

单词 对位



relative position

External sources (not reviewed)

其中需求量最大的部分对位二甲苯 (PX) 和苯。
The components in highest demand are paraxylene (PX) and benzene.
专利的混合型对位置传 感器技术,可实现极微小应变测量和无与伦比的动态速度范围。
Proprietary hybrid position sensing technology enabling both sub micro-strain deformations and unsurpassed dynamic speed range.
本星期,占领国于 3 月 3 日又对巴勒斯坦人的住房发出
[...] 55 项拆除令,这一 次是专门对位于被占领的东耶路撒冷 Shu'fat 难民营地区的住房。
This week, on 3 March, the occupying Power issued another 55 demolition orders against
Palestinian homes, this time specifically
[...] targeting homes located in the Shu’fat [...]
refugee camp area of Occupied East Jerusalem.
历史与现实的碰撞、中国与世界的碰撞以及现实与未来的碰撞将撞击出一幕幕"关公战秦琼"的场景,演义时空 位 后 的 对位。
The collision between history and contemporary, between China and the rest of the world, even between today and the future will bounce off scene after scene of “Guan Gong – Qin
Qiong’s fight (two historical generals from
[...] different dynasties)”, repositioning the time and the [...]
space after a radical chaos.
由于泵气缸沟槽与空 气电机先导对位而释放过多的压力,泵在行程底部不 会改变。
The pump will not change over on the bottom of the
stroke as a result of relieving excess
[...] pressure due to the positioning of the pump cylinder [...]
groove with respect to the air motor pilot valve.
映射(Mapping)文件位于模块根结构的 对位 置 , 而且一般与模块的部署描述符位于同一位置。
Mapping files are located relative to the root of the module and are typically co-located with the WSDL file.
此外,教科文组织支对位于东 方 省色卢维拉(这是联发援框架优先发展的地区之一)的文化与遗产资源进行现场调查,并作 为基于遗产的地方赋权项目的基础。
Additionally, UNESCO supported a field survey on cultural and heritage resources in Seruwila, one of the UNDAF priority areas, to serve as a basis of a heritage-based local empowerment project.
Staubli机器人的可靠性和6个关节的强劲的组装与机器人的 对位 置 总是可知的创新的计算系统有关。
This reliable and robust assembly of the 6 joints of the Staubli
robot is associated with an innovative counting system
[...] allows the absolute position of the robot [...]
to be known at all times.
对位于马 扎里·沙 里夫(Mazar-e Sharif)的联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿 援助团)驻地和位于坎大哈的政府大楼发动的恐怖袭 击对位于喀 布尔的安保程度高的洲际大酒店和位于 洛迦的一所医院发动的协调自杀式袭击都确认,塔利 班和其他反对派团体据以选择软民用目标的策略有 所改变。
The terrorist attacks on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) compound in Mazar-e-Sharif and the Government buildings in Kandahar, and the coordinated suicide attack at the highly secure Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul and on a hospital in Logar, confirm a change in tactics whereby the Taliban and other opposition groups are opting for soft civilian targets.
[...] 然可用,速度却非常缓慢,并且设备之间需 要精准对位:两 台设备的红外端口需要互 相瞄准。
This worked, but was slow, and
[...] required precise positioning: pairs of IR ports [...]
needed to be in each other’s line of sight.
注意下缸体的流体出口 (P) 与发动机入口 (W) 的对位置,以便重新组装时容易对齐。
Note the relative position of lower’s fluid outlet (P) to inlet (W) of motor for easier reassembly alignment.
天空中某一区域的偏振光的亮度是随着这一区域与太阳的 对位 置 变 化而改变 的,峰值出现在与太阳成 90 度角的位置。
The amount of polarized light from a particular area of the sky varies according to the position of the area with respect to the sun, the maximum occurring at an angle of 90˚ from the sun.
任何协议的基本依据都是,两国各自对在其境内或领土之下的石油资源 拥有所有权、主权权利和管辖权, 对位 于 本 国境内的石油设施拥有主 权权利和管辖权(属地原则)。
The underlying basis for any agreement is that each State shall have ownership, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the petroleum resources in or underneath the territory of that State and sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the petroleum facilities lying within the territory of that State (territorial principle).
