

单词 对上



The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them. [idiom.]


I can't agree with that.

External sources (not reviewed)

只有在法律规定的非常特殊的情况下,方 对上 述 个 人资料 进行处理或披露。
Only in exceptional cases, as explicitly enumerated in the law, may the above data be processed or disclosed.
政府根据丹麦的人权义务,包括欧洲人权法院的判例法 对上 述 做 法进 行了评估,并根据评估裁定没有理由提出修改。
The Government has
[...] assessed the scheme in the light of Denmark’s [...]
human rights obligations, including case law from the European
Court of Human Rights, and on this basis has found no reason to propose changes.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长; ( d) 对上诉理 由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
缔约国应考虑修改《联邦外国国民法》第65 条规定的程序,延长期限以便对上 诉进 行切实的审查和对违反不驱回原则的风险作出评估,并规定上诉具有使决定 暂停执行的效用。
The State party should consider modifying the procedure set out under article 65 of the Federal Act on Foreign Nationals with a view to providing more time for thorough consideration of appeals and an assessment of whether the principle of nonrefoulement is being violated, and to lending such appeals suspensive effect.
在违反行为出现时,由对上诉法 院主审法官的裁决不存在最高 上诉的机会,因此提交人无法运用国内补救办法。
At the time the violation appeared, no domestic remedy was available to the author since no cassation appeal exists against the judgment of the presiding judge of the Court of Appeal.
贸易自由化能否对发展中国家产 生积极影响,还在很大程度上取决于国际社 对上 述 措 施的支持,并对扭曲贸易 的政策和措施采取行动。
Achieving the positive impact of trade liberalization on developing countries will also depend to a significant extent on international support for the above measures and actions against policies and practices that distort trade.
关于所涵盖的事项,联合王国赞同条约范围包括所有常规武器,至少包括有 人或无人操控的武器;坦克;其他军事车辆;火炮系统;军用飞机和直升机;载 有武器或军事装备的水面和水下海军舰只;制导或非制导导弹和导弹系统;小武 器和轻武器;地雷和其他爆炸装置;供上述任何武器使用的弹药 对上 述 任 何武 器特别或专门设计的零件或部件;为发展、制造或维护上述任何武器而特别和专 门设计和使用的技术和设备。
Regarding items to be covered, the United Kingdom agrees that the scope of the treaty should include all conventional weapons, including, at a minimum, manned or unmanned weapons; tanks; other military vehicles; artillery systems; military aircraft and helicopters; surface and submarine naval vessels armed or equipped for military use; missiles and missile systems, guided or unguided; small arms and light weapons; mines and other explosive devices; munitions for use with any of the above; parts or components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above; and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture or maintain any of the above.
(c) 就第(3) 款所述任何特征的个人( 或与此类个人有关者) 而言,法律的 适用涉及收养、婚姻、离婚、丧葬、死亡后的析产或其他类似 对上 述 特征 的个人适用属人法的事宜。
(c) For the application, in the case of persons of any such description as is mentioned in subsection (3) (or of persons connected with such persons), of the law with respect to adoption, marriage, divorce, burial, devolution of property on death or other like matters that is the personal law applicable to persons of that description.
我的性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问将与妇女、和平与安全 问题机构间工作队密切合作对上述 研 究的准备工作进行监督。
The preparation of the study was overseen by my Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women in close cooperation with the Inter-Agency Task Force on Women, Peace and Security.
咨询委员会注意到,专业及以上职类工作人员的基薪/底薪薪金表调 整对上述定 期任用工作人员服务终了离职偿金每年的费用问题以及其 他与基薪/底薪直接相关的付款产生影响。
The Advisory Committee notes that the proposed adjustment of the base/floor salary scale for staff in the Professional and higher categories would have an impact on the annual cost implications in connection with the above-mentioned end-of-service severance pay for fixed-term contracts, as well as other payments directly linked to the base/floor salary.
附录 5-A(“监测机构和作 用”)所述机构应按照附录 5-A规定的作用和职责对上一个 年度的执行计划的活动的执 行情况进行监测,并作出报告。这种监测也应接受上文第 4 款所述的独立核查。
The institutions set out in Appendix 5-A (“Monitoring Institutions and Roles”) will monitor and report on implementation of the activities in the previous annual implementation plans in accordance with their roles and responsibilities set out in Appendix 5-A. This monitoring will also be subject to independent verification as described in paragraph 4 above.
经社会不对上述分析报告进行审查,尤其是就本区域应如何把握住 为推动建立一套可起支持作用的金融系统和制定绿色增长战略而开展合 作的机会问题提供指导。
