

单词 对待

对待 verb

deal v

对待 noun

usage n


冷漠对待 v

neglect v

平等对待的 adj

integrated adj

严厉的对待 n

severity n


lack of regard
cold and detached towards sb

See also:


treat v
need v
wait v
stay v

about to
deal with
intending to

External sources (not reviewed)

还有利于落实更公正的 司法并增加必要的保障,尤其是在法律面前平等 对待 公 民
This law thus contributes to the implementation of more equal justice and increases essential guarantees, particularly for the equality of treatment of citizens before the law.
教科文组织需要提倡一种全局性的观点 对待 遗 产 教育的各个方面,并将它与更广泛的 问题联系起来。
UNESCO needs to advocate a holistic approach to all aspects of heritage education and link it to wider issues.
[...] 能被认为与任择议定书的一些条款不符的情况下,牙买加将继续审慎考虑如对 待批准任择议定书的问题。
Where domestic law was consistent with international law but might be deemed inconsistent with some provisions of
optional protocols, Jamaica would continue to carefully consider
[...] how it approached the ratification of [...]
optional protocols.
饮水部门被当作一个综合整对待,从 抽水点到消费者。
The drinking
[...] water sector is treated as an integrated [...]
whole, from the water extraction point to the consumer.
运动的目的是就妇女贩运问题作为社会问题展开辩论,改变当 对待 这 个 问题的 普遍态度。
Its aim was to launch a debate on the issue of trafficking in women as a social problem and to change prevalent attitudes towards the issue.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平对待所有 语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
他们要求教科文组织:(i) 通过强化其有关计划,特别是针对青年的计划,提高对危 及全球社会的这种危险的认识;(ii) 呼吁各国政府迅即实施旨在控制艾滋病毒传播的可持续 教育和增强意识计划;(iii) 强调以注重人权的方法对待艾滋 病这一流行病的重要性,同时 铭记性别歧视和性剥削会使妇女、女青少年和女童成为最大的受害者。
UNESCO was requested: (i) to raise awareness of the dangers threatening the global community through a strengthening of its programmes, particularly directed at youth; (ii) to urge governments to implement quickly sustainable educational and awareness programmes aimed at containing the spread of the HIV virus; and (iii) to stress the value of a human rights-based approach to the AIDS pandemic, bearing in mind factors of gender discrimination and exploitation which make women, female adolescents and the girl child the most vulnerable victims.
墨西 哥认为,里约+20 会议应该就体制框架的四个主要 方面通过决定:第一,三个支柱的一体化和关于可 持续性议程的定义;第二,加强联合国机构之间的 协调以便停止有关发展和可持续发展问题的单独讨 论,并将所有发展问题都作为可持续发展问 对待; 第 三,加强经济、社会和环境三个支柱中每一个支 柱的垂直统一管理;第四,确保已经做出的和即将 在本次大会上做出的承诺得到履行。
Mexico believed that Rio+20 should adopt decisions on the four main aspects of that institutional framework: first, integration of the three pillars and definition of an agenda for sustainability; second, strengthening coordination between United Nations agencies so as to discontinue separate discussion of development and sustainable development, treating all development as sustainable; third, fostering vertical integration of each of the three pillars, economic, social and environmental; and fourth, ensuring fulfilment of commitments assumed and those to be assumed at the Conference.
还讨论了在世界贸 易组织建立服务产品豁免的必要性,以便更加优惠和有利 对待 来 自 最不发达国 家的服务产品和服务供应商。
The need to adopt a Services waiver at the World Trade Organization that would allow for more preferential and favourable treatment of services and service providers from least developed countries was also discussed.
重申所有人权都是普遍、不可分割、彼此依存、相互关联的,国际社会必须 以公正和平等的方式,在同等基础上,以同样的重视程度来全 对待 人 权 ,并重 申,虽然必须照顾到国家和区域特点以及不同历史、文化和宗教背景的重要意义, 但是各国不论其政治、经济和文化制度为何,都有义务促进和保护所有人权和基 本自由
Reaffirming that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated and that the international community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing and with the same emphasis, and that, while the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms
但这些数据也反映了不同的报告做法,并体现了执法能力的水平和实效, 因此应谨对待。
They should be treated with caution, however, as they also reflect different reporting practices and depend on the level and effectiveness of law enforcement capacities.
刑 事司法系统和立法人员也难免受到这些价值观的影响,因而并非总是 对待 其他 暴力一样认对待对妇女的暴力行为。
The criminal justice system and legislators are not immune to such values and thus have not always regarded violence against women with the same seriousness as other types of violence.
发言人在回答伊朗代表的问题时指出,第三委 员会正在审查一份关于移徙女工遭受暴 对待 的报 告(A/64/152),同时助理秘书长和妇发基金副主任 在她们各自的声明中都提到了妇女问题、和平问题 和安全问题。
