

单词 富于想像

See also:


conceive of

想像 n

imaginary n

External sources (not reviewed)

这位屡获大奖的建筑师被认为代表了称为“代谢” 富于想像 力 的日本新浪潮运动。
The award-winning architect is
[...] identified with the imaginative, Japanese New [...]
Wave movement known as Metabolism.
下面给出的协议描述了一个简单的方法,使用PFD的浸润安装在拟南芥叶片中等,但我们预计,这种方法可 于 成 像 空 气 丰 富 的 组 织需要的各种应用。
The protocol given below describes a simple method for using PFD as an infiltrative mounting medium in Arabidopsis
thaliana leaves, but we anticipate that this method may be used in a variety of
[...] applications where imaging air-rich tissues is desired.
富于创造力和想象力 的设计如同一股清新的和风,以其出色的独创性让人惊叹不已。
Their innovative and imaginative styling is a breath of fresh air that keeps wowing us with their impressive ingenuity.
于书籍 、印刷产品、教育或娱乐材料中时,ARIUX™通过多维数字 像 的 应用 丰 富 了 物 体的真实性。
When applied to books, printed products, educational or entertainment material, the ARIUX™ process enriches the physical reality with multi-dimensional digital imagery.
教育系统必须接 纳所有的儿童,积极寻找失学的儿童,以灵活的方式适应所有学生的情况与需求,2000
[...] 年全民教育评估提出了各种方式让学校满足学生的需要,包括消除妨碍女孩上学的障碍 的赞助性行动计划,为少数民族儿童办双语教育和为未上学的儿童开展各 富 有 想像力 的活动。
The EFA 2000 Assessment suggests a wide range of ways in which schools can respond to the needs of their pupils, including affirmative action programmes for girls that seek to remove the obstacles to their enrolment, bilingual education
for the children of ethnic
[...] minorities, and a range of imaginative and diverse approaches [...]
to address and actively engage
children who are not enrolled in school.
我們得以達致這最佳效果,全賴在政府內就這項法例擔當最大職責的機構, 即香港金融管理局(“金管局”)和財經事務及庫務局勤奮 富想像 力 的表 現。
This optimum result is due to the diligence and imagination shown by those sections of the Government most responsible for this legislation — the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau.
于像阿富汗这 样在军事冲突后正在重建的国家,首要优先事项是安全问题 而非环境和交通。
For countries such as Afghanistan, which is rebuilding [...]
itself following military conflict, the first priority has been security
concerns rather than the environment and transport.
IGEL 瘦客户机 解决方案于像 PHC 这种拥有多处网点,需要处理敏感、重 要数据,还要对客户的护理水平及时跟进和维护的公司而言 最想不过
IGEL thin client solution is a boon for companies like PHC that have multiple locations, handle sensitive and important data and where very high customer care standards are critical [...]
to upkeep and maintain.
它最大的優點卻在富於想像力的 構想。
Its greatest strength, however, lies in the imaginative conception.
楊習禮曾被傳媒讚譽為「想像力, 富 浪 漫 詩情」、「把技術與音樂融為一體,擅於傳達美的訊息」、「真摯情感表露無遺,演繹的深度,音色的精緻脫俗,令人深受感動」,於意大利羅馬國際鋼琴大賽和德國博倫舒威的國際音樂節中獲獎。
Esteemed by the press
[...] as the pianist with 'imagination and romance in his [...]
poetry'’, 'exquisite tone, interpretative insights
and deep communicative powers', Raymond Young won the First-prize Medal (Two Piano section) and the Silver Medal (Piano Duet section) at The International Piano Competition in Rome, Italy; and was honoured at the Braunschweig Classix Festival in Germany as a promising young artist with the 'Forderpreis'.
这乐队以其醉人富想像力的流行乐曲而著名,两位乐队中心人物:歌手杰西卡•拉波 (Jessika Rapo) 和鼓手亨利 •奥贾拉更是合作无间。
Distinguished by its hypnotic
[...] and fanciful pop sound, Burning Hearts is a collaboration between singer Jessika Rapo and drummer Henry Ojala; Rapo has sung [...]
with Le Futur Pompiste
and the acclaimed Magenta Skycode, while Ojala has played with indie phenom Cats on Fire.
冰岛相信,新的裁减战略武器条约和核裁军领 域的其他最新进展将有于像《不 扩散条约》第六 条想的那 样,实现最终消除所有核武器。
Iceland was confident that the momentum created by the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and other recent developments in the area of
