单词 | 对头 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 对头 —opponentless common: normal • on the right track • adversary • inimical • (longstanding) opponent • be on good terms with 对头 adjective —right adj • correct adj 对头 noun —enemy nExamples:牛头不对马嘴—doesn't fit 冤家对头—enemy (idiom); opponent • arch-enemy 死对头—sworn enemy • arch-enemy 不对头—not right • amiss • fishy
2 月 16 日,贺南洪在金边刚下飞机就针对头 天晚 上在边境历时八个小时的手榴弹和迫击炮弹交 火作了讲话。 crisisgroup.org | Stepping off the plane in Phnom Penh on 16 February, Hor Namhong spoke of an eight-hour exchange of grenade and mortar fire at the border the previous evening. crisisgroup.org |
比如对头发护理来说, 良好的定型、 柔性和梳理性非常重要。 wacker.com | In hair care, for instance, flexibility, ease [...] of combing and a firm hold play important roles, and these effects can be [...]realized extremely well with silicones. wacker.com |
(1)对头颈部进行对称性观察、注意皮肤颜色的变化。 asiancancer.com | (1) Conduct symmetry observation on the head and neck and pay attention to the change of skin color. asiancancer.com |
这款洗发水丰盈温和,对头发具 有出色的护理和增亮效果。 cn.lubrizol.com | This rich and mild shampoo provides excellent conditioning and shine to the hair. lubrizol.com |
许多时间较短的儿 [...] 科门诊外科手术或诊断程序,以及在使用面罩 会限制对头颈部 的接触的情况下,适合采用 LMA™ [...]气道。 vitaid.com | The LMATM airway is suitable for many short pediatric ambulatory surgical or [...] diagnostic procedures and those where access to the head and neck would otherwise be [...] limited by the use of a face mask. vitaid.com |
Planoform [...] 操作的特殊功能包括针对 Z 轴夹紧制动的 M 代码、数字读数和针对头部角 度的重置控制等。 precitech.com | Special features for Planoform operation include M codes for the Z-axis clamping brake, digital readout and reset controls for the head angle, [...] etc. QNX 64 bit operating system with advanced application customization and MTF [...] diagnostic to achieve cutting results. precitech.com |
路加福音 12:58说:“你同告你的对头去见 官,还在路上,务要尽力的和他了结;恐怕他拉你到官面前,官交付差役,差役把你下在监里。 amccsm.org | Luke 12:58 says: "When [...] you go with your adversary to the magistrate, [...]make every effort along the way to settle with him, [...]lest he drag you to the judge, the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. amccsm.org |
例如, 饮食缺乏叶酸的孕妇生下的孩子可能最终出现脑积水,这种衰弱疾病 会 对头 脑产 生不利影响,导致儿童发育迟缓。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, expectant mothers whose diets lack folic acid are likely to bear children who eventually suffer from hydrocephalus, a debilitating disease that adversely affects the head and leads to the stunting of the child’s growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
这表示对头发的 粘附力和聚合物的凝聚力在定型聚合物的性能方面都很重要。 cn.lubrizol.com | It is shown that both [...] adhesion to the hair and polymer [...]cohesion are important in determining fixative polymer performance. lubrizol.com |
仍在专利申请中的精氨酸配方有助于提升染色剂的效率,从而最大限度地降低了染发过程 中 对头 发 的 伤害。 henkel.cn | The patent-pending arginine formula improves the efficiency of the coloring pigments, thus minimizing [...] damage to the hair during the coloring [...]process. henkel.com |
