

单词 对付

对付 ()

deal with
get by with

对付 noun ()

tackle n


难对付的 adj

testing adj


collect call


collect call

External sources (not reviewed)

这有助对付需要 支持 Web 服务,而本身对底层传输和协议的安全性支持可能并不充分的情况(例如 JMS)。
This can help address situations where Web services need to be supported where inherent security support of underlying transport and protocols may not be sufficient (e.g., JMS).
为协助 各对付针对粮食 生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
这将会帮助 阿拉伯地对付人口 增长、城市环境变化和青年失业、社会动荡(包括青年极端主义)、以 及家庭关系解体等问题。
This would assist the Arab region in tackling problems of population growth and changing urban environments with its attendant youth unemployment, social unrest (including youth extremism) and the unravelling of family ties.
应该加强环境保护、保养文化和再生能源的使用,以帮助阿拉伯地区的会员 对付 全球 性环境问题如污染和自然资源的枯竭问题。
Strengthening should be accorded to the protection of the environment, a culture of maintenance, and the use of renewable energies so as to help Member States in the Arab region to tackle global environmental problems such as pollution and depletion of natural resources.
[...] 例子说明美国联邦立法是如何落实美国在公约下承担的义务以及这些法律和政策 措施是如何使美国能对付仇外 行为的。
He looked forward to hearing other States’ experience and gave examples of how federal legislation in the United States implemented United States
obligations under the Convention, and how such laws and policy measures enabled the United
[...] States to combat acts of xenophobia.
强调健全的立法基础是确保儿童和青年司法制 度公平有效的一个必要组成部分,以及若要实现有意义的长期解决,则 对付 支撑犯罪行为的各种条件。
It was stressed that a sound legislative basis was an essential part of ensuring a fair and effective justice system for children and youth and that it was also necessary to address the conditions underlying criminal behaviour if meaningful, long-term solutions were to be achieved.
大 赦 国际还欢迎关于制定一项全面 战 略减少 图 瓦 卢 的 家 庭暴力、包括提高大众认识、 鼓励政 府 机构和民间 社会更 多地参对 付 家 庭暴力和性别歧视的努 力的各项建议。
It also welcomed recommendations to develop a comprehensive strategy to reduce domestic violence in Tuvalu, including through raising public awareness and encouraging greater involvement by government agencies and civil society in efforts to address domestic violence and gender discrimination.
正如奥巴马总统今天所说的那样,当一个领导人 继续掌权的唯一办法是动用大规模暴力 对付 本国 人民的时候,他就失去了统治的合法性,就需要做对 他的国家来说是正确的事情,也就是立即下台。
As President Obama said today, when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence against its own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country, by leaving now.
根据麻委会第 51/4 号决议第 8 段和对大会第二十届特别会议通过的宣言与措施
执行情况所作的评价,麻委会第五十二届会议高级别会议的会员国将审议并通 过一份政治宣言和以加强国际合作为目的的其他宣言和措施,并将以审查工作
[...] 的结果为基础确定今后的优先事项和需要采取进一步行动的领域,确定在 2009 年以对付世界 毒品问题方面的目标和指标。
In accordance with paragraph 8 of Commission resolution 51/4 and based on the evaluation of the implementation of the declarations and measures adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth special session, Member States at the high-level segment of the fifty-second session of the Commission are to consider and adopt a political declaration and other declarations and measures to enhance international cooperation, identifying, on the basis of the results of the review process, future priorities and
areas requiring further action, as well as goals and targets
[...] to be set in countering the world drug problem [...]
beyond 2009.
刚果(金)武装部队司令部从加丹加和马涅马调来受过专门训练的两个特 种兵营,加强戈马和布卡武两个省会的安全 对付 兵 变 分子。
The FARDC command brought in two battalions of specially trained commando troops from Katanga and Maniema to
reinforce security in the provincial capitals of Goma and Bukavu, and to be used in
[...] the operations against the mutineers.
此外,围绕绿色技术的开发和推广,也可以建立新的伙伴关系,以 缓解气候变化的影响对付粮食 及能源安全所受的威胁。
Furthermore, new partnerships could be formed around the development and diffusion of green technologies, in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to combat threats to food and energy security.
确认若干重大的结构性因素和紧急因素相结合,造成了当前全球粮食危机的 复杂性质,而这些因素除其他外也受到环境退化、干旱和荒漠化、全球气候变化、 自然灾害以及缺乏必要技术的不利影响,同时也确认各国政府和整个国际社会必 须作出坚定承诺,对付粮食安全所面临的重大威胁
Recognizing the complex character of the current global food crisis as a combination of several major factors, both structural and conjunctural, also negatively affected by, inter alia, environmental degradation, drought and desertification, global climate change, natural disasters and the lack of the necessar y technology, and recognizing also that a strong commitment from national Governments and the international community as a whole is required to confront the major threats to food security
本区域所面临的挑战是要在增长和通胀之间把握平衡,管理短期资 本流入,减少不断扩大的社会经济不平等 对付 失 业 率上升问题和扩大社会 安全网。
