单词 | 富庶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 富庶 adjective —affluent adjwealthy adj富庶 —populous and affluentSee also:庶—common people (or populace) • born of a concubine • numerous
成都是中国最现代化、最繁荣富庶的 城 市之一,早在三千年前成都即已成为高度繁华的城市。 shangri-la.com | Chengdu is one of China's most modern [...] and affluent cities, yet it is also rich in a history [...]that goes back three millennia. shangri-la.com |
在社會這麼富庶的情況下,我覺得應先把那些有生活困 難的人作為首要的工作對象。 legco.gov.hk | As society is so affluent, I hold that those [...] experiencing difficulty in their living ought to be the prime targets of such work. legco.gov.hk |
一方 面,掌握知識和技術的主流勞工會受惠於知識型經濟發展,變得越來 越富 庶。 legco.gov.hk | On the one hand, mainstream workers possessing the [...] required knowledge and skills can benefit from the development of knowledge-based economy and [...] become increasingly affluent. legco.gov.hk |
香港作為一個富庶的社會,我們絕對有能力和條件使社會公道一些。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong is an affluent society. We are [...] absolutely capable of and we have the conditions for making our society fairer. legco.gov.hk |
當城市日漸富庶,㆟ 口增加,治安便益發難以 維持,罪犯愈來愈財雄勢厚,而市內較貧窮的㆞區,便可能為匪幫所操縱。 legco.gov.hk | As they grow in size and wealth, cities become more difficult to police, the pickings for [...] criminals grow bigger and bigger, [...]while poorer neighbourhoods can become dominated by criminal gangs. legco.gov.hk |
但是,一個富庶的社 會,以香港對其他人的關懷,無論是以往 的水災或現在的四川地震,也可看到香港人的那種仁慈是如此強烈的。 legco.gov.hk | However, Hong Kong is a wealthy society full of loving [...] care for other people, and as shown in the serious floods in the [...]past or the more recent Sichuan earthquake, we can see the strong compassion of Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
在一個 已經相當發達和富庶的經濟體系裏,公眾亦會期望政府提供其他服務。 legco.gov.hk | In a developed and wealthy economy, the public [...] also expects the Government to provide some other services. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,自由黨「雙管齊㆘」方案要求政府支付老㆟福利金,是香港不必加稅 而又可以支付,即時生效而延綿不絕、又要求推行公積金,積穀防饑,市民自強,社 會富庶,符合香港㆟傳統思想和長遠經濟效益,亦正符合世界銀行現時對於負債累累 的福利國家的呼籲。 legco.gov.hk | Mr President, the Liberal Party's "two-prong" proposal urges the Government to pay the elderly's welfare assistance and under such a condition, Hong Kong is able to pay without making any increase in tax, the proposal can become effective immediately and be implemented continuously. legco.gov.hk |
羅博士認為,解決不甚富庶地區 貧窮 問題的短期措施,是在地區層面創造就業機會。 legco.gov.hk | Dr LAW considered that the short-term measures to tackle poverty problem at less well-off districts were to create employment opportunities at district level. legco.gov.hk |
從這數個價值觀和減稅的 [...] 對象來看,完全無法反映我剛才說的情況,即香港人十 分 富庶 , 而且也有仁 慈心,看到周邊國家出現問題時,我們也會捐錢 [...] ─ 我不是要求政府捐 錢,這不是捐錢,而是一種責任和價值觀,但政府卻不肯做。 legco.gov.hk | These values and the targets of the current tax reduction proposals have completely failed to reflect the situation which I [...] mentioned earlier, and that is, Hong [...] Kong people are very wealthy and compassionate, [...]who donate money to the neighbouring [...]countries when they are in trouble ― I am not asking the Government to donate money, and this is not about donating money, but rather a responsibility and the values, but the Government has refused to do it. legco.gov.hk |
