单词 | 寒暑表 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 寒暑表 noun —thermometer nSee also:寒 v—tremble v 暑—summer heat • hot weather
薪 金 的 加 減 , 對市民來說 , 是 最 直接反映經濟好與壞 的 寒暑表 。 legco.gov.hk | For the public, a wage increase or reduction reflects economic growth or downturn most directly. legco.gov.hk |
人多人少會成為一個寒暑表,各 團體的訴求和 議題亦會成為對政府施政的寒暑表。 legco.gov.hk | The number of participants will become a thermometer, [...] whilst aspirations and [...] topics raised by various groups will also become a thermometer of the Government's administration. legco.gov.hk |
被譽為 經濟寒暑表的股 票市場,不論是恒指的點數,以至股票的成交額和總市值, 皆創下歷史新高,市面上一片歌舞昇平。 legco.gov.hk | The stock market, [...] considered as the barometer of economic performance, has hit [...]all-time highs not just in terms of Hang [...]Seng Index points but also turnover and market value. legco.gov.hk |
勞工處也有一個很好的寒暑表,便 是提供免費的招聘服務。 legco.gov.hk | The LD has a very good thermometer, that is, the free employment service provided. legco.gov.hk |
主席,作為經濟寒暑表的股 票市場,更經歷急劇的波動,從第一波 的信貸危機引發的調整,以至第二波由經濟衰退憂慮主導跌市,不足1 年,恒生指數已下跌近2萬點,我們的股市市值蒸發了154,000億元,等 同去年本地生產總值的九倍。 legco.gov.hk | From the first wave of adjustment triggered by the credit crisis to the second wave of a slump induced by concern about economic recession, the Hang Seng Index has fallen by almost 20 000 points in less than a year with $15,400 billion evaporated in the value of the stock market, which is equivalent to nine times of last year's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). legco.gov.hk |
我們相信作為經 濟 寒暑表 的 隧 道 交 通 , 未 來 會 隨 更 多 經 濟活動而有收入 保 證 , 尤 其 是 大 嶼 山 多項經 濟 旗艦項 [...] 目 等 , 未 來 均 會 為“五 隧 一 橋 " 提 供 可 觀 收 入 的 支持理據。 legco.gov.hk | We believe that the tunnel [...] traffic, which is like a "thermometer" for economic robustness, will have [...]guarantees for revenue [...]following increased economic activities in the future, particularly in view of a number of flagship projects on Lantau, which are justifications for sizeable revenues from the five tunnels and one bridge in the future. legco.gov.hk |
十分有趣的是,雖然我們沒有全民投票,但政府經常進行民意調查, 很多大學和大專機構也進行民意調查,而參與七一的人數多寡亦逐步演 變成政府每年施政是否得到民心和是否引起羣眾憤怒 的 寒暑表。 legco.gov.hk | Interestingly enough, although we do not have any referendum, the Government always conducts opinion surveys. legco.gov.hk |
香港電台一向被視為香港新聞自由的 寒暑表 , 港 台的去向在市民及國際間引起關注,我們促請各會員若認同這個運動背後的理念,又或欲瞭解更多有關運動,可自行登入有關網站,或以實際行動支持到http://www.petitiononline.com/SaveRTHK/petition.html簽名支持。 hkja.org.hk | If you support the belief of this campaign or you want to learn more about the related issues, you can visit: http://www.petitiononline.com/SaveRTHK/petition.h tmlt or sign online to show your support directly. hkja.org.hk |
例如,當天氣寒冷或 酷熱時,民政事務總署會開放臨時避 寒 或 避 暑 中 心 ,供有需要的 市民入住。 legco.gov.hk | For instance, the Home Affairs Department provides temporary shelters to people in [...] need in the event of cold or very hot weather. legco.gov.hk |
捷信采用了一种特殊的流体,其表现 在 严 寒 酷 暑 下 都 始终如一。 gitzo.cn | Gitzo uses a special fluid that guarantees a consistent performance over a wide range of temperatures. gitzo.com |
基於上述考慮因素,她 認為適宜在2009年 7 月 8 日的立法會會議上就此 事進行休會辯論,以便議員有機會在 暑 假 休 會前 發表對檢討報告的意見。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the above considerations, she considered it appropriate to hold an adjournment debate on the issue at the Council [...] meeting on 8 July 2009 to provide an opportunity [...] for Members to express views on the review report before the summer recess. legco.gov.hk |