将一个图片放要页面上一个对位置 的 代码见示例代码0606,我们在不同的坐标处添加了两幅图片,这里使用给定的坐标将图片放在了左下角,通过将图片的宽度和高度作为X和Y坐标将设置第一个图片,坐标的2倍设置第二个图片。
will put a
[...] picture to an absolute position on the page [...]
code, see sample code of 0606, we added different coordinates of the two images,
here given the coordinates of the picture on the lower left-hand corner, through the pictures width and height as the X and Y coordinates will be set up on the first picture, the coordinates of the second set 2 times the picture.
一个 Orbit® 模块可以是一个测量传感器、对位 移 产 品、模拟输入模块或任何其他Orbit [...]
An Orbit® module can be a gauging
[...] sensor, an Absolute Displacement product, Analogue [...]
Input Module or any other Orbit® compatible module.
多数情况下,最终解决方案是一个高精度CNC或机器人系统,要求能够控制 对位 置 、 扭矩对准性能最佳。
In most cases the end solution is a CNC or robot system
that operates with high precision and where
[...] control of absolute position, along with [...]
best torque alignment, is required.
用打印功能打印单个图像,指定页面校准或者 对位 置。
Printing functions to print single images specifying page
[...] alignment or absolute position.
Orbit® 3 数字传感器保留了与 LVDT 测量探头相关的对位置测 量的全部优势,但是速度更快(每秒每探头高达 4000 高分辨率读数)、精度更高,在可溯源性和 CE 认证上完全能够满足现代的 SPC 和 质量 要求。
All the advantages of Absolute Position Measurement associated with LVDT Gauge Probes are maintained with Orbit® 3 Digital Sensors but with greatly increased speed (up to 4000 high resolution readings per second per probe), increased accuracy and conformity with modern SPC and Quality requirements regarding traceability and CE marking.
值此 Brüel & Kjær 成立 70 周年之际,我对各位表示 “衷心感谢”,感谢 位对 我 们 的挑战,使我们依然能在声音和振动测量技术领域领先世界,并不断专注于未来的创新。
And as Brüel & Kjær turns 70, we would like to say “Thank you”, because it is all thanks to your challenges that we are still at the top of our field in sound and vibration measurement technology, and busily innovating for the future.
15位海外受访者中有10位对此问 题做出了回答;7位 中国受访者中有4位对此问 题做出了回答。
Of all respondents, 10 out of 15 foreign interviewees and 4 out of 7 Chinese interviewees answered this question.
[...] 是一位意大利学者兼外交家,是 位对 托 勒密这位 2 世纪希腊天文学家和地理学家的作品进行解读、扩充和重新出版的现代欧洲人。
Berlinghieri, an Italian scholar and diplomat,
[...] was the first modern European to interpret, [...]
expand upon, and republish the works
of the second-century Greek astronomer and geographer.
强调了对证人的安全和保护的中心 位 , 对 侵 犯 人权捍卫者权利者不 受惩罚深为关注。
The centrality of the safety and protection of witnesses was emphasized, with deep concerns being expressed at the impunity [...]
enjoyed by those
who violated the rights of human rights defenders.
妇女署经管账户的银 行对账单应由受权使用此种账户付款的 位对 账。
Bank statements relating to accounts that are administered by
[...] UN-Women shall be reconciled by the organizational [...]
unit authorized to use such accounts for disbursement.
在 2010 年 7 月 27 日第 3069 次会议上,委员会审议并暂时通过了下列准则 草案:3.3.2 [3.3.3 ](单独接受不允许的保留的效果)、3.3.3 [3.3.4](集体接受不允许 的保留的效果)、4.5.1 [3.3.2,后为 4.5.1 和 4.5.2](无效保留的无效性质)、4.5.2 [4.5.3 ](无效保留的提出者相对于条约的 位 ) 、 4. 5.3 [4.5.4](对无效 保留的反应)、 4.6(保留不对条约其他当事方之间的关系产生效果)、4.7.1 [4.7 和 4.7.1 ](解释性声 明对条约用语的澄清)、4.7.2(更改或撤回解释性声明对声明方的效果)、4.7.3(所 有缔约国和缔约组织赞同解释性声明的效果)。
At its 3069th meeting, on 27 July 2010, the Commission considered and provisionally adopted the following guidelines: 3.3.2 [3.3.3] (Effect of individual acceptance of an impermissible reservation), 3.3.3 [3.3.4] (Effect of collective acceptance of an impermissible reservation), 4.5.1 [3.3.2, later 4.5.1 and 4.5.2] (Nullity of an invalid reservation), 4.5.2 [4.5.3] (Status of the author of an invalid reservation in relation to the treaty), 4.5.3 [4.5.4] (Reactions to an invalid reservation), 4.6 (Absence of effect of a reservation on the relations between the other parties to the treaty), 4.7.1 [4.7 and 4.7.1] (Clarification of the terms of the treaty by an interpretative declaration), 4.7.2 (Effect of the modification or the withdrawal of an interpretative declaration in respect of its author) and 4.7.3 (Effect of an interpretative declaration approved by all the contracting States and contracting organizations).