The challenges for the region were to maintain a balance between growth and inflation, manage short-term capital inflows, reduce rising socioeconomic inequalities, deal with jobless growth, and increase social safety nets.
教育必须是和儿童的 心理或精神状态,协助儿童应对紧急;危险的情况 对付 威 胁 或操纵。
Education must cater for the psychological or mental state of the child; assist the child to cope with the emergency; danger; threat or manipulation.
我们也深为关 切小武器非法贸易对人权造成的影响,因为小武器正 被武装团体用对付平民,尤其是从事招募儿童兵和 性别暴力等可怕行径。
We are also deeply concerned about the impact that the illicit trade in small arms has on human rights, as small arms are being used by armed groups against civilian populations, in particular in terrible practices of child recruitment and gender-based violence.
然而,许多发展中国家和经济转型国家面临着双重 负担,既要防治新型疾病和卷土重来的传染病,如艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病和 疟疾,又对付日益 严重的非传染病的威胁。
Many developing countries and countries with economies in transition are, however, confronting a double burden of fighting emerging and re-emerging communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, in parallel with the increasing threat of non-communicable diseases.
正如向大会第六十四届会议提交的一份报告(A/64/350)所述,必须通过多管 齐下的办对付气候变化的威胁:以有利于可持续发展的方式大力正面应对减轻 气候变化方面的挑战;促进发展中国家的普惠性经济增长,以此作为建立抵抗和 适应能力的重要手段;紧急加强对发展中国家特别是弱势国家适应能力的国际金 融和技术支持;加强地方一级机构,以和平方式管理资源稀缺和环境压力;并加 强联合国及其他国际机构,使其能够为面临与气候有关的灾害和长期影响的国家 提供有效的人道主义、重建和发展支助。
As argued in a report to the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session (A/64/350), the response to the climate change threat must have multiple prongs: strongly addressing the mitigation challenge head on in ways that are supportive of sustainable development; promoting inclusive economic growth in developing countries as a key means of building resilience and adaptive capacities; urgently increasing international financial and technical support for the adaptation of developing countries, especially vulnerable countries; strengthening institutions at the local level to manage resource scarcities and environmental stresses peacefully; and strengthening the United Nations and other international institutions to be able to provide effective humanitarian, reconstruction and development support to countries faced with climate-related disasters and longer-term impacts.
缔约方会 议在该决议中还决定继续交流关于运用《公约 对付 新 形 式和新方面的跨国有 组织犯罪的经验和做法的信息。
In that resolution, the Conference also decided to continue to exchange information on experience and practices on the application of the Convention to new forms and dimensions of transnational organized crime.
北约对一个没有采取任何战争行为的国家的单方面非法军事侵略,构成令人 遗憾的先例,可被帝国主义随意拿 对付 任 何企图改变其统治政策的南方国家。
The unilateral and illegal military aggression of NATO against a country which did not carry out a single act of war sets an unfortunate precedent which could be used at the convenience of the empire against any nation of the South that gets in the way of its policy of domination.
鉴于(a) 美国的保留已在严格意义上作了特定解释,即在防扩散斗争 中,对于必须高温才能消除生物毒素和防止给普通民众带来毁灭性后果的设 施,要使用燃烧武器对付其中的生物武器或其他类似成分;(b) 美国提具 的保留绝不是为了使任何人逃避在选择攻击手段和方法时尽可能小心谨慎, 避免和无论如何尽可能减少意外造成的平民人命损失、平民受伤和平民财产 受损的义务;(c) 《议定书》的目的和宗旨可恰当地解释为是保护平民免受 使用燃烧武器造成的连带损失;联合王国将不反对这项保留,因为这项保留 没有违背《议定书》的目的和宗旨。
On the basis that (a) the United States reservation is correctly interpreted as a narrow reservation focused on the use of incendiary weapons against biological weapons, or similar counter-proliferation, facilities that require high heat to eliminate the biotoxins, in the interests of preventing potentially disastrous consequences for the civilian population, (b) the United States reservation is not otherwise intended to detract from the obligation to take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimising incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects, and (c) the object and purpose of the Protocol can properly be said to be to protect civilians from the collateral damage associated with the use of incendiary weapons, the United Kingdom would not object to the reservation as contrary to the object and purpose of the Protocol.69 36.
例如一些国家已着手落实针对执法当局、法官和检察官的专门培训,对 付在调 查与互联网有关的犯罪时遇到的挑战和加强对警察当局的技术援助,从 而推动和改进警方对互联网的调查工作,确保起诉工作迅速有效(见 E/ CN.15/2009/14)。
For example, some States have started to implement special training for law enforcement authorities, judges and prosecutors to address the challenges in investigating Internet-related crimes and to provide intensified technical assistance for police authorities in order to promote and improve police investigations on the Internet and ensure swift and efficient prosecution (see E/CN.15/2009/14).
本届会议 的情况介绍和讨论都集中在这些挑战和如 对付 这 些 挑战的问题上,特别是考虑 到发展中国家所关注的问题。