一些代表团对法庭开展的能力建设活动表示满意,特别是对最近举办的区域 讲习班、实习方案和暑期班表示满意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several delegations expressed their satisfaction with the capacity-building activities carried [...] out by the Tribunal, in particular its recent regional workshop and internship [...] programme, as well as the summer academy. daccess-ods.un.org |
若非如此,我們也不用為爭取㆗央公 積金而渡過了十多個寒暑了。 legco.gov.hk | Were this not so, we would not have spent more than 10 years fighting for the setting up of a central provident fund. legco.gov.hk |
在其中一册中,陆之柷论述了人体的五脏(心、肝、脾、肺、肾)和六种可能致病的外部气候因素(风 、 寒 、 暑 、 湿 、燥、火)。 wdl.org | In one of the volumes, Lu expounded on the five inner organs (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) and the six excesses, the climatic [...] external pathogenic factors believed to be the cause [...] of diseases (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, [...]and fire). wdl.org |
民研計劃,也剛好經過了十五寒暑。 hkupop.hku.hk | For us at HKUPOP, a complete 15 years of history has just elapsed. hkupop.hku.hk |
凡涉及中央政府的事務,特區政府 均噤若寒蟬,不敢發表任何 言論,即使涉及我們的雙普選,他們也不作聲。 legco.gov.hk | For all matters involving the Central Government, the SAR Government has kept its silence out of fear and it dares not express its views. legco.gov.hk |
治疗频繁痧气(反复中暑)、寒冷性 疾病、气管炎、哮喘、疼痛有特效。 business-china.com | Treats frequently mad [...] (repeatedly heat-stroke), cold disease, tracheitis, [...]asthma, ache has special effect. business-china.com |
鉴于 2010 年暑期班办得很成功,高级代表决定 使 暑 期 学 校成为一个定期 活动,并探讨可否分专题为年轻的记者、外交人员和教师等目标群体举办暑期 班。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of the success of the 2010 [...] session, the High Representative decided to make the summer school a regular activity [...]and to explore [...]the possibility of organizing sessions on thematic issues for well-targeted audiences such as young journalists, diplomats, teachers, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
早前,有醫護人員表示,在寒流襲港期間, 屯門醫院的整體病房入住率竟高達 130%,雖然近日已經回落至 110%,但仍 然是超越醫院可承受的水平,情況實在令人關注。 legco.gov.hk | Although it has recently receded to 110%, this is still beyond the capacity of the hospital, so this situation is really a cause for concern. legco.gov.hk |
市民 想 要在旺 [...] 角 吸一口 新 鮮 空氣, 可能最少要 等 三、五 、七年;想 在新界 一個環保新市鎮 散 步 , 要 等 十年八載 ; 想 在重建區坐 自 動電梯 ,則要 等 20 年;要在維 多 利 亞 港 欣 賞 清 晰 的 “ 碧 海 藍天” , 甚 至可能要等 上 30 個 寒暑。 legco.gov.hk | As an official broadcaster under the "one country, two systems" principle, RTHK is in fact an important attainment index of the principle. legco.gov.hk |
中暑的其他临床表现还 包括:脸色发红、出汗增多或无汗、呼吸频率加快、反应或警觉程度降低。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Symptoms may include flushing, increased [...] or absence of sweating, increased breathing rate and decreased consciousness. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
劉皇發議員:代理主席,區議會這個基層架構在香港成立已達 18 年之久, 在18 個寒暑中,香港在各方面都經歷了重大的變化,作為本港三層議會其 中一環的區議會,其運作亦早已踏上成熟暢順的軌道。 legco.gov.hk | As an integral part of the three-tier system, the District Councils have already operated in a mature and smooth manner a long time ago. legco.gov.hk |