绕过合同委员会而对头批合同的初始划分造成了安排 Navigant 公司存在的结果,随后 则被认为是必不可少的了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The initial fractioning of the first series of contracts, which had the effect of avoiding the standard screening by the Contracts Committee, effectively gave a foothold to Navigant, whose services were then deemed indispensable. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了既能建立针对于特定系统的消息,也能建立不针对于特定系统的消息,请求转换的系统可以在转换请求命令中使用相关ID(correlation ID),和/或将名/值对头添加 到传出的转换请求命令消息中。 infoq.com | In order to establish whether or not a message is intended for a particular system, the system requesting the conversion can make use of the correlation ID on the conversion [...] request command and/or it can make [...] use of name/value pair headers added to the outgoing [...]conversion request command message. infoq.com |
世伟洛克卡套管接头 对自动卡套管 焊接接头 swagelok.com.cn | Swagelok Tube Fitting to Automatic Tube Weld Connector swagelok.com.cn |
当安装公称管弯头或三通时、往往很难将 接 头对 准 所 需的方向。 swagelok.com | When installing pipe elbows or tees, it is often difficult to align the fitting with the desired run. swagelok.com |
拧松液压电动机罩直到入 口和出口与液压管路接头对准, 液压电动机罩内的测试孔 应指向皮带防护罩 (117)。 graco.com | Unscrew hydraulic motor cap until inlet and outlet align with hydraulic line fittings and test hole in hydraulic motor cap points toward belt guard (117). graco.com |
美国谴责一切暴力行 为,尤其是根据有关个人的族籍或政治隶属而将 矛头 对准他们的暴力行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States condemns all acts of violence, especially those that target individuals based on their ethnicity or political affiliation. daccess-ods.un.org |
将FiveFingers鞋平放在地上,把脚伸进鞋里的同时,将每个脚 趾 头对 准 相 应的趾套—通常来说,最好是从大拇趾开始,然后按顺序把所有脚 趾 头 逐 个 对 准 相 应的趾套,最后对准小趾,在全部脚 趾 头对 准 趾 套后,逐渐把各个脚趾头慢慢地向前伸入趾套里面。 vibramfivefingers.cn | Place FiveFingers flat on the floor, insert your foot while gradually aligning each toe with the aooropriate toe pocket – it’s often best to start with your big toe and work down to the little toe, gradually inching forward as each toe finds its place. vibramfivefingers.cn |
要更新照片,首先必须单击带下箭 头对 话 框 删除当前相片,然后再上传新的相片。 fingertec.com | To change a photograph, you must first remove the current photograph by clicking on the [...] box with down arrow and then attach [...]a new photograph. fingertec.com |
用两个读数头测量 磁栅与轴承之间的偏心造成的误差通过相 对第一个读数头180° ± 5°对径位置处 的第二个读数头补偿。 heidenhain.com.cn | Measuring with two scanning heads Error caused by the eccentricity of the graduation to the bearing are compensated with the aid of a second scanning head that is arranged at an angle of 180° ± 5° to the first one. heidenhain.hu |
行预咨委会还注意到,为应对维持和平行动不断变化的需求和 [...] 优先事项,行动厅与维持和平行动部和外勤支助部内职能专门领域磋商,将 牵头 对资源分配情况进行定期审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also notes that, in order to address the fluctuating requirements and priorities of peacekeeping operations, the Office of Operations, in consultation with the functional specialist areas within the [...] Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support, will lead a periodic [...] review of the distribution of resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
将出纸托盘上的拉头对齐直通适配器上的插槽,即可安装出纸托盘, 请确保其固定到位。 graphics.kodak.com | Install the exit tray matching the tabs on the exit tray with the slots on the straight pass-through adapter and be sure that it is securely in place. graphics.kodak.com |