nuclear disarmament
[...] would help achieve the eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons, as envisaged in article [...]
VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
長期經濟衰退帶來各種衝擊,包括裁員潮、高失業率、法拍屋大增,許多美國人突然驚覺,原來自己不 想像 般 富 有 , 大屋過去是繁榮的表徵,如今因房貸利率調整、整體經濟發展趨緩,卻淪為財務重擔;藉房屋快速轉手致富的風氣在全國各地已經消散。
The large homes that were once symbols of prosperity became a financial millstone once mortgage rates reset and the larger economy slowed down.
于妇女权利,它重申富汗批 准了《消除对妇 女一切形式歧视公约》,并按照该《公约》,制定了保护妇女免遭暴力的法律, 以使妇女在政府和阿富汗的社会生活中享有适当份额。
Regarding women’s rights, it was reiterated that Afghanistan had ratified the [...]
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women and had in place a law to protect women from violence, in conformity with the Convention, in order to give women an appropriate share in the Government and social life in Afghanistan.
但是,如果有条件解释性声明实际上 的“行为像”一保 留,是否符合保留允许性条件的问题 于 条 约 关系的内容和(甚至存在)并没有实 际的影响。
However, in the event that the conditional
[...] interpretative declaration actually “behaves like” a reservation, the question of whether it meets [...]
the conditions for
the permissibility of reservations does have a real impact on the content (and even the existence) of treaty relations.
这个想,我 们似乎很奇怪,必须是相当赞赏,一并采取的反对个人观点 [见第(3)本节 ]在国家和津贴也必须为它的教学价值进行 于像 早 期 的希伯来人的人民。
This idea which to us seems so strange, must, to be fairly appreciated, be taken in conjunction with the national as opposed to the individual viewpoint [see under (3) of this section]; and allowance must also be made for its pedagogic value for a people like the early Hebrews.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎联合国同法语国家国际组织之间的合作得到加强 而富有成 效;邀请联合国系统各组织同法语国家国际组织秘书长进行协作,确 定协同行动新方式;邀请联合国秘书长同法语国家国际组织秘书长协作,采取必 要措施,继续促进两组织间的合作;并且请秘书长向大会第六十七届会议提出于决议执行情况的报告(第 65/263 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General
Assembly welcomed the
[...] strengthened and fruitful cooperation between the United Nations and the International Organization of la Francophonie; invited the United Nations system organizations to collaborate with the Secretary-General of la Francophonie by identifying new synergies; invited the Secretary-General of the United Nations to take the steps necessary, in consultation with the Secretary-General of la Francophonie, to continue to promote cooperation between the two Organizations; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a report on the implementation of the resolution [...]
(resolution 65/263).
富图摄-摄像套装是针对拥有带 像 功 能 的数码单反相机用户的 想 产 品 ,它可以帮助摄影师创造出高质量的摄影/摄像作品,并且在摄影或摄像模式之间切换没有任何问题。
The Manfrotto photo-movie kit is the right product for all those photographers utilizing the new functionalities [...]
of their video DSLR- for producing high quality multimedia photo/movie contents using a single
support, and without accepting any compromise either in photo or in video mode.
[...] Jumper的母嬰用品、即沖薯蓉和草坪噴灑器以至現代塑膠垃圾袋,都是加拿大人運用 富想像 力 所 創造出來,且已成為了日常生活的部分。
From Ginger Ale to insulin, from Bombardier's "Ski-doo" to Plante's goalie mask, plus the "Jolly Jumper," instant mashed potatoes, the lawn
sprinkler and the modern plastic garbage bag, items
[...] created from Canadian imagination and insight are [...]
a part of our daily lives.
于想要达 到这种效果的照片部分,在摘下眼镜的情况下,调整 X 值,使两幅像看起来叠在一起 (看不到双像)。
With your glasses off, adjust the X value such that the two images appear overlapped (no double image) for that part of your picture.
由澳門樂團精心排練的《法國音樂之夜》於7月21日假崗頂劇院舉行,為樂迷獻奏法國浪漫主義時期音樂所呈現的 富想像 力 、表現力和誘惑力。
