

单词 对外贸易



University of International Business and Economics


Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC)

See also:

对外 n

outbound n


(commercial) trade

贸易 n

trading n

External sources (not reviewed)

各国考虑通过对有效开展电子政务服务以及加强区域对 外贸易和投资所关键的统一的网络法。
The States consider the adoption of harmonized cyberlaws
critical for implementing e-government services effectively, and for
[...] increasing regional and foreign trade and investment.
支持国内出口商、出口多样化和发展新的国外市场的措施有助于出口增长 10.8%和对外贸易实现 正结余,估计结余在 42 亿美元以上。
Measures to support domestic exporters, to
diversify exports and to develop new external markets helped to increase exports by 10.8 per cent and to
[...] achieve a positive balance of foreign trade estimated to be [...]
above $4.2 billion.
此外,在所采取的结构措施中,需要指 对外贸易 活 动单一窗口(GUCE)的 设立,其目标是:缩短商品报关期限、降低成本以及简化程序。
One of the structural measures taken has
been the establishment of a one-stop
[...] service unit for foreign trade operations (GUCE) [...]
designed to shorten the length of
customs clearance procedures for merchandise, reduce the related costs and simplify the procedures concerned.
自1990年以来对外贸易赤字已经成为 波兰市场经济的一个特征。
A deficit in the external trade balance has been [...]
a characteristic for Poland as a market economy since 1990.
[...] 号条例所规定的直接适用的禁止某些与武器 禁运有关的服务的行为,《第二 对外贸易 和 支付法》规定了国家刑事处罚办法。
For the violation of the directly applicable prohibition of certain services related to the arms embargo established in Council Regulation (EC)
No. 131/2004, section 34, paragraph
[...] 4, No. 2, of the Foreign Trade and Payments Act [...]
imposes criminal penalties on the national level.
[...] 合作应有助于调整内陆发展中国家的经济,重新使其专门化,并促进生产低量、 高价值产品和服务对外贸易。
Furthermore, Sout-South cooperation should help to restructure and
respecialize the economies of LLDCs, promotion
[...] the production and external trade of low volume, [...]
high value products and services.
尽管该附属委员会是国家臭氧机构的直接管理人,但国家臭氧机构的 年度业务工作计划还是包括 对外贸易 与 经济联系部的业务工作计划之内。
While the Sub-committee acts as the direct supervisor of the NOU, the annual operational
work-plan of the NOU is integrated within the operational work-plan of
[...] the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations.
(a) 关于安全理事会第 1591(2005)号决议第 3 段(a)(i)所载关于安全理事 会第
1556(2004)号决议第 7 和第 8
[...] 段的义务,《战争物资法》(《战争物资法》, 经联邦法律公报,57/2001 号修订)、对外贸易法》(《 对外贸易 法 》,联邦法律 公报,50/2005 号修订)和《外贸法规》(《外贸法规》,联邦法律公报,121/2006 [...]
(a) With regard to the obligations contained in paragraph 3 (a) (i) of Security Council resolution 1591 (2005) referring to paragraphs 7 and 8 of Security Council resolution 1556 (2004) the War Materials Act
(WMA, Federal Law Gazette I
[...] No. 57/2001 as amended), the Foreign Trade Act (FTA, Federal Law [...]
Gazette I No. 50/2005 as amended)
and Foreign Trade Regulation (FTAR, Federal Law Gazette II No. 121/2006) require an export authorization for the sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel to third countries and an authorization for the provision of brokering services related to military activities.
同时,禁运严重阻碍了古巴进入主要出口市场和金融市场,因此, 对古巴的长期经济增长产生了双重不利影响:一方面限制其进口资本货物,减少了
[...] 古巴的投资率,从而减少了古巴潜在的长期增长率;另一方面,通过限制 对外贸 易以及 资本流入和外国投资,使国际收支更约束了古巴的长期经济增长。
At the same time, it has raised major obstacles to Cuba’s access to key export and financial markets. By doing so, it has had an adverse dual impact on Cuba’s long-term economic growth: on the one hand, by limiting its access to imported capital goods, it has reduced Cuba’s investment ratio and thus its rate of potential long-term
growth; on the other hand, by
[...] limiting its foreign trade and capital inflows and foreign investment, [...]
it has made more binding
the balanceof-payments constraint on Cuba’s long-term economic growth.
另一方面,通过禁对外贸易、外国投资和其他形式的资本流入,封锁使得古巴 的长期经济增长更加受到国际收支的束缚。
On the other hand, by
[...] limiting its foreign trade, foreign investment [...]
and other forms of capital inflows, the embargo has
made the balance of payments constraint on Cuba’s long-term economic growth more binding.
(a) 2011 年世界经济形势和前景( 与经济和社会事务
部及联合国各区域委员会合作 ); (b) 2010 年关税概况( 与世界贸易组织和国际贸 易中心合作
[...] );(c) 经济危机后的国际贸易( 与日对外贸易组织合作);(d) “南亚 纺织品和服装业潜在供应链的确定”( [...]
与英联邦秘书处和世界贸易组织印度研究 中心合作
);(e) “强化非洲共同市场的成就”( 与非洲联盟委员会合作)。
Analytical inputs were provided to the following joint outputs: (a) World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 (with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the United Nations regional commissions); (b) Tariff Profiles 2010 (with the World Trade Organization and the International Trade Centre); (c)
International Trade after the Economic Crisis
[...] (with the Japan External Trade Organization); [...]
(d) Identification of potential supply
chains in textiles and clothing sector in South Asia (with the Commonwealth Secretariat and Centre for World Trade Organization Studies of India); and (e) Strengthening the achievement of the African common market (with the African Union Commission).
2003 年,由于国家臭氧单位的努力 对外贸易 和 投 资委员会禁止进口采用 R-12 和 R-502 [...]
In 2003, stemming from national ozone
[...] unit efforts, the External Trade and Investments [...]
Council (COMEXI) imposed a ban on imports
of refrigeration equipment containing R-12 and R-502.
阿德里安生产基地位于底特律附近,享有 对外贸易 区 “ 的关税待遇 对外贸易 区 是 自由贸易区的一种)。
The Adrian site is registered as a foreign trade zone "FTC", close to Detroit.
西亚经社会考虑到海运在加强区域 内易和对外贸易方面 扮演着重要角色并 对西亚经社会区域乃至阿拉伯地区的经济 [...]
和社会一体化起到促进作用,发起了阿拉伯 马什雷克海运合作谅解备忘录并于2006年9 月4日生效,迄今已有10个成员国,即,伊拉 克、约旦、黎巴嫩、阿曼、巴勒斯坦、沙特
阿拉伯、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、阿拉 伯联合酋长国和也门。
Taking into consideration that maritime transport
plays an important role in strengthening
[...] intraregional and foreign trade, promotes the [...]
economic and social integration of the
ESCWA region and the Arab region in general, ESCWA initiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of Cooperation on Maritime Transport in the Arab Mashreq that entered into force on 4 September 2006, and has been joined by 10 members namely Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
中国商务部发布对外贸易发展 的第十二个五年规划(FYP),其中将 2011-2015 期间的进出口年增长率定为 [...]
10%,截止 2015 年进出口总额定为 4.8 万亿美元。
China's Ministry of Commerce released the 12th
[...] Five-Year Plan (FYP) for Foreign Trade Development last [...]
week, which aims at an annual growth
of 10 percent during 2011-2015 and a total of US$4.8 trillion by 2015.
2008 年期间:(a)5 月,第二届国际妇女、性别和法律会议;(b)3 月,美洲劳动法 和生活保障会议;(c) 6 月和 7
[...] 月,哈瓦那国际公法国际暑期学校;(d) 11 月,第 七对外贸易和外 国投资会议;以及(e) 有关家庭法、仲裁和调解方面的其他国际 [...]
During 2008: (a) IInd International meeting on women, gender and law, in May; (b) Inter-American Meeting on Labour Law and Social Security, in March; (c) Havana Summer School on international
public law, in June and July; (d)
[...] VIIth Meeting on Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, [...]
in November; and (e) other international
conferences on family law, arbitration and mediation.
随着从共产主义时期的计划经济到目前的自 由贸易市场的转变,波对外贸易的 方 向已 经发生了逆转。
With the change from a communist, plan-based economy to the current free trade market, the
[...] direction of Polish foreign trade has been reversed.
另外还收到研究人员、设在牙买加的若干大使馆和常驻代表团以及其他国家 的各类学术和研究机构提出的请求,并向他们提供了图书馆服务,其中包括:中 国厦门大学;尼日利亚海洋学和海洋研究所;新西兰奥克兰大学图书馆;联合王
[...] 加勒比法院;环境署牙买加办事处;牙买加国家环境与规划局、海事管理局和外 交对外贸易部; 牙买加理工大学的学生;牙买加西印度群岛大学和诺曼·曼利 [...]
法学院;加勒比海洋研究所;阿伦·柯顿(Allan Kirton);中国常驻牙买加代表
Requests were also received from, and library services utilized by, individual researchers, a number of embassies and permanent missions based in Jamaica and academic and research institutions in other countries, including Xiamen University, China; the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research; the University of Auckland Library, New Zealand; Fenners Chambers, Cambridge, United Kingdom; the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología of the National Autonomous University of Mexico; the Caribbean Court of Justice; the UNEP office in Jamaica; the National Environment and Planning Agency,
the Maritime Authority and the
[...] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica; students [...]
from the University of Technology,
the University of the West Indies and the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica; the Caribbean Maritime Institute; Allan Kirton; and the permanent missions of China and Brazil in Jamaica.
[...] ”、浙江省“劳动保障诚信企业、浙江省知名商号、浙江省专利示范企业、绍兴市“环境友好”企业 对外贸易 诚 信企业等多项荣誉。
Step by step with the growing size of enterprise, government departments over the years by a variety of awards, silk fabrics in 2007 was named national inspection-free products, for four years starting in 2004 was named the national garment industry double "hundred enterprises", in Zhejiang Province brand, in 2008 "XLD + XINLIDA" trademark has been identified as well-known trademarks in China; also in Zhejiang Province for many years as the bank credit rating "AAA" grade enterprise, Zhejiang Province, "credit enterprise", Zhejiang Province, "Labor and Social Security integrity enterprises, Zhejiang Province well-known trade names, patent model enterprises in Zhejiang
Province, Shaoxing City, "environmentally
[...] friendly" enterprises, foreign trade enterprises and [...]
so a number of honors integrity.
日本是一个自然资源贫乏、国土狭小的国家,经济发展的强劲推动力必须来 对外贸易 , 日 本的进口额很高,但出口额更高,每年都有钜额的外贸顺差,是世界第三大进口国及出口国,日本经济近年来一直保持很高的增长速度,1951-1973年国民生产总值平均增加率高达10.1%,在众多西方国家中屈居一指,1968年日本国民生产总值已达到1428亿美元,仅次于美国,居世界第二位。
Japan is a lack of natural resources, land and small countries, strong driving force for
economic development
[...] must come from foreign trade, Japan's high imports, higher exports, every year the huge foreign trade surplus, [...]
is the world's third
Largest importer and exporter, in recent years, Japan's economy has maintained a high growth rate in 1951-1973 GDP grew at an average rate of increase as high as 10.1 percent, in many Western countries, refers to a place, Japan in 1968 gross national product Has reached 142,800,000,000 U.S. dollars, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world.
建议书详细阐述了针对政策 法规对外贸易和中国WTO 承诺等方面的主要问题和 建议。
It details the key concerns and recommendations with regard to regulations, government policies, trade and China’s [...]
WTO commitments.
对外贸易、跨 国界和内部贸易以及向国外、跨国界和国内投资创造有利环境
Create an enabling
[...] environment for foreign, cross-border and domestic trade and for foreign, cross-border [...]
and national investments
中国的外债增长到$ 513,8双向 - 外部债务 中国
[...] 同比增长15,9%,第二季度为$ 513,81十亿在六月底,同比增长证券在短期内到期的份额,感谢的快速增长与国际贸易有关的贷款,报道的国家管 对外贸易 ( 星 期六) 。
China's foreign debt grows to $ 513,8 bi - The external debt China grew 15,9% in the second quarter to $ 513,81 billion at the end of June, an increase of the share of securities maturing in the short term, thanks to
the rapid growth of loans related to
[...] international trade, reported the State Administration of Foreign Trade on Saturday .
公共部门对外贸易(如进出口)以及 会计记账使用的都是缅元官方汇率。
The kyat’s official
[...] rate was used for external public sector transactions (such as imports [...]
and exports) and for accounting purposes.
根据中国人民共和对外贸易法, 中国政府将坚 对外贸易 政 策的统一性,加强部门间合作并协 对外贸易 法 律法规,修改修正中华人民共和 对外贸易 法。
Based on the “Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China,” the Chinese government will adhere to the unity of foreign trade policies and strengthen the inter-departmental cooperation and coordination of foreign-trade related regulations [...]
and laws.
贸发 会议可在这方面发挥重要作用,而且在研究针对任何成员国 对外贸易 和 经济关 系的武断的限制性措施的同时,可在这方面提出恰当的政策建议。
UNCTAD could play an important role in this regard and
while examining the arbitrary restrictive
[...] measures against foreign trade and economic relations [...]
of any member states, could make
appropriate policy recommendations in this regard.
透过ISO9001体系的推行,提高企业质量管理的整体素质,以确保已经得到市场认可和信任的所有产品和服务持续性的满足顾客的要求;通过加强人员培训、设备维护、部门运作优化,质量记录维护、保护集团客户信息和知识产权,来促进利 对外贸易 和 增强国际竞争力。
To improve the overall caliber of enterprise quality management; to ensure continued quality of all products and services that the market has come to depend on and trust; to promote foreign trade with Leo and enhance our international competitiveness through increased training of personnel, diligent machine and equipment maintenance and measurement of appliance calibration, maintaining quality records, and fierce protection of our client information and intellectual properties.
意大利国家展览团是意大对外贸易 委 员 会(ICE)在意大利陶瓷机械及设备生产商协会(ACIMAC)协助下组织的,该展团位于广州琶洲展馆 [...]
Italian national trade is the Italian Trade Commission [...]
(ICE) in Italian ceramic machinery and equipment manufacturers Association
(ACIMAC) With the assistance of the Organization, the Pavilion is located in Guangzhou pazhou 3.1, C101-102 total 1300 square meters, is the largest exhibition Large foreign exhibitors, the Pavilion's unique layout and atmospheric, adequately reflects the presentation of the innovative technology and great design.
在几内亚比绍、西非经济和货币联盟以及西非国家经济 共同体生产的商品和服务的质量由一个次区域监测方案予以保障,以促 对外贸 易和保护消费者。
Efforts to uphold quality standards for goods and services produced in GuineaBissau and within the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) are being made under a subregional monitoring
[...] programme to promote foreign trade and protect consumers.




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