

单词 对岸

对岸 ()

opposite bank (of a body of water)



bilateral talks

See also:


bank n
coast n
shore n
beach n

External sources (not reviewed)

基于土地的水权或者称岸边水权以土地所有权为基础,只 对岸 边 土地的所有 权进行转让时,此类岸边水权才能进行转让。
Land-based or riparian rights are based [...]
on land ownership, and are only transferable when the land title is transferred.
一天,他想去探望住在大对岸的朋 友。
One day, he wanted to visit an old friend living in the other side of a big river.
尼尼微位于古代亚述的底格里斯河东岸,位于今天伊拉克城市摩苏尔 对岸。
Nineveh was on the east bank of the Tigris in ancient Assyria, across the river from the modern city of Mosul, Iraq.
[...] 行选举当天,有大群科索沃阿族人集会抗议选举,与 Ibër/Ibar 河对岸相当 数量的科索沃塞族人群对峙。
Nevertheless, on the day of the elections in northern Mitrovica, a large crowd of Kosovo
Albanians gathered to protest the election and faced off across the
[...] Ibër/Ibar river with a significant crowd [...]
of Kosovo Serbs.
利用此模型可表现Dee桥上圆滑的移动以及往河 对岸 的 Ga rthdee校区的机械般的流动。
He talked about the overview of the NEMETSCHEK and Allplan software suite products, the company's view about BIM, and the functions of Allplan in there.
在屋顶上设置了一座出挑7.5米的悬挑平台,使人们可以就近观察水 对岸 的 树 冠及鸟类。
A cantilevered observation deck extends 7.5 meters into the wetland to allow visitors a closer look of the tree tops and birds.
委 员会处理利比亚问题分为三个特点鲜明的阶段:“之 前”局势,其间提交了许多侵犯移徙工人权利的报告; 过渡时期,其间最初出现一些混乱,委员会在收到人 权高专办和非政府组织关于许多移徙者在利比亚遇 到的困难的信息之后,呼吁面临类似问题的邻国保持 边境开放,呼吁欧洲联盟国家出于人道主义接纳来自 地中对岸的移徙者;有关当前形势,将在下次会议 上讨论。
There had been three distinct phases in the Committee’s dealings with Libya: the “before” situation, during which there had been many reports of violations of migrant workers’ rights; the transition period, during which there had been some initial confusion, and the Committee, receiving information from OHCHR and NGOs on the difficulties encountered by many migrants in Libya, had appealed to neighbouring states, which faced similar problems for migrants, to keep borders open and to European Union countries to offer a humane reception to migrants coming across the Mediterranean; and the current situation, which would be discussed at the next session.
士兵们从一座堡垒上跳下,绕过水面上的团团烈焰,扔出烟雾弹后完全不惧越来越猛的火势继续 对岸 游 进
Soldiers jump from a tower, swim through flames on the water, set off smoke bombs, and swim through more flames.
建筑物的前部是一排19米高的大型立柱,名为“节日广场”,动感十足,加深了人 对岸 和 田 市地车祭节的印象。
The 19 meter-high large piloti
"Festival Square" located in front of the building emphasizes the
[...] dynamism of Kishiwada City's famous [...]
Danjiri Festival.
您也可以与我们邮轮上的自行车领队就提供的服务进行讨论,同时也包 对岸 上 观光的线路以及设备进行挑选,当然,您还可以租借自行车开启您个性化的岸上观光!除此以外,如果在旅程中您对您使用过的自行车非常喜爱,您还可以以一个优惠的价格购买一辆同款类型。
As well as taking part in organised excursions with a selected itinerary and technical support, you also have the option of renting bikes to use on your own private tours.
楚军士兵的呼救声撕破了夜晚的寂静 对岸 的 宋 国士兵都被惊醒了。
Their cry rent stillness of the night, waking up the soldiers of Song.
他能看对岸生活 的很多片段:茂山铁矿、朝鲜劳动党纪念碑、挂着金日成肖像的火车站、山腰上的巨幅标语“21世纪太阳金正日将军万岁”、村落中飘起的炊烟、江边的朝鲜士兵、1945年遗留至今的断桥、只能停在图们海关桥中间的旅游团、放在江边遥 对岸 祖 先的祭品……镜头中,只有那群野鸭可以任意悠游于想去的地方。
He could see slices of life opposite the river such as Musan iron ore, memorial tower of Workers' Party of Korea, train station with General Kim Il Sung's portrait, the giant slogan on the mountain side saying Long Live the General Kim Jong II the Sun of the 21st Century, wisps of smoke rising from the kitchen chimneys of village, Korean soldiers on the [...]
riverside, the broken