這個差距所造成的貧富懸殊,是否一 個 富庶 社 會認為是公道、合理 和正常的呢? legco.gov.hk | This has led to the disparity between the rich and the [...] poor. Does a wealthy society consider [...]such a phenomenon fair, reasonable and normal? legco.gov.hk |
根據局長的主體答覆,縱使以局長的估計, 即第(三)部分提到,融資佔經濟總產值由 2001 年的 3.1%,增加至 2030 年的 5.3%,這 5.3%的比例,相對於發展國家或經濟 富庶 的 國 家來說,也不算高。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Secretary's main reply, though according to the Secretary's projection as stated in part (c), health care expenditure would increase from 3.1% of the GDP in 2001 to 5.3% of the GDP in 2030, the figure is not high when compared with the developed or well-off countries. legco.gov.hk |
自由黨深信,以香港社會如此富庶, 實在不宜讓長者因輪候院舍 宿位而備受各種折磨,甚至面對死亡的威脅。 legco.gov.hk | The Liberal Party deeply believes [...] that, in such an affluent society of Hong Kong, [...]we should not allow elderly persons to [...]be in agony or to face the threat of death while they are waiting for residential care places. legco.gov.hk |
古 往 今來,國家和 地方都 相當重視 漁 農 [...] 業的發展,當今世界公 認 經濟最 富 庶 、 科 技最先 進 的 美 國,農 業部長是總統內 [...]閣 最 重 要 的 職 位之一 。 legco.gov.hk | In the case of the United States, the [...] country now generally considered to be [...] economically most affluent and technologically [...]most advanced, the Secretary of Agriculture [...]is one of the key posts in the President's cabinet. legco.gov.hk |
斯里巴加灣是汶萊的首都,這個首都城市應該是亞洲其中一個生活最輕鬆的城市,豐富的石油藏量使這裏成為婆羅洲整個島嶼上 最 富庶 的 地 方。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | The capital of Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan, is one of the most relaxed of [...] Asian cities, made wealthy by substantial oil reserves that make [...] it the most prosperous part of the [...]entire island of Borneo. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
我們要瞭解到,香港未來是要創造一個良好的居住環境,令全世界較為 富庶的中國人均以香港作為第二故鄉。 legco.gov.hk | We should know that Hong Kong must foster good living conditions so that well-off Chinese from all over the world may come here and adopt Hong Kong as their home away from home. legco.gov.hk |
香港是一個富庶的 社 會,一個文明的社會,我們要容讓我們的工人以溫飽為先。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong is an affluent and civilized society. [...] We must allow our workers to get a shelter and food before everything else. legco.gov.hk |
社會越來越文明,越來越說道理,人也因為社 會 富庶 而 變 得越來越 鄙視暴力。 legco.gov.hk | As societies get more civilized and as [...] reason is given greater importance, people become more and more contemptuous of violence [...] as society becomes more affluent. legco.gov.hk |
協 約 國 成 員 包 括 很 多 大 國 ﹐例 如 俄 國 ﹑法 國 ﹑英 國 佔 [...] 地 廣 闊 的 帝 國 ﹑中 國 ﹑ 日 本 ﹐ 以 及 富 庶 的 美 國 。 hkahe.com | The Allies included a number of big countries, Russia, France, the vast British Empire, [...] China, Japan, and the wealthy United States. hkahe.com |
總的來說,人口老化是一個值得關注的社會現象,這種現象的出現,在 一定程度上反映出社會的富庶和物 質文明的進步。 legco.gov.hk | The occurrence of such a phenomenon reflects to [...] some extent the affluence and material [...]advancements of a society. legco.gov.hk |