In response to Iran, she pointed out that the Third Committee had before it a report on violence against women migrant workers (A/64/152) and that both the Assistant Secretary-General and the Deputy Director of UNIFEM had dealt with the question of women, peace and security in their statements.
缔约国应及时和公正调查和起诉法官遭受骚扰、恐吓和不公正解职的案 件,采取有效措施,就缔约国的《公约》义务进行培训,以加强法官和检察 官对待酷刑 和虐待案件及拘留的合法性开展调查和起诉方面的作用,鼓励 法官和检察官按照有关国际标准,包括在政治案件中,遵守公正审理保障规 定。
The State party should promptly and impartially investigate and prosecute cases where judges were harassed, intimidated or unfairly dismissed, take effective measures, including training on the State party’s obligations under the Convention, to strengthen the role of
judges and prosecutors
[...] with regard to the initiation of investigation and prosecution of cases of torture and ill-treatment [...]
and the legality
of detention, and encourage judges and prosecutors to observe fair trial guarantees, in accordance with relevant international standards, including in political cases.
招生院校都会认对待学生 的福利问题,并提供专业服务,帮助留学生适应澳大利亚的生活和学习,实现其目标。
They provide specialist services to help international students adjust to life and study in Australia and to achieve their goals.
(e) 为残疾儿童提供的服务不充分,向残疾儿童提供的全纳教育具有持续 的普遍局限性,从而导致残疾儿童往往无法去上学,阻碍社 对待 残 疾 人的态度 取得进展,使他们经常面临的污名化问题进一步恶化。
(e) The inadequacy of services provided to children with disabilities, and the continued widespread limitations on the availability of inclusive education for
children with
[...] disabilities, which results in such children frequently being precluded from attending school, hinders progress in social attitudes towards persons with disabilities [...]
and exacerbates the
stigmatization that they frequently face.
[...] 辆驾驶人员的签证类别,而且本区域大多数国家在发放签证时仍把此类驾驶 人员当作游客或外来劳对待。
In spite of this, there is still no specific visa category for vehicle drivers in many countries and in
most countries in the region they are considered either visitors or foreign
[...] labourers for the purpose of [...]
visa issuance.
关于多边基金不会为与使 用现有氟氯化碳基础设施的氟氯烃的最终关闭相关的活动提供进一步资金的现有规定,阿
[...] 根廷政府希望确认赞同该项规定,但有一项谅解,即:如果在执行委员会今后决定为这些 设施提供资助时,阿根廷将符合资格,并将受到其他第 5 条国家的同对待。
With regard to the existing provision that no additional resources from the Multilateral Fund would be forthcoming for related activities for eventual closure of HCFC facilities that used existing CFC infrastructure, the Government of Argentina wished to confirm its concurrence with the provision with the understanding that if and when the Executive Committee decided in the
future to finance those facilities, Argentina would be
[...] eligible and would be treated similarly to other [...]
Article 5 countries.
因此不得对囚犯实施包括医 学或科学实验等非人道或侮辱性 对待 或 惩 罚;对被剥夺自由者以外的任何人, 不得使之陷入困境或限制其自由。
For this reason, prisoners cannot be subject to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including medical or scientific experimentation, nor to hardship or to constraint other than those which result directly from the deprivation of freedom.
在竞选期间,所有电台和电 视广播必须平对待所有候选人。
All radio and television broadcasts must give equal treatment to all candidates during the campaign.
(d) 释放所有受到任意拘留的人员,并确保无人关押在实际由国家当局有
[...] 效控制的秘密拘留场所;调查并披露现有的任何此类拘留设施、该设施由何人授 权建立及设施对待被拘 留者的方式;立即着手关闭所有此类设施
(d) Release all persons arbitrarily detained and ensure that no one is detained in secret detention facilities under the de facto effective control of States authorities; investigate and disclose the existence of any such facilities, the authority under which they
have been established and the manner in which
[...] detainees are treated in such facilities; [...]
as well as proceed immediately to close all such facilities
加强 国际社会在阿富汗性别平等方面工作的一些必要措施也得到了注意,其中包括:
警察部队征聘的妇女增多和对安全部队中妇女的适当保护;针对妇女的技术能力 建设方案;政府在履行义务促进妇女领导地位和参与决策方面的问责;在制订、
[...] 监测和评价衡量过渡时期对妇女影响的各项指标时包括了妇女组织;把保护阿富 汗妇女领导人作为优先事对待。
These included: increased recruitment of women in the police force and adequate protection of women in security forces; targeted technical capacity-building programmes for women; accountability of the Government regarding its obligations to promote women’s leadership and participation in decision-making; the inclusion of women’s organizations in the design, monitoring and evaluation of
indicators that measure the impact of the transition
[...] on women; and treating the protection [...]
