单词 | 富丽堂皇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 富丽堂皇 —sumptuous mansions (idiom); splendorous and majesticSee also:堂皇—grand • imposing 堂堂—majestic appearance
富丽堂皇的宫 殿曾是现今国家统治者—Al Nahyan 王朝的皇家宅邸。 shangri-la.com | This grand palatial fort was once the majestic residence of the Al Nahyan royal family, the [...] present rulers of the country. shangri-la.com |
还用其它语种(法语、英语、西班牙 语和俄语)制作了电影“富丽堂皇的 圣 彼得堡”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Different language versions of the film on the splendour of Saint Petersburg were also produced (in French, English, Spanish and Russian). unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,该城直到二十世纪仍然十分美丽, 有 富丽堂皇 的 清真寺和 大客栈,甚至有在卡什卡达里亚河(Kashka Darya River)上建造的一座宏伟的大 桥。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The city has therefore been [...] continually embellished until the twentieth century with beautiful mosques, caravanserais [...]and even a [...]grandiose bridge constructed over the Kashka Darya River. unesdoc.unesco.org |
高雅经典的科林斯大街 101 [...] 号拥有令人赞叹的宽敞大厅,当您踏上世服宏图 27 层时,富丽堂皇的装饰和专业优秀的世服宏图团队将带给您更多惊艳。 servcorp.com.cn | Elegant and classical in inspiration, 101 Collins St not only [...] boasts a breathtaking foyer but when you step [...]onto the Servcorp's Level 27 you will be [...]even more impressed by the stunning fit out and the outstanding Servcorp support team. servcorp.be |
一成员强调,2000 年,当时的高级监测和评价干事曾着重指出,尽管巴西 的 富丽堂 皇履约基准是 10,521 ODP 吨,但巴西采用了 9,276 ODP 吨的总体详见起点。 multilateralfund.org | One member emphasized that, in 2000, the then Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer had highlighted that Brazil, despite having a CFC baseline for compliance of 10,521 ODP tonnes, had adopted a starting point for aggregate reductions of 9,276 ODP tonnes. multilateralfund.org |
建筑师在修道院中央建起了一座 富丽堂皇 的 新古典主义风格的教堂,证明了建筑师对帕拉迪奥(Palladio)的钟爱。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The architect built in its centre a [...] splendid neo-classical chapel, an expression of [...]his taste for the architecture of Palladio. en.chateauversailles.fr |
虽然通过动画制作磨炼了自己很多的绘画技术,但我个人的绘画风格则受到胡德森•里弗画派这样的老学派、浪漫主义以及欧洲象征主义者创作 的 富丽堂皇 的 舞 台布景的影响;还有桑多菲(Sandorfi)、贝克辛斯基 (Beksinski)、乌加特(Ugarte)等当代艺术家以及法国法国浪漫主义艺术先驱(LES Visionnaires)也在其中。 cn.insideyourart.com | Even though animation has helped me a lot in practicing my skills, my personal style is influenced by old schools like the Hudson River School, The Romantics and the European Symbolists for their grandiose, theatrical scenery; my style has also been shaped by contemporary artists like Sandorfi, Beksinski, Ugarte and The Visionaries (Les Visionnaires) in France. insideyourart.com |
完备套装,组合丰富,能将花园设计 得 富丽堂皇。 oase-livingwater.com | Richly faceted complete set with abundant possibilities [...] for effective garden design. oase-livingwater.com |
森纳赫里布(Sennacherib,公元前 704-681 年在位)将尼尼微变成了一座宏伟的城市,其统治下的尼尼微有着崭新的街道、广场和一个有围墙的运河系统,他还建造了一座庞大 而 富丽堂皇 的 宫 殿。 wdl.org | Sennacherib (ruled 704–681 BC) transformed Nineveh into a magnificent city with new streets, squares, and a canal system within a walled area and built a vast and splendid palace. wdl.org |
