单词 | 富春江 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 富春江—Fuchun River in ZhejiangSee also:春—youthful joyful gay spring (time) lust surname Chun 江n—rivern 江—surname Jiang
002266 CH Equity 浙江富春江水电设备股份有限公司 18.2浙江 富 春 江水电设 备 股 份 有 限 公 司 为 水 电站制造及安装设备。 cre8ir.com | 002266 CH Equity Zhejiang Fuchunjiang Hydropower Equipment Company Limited 18.2 Zhejiang Fuchunjiang Hydropower Equipment Company Limited manufactures and installs equipment for hydroelectric power plants. cre8ir.com |
上海地区河湖众多,水网密布,水资源丰富,是着名的江南水乡,境内水域面积697平方公里,相当于全市总面积的11%。 shanghaibiennale.org | Shanghai benefits of plenty of waterways, a huge [...] water network and great water [...] resources: it is thefamous Jiangnan area (697 square kilometers), [...]which represents about 11% of the whole city area. shanghaibiennale.org |
二者兼具!这款娇韵诗绚丽亮彩抗衰老唇膏富含青春滋润复合成分,为您留下丰盈娇嫩双唇。 clarinsusa.com | It’s a little bit of both! Clarins’ luminous, age-defying lipstick—created with Nutri-Youth Complex—creates fuller, younger-looking lips. clarinsusa.com |
这款能够为身体密集补水的身体乳液,是La Prairie活肤身体护理系列的基石,帮助肌肤保持富有青春活力的柔润度。 silver-rain.net | Thisintensivebody hydrator, the cornerstone of La [...] Prairie’s Cellular Bodycare, helps the skin invigorate itsyouthful softness and suppleness. silver-rain.net |
2003 年,票房收入排在前 10 [...] 位的影院依次是上海永华电影城(2746 [...] 万元)、北京华星国际影城 (2429 万元)、上海环艺影城(2309 万元)、浙江庆春电影大世界(1868 万元)、四川王府 井电影城(1637 万元)、广州中华广场电影城(1533 [...]万元)、广东天河影城(1531 [...]万元)、 上海超级电影世界(1515 万元)、深圳新南国电影城(1458 万元)、浙江翠苑电影大世界(1334 万元)11 ,这些影院都是集中在中国经济最发达地区的新建和改造的现代化和多厅化影院。 uschina.org | In terms of box office revenue, the top 10 cinemas in 2003 were Paradise Warner Cinema City (Shanghai) (RMB27.46 million), UME International Cineplex [...] (Beijing) (RMB24.29 million), [...] StudioCityCinema (Shanghai) (RMB23.09 million), Qingchun Film World [...]of Zhejiang (Zhejiang) (RMB18.68 [...]million), Wangfujing Film City (Sichuan) (RMB16.37 million), China Plaza Cinema (Guangzhou) (RMB15.33 million), Tianhe Cinema (Guangzhou) (RMB15.31 million), Shanghai Cinema World (Shanghai) (RMB15.15 million), New South Movie City (Shenzhen) (RMB14.58 million) and Cuiyuan Movies World of Zhejiang (Zhejiang) (RMB13.34 million).11 All these cinemas are newly built or refurbished modern multiplexes located in the most economically developed areas in China. uschina.org |
保妥适BOTOX® 是一种独特天然纯化的蛋白质,阻断神经传导,用以治疗过度活跃的肌肉,令造成皱纹的肌肉放松,变成平滑、年轻、而且富有青春活力的容颜。 hkupop.hku.hk | BOTOX® is a natural, purified protein that relaxes wrinkle-causing muscles creating a smoothed, rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. hkupop.hku.hk |
可能有人不知道 Ruth(加拿大),她从 1991-2007 [...] 年一直都是建华的成员,据我所知,在这期间她在深圳、锦州、大庆、 哈尔滨、宜春、黑龙江等地教授英语。 jhf-china.org | For those who didn't know, Ruth (a Canadian) was a JHF [...] associate from 1991 through to 2007 and taught English in Jinzhou, Shehezi, Daqing, [...] Harbin and lastly in Yichun, Heilongjiang. jhf-china.org |