of Afghan women leaders as a priority.
理事会的基本原则是:普遍性、公正性、客观性和非选择性,目的不是让各 国回避批评,而是创造一个大家都能得到公 对待 的 环 境,从而最终使理事会的工 作更有效力。
The founding principles of the Council: universality, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, were not intended to shield countries from criticism but to create an environment in which all will be treated fairly, and ultimately make the Council more effective.
拟议的讲习班例如可审查和讨论以下问 题:关于在拘押、监禁和非监禁情况 对待 妇 女 情况的全球概况并共享各国在 执行《曼谷规则》上的最佳做法和经验;关于女性囚犯的立法、程序、政策和 [...]
惯例等相关问题的实际解决办法,有关女性犯罪人的非监禁措施及其重返社会 问题;为执行《曼谷规则》提供技术援助和咨询服务及联合国相关实体、政府
间组织和区域组织及非政府组织就此展开的合作;以及推广《曼谷规则》与展 开相关的培训和提高认识活动,并推进在该领域的研究和方案评价工作。
The proposed workshop could examine and discuss, for example, the following issues: a global
overview of the state of
[...] the treatment of women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings and sharing [...]
of national best
practices and experiences in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules; practical solutions for issues related to legislation, procedures, policies and practices for women prisoners, alternatives to imprisonment for women offenders, and their reintegration into society; the provision of technical assistance and advisory services in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules, as well as cooperation among relevant United Nations entities, intergovernmental and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations in that regard; and the dissemination of the Bangkok Rules and related training and awareness-raising activities and the promotion of research and programmed evaluation in that field.
(b) 报告其他组织为了透明和公平地兑现期票所实行的规则和制度,以使执行委员会 能够确定是否应该为使用期票制订更多的标准规则,保证公平 对待 所 有 捐款国 提交的期票和现金捐款,并尽量减少汇率导致的损失。
(b) to report on rules and/or systems for the transparent and equitable encashment of promissory notes used in other forums, with a view to enabling the Executive Committee to determine the advisability of establishing more standardized rules for the use of promissory notes, and in an effort to ensure that the notes, as well as the contributions in cash of all donors were treated equitably and exchange rate loss was minimized.
据前全国保卫人民大会军官说,Makenga 上校在明确区对待与恩 塔甘达 将军逮捕令有关的问题的同时策划兵变,是要向政府施压,抵制调动,保留全 国保卫人民大会军官在军队中的高级职位。
Makenga had orchestrated the mutiny as a means of pressuring the Government to resist redeployment and maintain high positions in the army for CNDP officers.
(c) 平对待登记 处所有组成成员的利益:设保人、潜在的有担保债权人 和无担保债权人以及相竞求偿人都对担保权登记处所公布的信息范围和规模以 及对该信息的有效提供享有利益;因此,登记处的法律和运营框架应当力求公 平兼顾其所有潜在组成成员的利益。
potential secured and unsecured creditors, as well as potential competing claimants, all have an interest in the extent and scope of information that is published in a security rights registry and in the efficient availability of that information; thus, the legal and operational framework of the registry should be designed to fairly balance the interests of all its potential constituents.
(c) 根据最不发达国家的低人均收入、人力资产开发情况和经济脆弱性,把 最不发达国家作为一个组别加对待 , 这 仍是对最不发达国家采取有利于他们的 [...]
(c) Treating least developed
[...] countries as a group on the basis of their [...]
low per capita income, human asset development and
economic vulnerability remains the fundamental premise for special measures in their favour.
制裁委员会会 积极地看待这类活动,继续以个案为基 对待 所 有 除名提议,并要寻找明确证据 以证明,与阿富汗政府接触的任何被列名的塔利班成员不是一个机会主义者,若 是机会主义者就不会打算长期遵守阿富汗政府制定并得到国际社会赞同的三条 红线,即放下武器、断绝与基地组织的关系和遵守《阿富汗宪法》。
The Committee is likely to look favourably on such activity, and it will continue to regard all de-listing proposals on a case-by-case basis, searching for clear evidence that any listed Taliban who engages with the Afghan Government is not simply an opportunist who has little long-term intention of observing the three red lines set by the Afghan Government and endorsed by the international community concerning laying down arms, severing links with Al-Qaida and observing the Afghan Constitution.
虫害控制是食品生产企业需要认 对待 的 问题之一,在HACCP、AIB、BRC和ISO22000相关食品安全标准中对虫害控制也有严格的要求,因为保持一个整洁、干净、卫生的生产加工环境是生产出安全食品的前提条件;但是目前食品行业在虫害控制不仅观念落后,而且技术水平差。
Pest Control is one of important problems in food production enterprises, which is strictly restricted in some related food safety standards, like HACCP、AIB、BRC and ISO 22000.




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