The presentations and discussions at this session focused on these challenges and on ways in which they may be effectively addressed, particularly with a view to the concerns of developing countries.
有关水的信息的 缺乏是一个严重的不利条件,阻碍政府不能充分了解盆地和大陆层面的水资源
[...] 状况、确定气候变化对可用水的影响以及制订适应和缓解措施 对付 现 有 和未 来的危机。
The lack of information on water represents a critical drawback that hinders the ability of Governments to completely understand the status of water resources at the basin and continental levels, identify the impacts of
climate change on water availability and set up adaptation and
[...] mitigation measures to cope with existing and [...]
future crises.
评估团的任务是收集以下信息:(a) 失业回归者,包括移徙工人和离开利 比亚的前战斗员以及图阿雷格和图布武装分子大量涌入这些国家,他们的回归 正对东道国社区的社会经济和政治稳定产生影响;(b)大量武器流入该区域,小 武器和轻武器以及地对空导弹和爆炸物扩散;(c) 这些国家犯罪活动和恐怖主 义活动的性质及程度,对付这些 活动正在采取的区域举措;(d) 对安全部门 产生的影响;(e) 国家安全部门的行动能力;(f) 司法改革;(g) 为消除经常发 生的粮食无保障和营养不良的根源以及处理其他人道主义问题而需要作出的更 多努力;(h) 青年人失业;(i) 灾害风险评估。
The mission was mandated to collect information on (a) the influx of unemployed returnees, including migrant workers, former combatants from Libya and armed Tuareg and Toubou elements into these countries, as well as the impact that their return is having on the socio-economic and political stability in the host communities; (b) the inflow of weapons into the region and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, surface-to-air missiles and explosives; (c) the nature and the extent of criminal and terrorist activities in these countries and ongoing regional initiatives to address them; (d) the impact on the security sector; (e) the national operational capacity of the security sector; (f) judicial reform; (g) additional efforts needed to address the root causes of recurrent food insecurity and malnutrition, as well as other humanitarian issues; (h) youth unemployment; and (i) disaster risk evaluation.
[...] 载于秘书处为提交缔约方会议第六届会议审议编写的就运用《有组织犯罪公 约对付新形式和新方面的跨国有组织犯罪向各国提供技术援助的报告 [...]
Details of technical assistance delivered in that area are included in the report of the Secretariat on technical assistance provided to
States in the application of the Organized
[...] Crime Convention to new forms and dimensions [...]
of transnational organized crime,
prepared for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its sixth session (CTOC/COP/2012/7).
布雷顿森林机构必须在各 自任务规定范围内,通过改革以后的基金组织缓冲外源冲击融资机制等渠道,继 续帮助发展中国对付关键 商品价格大幅度波动等外源冲击所造成的不利影响。
The Bretton Woods institutions must continue, within their respective mandates, to help developing countries to deal with the adverse effects of exogenous shocks, such as large fluctuations in the prices of key commodities, for example, through the reformed IMF Exogenous Shocks Facility.
哥本哈根首脑会议已过去十五年,是时 对付出 的 努力和兑现的承诺进行总结,并重新确定经济及社 会发展计划和战略,以便将经济和金融危机的社会影 响考虑在内。
Fifteen years after the Copenhagen Summit, it was time to assess the efforts made and the commitments honoured and to redefine the plans and strategies of economic and social development so as to take into account the social impact of the economic and financial crisis.
因此,我们相信国际社会将坚定不移地以适当的方 对付这 一 威胁,并籍此保护国际制度的可信性和对国际制度的尊重,保护在中东实现和 [...]
We thus trust that the international community will maintain
[...] its resolve to confront this threat [...]
in the appropriate manner and in so doing protect
the credibility and respect of our international system and the prospects for attaining peace and security in the Middle East.
确认全球粮食危机性质复杂,有可能会造成适足食物权遭受大规模侵害,而 这一危机是若干重大因素结合造成的,例如全球金融和经济危机、环境退化、荒 漠化和全球气候变化影响、自然灾害以及许多国家尤其是发展中国家、最不发达 国家和小岛屿发展中国家缺对付危 机 影响所需的适当技术、投资和能力建设
Recognizing that the complex character of the global food crisis, in which the right to adequate food is threatened to be violated on a massive scale, is a combination of several major factors, such as the global financial and economic crisis, environmental degradation, desertification and the impacts of global climate change, as well as natural disasters and the lack in many countries of the appropriate technology, investment and capacity-building necessary to confront its impact, particularly in developing countries, least developed countries and small island developing States
讲习班旨在发展本国应对灾害风险管理的这些优先领 域的能力,并使该国能够有效对付 气 候变化带来的其他潜在影响,包括冰川 溶化、干旱和沙漠化、病虫害蔓延以及海平面升高。
The workshop was aimed at developing national capacity to deal with these priority areas of disaster risk management and enabling the country to deal effectively with other potential impacts of climate change, including the melting of glaciers, drought and desertification, spread of pests and diseases and sea-level rise.




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