

单词 对局


对局势了解 n

situational awareness n

(对局面的)控制 n

command n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的对局 面 ,特别是在乡村和城 市地点出现这种局面;(b) [...]
宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合
理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。
It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the
following elements are present: (a) severe
[...] long-standing antagonism on religious [...]
lines in particular villages and urban localities;
(b) an emotional response of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
如果俄罗斯真正希望在其南部边界创造安全环境,其最佳做法应是从格鲁吉 亚被占领土撤出其占领军、同意在那里部署国际维持和平部队、恢复被其驱逐的 国际监察团的工作,并在最初阶段允许欧洲联盟监察团(格鲁吉亚当局和执法机 关以相互谅解和透明的精神与其进行合作)进入格鲁吉亚被占领土 对局 势 进行 客观公正的监测。
If Russia really wishes to create a safe environment at its southern borders, the best way for it to do so would be to withdraw its occupying forces from Georgia’s occupied territories, to agree to the deployment of international peacekeeping forces therein, to restore the functioning of the international monitoring missions it has expelled and, at the initial stage, to permit objective and unbiased monitoring of the situation by allowing the European Union
monitoring mission (with
[...] which the Georgian authorities and law enforcement agencies cooperate in the spirit of mutual understanding and transparency) [...]
to access Georgia’s occupied territories.
在此方面,阿根廷和其他国家以及伊比利亚美洲国家元首和政府首脑会议、拉丁美洲和加勒比首脑会议、南方共同市场和南 美洲国家联盟回顾,大会 1976 年 12 月 1 日第 31/49 号决议要求争端双方不要单 方对局势做出改变。
In this connection, Argentina and other countries, as well as the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, the Latin America and Caribbean Summit, the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), recalled that the General Assembly, in resolution 31/49 of 1 December
1976, had called upon both parties to the
[...] dispute to refrain from introducing unilateral modifications in the situation.
丰盛集团总部三楼的改造是在已建成的前提 对局 部 空间进行重新设计或者调整,我们通过分析企业的需求和之前空间的问题,有针对性的对整体空间气质调整,并对各个空间的材料,照明与家具布置进行重新设计。
This is a redesign for the reception floor of Fullshare group in Nanjing, through comprehensive analysis about the requests of the corporate and the problems of existing interior, we adjust the design with an overview of the corporate identity, and redesigned some spaces with concerns of material, lighting and furniture selection.
今天,我们是在这样一个背景下再次讨论中东局 势,包括巴勒斯坦问题的:自谈判停止以来,和平进 程一直陷于僵局;尽管许多国际行为体为重启和谈作 了种种努力,但该区域仍然发生了导致紧张加剧、对局势升级的事件。
Today we are discussing once more the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, in the context of the deadlock to which the peace process has regressed since the negotiations stopped, and amid all the events that have increased tensions and escalated the situation in the region, despite the efforts of many international parties to reconvene the peace negotiations.
该工作 组已被要对局势进 行彻底评估,包括威胁评估以及描述国家能力和差距,这将 作为安全部门未来规划和确定发展活动优先次序的基础。
The working group has been requested to conduct a thorough situational assessment, including a threat assessment and the mapping of national capacities and gaps, which will serve as the basis for future planning and for the prioritization of development activities in the security sector.
[...] 号一般性建议(2005) ,委员会提醒缔约国,在种族歧视行为方面的申 诉、起诉或定罪的数字很小,这不一定可以看作是积极的,因为它也可能表明受 害者害怕社会指责或报复,可能表明对警察和司法当局缺乏信任,甚至是 局对 歧视 行为的申诉没有足够的警觉或者认识。
In light of its general recommendation No. 31 (2005), the Committee reminds the State party that the absence or small number of complaints, prosecutions and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination should not be viewed as necessarily positive, since it could also be an indicator of, inter alia, the victims’ fear of social censure or reprisals, the lack of
trust in the police and
[...] judicial authorities, or even that the authorities are insufficiently alert to or aware of complaints of acts of discrimination.