bridge left over from 1945, the tourist groups which are stopped by the Tu Men Customs Bridge, the sacrifices by the river in remote offering for the ancestors across… In the lens only the wild ducks could swim to where they would like to go.
政 由 由日本最高级别的焰火大师绽放的艺术球,关东最大规模的特大尼亚加拉瀑布等, 对岸 的 户 田市绽放的焰 火加起来,今年将有 10000 发以上的各式各样的焰火在夏季的夜空中绽放光彩。
This is how Japan came to use three types of characters: Kanji, expressing meaning, along with Katakana and Hiragana, phonetic script created (adapted) from Manyo gana in Japan.
相对而言,利用新技术来推动边境 岸对 国 际 道路 交通运输监管的便利化在本区域范围内尚属新生事物。
The use of new technologies to facilitate border-crossing controls for international road
[...] transport is still relatively new within the region.
美 国 太 平 洋 西岸 对 次 生 西 部 红 柏 的 经 验 比 B C 省 更 长 。
The USA Pacific Northwest has longer experience with second-growth western red cedar than BC.
各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类的宝贵资源和服务,可持续利用 海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及提高今世后代适应气候变化的能
[...] 力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以 对 海 洋和 海 岸 造 成 的气候 相关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实现海岸和海 [...]
The Ministers emphasized that oceans and coasts provide valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable use of marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to develop comprehensive adaption
measure to address climate related
[...] impacts on oceans and coasts, including through [...]
greater capacity building, enhanced scientific
monitoring activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management.
大会在其第 64/195 号决议第 2
[...] 嫩实现可持续发展的不利影响,并在第 3 段中认为浮油严重污染了黎巴嫩海岸并 污染了叙利亚的部分岸,对黎巴 嫩自然资源、生物多样性、渔业和旅游业及人 体健康具有不利影响,因此对该国的生计和经济产生了严重影响。
In paragraph 2 of its resolution 64/195, the General Assembly reiterated the expression of its deep concern about the adverse implications of the destruction by the Israeli Air Force of the oil storage tanks in the direct vicinity of the Lebanese Jiyeh electric power plant for the achievement of sustainable development in Lebanon and, in paragraph 3, it considered that the oil
slick had heavily polluted
[...] the shores of Lebanon and partially polluted Syrian shores and consequently [...]
had had serious implications
for livelihoods and the economy of Lebanon, owing to the adverse implications for natural resources, biodiversity, fisheries and tourism, and for human health, in the country.
1 月 27
[...] 日,联合国巴勒斯坦被占领土人道主义协调员发表 了一项声明,呼吁立即结束以色列当局在 西 岸对巴 勒斯坦房屋的破坏。
On 27 January, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory had issued a
statement calling for the immediate end to the demolition of Palestinian homes by the
[...] Israeli authorities in the West Bank.
亚洲开发银行和联合国贸发会在数个阿富汗边境 岸对 司 机 开展了调查,调查的数据不包 括司机可能会花 1 到 3 天看望自己的亲戚并且休息,然后才进入边境口岸,在海关注册, 并且开始入境手续办理。
ADB and UNCTAD carried out driver surveys at several Afghan border-crossing points but the figures do not include drivers perhaps spending one to three days visiting relatives and resting before entering a border crossing point and registering with Customs and starting entry procedures.
[...] 求,即允许它进入以色列,与政府官员和加沙火箭弹袭击的受害者进行交谈,并 允许它经以色列进入西岸,对受害 者和相关当局进行采访,以了解被以色列命名 [...]
Further, he relayed his Government’s denial of the Committee’s request for permission to enter Israel in order to speak to government officials and victims of
rocket attacks launched from Gaza, and to
[...] access the West Bank and Gaza through [...]
Israel to interview victims and relevant