除了影片的夸张画面之外,歌词里屡屡嘲讽韩国首尔江南区的富裕上流居民,「我喜欢喝咖啡的女孩」一词显得格格不入,但其实在讽刺有些女子想跻身富有阶级,花费超过经济能力,总是待在咖啡馆里。 thisbigcity.net | The apparently incoherent line “I like a girl who drinks coffee” is actually a dig at the social climbing women who spend more money than they can really afford at coffee shops. thisbigcity.net |
严先生是中国海升果汁控股有限公司、远东科技国际有限公司、江苏南大苏富特软件股 份有限公司、深圳市宝德科技股份有限公司及深圳市元征科技股份有限公司(该等 公司之股份均於香港联合交 [...] 易所有限公司上市)之独立非执行董事。 equitynet.com.hk | Mr. Yim is an independent non-executive director of China Haisheng Juice Holdings Co. equitynet.com.hk |
曾合作的艺术家及团体有城市当代舞蹈团、香港舞蹈团、香港芭蕾舞团、香港芭蕾舞学会、修芭娜‧嘉亚辛舞团(英国)、The Arts Fission [...] Company(新加坡)、英国皇家舞蹈学院、香港话剧团、致群剧社、桃花源粤剧工作舍、香港小交响乐团、Osage Art [...] Foundation、香港电影资料馆、英皇舞台、甘国亮、陈宝珠、王家卫、刘伟强、黎海宁、伍宇烈、杨春江、梅卓燕、邢亮、桑吉加、王延林、周书毅及叶咏诗。 utopia.org.hk | Artists and organization that he has worked closely with include City Contemporary Dance Company, Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Ballet Group, Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company (UK), The Arts Fission Company (Singapore), The Royal Academy of Dance (UK), Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Amity Drama Club, Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong Film Archieve, Emperor Stage, KAM Kwok-leung, Connie CHAN, [...] WONG Ka-wai, Andrew LAU, Helen LAI, Yuri [...] NG, Daniel YEUNG, MUICheuk-yin, XI [...]Liang, SANG Jijia, Andy WONG, CHOU Shu-yi and YIP Wing-sie. utopia.org.hk |
当然市场上不乏贬值的例子,比如吴冠中1978创作的《石头林里有人家》, [...] 与去年相比,年平均贬值约51%;谢稚柳1956年创作的《西湖富春纪游》(册 页,十四开)年平均贬值约44%。 imgpublic.artprice.com | Of course, the market does not lack examples of devaluation, such as Wu Guanzhong’s 1978 creation Households and rock pillars, which compared to the previous year, had an average annual depreciation [...] rate of around 51% or such as Xie [...] Zhiliu’s1956 Spring Journeyto Xihu [...]thatsuffered an average annual depreciation of 44 imgpublic.artprice.com |
在稍上也有时,山腰,田野边缘,路旁在干燥沙土上含盐淤积土地在漫滩上; 800-5000米甘肃, 河北, 黑龙江,[阿富汗,不丹,西北部的印度,克什米尔,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦,塔吉克斯坦; 亚洲西南部(伊朗) ]. flora.ac.cn | Hillsides, field margins, roadsides on dry sandy soils, sometimes also on slightly saline alluvial soils on flood [...] plains; 800–5000 m. [...] Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, Bhutan, NW [...]India, Kashmir, Nepal, [...]Pakistan, Tajikistan; SW Asia (Iran)]. flora.ac.cn |
这款座钟的名称(阁楼工匠)表彰品牌的钟表技师们,体现他们对完美工艺和艺术境界持续不懈的追求,同时还承袭江诗丹顿丰富的历史和地域性内涵。 vacheron-constantin.com | Its name, which refers to the Geneva master-craftsmen who used to work under the rooftops of the city, eloquently embodies this unrelenting quest for technical and artistic perfection, inextricably entwined with the historical and geographical origins of the Manufacture. vacheron-constantin.com |