注视下,雄伟的雪山峰,一个字符串的迷人的村庄周围安静的水的湖里面,作为隐藏的宝石戒指涌现大量的美丽的岛屿凡在另一个窗体是多 了 富丽堂皇 的 宫殿和妖娆花园: 博罗梅奥群岛。 cn.500destinations.com | Under the imposing gaze of snowy peaks, a string of charming villages form a ring around the quiet waters of [...] Lake inside which, as hidden gems, [...] emerges a number of beautiful islands where in [...]another was have been built magnificent [...]palaces and voluptuous gardens: the Borromeo Islands. 500destinations.com |
城市观光之旅将引领游客探索阿布扎比最引人入胜的旅游景点。这趟旅程将带领游客穿梭在最繁忙的港口、热闹的当地集市 , 富丽堂皇 的 城堡以及高耸入云的摩天大楼之间。 shangri-la.com | The city tour affords visitors an opportunity to explore some of the best tourist hotspots in Abu Dhabi by including busy ports, local markets, palatial forts and soaring skyscrapers as part of its itinerary. shangri-la.com |
但是,與龍應台筆下所形容 我們香港這種雍容華貴、富貴堂皇、 氣 派宏大的國際都會相比,我們怎可以 [...] 容許這羣老人家過着如此卑微的生活呢? legco.gov.hk | However, in contrast with the glamorous, dainty, splendid, grand [...] metropolitan Hong Kong described by LUNG Ying-tai, how [...] can we allow this group of elderly people [...]to lead such lowly lives? legco.gov.hk |
當然,亦有些較新的區議會會議場 地富麗堂皇,設 備齊全,可媲美大家現時身處的立法會議事堂。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, some relatively new meeting venues looked very impressive and were well appointed, comparable to the Legislative Council Chamber where we are sitting at the moment. legco.gov.hk |
DOM Lounge 的名字源自俄語「家」一詞,其宏偉入口 以 富 麗 堂皇 的 俄 式室內裝潢揭開序幕。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Deriving its name from the Russian word for ‘Home’, DOM Lounge’s grand entrance sets the scene for the venue’s impressive Russian themed interior. marinabaysands.com |
Jakob Maier,一名来自德国南部美丽富饶的阿尔高农业区的农民,在过去四十多年时间里一直从事乳品设备开发和生产工作。 wacker.com | Jakob Maier, a farmer by background from [...] the agriculturally rich Allgäu region in [...]southern Germany, has been developing and [...]producing dairy equipment for over four decades. wacker.com |
其它著名景点还包括壮丽的兜率皇殿 (D usit Hall)和收藏各种佛像的博物馆。 shangri-la.com | Visits usually include a stop at the impressive [...] Temple of Dawn and the Royal Barge Museum. shangri-la.com |
卓越的建筑师设计的别墅真正了不起的舒适,品位和风格!装饰与高品质的家具和设备,最好的品牌,音响系统(整个别墅和梯田),室内游泳池,提供一个真正的乐趣...坐落在住宅区的质量,有关3公里,距离 美 丽 的 海 滩Mousterlin,求MEIL和 第 堂 妹 和 镇 富 埃 南。 sibellevilla.fr | Wonderfully appointed with the top brands in furniture and appliances, a sound system covering the entire villa and terraces, the indoor swimming pool is a real delight all year round... Located in a [...] sought after residential [...] area, about 3km from the beautiful beaches of Mousterlin, Beg Meil and Cap-Coz [...]and from the town of Fouesnant. sibellevilla.fr |
你有一個偉大的冠冕堂皇的系 統,我們可以告訴你,這一切是如何結合在一起的。 hkcarworld.com | You'll have a great-sounding system, and we can show you how it all fits together. hkcarworld.com |
雖然我完全同意男女平等這個大原則,但是原動議和修訂 動議,字句看似冠冕堂皇,其 實卻是混淆視聽,建基於㆒個誤導性的假定之㆖。 legco.gov.hk | While I entirely agree with the principle of equality between men and women, the original motion and the amendment motion, whose wording is high-sounding, are actually misleading as they are based on a mistaken assumption. legco.gov.hk |
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和 美 丽 的 皇 后 大 学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。 discoverireland.com | This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too – you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores. discoverireland.com |
服务于皇家海军伊丽莎白 级航空母舰的先进武器操 作系统中的线性移动和机械传动系统。 powerjacks.com | linear motion and mechanical power transmission systems for the advanced weapon handling system for the Royal navy’s cVF Queen Elizabeth class vessels. powerjacks.cn |
香港的TK Wong勇奪冠軍寶座,其作品「荷花映月」設計概念源自皎潔明月映照著盛開之荷花,代表國家繁榮興盛,散發光芒;而亞軍得主則為來自中國的林燕華,其作品「剪紙菊花燈」設 計 富 麗 堂皇 、 恢弘大氣,寓意國家興盛;季軍則由香港的盧振銘取得,作品名為「金光銀影慶團圓」,靈感源自佛家、以六十三粒金光寶珠慶賀祖國六十三周年國慶、展現家國慶賀團圓,寓意國家興盛發光亮。 yp.mo | 8 winning lanterns from the “Galaxy Macau Lantern Design Competition 2012” will be displayed at East Square, including the champion “Glowing Lotus”, the first runner up “Silhouette of Chrysanthemum” and the second runner up “Silvery Realm”. yp.mo |
双方应保持冷静,并避 免冠冕堂皇的空 话或任何有损和平进程的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both parties should remain calm and avoid rhetoric or any actions that could undermine the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
櫃身整體的格子圖案用鑲嵌法、象徵 財 富 和 權 力的勳章、洛可可的基調和花的裝飾、腳有以鍍金青銅裝飾的雄羊的面孔、是為皇家而製 的 堂皇 和 豪 華的款式。 est-ouest.co.jp | The body is designed with lattice [...] pattern marquetry, medals [...] that symbolize wealth and power, Rocaille and floral motif decoration, and face of ram is richly decorated with bronze plating on the legs, stately and luxurious model for a King. est-ouest.co.jp |
在我们汇聚一堂讨论阿富汗局 势时,我的国家正 着手向阿富汗充分主权、国家自主权和领导权过渡, 以努力实现建立一个安全、民主和繁荣并能独立地满 [...] 足公民需求的国家这一崇高愿景。 daccess-ods.un.org | As we come [...] together to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, my country [...]is embarking on the transition to full Afghan sovereignty, [...]national ownership and leadership in an effort to realize the noble vision of a secure, democratic and prosperous nation that is able to meet the needs of citizens independently. daccess-ods.un.org |
路博润的 FlowGuard®富丽管™ 系列CPVC管材和管件 是全球应用最广泛的CPVC冷热水管道系统,其卓越的抗腐蚀性可避免出现点蚀和剥落,并且不受水中pH值和氯含量的影响,能够带来更长久可靠的性能,杜绝铜溶浸及其造成的饮用水污染问题。 cn.lubrizol.com | Lubrizol's FlowGuard® family of CPVC pipe [...] and fittings is the most widely used CPVC plumbing system in the world and features [...]superior corrosion resistance that eliminates pitting and scaling, regardless of pH or chlorine levels in water - meaning a longer, reliable performance without the threat of copper leaching and subsequent drinking water contamination. lubrizol.com |
此次行程的亮点是参观秦始皇兵马俑 , 丽 贝 卡将切身体验由努力、组织、团结和社会凝聚力创造的历史杰作。 shanghaibiennale.org | As the highlight of the trip, Rebekkah will be taken to visit the Terracotta Warriors where she will experience a historic vision of what can be achieved through hard work, organization, unity and social cohesion. shanghaibiennale.org |
历来的情况都是,任何时候,每当某个用于阻 碍解除对古巴封锁的冠冕堂皇的借 口站不住脚,总会 有新的借口取而代之,从而为延续一项从任何方面来 看都不可持续的政策作辩解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Traditionally, whenever the pretexts brandishedas alleged obstacles to lifting the blockade against Cuba collapse, new excuses replace them in order to justify the continuation of a policy that is unsustainable from every viewpoint. daccess-ods.un.org |