The Commission may wish to review the analysis and provide guidance, in particular on opportunities for regional cooperation in order to promote a supportive financial system and green growth strategies.
委员会注意到,申诉人未在各个场合 提出过对上诉程 序的任何不满,而且案卷也表明,申诉人并未因无律师代理或 未予以法律援助而蒙受任何损害。
The Committee notes that she did not raise any grievance in respect of the appeals procedure to the various instances and that nothing in the case file suggests that the complainant has suffered any harm as a result of the lack of legal representation or the denial of legal aid.
在我做完通报后,安理会在结束该次会议 时通过了主席声明S/PRST/2011/21,其中安理会鼓 励中非办事处与联合国驻非洲联盟办事处协调,与 驻受上帝军影响区域的联合国机构和非盟协作,制 定一项对上帝军威胁的区域战略。
Following my briefing, at the end of its meeting the Council adopted presidential statement S/PRST/2011/21, in which it encouraged UNOCA, in coordination with the United Nations Office to the African Union, to engage with the United Nations presences in the LRA-affected region and the AU to develop a regional strategy to address the threat posed by the LRA.
上,对超过 一半 的渔民来说,渔业管理被认为是影响海上安全的最重要问题。
In fact, for over half of the fishermen, [...]
fisheries management was believed to be among the most important issues that impact safety at sea.
例如,金枪鱼渔业显然是太平 洋区域最有价值的渔业活动,在一些太平洋小岛屿发展中国家里,金枪鱼渔业对 国内生产总值的贡献在 10%以上,对出口的贡献在 50%以上。
For example, tuna fishery is by far the most valuable fishing activity in the Pacific region, contributing more than 10 per cent of GDP and over 50 per cent of exports in some Pacific small island developing States.
该报告还再次证实了以色列继续没收被占领的 叙利亚戈兰居民私有财产的做法,掠夺其自然资源, 包括水资源,并在整个戈兰和巴勒斯坦建立定居点, 利用水资源作为一种对戈兰的叙利亚人民施加压力 的手段,用推土机摧毁他们的土地,将他们的果树 连根拔起,在经上对他们 实施封锁,对他们特别 是农业工人强行征收重税。
The report also confirmed once again Israel’s continuing practice of confiscating the private property of Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, plundering its natural resources, including water resources, and creating settlements throughout the Golan and Palestine, using water as a means of exerting pressure on the Syrian population of the Golan, bulldozing and destroying their land, uprooting their fruit trees, blockading them economically and imposing exorbitant taxes on them, particularly on agricultural workers.
这些评论可能对工作计划 目标的(b)部分有重要意义,将在今后的讲习 上对 其 加 以考虑,并将其纳入就 系列讲习班结束时可能开展的新工作进行的讨论中。
Those were potentially relevant to part (b) of the objectives of the workplan and would be considered at future workshops and carried forward into the discussion about potential additional work that would take place at the end of the series of workshops.
d) 在对《律师业务法》、《律师业务保障和律师的社会保护法》,以及 《刑事诉讼法》、《行政责任法典》进行修订和补充的基 上对 律 师 业务体系进 行改革,这有助于保证在刑事诉讼中起诉和辩护诉讼权的平等,采用《米兰达规 则》民主制度,确定阻碍律师活动的责任。
(d) Through amendments and supplements to the Legal Counsel Act, the Legal Practice and Lawyers’ Defence (Safeguards) Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Administrative Responsibility, the legal profession has been reformed to better balance the procedural rights of the prosecution and the defence, introduce the democratic institution of Miranda rights and make it an offence to obstruct the work of lawyers.
一位代表则坚持 认为,当地公司对生产性能力建设的作用可能比外国公司好,他建议避免通过给 予跨国公司过多的激励而实上对当 地 公司形成歧视,要求平等对待外国公司和 当地公司。
One delegate argued that local firms could do better than foreign firms in term of their impacts on productive capacity-building, and suggested avoiding discrimination against local firms through excessive incentives to TNCs and asked for giving equal treatment to foreign and local firms.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历 上对 该国 的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
欧洲联盟在第六十二届会上对一项 类似的决议草案投了反对票,并且希望有可能的话, 由各代表团以非正式磋商的形式讨论一下号决议草 案 A/C.3/63/L.28。
The European Union had voted against a similar draft resolution at the sixty-second session and had hoped that it would have been possible for delegations to discuss the text of A/C.3/63/L.28 in informal consultations.
为确定科学方面的共同战略性目标,许多会员国在答复中都认为应该把重点放在如下 的一些专题和问上:对科技 伦理标准形成一个共识、鼓励在国家立法中逐步体现教科文组 [...]
需的科学、技术和人的能力、通过促进科学研究与开发,鼓励科研成果的转让与分享以确保 所有社会都能公正地受益,从而促进发展中国家的能力建设、为创造可持续的人居条件做出 贡献、为可持续发展确定前瞻性的目标。
In determining common strategic objectives for the sciences, many respondents were of the view that emphasis should
be placed on the following themes and