依照大会确定的准则以及战略规划编制局召开 的全国委员会协商会议的成果,以及各国政府、政府间组织和非政府组织对一份问卷调查的书面答 复,局对本组 织《中期战略》初稿(34 C/4)和《计划与预算》(34 C/5)的计划内容进行了调 整。
BSP coordinated the Preliminary draft of the Organization’s Medium-Term Strategy (34 C/4) and the programme aspects of the Programme and Budget (34 C/5), in line with the guidance provided by the General Conference and the results of consultation meetings with National Commissions, managed by BSP, and the written contributions of Government, IGOs, and NGOs to a questionnaire.
但是,随着市局12315工作职能的不断拓展,以及国家工商 局对 全 国 12315工作提出了新的工作目标和工作规范,北京市工商局12315现有系统功能已经不能完全满足新形势下的新需要,因此,亟需进行12315系统的软件改造和系统升级。
However, as function expansion of 12315 and work objectives and
new work norms for nationwide 12315
[...] required by State administration of industry and [...]
Commerce (SAIC), the existing 12315
system of Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce can not fully meet the new situation, therefore, it's urgent necessary to renovate 12315 system and upgrade software.
为了便于了解与审计结果有关的基本问题,内审办将所有审计意见分类, 归入下列五个原因类别之一:(a) 管理局对内部控制的运作缺乏监督;(b) 缺乏 周详规划,导致无视可能产生的风险;(c) 缺乏关于如何识别和管理风险的指导; (d) 缺乏确定和管理风险的资源;及(e) 工作人员或管理当局的错误,包括对政 策和指导的误解。
As a means of understanding the underlying issues associated with audit findings, all audit observations were classified by OIA under one of five cause categories: (a) lack of monitoring by management of the functioning of internal controls; (b) lack of adequate planning, leading to failure to foresee likely risks; (c) lack of guidance on how to identify and manage risks; (d) lack of resources to identify and manage risks; and (e) errors on the part of staff or management, including misinterpretation of policies and guidance.
然而,根据指控的详细程度,专家们认为,可以相信在泰国存在中央情报局 黑点,并呼吁泰国局对此事 进行独立调查。
In the light of the detailed nature of the allegations, however, the experts believe it credible that a CIA
black site existed in Thailand, and calls on
[...] the domestic authorities to launch an [...]
independent investigation into the matter.
2010 年期间:(a)毒品和犯罪问题办公室参加了反恐委员会/执 局对 多 民 族 玻利维亚国、文莱达鲁萨兰国、突尼斯和也门的访问;(b)执行局的专家参加了 [...]
毒品和犯罪问题办公室的活动,并向与会者通报了安全理事会第 1373 (2001)号 决议下的优先事项;(c)分享关于计划开展的活动的最新信息;(d)毒品和犯罪问
题办公室在确认反恐委员会/执行局转交的具体请求之后,向有关国家提供了援 助;(e)毒品和犯罪问题办公室继续协助提出请求的会员国编写向反恐委员会提 交答复所需的内容。
During 2010: (a) UNODC participated in visits of the
[...] Committee/Executive Directorate to Bolivia (Plurinational [...]
State of), Brunei Darussalam,
Tunisia and Yemen; (b) experts from the Executive Directorate participated in UNODC activities and informed participants about priorities under Security Council resolution 1373 (2001); (c) advanced information about planned activities was shared; (d) UNODC, upon confirmation of specific requests, provided assistance to States referred to it by the Committee/Executive Directorate; and (e) UNODC continued to assist requesting Member States in compiling the elements needed for the submission of their responses to the Committee.
同样,为了成功开展安全部门改革进程,必须认 识到,尊重法律、合法局对使用 武力的垄断,以及 安全机构服从于民政当局,是实现稳定和可持续和平 [...]
Likewise, for successful security sector reform processes, it must be acknowledged that respect for
the law, monopoly of the use of force by
[...] the legitimate authorities, and subordination [...]
of the security apparatus to the civil
authorities are decisive factors in States achieving stability and a sustainable peace.
