it was written six decades ago in language she described as not only “beautiful”, but “correct”.
这里有着令惊叹的自 然风景,如大堡礁和茂密的雨林,因此, 不 奇 怪 ,绝大多数定居点和旅游景点都集中在这个狭长的海滨地带。
It's no surprise that most of the settlements and tourist attractions are concentrated in this narrow [...]
coastal strip, which has
some amazing natural features such as the Great Barrier Reef and lush rainforests.
我每天都与众多人才共事;每当我与来自其它地区的同事交流时,他们的才能总会让 惊叹不已。
There is a lot of talent among the people with whom I
work day-to-day, and I
[...] never cease to surprise myself of this when I communicate with people from [...]
other Softtek geographies.
印度代表团向经社会通报了《南亚自由贸易区》所取得的进展,并说 该国家实际已对来自 南亚区域合作联盟(南盟 ) 最 不 发 达国家的货物撤消 了敏感货物清单。
The delegation of India informed the Commission about the progress of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) and mentioned that the country had virtually eliminated its list of sensitive goods from the least developed member countries of SAARC.
而Vito在第一圈飞行中就展现了高水平的驾驶技术位居前列,其纯熟的操控技巧也令在场的观 惊叹不已。
He impressed the crowds with his ability and adapted his flying perfectly to the conditions.
部 长理事会在 1980
[...] 年通过的在欧洲理事会范围内缔结的公约和协定的最后条款范本提议了关于 保留效果对等性的下列条款:已对[ 有 关 协定 ]的条款提出保留的当事不得要 求任何其他当 事方适用该条款;但是,如果保留是部分的或有条件的,只要它自己已经予以接受,就可以 [...]
要求予以适用” (第 e 条,第 3 段)。
The Model Final Clauses for Conventions and Agreements Concluded within the Council of Europe adopted by the Council of Ministers in 1980 proposes the following provision relating to reciprocity of the effects
of reservation: “A
[...] Party which has made a reservation in respect of a provision of [the Agreement concerned] may not claim the [...]
application of that provision
by any other Party; it may, however, if its reservation is partial or conditional, claim the application of that provision insofar as it has itself accepted it” (art. e, para. 3).
除上文提到的正式的政府组织,不 时 聘 请独立的监测和评价顾 对已 完 成 项目和 实现的目标进行独立核查。
In addition to the formal government structure described above, the services of an independent monitoring and evaluation consultant will be engaged from time to time to provide independent verification of projects completed and targets achieved.
本案中,驱逐决定失去时效包含两重意义:第一,提交委员会的申诉所对的决定已不再具 有强制执行性,即申诉人不再有被驱逐的威胁;第二,他们提 出的新的庇护和居留证申请及相应的申请理由将被全面重新审查,而且若申请被 驳回,还可上诉至移民法院。
7.3 In the present case, the significance of the
decision on expulsion
[...] being statute-barred is twofold: firstly, the decision against which the complaint before the Committee is directed is no longer enforceable, [...]
i.e. the
complainants are no longer under a threat of expulsion; secondly, their new application for asylum and residence permits and the reasons put forward in support thereof will be re-examined in full, and a negative decision is subject to appeal to the Migration Court.
但是一些代表团表示对已经 用于处理修订问题的方法的关注,并指出,一些文本 不 清 楚 , 不 知 是为政府准备的还 是供在法典范围内使用。
Some delegations however expressed concern with the way in which the revision had been handled and indicated that some texts were still unclear as to whether it was intended for governments or for use within the context of Codex.
为第 18 条之目的,如果设保资产系已经或将要成 不 动 产附加物的有形资 产,在通知中对资产加以描述便已足够,但先决条件是,该描述依照第 23 条进 行,此外,它还包括对已经或将要附加其上的相 不 动 产 的描述, [根据颁布 国不动产登记处规则加以描述便已足够 ] [描述提及颁布国不动产登记处记录中的 地块识别号]。
For the purposes of article 18, if the encumbered assets are tangible assets that are or will become attachments to immovable property, the description of the assets in the notice is sufficient if it is in accordance with article 23 and, in addition, includes a description of the relevant immovable property, to which the attachments are or will be attached, [sufficient under the registry rules for the immovable property of the enacting State] [by reference to the parcel identifier number in the records of the immovable property registry of the enacting State].
来自图瓦共和国的恒哈图是一支神奇的乐队,飘逸美妙的音乐,四位成员的个人才华,还 对 传 统 音乐的再创造,让他们被21世纪的全球社会所关注,也成就了他们令 惊叹 的 表 演。
Tuva’s Huun Huur Tu are an amazing band, the ethereal beauty of their music, individual talent of each of the four
members, and the way in
[...] which they are reinventing traditional music, making it relevant in the 21st Century global society, guarantees an amazing performance.
这是世界上第一项跨大陆自由式滑雪比赛,来自欧洲和美洲的顶尖团队将会在高山和人烟稀少的边远地区在一系列令 惊叹 的 对 决 中进行一对一单板斜坡滑雪比赛。
The world’s first continental freeride competition sees top-flight teams from America and Europe going head-to-head in a series of spectacular man-to-man showdowns in both big mountain and backcountry slopestyle disciplines.




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