要達到 以㆖目標,房委會政策的空間其實不多,除非政府願意重新承擔房屋政策,不但繼續 [...] 免費提供土㆞,也在金錢㆖作出注資,使房委會的財政能更 加 富庶 ,而 毋須自供自給, 以免房委會㆒定要「向錢看」。 legco.gov.hk | The above goal cannot be achieved unless the Government is willing to take the housing policy on itself, by not only continue to provide free land [...] but also injects money to the HA, so that [...] the HA can be richer financially and [...]have no need to be self-sufficient or be “moneyoriented”. legco.gov.hk |
巴林王國由超過33個島嶼組成,位於亞拉伯海灣的中心,鄰近沙特亞拉伯東岸,相 當 富庶 而 政 局穩定。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Sophisticated, modern and cosmopolitan, Manama, the capital of Bahrain, a kingdom of 33 islands in the Arabian Gulf, is prosperous and stable. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
雖然有這樣的經濟學研究,但自由黨也認同,香港作為一 個 富庶的 社會,今天仍然有人勤勤力力,辛勞工作,但工作了整個月也只有三四 [...] 千元工資,當然是非常不理想。 legco.gov.hk | Despite these studies in economics, the Liberal Party also [...] agrees that in an affluent society like Hong [...]Kong, there are people who work very [...]hard but can only earn a monthly salary of $3,000 to $4,000. legco.gov.hk |
说道,“ 不管它有多富庶还是仅够国内生 产,都应当配备相应的监管措施。 paiz.gov.pl | Regulation should be in place whether we are a gas Eldorado or only cover domestic production. paiz.gov.pl |
憑著香港高效率的生產者服務,以及珠三角強大的生產 基地,大珠三角順理成章,成為企業在日 漸 富庶 的 國內 市場尋找商機的理想之地。 hkcer.hku.hk | With Hong Kong’s efficient producer services and the PRD’s strong manufacturing base, the [...] Greater PRD is an ideal platform for companies to seek business opportunities in [...] the increasingly affluent Mainland market. hkcer.hku.hk |
在這個富庶社會 ,如果告訴我不是以中階層級的人為主的話, 我相信是不能接受的;而且以學歷來計算,超過五成以上的人口是具備中三 或以上的學歷,所以,我看到香港基本上是以中產階級為主。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I can observe that the population of Hong Kong is predominantly middle-class. legco.gov.hk |
但是在非洲眾多城市中,奈洛比又顯得獨樹一格,除了當地相當現代之外,肯亞也是東非 最 富庶 的 國 家,許多非政府組織也設址於此,包括聯合國非洲代表團、世界糧食計畫、多間歐洲高級公署,大使館也數量繁多;此外,肯亞政壇雖然在土地等多項問題腐敗,但長期穩定,不過2007年爆發選舉爭議後,導致史無前例的大規模族群暴力衝突。 thisbigcity.net | In addition, the Kenyan political system, while corrupt – especially when it comes to land issues – is historically stable. thisbigcity.net |
香港雖然是一個高度商業化社會,但小販仍然是整體經濟的一個重要組成部份,即所謂 「 庶 民 經 濟」。 procommons.org.hk | Although Hong Kong is a highly commercialized society, hawker activities are still an important part of the overall economy. procommons.org.hk |
主席女士,曾特首在施政報告中多番表達對香港凝聚共識的企盼,這個 良好願望容或在將來可以達致,但刻下的香港,倘若不同派別人士能夠在一 些重大爭議的問題上,少一點自我、少一點對抗情緒;多一點包容,多一點 以大局為重,那便庶幾近矣。 legco.gov.hk | Maybe, we must still wait until sometime in the future before this well-intentioned goal can be realized, but for the time being, if people belonging to different parties and groupings can be less self-centred and less confrontational on highly contentious issues, if they can be more tolerant and more concerned about the overall situation, it will not be long before we can achieve the goal. legco.gov.hk |
該公約第十三條訂明,締約各國確認 (b) 各 種 中等教育,包括技術及 職業中等教育在內,應以一切 適 當 方 法,特別應逐漸採行免費教育制 度,廣 行 舉辦, 庶使人 人均有接受機 會 legco.gov.hk | (b) secondary education in its different forms, including technical and vocational secondary education, shall be made generally available and accessible to all by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education legco.gov.hk |