Selected members of the Macao Orchestra are going to bring you a night of romantic French music at Dom Pedro V Theatre on July 21.
要是沒有紋飾也是全善的煙壺,但加 富 於 想像 的 精彩巧雕,這件鼻煙壺遠遠超越一般的技術能力。
As an undecorated bottle it would be faultless, but by adding
[...] one of the most imaginative and best conceived [...]
and executed ink-play
subjects in the entire medium, the artist has lifted the bottle far beyond mere technical competence.
我们提供的创新型材料能够为最终用户创造效益,并帮助品牌所有人开发 富于想 象 力 而且与众不同的产品。
We supply innovative materials that benefit end users and help brand owners create imaginative products that stand out.
于在冲 突和冲突后地区的作用问题,一些会员国认为应继续宣传和平文化的 想, 使 教科文组织在这方面的活动与其它联合国组织的活动,特别是在重建教育体系和保护文化 遗产方面的活动协调一致。
Concerning the contribution to conflict and
[...] areas, several Member States proposed to continue promoting the ideals of a culture of peace and to coordinate UNESCO’s action [...]
in that regard
with that of other United Nations organizations, in particular as regards the reconstruction of education systems and the preservation of cultural heritage.
他能看见对岸生活的很多片段:茂山铁矿、朝鲜劳动党纪念碑、挂着金日成 像 的 火 车站、山腰上的巨幅标语“21世纪太阳金正日将军万岁”、村落中飘起的炊烟、江边的朝鲜士兵、1945年遗留至今的断桥、只能停在图们海关桥中间的旅游团、放在江边遥祭对岸祖先的祭品……镜头中,只有那群野鸭可以任意悠 于想 去 的 地方。
He could see slices of life opposite the river such as Musan iron ore, memorial tower of Workers' Party of Korea, train
station with General Kim Il
[...] Sung's portrait, the giant slogan on the mountain side saying Long Live the General Kim Jong II the Sun of the 21st Century, wisps of smoke rising from the kitchen chimneys of village, Korean soldiers on the riverside, the broken bridge left over from 1945, the tourist groups which are stopped by the Tu Men Customs Bridge, the sacrifices by the river in remote offering for the ancestors across… In the lens only the wild ducks could swim to where they would like to go.
因此, 对于想将密 封系统这一环节从其生产链上省去, 或希望和 [...]
我们一起迈出在这个技术领域的第一步的客户, 您将享有我们公司集团所拥有 的共同的技术知识。
Thus customers who for
[...] whatever reasons want to outsource the [...]
sealing system from their production chain, or who would like
to take the first steps in using this technology together with us, have access to the entire group knowledge.
这包括但不于青年才俊通过文字和 像 表 达 对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来的显著“影响”;大学生在完全属于他们自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟 [...]
入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场的记录;创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和娱乐性的方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but
[...] are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their [...]
expectations of
the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
安达格在全球生物制药行业拥有 30 年的从业经验,其中有 21 年服务于先灵葆雅公司(Schering-Plough Corporation),他曾在此公司担任过众多与国际市场相关的工作, 于像 拉 丁美洲和东欧这样的新兴市场有着 富 的 经 验。
Douglas has over 30 years of experience in the global biopharmaceutical industry, 21 of which were with the Schering-Plough Corporation, where he held a series of international roles gaining extensive experience in emerging markets such as Latin America and Eastern Europe.
此外,除了配备全新的烹饪模式、烟花模式和连拍高尔夫挥杆模式等场景模式外,CX5还改进了 于 变 焦 微距模式拍摄的超级分辨率变焦功能和其他功能,让拍摄 像 更 富 乐 趣
Furthermore, in addition to the new Cooking, Fireworks, and Continuous Golf Swing scene modes, the CX5 has improved features that make shooting photographs even more fun through the use of super-resolution zoom during Zoom Macro mode shooting and other functions.




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