第九十二条 对本国领土单位的效力 一、一缔约国拥有两个或多个领土单位,各领土 位对 本 公约所涉事项适用 不同法律制度的,可以在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入时声明本公约适用于本 国的全部领土单位或仅适用于其中的一个或数个领土单位,且可以在任何时间通 过提出另一声明修改其所作的声明。
If a Contracting State has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to the matters dealt with in this Convention, it may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that this Convention is to extend to all its territorial units or only to one or more of them, and may amend its declaration by submitting another declaration at any time.
在联合国系统,语言职位被视为非地理分配职位,因为这些 位对 语 言 有 特殊要求,要求任职者用自己的母语,这就把这些职位人选的招聘局限在特定会员国的国民 身上。
In the United Nations system, language posts are considered as non-geographical, given their specific language requirements, where mother tongue is requested, limiting the recruitment to these posts to nationals from specific Member States.
监督司进行的样本审查涵盖了三个领域:(a) 审计结果——监督司审查了审 计报告中所载的审计结果、审计意见和可能对全面管理和执行国家执行项目带来 的影响;(b) 审计范围——审计司审查了国家执行审计工作,涉及国家执行审计 员的素质和有关国家办事处和业务 位对 国 家 执行审计的管理方式;(c) 审计的 管理——监督事务司审查了国家执行审计活动中国家审计员的质量以及如何由 主管的国家办事处与业务单位实施审计。
The sample review conducted by DOS covers three areas: (a) audit outcome -- DOS reviewed the audit findings contained in the audit reports, the opinion and the possible impact on the overall management and implementation of NEX projects; (b) audit scope -- DOS reviewed the compliance with the terms of reference given to NEX auditors; and (c) audit administration -- DOS reviewed the NEX audit exercise with respect to the quality of the NEX auditors and how the NEX audits were administered by the responsible country office and business units.
16.53 执行主任办公室的核心职能有:(a) 协助执行主任对禁毒办进行全面行政领导和管理;(b) 促 进执行工作计划和行政事项方面的部门间合作;(c) 确保及时执行各项决定和协调各组织位 对禁毒 办活动的投入;(d) 广泛开展研究和提供重要信息,围绕政策、资源和成果管理问题提 供咨询,支持执行主任全面领导和协调禁毒办的活动。
16.53 The core functions of the Office of the Executive Director are (a) to assist the Executive Director in the overall executive direction and management of UNODC; (b) to facilitate inter-office cooperation in the implementation of workplans and administrative matters; (c) to ensure the timely implementation of decisions and the coordination of inputs from all organizational units to the activities of the Office; and (d) to support the Executive Director in the overall leadership and coordination of the activities of UNODC with extensive research and advice on issues of policy, resources and results management.
也没有对犹太教的基本教义投机待遇低的犹太法典的 位;对 迈 蒙 尼德,在他那个时代最伟大的哲学家的宗教,也同样的犹太法典,其上工作,他努力的最大基地他的哲学观点的学生。
Nor did the speculative treatment of the fundamental teachings of Judaism lower the position of the Talmud; for Maimonides, the greatest philosopher of religion of his time, was likewise the greatest student of the Talmud, on which work he endeavored to base his philosophic views.
正泰太阳能经各种渠道与 利益相关方沟通后将其关心的议题进行汇总,并由各相关 位对 各 类 议题的受关注程度及其重大性分别打分、 综合考量决定各议题的优先性,将优先议题纳入年度工作事项或目标。
Astronergy summarizes the topics
[...] mostly focused on through all channels and after communication with stakeholders, and relevant units score the [...]
focus degree of the
topics and their materiality, decide their priority via comprehensive consideration, and put priority topics into annual working items or targets.




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