如果过境行动是通过空中进行,并需要在欧洲联盟另一成员国或其他实行 2003 年 11 月 25 日关于对空中驱离所需过境给予协助的理事会指令
[...] 2003/110/EC 规定程序的国家境内作中途停留,警方可请该国主管 局对 中 途停留给予协助。
If the transit operation is effected by air and requires a stopover in the territory of another European Union member State or another State applying the procedure laid down in Council Directive 2003/110/EC of 25 November 2003 on assistance in cases of transit for the
purposes of removal by air, the police may
[...] ask the competent authority of such State for [...]
assistance during the stopover.
[...] 方案以囚犯为公正的中间人,有效地减少了暴力, 而且局对被禁 止带入监狱设施的物质实行了更加 严格的管制。
An innovative programme for mediation and dispute settlement, with inmates serving as impartial
intermediaries, had effectively reduced
[...] violence, and the authorities had imposed tighter [...]
controls on the entry of prohibited
substances into prison facilities.
(c) 评断涉及到种族歧视的申诉数量很少的原因,其中包括评断这是否由
[...] 于受害者不了解自身的权利,深怕报复,利用现有机制的机会有限,对警察和司 法机关的不信任,还是主管局对于 种族歧视的案例不够关心或不够敏感
(c) Assess reasons for the very low number of complaints relating to racial discrimination, including whether it may be due to victims’ lack of awareness of their rights, fear of reprisals, limited access to available mechanisms, lack
of confidence in the police and the
[...] judiciary, or the authorities’ lack of attention [...]
or sensitivity to cases of racial discrimination
[...] 并不涉及申诉人及其子女,特别是考虑到在庇护程序中瑞士 局对 申 诉 人及其子 女的图西人身份提出了质疑。
The State party notes, however, that this petition refers to the general situation of the Tutsi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and therefore does not concern the complainant and his children,
especially since, in the course of the asylum
[...] proceedings, the Swiss authorities had called their [...]
Tutsi origins into question.
总部外协局对总部 外办事处主任和负责人进行监督,向总部外办事处提供支助和援助,目的是提高计划管理的 效率,加强行政和管理能力。
BFC supervises the Directors and Heads of field offices and provides backstopping and assistance to field offices with a view to improving efficiency of programme management, strengthening administrative and managerial capacities.
各国必须认识到,暴力扰 乱卫生保健服务的提供是一个严重且普遍的人道主
[...] 义挑战,必须予以高度重视,尤其是要提高其武装 部队和其他局对这个问题的认识。
States must recognize that violence that disrupted health-care delivery was a serious and widespread humanitarian challenge and
devote focused attention to the issue, particularly through raising awareness among their
[...] armed forces and other authorities.
35 为了从法律上处理因不执行决定而导致在实际中许多公民无法行使现有法 律规定的权利的问题,政府分两步骤授权县行政管 局 , 对 未 能在合理的时间期 限内执行裁决的市政府进行惩处。
In order to legally deal with the existence of unimplemented decisions that in practice deny many citizens their rights under existing legislation, the Government has extended, in two stages, the county administrative boards’ possibilities to impose penalties on municipalities that fail to enforce judgments within a reasonable period of time.
在西亚,履约协助方案回应了非供资缔约方的请求,即提供与采购鉴定设备有关的 技术援助并训练海关官员,以便维持该区域各海关 局对 非 法 贸易事项的认识水平。
In West Asia, CAP responded to requests from non-funded parties in providing technical assistance related to the procurement of identification equipment and training of customs
officers in order to maintain the level of
[...] awareness among customs authorities in the region regarding illegal [...]
trade concerns.
