

单词 密码电报

See also:

密码 adj

cryptographic adj


pin number
secret code

电报 n

cable n
telegraphic n
telex n

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长特别代表办公室越来越多地负责起 密码电报 和 复 杂报告。
The Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General is becoming increasingly
[...] responsible for drafting code cables and complex reports.
此外,就可能具有区域影响的活动和事件,如邻国预定在同一期 间举行选举,交流有密码电报也是 有益之举。
Additionally, the exchange of pertinent code cables regarding activities and
[...] events that have potential regional implications, [...]
such as elections in neighbouring
countries scheduled within a similar time frame, would be useful.
另外,拟议从人道主义和发展协调股调出 1 个行政助理(外勤人员)职位任副
[...] 特别代表个人助理,以执行保持副特别代表的日历;准备必要的会议背景文件; 管理非机密和机密文件包密码电报 ; 处理信件和将紧急信件提请副特别代表注 意;与支持部门落实行政问题;通过引入新备案归档制度重组该办公室;安排副 [...]
特别代表在任务区内外的公务旅行;组织高级别代表团访问,并起草英法文信件 等任务。
In addition, it is proposed that one post of Administrative Assistant (Field Service) be redeployed from the Humanitarian and Development Coordination Unit to serve as Personal Assistant to the Deputy Special Representative, to perform tasks including maintaining the Deputy Special Representative’s calendar; preparing necessary background
documentation for meetings; managing both unclassified and classified
[...] documents, including code cables; clearing correspondence [...]
and bringing urgent
correspondence to the attention of the Deputy Special Representative; following up on administrative issues with the support component; reorganizing the Office with the introduction of a new filing and archiving system; organizing the Deputy Special Representative’s official travel both within and outside the mission area; organizing visits of high-level delegations; and drafting correspondence in English and French.
除了执行整个办公室的行政任务外,任职者将管理特别代表的日历,分发和 存档来密码电报及每 日和每周了解情况报告,安排特别代表办公室的会议和官 方活动,并履行其他常规行政职能。
In addition to performing administrative tasks for the entire Office, the incumbent will manage the Special Representative’s calendar,
distribute and archive
[...] incoming and outgoing code cables and daily and weekly situational awareness reports, arrange meetings [...]
and official events
for the Office of the Special Representative and perform other routine and administrative functions.
作为评价过程的第一个步骤,内部监察厅审查了有关的文件,其中许多文件 是这两个部根据要求提供的,包括 密码电报 、 任 务规定、秘书长的报告、关于 合作与协调的内部文件和资料,以及各个相关区域组织的资料。
9. As the first step in the evaluation process, OIOS reviewed relevant documents, many of which were provided
by the Departments, upon
[...] request, including: code cables, mandates, reports of the Secretary-General, [...]
internal documents,
literature on cooperation and coordination and literature on the relevant regional organizations.
我的 Jabra STONE2 在有来电时只报来电者号码,不播 报 来 电 者 姓 名。
My Jabra STONE2 announces only Caller number and not name during an incoming call.
宪法》第 28 条确立了通信密原则 ,其中规定信件 电报 及 其 他邮政 通信、电话通话、其他合法通信手段的保密性不可侵犯。
Article 28 of the Constitution
[...] establishes the secrecy of correspondence, stating that secrecy of the letters, telegrams and other postal [...]
communications, of
telephone conversations, and of any other legal means of communication is inviolable.
这可能是由于手机不能在适当的时间内将联系人资料转到 Jabra FREEWAY,因此它只能报来电者号码。
This might be due to fact that the mobile phone could not forward contact details to the Jabra FREEWAY within the reasonable time, and hence it would only announce the Caller Number.
在限时禁发条件 下,向媒体提供密码保护的读取权,以便其有充分的准备时间,及 报 道。
The media is provided with password-protected advance access – under embargo – to allow adequate preparation time for timely reporting.
其他方案包括自密码生成 ,从而使缔约国能够保护其数据的存取,并且能 够生电子邮 件信息,以鼓励填写问卷。
Other options include automated password generation so that States Parties are able to protect access to their data [...]
as well as the ability to generate email messages to encourage
completion of the questionnaire.
请在下方输入您电子邮件地址,我们将发送一个 密码 给 您
Please enter your e-mail address below and we will send a new password to you.
[...] 接受监督厅的建议,即应按照行业最佳做法,落实实体控制和环境控制措施,并 修订处理码电报的内部程序。
UNMIL accepted the recommendations of OIOS that it implement physical
and environmental controls in line with industry best practice and amend its internal
[...] procedures for handling code cables.
法庭表示,信息技术事务科之后一直在 密 切 地 检查电话费用单,以 防异常活动,并仔细监测拨打的码 、 电 话 目 的地及每次通话的费用,无论电话 记录为私人电话还是业务电话,均一律严查。
The Tribunal indicated that the Information
Technology Services
[...] Section has since been examining telephone bills more closely for unusual activity, carefully monitoring numbers dialled, [...]
call destinations
and costs per call, regardless of whether calls are recorded as personal or business.
进行匿名登录时,请将用户名留 为默认值,或密码留空 ,或按照所提供的服务器的要求输入您 电 子邮 件地址。
For anonymous login, leave the Username at its default value, and either leave the password blank, or enter your email address as a courtesy to the server provided.
举例来说,对保电子通 信或者投标书或其 报 盘 保密 性的具体措施规定的安全标准和数据完整性保护标准,一定会比纸介通信所适 用的保护措施的标准更高(因为纸面环境中即使有这类标准也很少),如果允许 [...]
For example, specific
[...] safeguards for e-communications or confidentiality in tenders or other offers would inevitably [...]
set higher standards
of security and for preserving integrity of data than those applicable to paper-based communications (because there are very few, if any, such standards set in the paper-based world), and they may fail to allow for the risks that paper-based communications have always involved.
(a) 报告、确认书、通知及任何其他通讯可传送予客戶提供之客戶地址、电邮地址、短讯服 务码、电话号码或传真号码。
(a) Reports, written confirmations, notices, and any other communications may be transmitted to the Client‟s address, e-mail address, SMS, telephone [...]
or fax number given by the Client.
通过并购或创设,Bourns 仍在持续不断地发展壮大。 现今公司产品线包括密电位器 、面板控制器、 码 器 、 电 阻 器 /电容器网络、片式电阻器/阵列、电感器、变压器、自恢复保险丝、晶闸管过压保护器、馈线电阻器、气体放电管、电话局保护器、5 针保护器、工业信号、灌溉及石油保护器、CATV 同轴电缆保护器、信号数据保护器、室内外 POT 分路器、网络接口器件以及集成电路等。
Product lines now include precision potentiometers, panel controls, encoders, resistor/capacitor networks, chip resistors/arrays, inductors, transformers, resettable fuses, thyristor-based overvoltage protectors, line feed resistors, gas discharge tubes, telephone station protectors, 5-pin protectors, industrial signal, irrigation and petroleum protectors, CATV coax protectors, signal data protectors, indoor and outdoor POT splitters, network interface devices, and integrated circuits.
一份 2010 年美 国大使馆的密电报说明了美国对中国持保留看法的一 些更激烈的言辞。
A confidential U.S. embassy cable from 2010 illustrates [...]
some of the more ardent expressions of U.S. reservations about China.
为了达到最大的能源效率,同时以低功耗实现最高性能,Blackfin处理器采用了各种高级设计技术,包括:可编程电压与频率调节、时钟周期分辨率动态时钟门控、支持深度睡眠与休眠模式的多电源域、可实现总线激活能量最小化的高 码密 度 、 用于实现最佳性能 电 源 效率的混合阈值电压晶体管、实现最大电源效率的完全定制的处理器内核、使用灵活的硬件加速器,以及支持mSDRAM以实现最小板级功耗。
To maximize energy efficiency, while providing the highest levels of performance at low power, Blackfin processors use a wide range of advanced design techniques including programmable voltage and frequency scaling, clock-cycle resolution dynamic clock gating, multiple power domains that support
deep-sleep and
[...] hibernate modes, high code density to minimize bus-activation energy, mixed threshold-voltage transistor utilization for optimal performance and power efficiency, [...]
a full-custom processor
core for maximum energy efficiency, judicious use of hardware accelerators, and support for mSDRAM to minimize board-level power consumption.
(9)“平台数据”指的是所有的访问数据(比如客户身份、用户名密 码)、联系数据(现存关于 SupplyOn 服务和客户之间的合约关系的数 据)、交易数据(使用 SupplyOn 服务过程电子记录的访客流量统计 文件)、公司概况数据(公司信息、客户提供的产品和服务的信息)、 商业数据(客户在使用 SupplyOn 服务时传输给另一客户的数据)和注 册数据(联系数据和公司概况数据)。
(9) "Platform Data" refers to all Access Data
(for example Customer
[...] ID, user name or password), Contract Data (data on the existing contractual relationship with the Customer as regards use of the SupplyOn Services), Transaction Data (log files electronically [...]
recorded during use
of the SupplyOn Services), Company Profile Data (information on the company, products and services provided by the Customer), Business Data (data which a Customer transmits to another Customer when using the SupplyOn Services) and Registration Data (Contract Data and Company Profile Data).
重新定义:用户名密码;电子邮 件地址。
Redefine: username; password; email addresses.
专门机构应有使电码及经由信使或 密 封 邮袋收发信件的权 利。
The specialized agencies shall have
[...] the right to use codes and to dispatch and receive correspondence by courier or in sealed bags, which [...]
shall have the same
immunities and privileges as diplomatic couriers and bags.
宪法》第30 条保证维护和保护个人自由,而第35至39条和43至45条 具体规定增进和保护一些自由和权利,包括信仰和祈祷自由,见解和科学研究自 由,言论自由,新闻、出版和印刷自由,邮政 电报 和 电 话 通 讯的自由和 密, 结社自由和建立工会自由
Article 30 of the Constitution guarantees the preservation and protection of personal freedom, while articles 35–39 and 43–45 provide for the promotion and protection of a number of freedoms and rights, including: freedom of belief and worship; freedom of opinion and scientific research; freedom of expression; freedom of the press, printing and publishing; the freedom and confidentiality of postal and telegramme correspondence and communication by telephone; freedom of association and the freedom to establish trade unions, subject to the principles of domestic law; freedom of assembly; and the right to correspond directly with the public authorities.
截至 2008 年,有 700
[...] 多家新闻机构、850 份出版物,近 15,000 有证记者, 中央及省一级有 68 家电台和电视台以及陆基码电视台 (85%的越南家庭可收看电 视),80 份电子报纸,上万个新闻网站以及 55 家出版商。
As of 2008, there are over 700 press agencies with 850 publications, nearly 15,000 licensed journalists, 68 radio and television stations at central and provincial levels and land-based digital TV stations (85
per cent of Vietnamese
[...] households have access to Viet Nam Television), 80 e-newspapers, thousands of news websites and 55 publishers.
关于涉及效率问题的第 4.1.3 节,应当强调,除了关于全球艾滋病基金可以 获得开发署内部审报告的 开发署执行局第 2011/23 号决定外,开发署已建立一 个密电子门 户,允许指定的全球艾滋病基金工作人员查阅日内瓦编写的审报 告。
Regarding section 4.1.3, on efficiency, it should be emphasized that in addition
to UNDP Executive
[...] Board decision 2011/23, on Global Fund access to UNDP internal audit reports, UNDP has established a secure electronic portal to allow designated Global Fund staff to review its audit reports from Geneva.
(b) 为了确保提高成本效益 各国救援协调中心 RCC 应当立即将它们的电话和传真码 电子 邮件地址 海事卫星组织或移电话号码等通知 SPMCC 以便立即接收来自该中心的报信息
(b) In order to ensure cost-effectiveness, various country rescue coordination centres
(RCCs) should
[...] immediately provide SPMCC with their telephone and fax numbers, e-mail, Inmarsat or cellular phone numbers etc. for immediate alert messages from SPMCC
这意味着如果您购买了一个 3 位操作员的套餐,您可以在账户中创建 3
[...] 个操作员配置文件,为每个配置文件进行一系列自定义,如名称、登录名 密码 、 电 子 邮 件、图片、字体等。
This means that if you purchase a 3-opeartor subscription, you can create 3 operator profiles in your account with a
set of customizations for each of them
[...] e.g. name, login, password, e-mail, picture, [...]
font etc. All of your operator profiles can be online concurrently.
在性别平等处的协作下,教科文组织编写了《妇女与自由与开放 码 软 件 (FO SS )报 告》,并启动了规划工作,目的是与非洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲和北美洲声誉较高的妇女 [...]
FOSS 支助团体一起,全面审查当前在 FOSS 世界中的性别鸿沟。
In cooperation with the Division for Gender
[...] Equality, a report on Women and Free Open Source Software [...]
(FOSS) was prepared, and planning
has been initiated for a comprehensive overview of the current gender divide in the FOSS world to be undertaken in collaboration with well-established women’s FOSS support-groups in Africa, Latin America, Asia and North America.




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