(六 ) 全面檢討《僱員補償條例》,包括在附表1損傷類別內增加 精神創傷,以及將筋肌勞損、中暑列 為 附 表 2 內 的法定職業 病,以便更全面保障僱員因工作所造成的精神、身體勞損 或中暑,而除向僱員給予經濟補償外,更應完善工傷及職 業病預防及復康的機制,協助受傷僱員回復健康,重投社 會;及 legco.gov.hk | (6) to comprehensively review the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance, including the inclusion of mental impairment in the category of injury under Schedule 1 and the classification of repetitive strain injury and heat stroke as prescribed occupational diseases under Schedule 2, so as to provide more comprehensive protection for employees who suffer work-related mental disorders, physical injuries or heat stroke; and in addition to providing employees with financial compensation, improve the mechanisms for prevention of work injuries and occupational diseases as well as rehabilitation to assist injured employees in recovering and rejoining society; and legco.gov.hk |
如何讓青少年過㆒個 充實的暑假,政府自然責任重大。 legco.gov.hk | It is naturally the Government's duty to provide the youngster [...] with a meaningful summer vacation. legco.gov.hk |
我們覺得在這樣的情況之下,即使我們不說政府現時是“水浸庫房”, 但是否仍有需要這麼謹慎地理財 ─ 即謹慎的程度達至有人會批評政府 經常說“狼來了”,經常也表現出 是“ 孤 寒 財 主 ”,經常說袋中沒有錢呢? legco.gov.hk | Under such circumstances, we wonder if it is still necessary to be so prudent in financial management even if we refrain from describing the Government as having a "treasury flooded" ― its prudence is to such an extent that it draws the criticism that the Government often "cries wolf", often acts like "Scrooge", and often claims to be penniless. legco.gov.hk |
這兩份核對表講解評估中暑風險 的實用方法及預防措施, 例如供應飲用水、架設遮蔭上蓋,和安排小休時段等,讓有關行 [...] 業因應其工作性質而作出適當的安排。 legco.gov.hk | These two checklists explain practical ways for assessing [...] the risk of heat stroke and preventive measures such as provision [...]of drinking water, setting up of sunshades, arranging rest breaks, etc, so as to assist the relevant industries in making appropriate arrangements according to their work nature. legco.gov.hk |
他们必须在零下摄氏度的严寒中做早操,在雪地上翻滚、抬着轮胎或木桩呐喊!虽说被磨练得痛哭流涕,不过学生 都 表 示 这 番 寒 彻 骨 可造就了他们钢铁般的意志。 ntv7.com.my | He revealed there are some changes in the distribution of seats as the component parties have agreed to field only candidates with the best chances of winning. ntv7.com.my |
雖然㆕個寒暑已過,但當局對 引入國際公約,似乎沒有做過任何工作,只是在《男女平等機會綠皮書》㆗,用幾段提 及。 legco.gov.hk | A year has elapsed, but it seems that the Administration has not done anything for the introduction of that Convention except giving a few paragraphs to this matter in the Green Paper on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. legco.gov.hk |
如今,LED行业泛起的寒意,并不表明 LE D行业的投资前景不好(据调查,未来LED产值依然增长强劲),而是提前警示投资者:投资LED需平衡政策支持和市场全局;要长远地从LED行业受益,还需正确的投资战略。 jxlcd.com | Now, the LED industry of cold, doesn't mean the LED [...] industry investment prospect is bad (according to the survey, the future [...]of LED production remained strong growth), but early warning investors: global investment LED to balance the policy support and market; To long-term benefit from the LED industry, need the right investment strategy. jxlcd.com |
國泰航空營業及收益管理總經理邵世 昌 表 示 : 「踏 入 暑 期 旺 季,六月份的客運需求殷切,自去年起我們在印度、澳洲及北美等地增配不少運力,因此客運量增長稍微低於運力增幅已屬相當不錯的表現。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager Revenue Management, Sales & Distribution Ian Shiu said: "Passenger demand was strong throughout June in the build-up to the summer peak. swirepacific.com |