[...] issues: arriving at a common understanding of ethical [...]
norms of science and technology;
encouraging the progressive translation into national legislation of normative instruments elaborated by UNESCO; the creation of national entities dealing with the ethics of science and technology; enhancing scientific, technical and human capacities to participate in the emerging knowledge societies; the promotion of capacity-building in developing countries by promoting scientific research and development and encouraging their transfer and sharing to ensure equitable benefits for all societies; contributing to the creation of sustainable living conditions; and pursuing a foresight perspective in the service of sustainable development.
在同一决议中,大会又决定特设工作组应在第六十五届会 上 , 对 特 设 工作 组向第六十三届会议提交的报告(A/63/959)附件所载的详细目录进行全面审查, 并请秘书长提交关于振兴大会工作的各项大会决议要求秘书处执行但尚未执行 [...]
的那些规定的最新清单,并说明未得到执行的限制因素和原因,供特设工作组进 一步审议。
In the same resolution, the General Assembly also decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group,
at the sixty-fifth
[...] session, should undertake a comprehensive review of the inventory contained in the annex [...]
to the report of the
Ad Hoc Working Group submitted at the sixty-third session (A/63/959), and requested the Secretary-General to submit an update of the provisions of the Assembly resolutions on revitalization addressed to the Secretariat for implementation that had not yet been implemented, with an indication of the constraints and reasons that were behind any lack of implementation, for further consideration by the Ad Hoc Working Group.
在 2010 年发布的《世界社会科学报告》的基 上 , 对 加 强 国家研究系统的跨部门平台 的工作进行了调整,使其重点转向社会科学及人文科学与自然科学之间的合作,目的在于制 定共同方法、规定职权范围,以及规划开展覆盖所有科学学科的国家研究系统审查。
On the basis of the outcomes of the World Social Science Report, published in 2010, the work of the Intersectoral Platform on Strengthening [...]
National Research
Systems has been reoriented to strengthen the cooperation between the Social and Human Sciences Sector and the Natural Sciences Sector with the aim to develop a common methodology, terms of reference and planning for undertaking national research system reviews that cover all the science disciplines.
[...] 性的可接受的学科,且需要来自于食典委、它的上级组织和各国政府的正在给予的 和持续的支持,以促进在国际和国家水 上对 它 的 理解和应用。
Risk analysis as it applies to food safety across the food chain is an internationally accepted discipline and will require ongoing and sustained inputs from the CAC, its parent
organisations and national governments to
[...] promote its understanding and application [...]
at the international and national levels.
有高性能技术设备支持的、成熟发达的初 级医疗保健救助服务和有条不紊的预防和治疗机制、病人的教育和参与,再上 对病人 的教育、病人的主动参与以及全社会包括中央政府和地方各级政府主管部 门的全面参与,可确保对摩尔多瓦共和国居民健康指标产生积极的影响。
A primary health assistance service which is well developed and supported by high performance means, with well organised prevention and treatment mechanisms, education and participation of the patient, as well as involvement of the entire community, including the local and central public administration authorities, may ensure a positive impact on the population health indicators in the Republic of Moldova.
以色列的发言改变不了这样一个事实,即以色列 有着最长、最黑暗的恐怖主义记录,将需要一本百科 全书、一座博物馆和一个档案馆来记录和揭露以色列 在其整个血腥历上对巴勒斯坦人、叙利亚人、黎巴 嫩人、埃及人、约旦人和其他人民犯下的灭绝种族罪、 战争罪和族裔清洗罪。
Israel’s statements do not alter the fact that Israel possesses the largest, blackest record of terrorism, which would need an encyclopaedia, a museum and an archive to document and shed light on the crimes of genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing carried out against the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians and others by Israel throughout its bloody history.
三个主要的干预领域是:(a)促进加强法治和实现千年发展目标的公 共政策;(b)在本地分析的基上,对 刑 事 司法和刑法系统及总体安全进行体制 发展;以及(c)加强地方和国家预防冲突和建设和平文化的能力。
The three main areas of intervention are (a) promoting public policies for strengthening the rule of law and the Millennium Development Goals; (b) institutional development of the criminal justice and penal systems and general security, based on local analyses; and (c) strengthening local and state capacities for conflict prevention and the construction of a culture of peace.




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