缔约国解释了 这些条款的立法历史,并提出,在缔约国,程序性义务的性质和范围是根据案情 中所涉各方利益的权衡来确定的:如果案例的 局对 各 方 更重要,那么对于保留 审判的官方记录和法院裁决的要求就越是精确和严格。
The State party explains the legislative history of those provisions and submits that the nature and scope of procedural obligations in the State party are adapted to the weight of the interests at stake in a case: the more important the case in terms of consequences for the parties, the more precise and exacting the requirements of keeping the official record of the trial and the court’s judgment.
除政策、宣传和全系统协调工作外,特 局对 会 员 国和联合国系统的业务支 持主要是通过三合一式多边南南支持架构提供的:全球南南发展研究所,帮助合 作伙伴系统、共同地查明、记录和分享南方的发展解决方案;年度全球南南发展 博览会,使合作伙伴能够定期展示成功和可推广的发展解决方案;以及南南全球 技术产权交易所,让合作伙伴特别是私营部门合作伙伴有机会列出解决方案,给 供需搭桥牵线,以及协作推广经验,方法包括寻找融资方案。
In addition to its policy, advocacy and system-wide coordination work, the operational support of the Special Unit to Member States and the United Nations system has been provided mainly through its three-in-one multilateral South-South support architecture: the Global South-South Development Academy, which helps partners to systematically and jointly identify, document and share southern development solutions; the annual Global South-South Development Expo, which has enabled partners to regularly showcase successful and scalable development solutions; and the South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE), which has provided partners, especially private sector partners, with the opportunity to list solutions, match supply and demand and collaborate for scaling up, including through finding financing options.
虽然计量吸入器用途氯氟化碳消费为 零,哥伦比亚政府和卫生局对计量 吸入器次级行业非常担忧,并申请资金来制定一个计 [...]
量吸入器过渡战略,该战略将会确立一个清晰的氯氟化碳计量吸入器进口取代时间表、促 进和支持淘汰这些产品的条例及提高医师意识和患者对氯氟化碳计量吸入器替代物的接受 度的方案。
Although CFC consumption for MDIs was nil, the Government of Colombia
[...] and the health authorities were concerned [...]
about the MDI sub-sector and requested
funding for the development of an MDI transition strategy that will establish a clear schedule for import substitution of CFC-MDIs, regulations that will promote and support the phase-out of these products, and a programme that will raise physician awareness and patient acceptance of alternatives to CFC-MDIs.
与贸易有关的知识产 权协议》第 39.3 款规定,各国有责任保护由公司为获得法规机构(如美国食品及药物管局)对新药 物营销的批准而提交的新化学药品的秘密数据(如试验数据),以防止不正 当的商业使用。
TRIPS provides in Article 39.3 an obligation on countries to protect against unfair commercial use of confidential data (for example, trials data) on new chemical entities submitted by companies to obtain approval for marketing new drugs from the regulatory agency (such as the FDA in the US).
但是,当地法院保 留了就该委员会未裁决的任何法律问题做出判决的管辖权,该委员会将其管辖权 以外的涉及某项索偿要求的事项移交当地法院。28 虽然按照规定,两个委员会的决定在国内法院具有法律约束力,其效力高于
[...] 这些法院以及地方行政机构做出的不一致裁决;但许多情况下,国家 局对 两个 委员会的资格和决定不予理会。
However, local courts retained jurisdiction to adjudicate any legal issue not decided by the Commission, and the Commission referred to local courts those issues which were connected to a claim but were not within its own jurisdiction.28 While it was provided that the decisions of both Commissions were legally binding in national courts and shall prevail over inconsistent findings of those courts as well as those of local administrations,
there were numerous instances in which the Commissions’ competency and decisions were
[...] disregarded by national authorities.29
与之相反,申诉人先是质疑国内 局对 事 实 的评估,大致说明 了多哥的人权状况,随后依据自己对事实的评估声称若被遣返多哥,他将即刻面 [...]
On the contrary, the complainant first
[...] contests the domestic authorities’ assessment of [...]
the facts, then describes in general terms
the human rights situation in Togo before claiming, on the basis of his own assessment of the facts, that he would face a real, personal and immediate risk of being tortured in the event of his removal to Togo.




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