为了确定对话--这一文化多样性(包括每种文化和文明内部的多样性,也包括它们之间 的多样性)的必然产物的形式与条件,必须制订双重战略:a) [...] 承认外来元素,扩大各种文明 [...] 间的交流和互动来展示文化多样性产生的有益效果:这就是要说明文化多样性是不断丰富社 会的源泉,并可揭示萦绕人们心头对 世 界观念、问题看法、意识形态和识别能力的广泛幻 [...] 想,这些都有助于每个公民提出个人和共同的几种生活蓝图;b) 宣传“和睦相处”政策,几 [...] 种文化属性之间不要勾心斗角,互不信任:这就是要表明,“和睦相处”有助于所有公民在 平等的地位上尊重差异;平等对促进相互交谈、相互了解、并肩协作是必不可少的,但各种 差异仍是激励和显示每个人的独特性而不可回避的现实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) to promote policies on “living together” [...] without conflict of loyalty due to membership [...] of different cultures, the aim being [...]to show that “living together puts citizens [...]on an equal footing in regard to respect for differences; equality is indispensable for speaking to, understanding and working alongside each other, but differences remain absolutely necessary for stimulating and revealing each person’s distinctive features. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在波 恩会议之前,这一势头对提高所有寻求为喀布尔进程 尽其本份的捐助者的信心至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ahead of the Bonn [...] Conference, that momentum is crucial for [...]bolstering the confidence of all donors as they seek to do their [...]part in the context of the Kabul Process. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国中央情报局在规划、提供后勤 支助、招募和训练雇佣军方面发挥了领导作用, [...] 以便实施由美国政府主导的恐怖主义行为—— 纵火,爆炸,从事各类破坏,劫持飞机、船只和 古巴公民,袭击我国政府办事处并杀害外交官, [...] 用机关枪扫射数十个设施,多次企图结束主要革 命领导人的生命,特别是制定和执行数百项 矛头 对准总司令的计划和行动”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States Central Intelligence Agency played a leading role in planning, providing logistical support, recruiting and training mercenaries to carry out terrorist acts under the aegis of the Government of that country — arson, bombings, sabotage of every type, the seizing of aircraft, ships and Cuban citizens, attacks against our Government offices and killings of diplomats, machine gunning of dozens of facilities, many attempts to put an end to the lives of [...] the principal leaders of the Revolution, and particularly hundreds of [...] plans and actions targeting the Commander-in-chief”. daccess-ods.un.org |
结合以更出色的速度控制,该试验压 头对 于 摩 擦材料不稳定性的检测精确度远胜以往,并构成了路博润独有工具套件的重要部分,可用于开发新型四驱系统复合添加剂。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Combined with better speed control, this allows much more accurate detection of friction material instability than ever before, and forms an essential part of Lubrizol’s unique tool kit for developing new four-wheel drive system additive packages. drivelinenews.com |
牵头对延期 请求进行分析的人员希望能在将对这些请求进行正式审议 的缔约国会议或审议会议召开前八至十周结束其工作,并请提交请求的缔约国也 在这些会议召开前八至十周提交一份 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Those leading the effort to analyse requests have sought to conclude their work eight to ten weeks prior to the Meetings of the States Parties or Review Conferences when requests would be formally considered. daccess-ods.un.org |
利用HDSLR相机或摄像机上的长焦镜头拍摄意味着使用镜头L型支架作为相机和平台操作系统之间的连接,由此创建了一个不太理想的重量分布,并意味着相机或镜头的最轻微移动或触摸(例如按下“录制”按钮或 镜 头对 焦 ) 都会造成在后期制作中不得不编辑或删除的明显的相机晃动和振动。 manfrotto.cn | Filming with long telephoto lenses on HDSLR cameras or camcorders means using the lens L-bracket as the connection between camera and rig, which creates a less than ideal weight distribution and means that the slightest movement or touch of the camera or lens (such as pressing "Rec", or focusing the lens) produces visible camera shake and vibration that has to be edited or removed in post-production. manfrotto.us |
11 月取得了 重要进展,联尼共-毛主义宣布将着手迅速遣散通过 2007 年联尼特派团牵头对毛 派 军队进行的核查进程而确定为不符合条件的所有人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Important progress was achieved in November, with the announcement by UCPN-M that it would proceed quickly with the discharge of all its personnel disqualified through the UNMIN-led verification of the Maoist army in 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |