

单词 对外投资

See also:

对外 n

outbound n

对外 adj

outer adj

对外 adv

externally adv

External sources (not reviewed)

2011中国企对外投资现状及意向调查报告》将美国评 对外 国 投资 第 二 开放的经济体,仅次于香港。
The 2011 “Survey on Current Conditions
[...] and Intention of Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises” ranks the United States as the second most open economy to foreign investment, behind Hong Kong.
(d) 利比亚阿拉对外投资公司目前被列在接受资产冻结的被指认实体名 单上,因为人们误认为它是换名的利比亚投资管理局。
(d) The Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company is currently [...]
named in the list of designated entities subject to the asset freeze, because it has incorrectly
been described as another name for the Libyan Investment Authority.
我们生活在日渐全球化的世界里,贸易和对 对外投资 已 变 得十分平常。
We are increasingly living in a global economy — with trade
[...] and inbound and outbound investment a fact of life.
澳大利亚逐渐向中对外投资敞开 大门,只需几个步骤,就可以最大限度提高您投资申请获得批准的机会。
Australia is increasingly opening its
[...] doors to Chinese foreign investment and by following [...]
a few steps you can maximise the
prospects of your investment application.
调查表明,中国投资者也将美国视为具有吸引力 对外投资 目 的 地。
Surveys show that Chinese investors, too, see the United States as an attractive
[...] destination for their outward investment.
所有形式的私营企业,无论是从事国内市场 对外投资 还 是 国际贸易,都需 要一个有利于增长和发展的作业环境,包括和平、稳定、法治、附有问责和透明 [...]
制度的善治、无腐败、适足基础设施、有素质的劳动力队伍、清晰产权、以及可 强制执行的合同。
All forms of private enterprise —
[...] domestic markets, foreign investment and international [...]
trade — require an operating environment
conducive to growth and development, including: peace and stability, the rule of law, good governance with accountability and transparency, the absence of corruption, adequate infrastructure, an educated workforce, clear property rights and enforceable contracts.
这种机构对增强政策一致性也很重要,能够确保援助国和计划国家实施广泛的发展 相关政策,对外投资、贸 易、移民、工业、农业、能源、环境等,是相互支持和 [...]
发展有效的,能够促进而不是削弱人权、性别平等、体面劳动和环境的可持续发 展。
Such a body is also important for enhancing policy coherence in order to ensure that the broad range of development-related
policies implemented by donors and
[...] program countries - in foreign investment, trade, migration, [...]
industry, agriculture, energy,
environment and so on – are mutually supportive and development effective in the sense that they contribute to and not undermine human rights, gender equality, decent work and environmental sustainability.
我要感谢你们所有人有兴趣通 对外投资 把 我 们两国更加紧密地联系起来。
I want to thank all of you for your interest in bringing our two countries
[...] closer together through foreign investment.
[...] 生,必须在基于发展中国家可替换模式的南南政治联盟达成的广泛议程框架下,整体审 视并涵盖所有发展合作和融资形式,包括援助、贸易、减轻债务 对外投资 、 国 内资源 流通等。
To prevent this, it must be framed by a broad agenda drawn from South-South political alliances that are based on alternative models of Southern development, taking a more holistic vision and encompassing all forms of cooperation
and financing for development including aid,
[...] trade, debt relief, foreign investment, domestic resource [...]
mobilization, etc.
1 ”印度政府支 持印度通过其出口信 贷机构或其他途径进对外投资。
1 The Indian government
[...] supports Indian foreign investments through its export [...]
credit agency and other tools.
走出去”(“走向世界”)政策于2000年12月推 出,标志着从促进对内资向促进 对外投资 的 转 变。
The “go out” (“go global”) policy, launched in December 2000, signalled a
[...] shift from inward to outward investment promotion.
此前他曾任职于中国国家发展与改革委员会(“发改委” 对外投资 部 、 中国国家经济与贸易委员会、中国国务院经济贸易办公室及中国国务院生产办公室。
Before joining Blackstone in 2008, Mr. Fu worked
[...] in the Department of Foreign Investment in China’s National [...]
Development and Reform Commission
(“NDRC”), the State Economic and Trade Commission of China, the Office of Economic and Trade in State Council of China, and the Office of Production in State Council of China.
中国不断推进对外投资潮, 在国际媒体上吸引了长篇累牍的报道,原因非常简单:这股投资浪潮协调一致,我们前所未见。
China’s continued foreign-investment push is receiving [...]
extraordinary amounts of coverage in the international press, and
with good reason: it is a coordinated investment push of the type that we’ve never seen before.
2004年,国家发展和改革委员会(以下简 称“发改委”)和中国进出口银行发布了《关于对国家鼓励的境外投资重点项目给予信 贷支持政策的通知》,以鼓励资源开发 对外投资 ( 以及并购和收购)。
In 2004, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM) released a statement to encourage overseas investment (and mergers and acquisitions) in specific areas such as resource exploration.6 Also, the State Council incentivized Chinese companies to enter overseas markets by granting financial and foreign exchange
assistance.7 China’s growing
[...] investments abroad are illustrated by China’s growing FDI outflows over the last [...]
decade, which rose
from US$1.8 billion in 20048 to US$65.11 billion in 20119i .
Duncan Freeman, “China’s outward investment: challenges and
[...] opportunities for the EU” [《中国对外投资:欧 盟面对的机遇与挑 战》 ],布鲁塞尔当代中国研究所,政策论文,2008年。
Duncan Freeman,
[...] “China’s outward investment: challenges and [...]
opportunities for the EU”, Brussels Institute of Contemporary
China Studies, policy paper, 2008.
翰宇香港分所的管理合伙人曾世昌(James Tsang)表示:“中国的商业环境正在改变,与中国法律市场相关的机会更多地涉 对外投资 , 越 来越多的国际仲裁发生在香港和新加坡。
James Tsang, managing partner of Squire Sanders’ Hong Kong office, explained that  “The business environment in China is changing.
本系列出版的另一份报告中可得到有关适应基金 及其他基金相关问题的更完整的讨论:“发展中国 家对气候变化外投资与资 金流的谈判”。
Further information on the Adaptation Fund, as well as other funds, is available in a separate
paper produced for this series,
[...] Negotiations on additional investment and financial flows [...]
to address climate change in developing countries.
[...] 系而不与整个国家培养更广泛的伙伴关系会导致 民众与精英的观念对立,甚至导致社会动荡不 安,进而加对中国海外投资的威胁。
Simply consolidating ties to the leadership of a regime without cultivating broader relationships in
the country can alienate segments of both public and elite opinion, and
[...] lead to instability that threatens investments.
[...] 目标是:促进和改善对维持和平的支助;促进和改善对建设和平、选举援助、调 解支持和冲突预防的支助;改善工作人员的安全和生活条件;加强资源管理和问 责制,同时实现更高的效率和规模经济;促进地方和区域 投资 和 能 力;减外 地行动对国内环境的影响。
The Programme Implementation Coordination Team is responsible for ensuring the timely and comprehensive implementation of the global field support strategy for the United Nations, which is designed to expedite and improve support for peacekeeping; expedite and improve support for peacebuilding, electoral assistance, mediation support and conflict prevention; improve the safety and living conditions of staff; strengthen resource stewardship and accountability while achieving greater efficiencies and economies of
scale; contribute to
[...] local and regional investment and capacity; and reduce the in-country environmental impact of field operations.
秘书长称,所需经费之所 以减少,是因为预计效率会有所提高,实现的途径 对 资 源 进行积极管理和排列 优先次序,包括尽量减少征聘非本地临时人员 对 会 议服务流程进行技 投资, 更严格地实行页数限制,更多地采 外 包 翻译,以及采取与简要记录和向总部基 金和方案提供会议服务有关的减少费用措施(另见上文第一.45 段)。
According to the Secretary-General, the decrease is due to anticipated efficiencies arising from the proactive management and prioritization of resources,
including through minimizing the non-local recruitment of temporary staff, technological investment in conference-servicing processes, stricter enforcement of page limits and increased use of contractual translation, as well as cost-reduction measures related to summary records and the provision of conference services to funds and programmes at Headquarters (see also para. I.45 above).
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金 投资 及 资 金 流 动;每月 外 地 行 动汇款;向 国际征聘工作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行外地行动的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处 对 银 行账户签字人名单的修正; 提供关于使用各种银行系统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and [...]
distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels;
and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
此外,进 口化石燃料的中低收入经济体尤其容易受到价格波 动和价格上涨的影响,这可能打乱 对外 收 支 平衡,在 宏观一级造成经济不稳 定,使得各国政府无投资于技 术和社会基础设施,从而导致家庭能源费用升 高。
Moreover, medium and low-income economies importing fossil fuel are particularly vulnerable to price volatility and
price increases, which
[...] could upset their external payments balance, cause economic instability at the macro level and prevent Governments from investing in technical and [...]
social infrastructure,
resulting in higher energy costs for households.
虽然古巴一直鼓励专业服务的生产和出口,并将国际一体化战略目标确定为 利用相对于其他加勒比竞争对手在一些行业的相对优势,如卫生、工程、生物技 术、软件、研究和项目,但是由于禁 对 采 购 和技术转让及来自 外投 入 和 设备 的限制,以及资限制 ,技术进步和生产力都受到不利影响。
Although Cuba has been promoting the production and exports of professional services and aiming its international integration strategy at making use of its competitive advantages regarding other Caribbean competitors in sectors such as health, engineering, biotechnology, software, studies
and projects, the embargo’s restriction on its acquisition and
[...] transfer of technology, inputs and equipment from abroad and the financing restrictions have negatively impacted its [...]
technological catching-up processes and productivity.
17.25 本次级方案将注重下列工作领域:(a)
[...] 实现增长和优质就业;(b) 收入 重新分配;(c) 增加国内储蓄,减投资对外部储蓄的依赖;(d) 降低易受国际 商品和资本市场波动影响的程度;(e) [...]
的严重依赖;(f) 进一步减少债务负担和改善债务情况;(g) 制定一致、可持续 的框架,为社会政策筹措资金;(h) 宏观经济政策同加强出口与其他生产部门联 系之间的关系,以期尽可能增加国内附加值的比重。
17.25 The subprogramme will place emphasis on the following areas of work: (a) generation of growth and good quality employment; (b) income redistribution; (c) the increase in
domestic saving in order to reduce
[...] the dependence on external saving for investment; (d) reduction [...]
of the vulnerability to fluctuations
on international goods and capital markets; (e) macroeconomic incentives to foster reduction of the high dependence on commodities; (f) further lowering the debt burden and improving debt profiles; (g) the design of consistent and sustainable frameworks for financing social policies; and (h) the relation between macroeconomic policy and the increase of export linkages with the rest of the productive apparatus, with a view to maximizing their content of domestic value added.
提供给发展中国家的外资金在 许多情况下不 投 向 实体经济部门,而是 用于消费投机活动,对汇率和利率造成负面影响。
In many cases, external finance provided to developing countries was not used for financing investment in the real sector, but for [...]
the financing of consumption and speculative activities, with negative impact
on exchange and interest rates.
为了平衡繁荣的沿海区域与发展落后的西部和东北地区之间日趋加大的落差,政 府设法引导国投资和外资,特 別是促进劳力密集型的制造业到内地和 对 较 小 的城投资、设厂,保持有较高附加价值的行业如研究、管理、财务、保险和设计等留在 大城市里。
To balance the growing disparities between the prosperous coastal strip and the underdeveloped western and north-eastern regions, the
Government tries to
[...] redirect domestic and foreign investments, in particular labour-intensive manufacturing to inland areas and relatively smaller [...]
cities, leaving higher-value-added
activities like research, management, finance, insurance and design in the big cities.
(iv) 文化遗产经济学:它事对投资文化 财产的经济回报制订和实施国际研究计 划(其中包括新兴发展中国家的文化产业),制定文化及经济指标,以及在 动员世界一流的专业知识和双方外 可 利用的资金的基础上召开文化经济学 国际会议。
(iv) the economics of cultural heritage: this would include the design and implementation of an international research programme on the economic gains to be obtained from investing in cultural assets, including cultural industries, in emerging [...]
and developing countries, the development
of cultural and economic indicators, and the organization of an international conference on the economics of culture, based on the mobilization of world-class expertise and of the availability of financial resources external to the Parties.
关于我国的外投资,我 要指出,我们深感关切 的是,一些国家没有保护利比亚投资,尽管安全理事 会经与利比亚政府协调和协商,将冻结利比亚资产事 宜推迟,直至在成立管理利比亚投资的新机构成立对这些 资产加以监测、评估及合理化之后。
With regard to our foreign investments, I would like to express our deep concern that some States are not protecting Libyan investments despite the fact that the Security Council, in coordination and consultation with the Libyan Government, delayed freezing Libyan assets until they had [...]
been monitored, assessed
and rationalized following the establishment of a new body to administer Libyan investments.
委员会还认识到,贸易与投资之间有着强有力的联系,特别外国直接投资对贸易 的发展所做出的贡献,并为此建议应进一步增强有助 于外国直接投资的良好环境。
The Committee further recognized the strong link
[...] between trade and investment, in particular the contribution of FDI to trade [...]
development, and in that
regard recommended that the enabling environment for FDI be strengthened.
与本报告的分析师和作者相关的薪酬制度基于多重准则,包括财政年度内西班牙对外银行获得的收益以及西班 对外 银 行集团的间接收益,其中包括通 投资 银 行业务产生的收益,但是他们不获得基于投 资银行任何具体交易所产生收益的任何薪酬。
The remuneration system concerning the analyst/s author/s of this report is based on multiple criteria, including the revenues obtained by BBVA and, indirectly, the results of BBVA Group in
the fiscal year,
[...] which, in turn, include the results generated by the investment banking business; nevertheless, [...]
they do not receive
any remuneration based on revenues from any specific transaction in investment banking.




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