authorities with respect to the operations in Gaza codenamed by Israel “Operation Cast Lead”.
在实地调查中,小组的重点是收集除其他外有关下列方面的信息:武器/弹 药流动情况、自然资源和边境岸对 旅 行 禁令的了解,以及过境点和自然资源区 域内控制措施的有效性。
In its field investigations, the Panel is focused on collecting information related to, inter alia, arms/ammunition movements, natural resources, knowledge of the travel ban at border sites, and the effectiveness of controls at border crossings and within natural resource areas.
西岸,对儿童 的审讯没有父母和近亲属或律师 在场,并且没有音像记录。
Interrogations of
[...] children in the West Bank are conducted in [...]
the absence of parents, close relatives or a lawyer and are not audio-visually recorded.
其中包括最近在西岸对抗议定居点计划的巴勒斯坦妇女和青年使用武力,在 各检查站对示威者使用武力,拘禁和逮捕数十名巴勒斯坦平民。
This has included the use of force against Palestinian women and youths recently protesting against settlement plans in the West Bank, against demonstrators at numerous checkpoints, and the detention and arrest of dozens of Palestinian civilians.
陈水扁总统于 2002 年 5 月 9 日在大担岛发表讲话,再次呼吁中华人民共和 国领导人不预设任何先决条件,恢复台湾海峡 岸对 话。
In his statement on 9 May 2002 on the islet of Tatan, President Chen Shui-bian reiterated his appeal to leaders of
the People’s Republic of
[...] China to resume dialogue between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait without any [...]
法院必须审议《海洋法公约》某些条款的相关性的第二个问题是蛇岛的问 题,蛇岛是位于罗马尼亚岸对面的 一个小型乌克兰海洋组合。
The second issue in relation to which the Court had had to examine the relevance of some provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was that of Serpents’ Island, a small Ukrainian maritime feature directly off the coast of Romania.
认为 认为 认为 认为浮油严重污染了黎巴嫩海岸并污染了叙利亚的部分 岸 , 对 黎 巴 嫩 自然资源、生物多样性、渔业和旅游业及人的健康具有不利影响,因此对黎巴嫩 的生计和经济产生了严重影响
that the oil slick has heavily
[...] polluted the shores of Lebanon and partially polluted Syrian shores and consequently has had serious implications for livelihoods [...]
and the economy
of Lebanon, owing to the adverse implications for natural resources, biodiversity, fisheries and tourism, and for human health, in the country
某会员国在 2012 年 1 月 9 日的一份 普通照会中,介绍了 2011 年 2 月 15 日在与叙利亚接 壤的边境岸对一辆 卡车上的被没收物资进行的检 查结果情况。
In a note verbale dated 9 January 2012, a Member State provided information on the results of inspections carried out on material confiscated from a truck on 15 February 2011 at a border gate with Syria.
联合国人权事务高级专员在 2 月访问期间强调指出,隔离墙、定居点和检查站肢 解西岸,对人权 、和平、发展和巴勒斯坦人民的自决权利产生了极为负面的影响。
During her visit in February, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights highlighted the
[...] intensely negative impact that the fragmentation of the West Bank by the Wall, settlements [...]
and checkpoints
was having on human rights, peace, development and the Palestinians’ right to selfdetermination.
芬兰还提供了 53 万美元的资金,支助“促进表达自由、新闻记者安全和
[...] 传媒妇女的权利以增强加沙地带和约旦河 西 岸对 人 权 的尊重”项目,该项目将于 2009 [...]
至 2011 年实施。
Finland has also provided funding of $530,000 to support a project for the “Promotion of the freedom of expression, safety of journalists and
empowering women in media to enhance respect for human rights in the
[...] Gaza Strip and West Bank” which will run [...]
from 2009 to 2011.
2010 年开始一直到2011 年初,在西岸对酷刑和虐待行为的指控 始终未变。
The Committee notes with concern that, according to the ICHR monthly reports, allegations of torture and ill-treatment remained at the same level in the West Bank throughout 2010 and the beginning of 2011.




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