单词 | 密歇根州 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 密歇根州—Michigan, US stateSee also:密歇根—Michigan, US state
例如,在制造业久负盛名的美国密歇根州的底特律市,因 为制造工厂转移到海外,那里流失了很多高薪工作岗位。 remminternational.com | An example would be the city of Detroit, [...] in the State ofMichigan,whichhas lost [...]many well-paying jobs to offshore manufacturing. remminternational.com |
例如我们在美国密歇根州安德里安的大型生产基地就有42%的雇员是工会成员。 reports.wacker.com | At our major US production [...] site in Adrian (Michigan), for instance, [...]some 42 percent of the employees are unionized. reports.wacker.com |
於香港大学毕业,获颁文学士学位,其後於美国密歇根州州立大学毕业,获颁工商管理硕士学位。 wingtaiproperties.com | He graduated from the University of Hong [...] Kong with a Bachelor of Arts degree and [...] later from the Michigan State University [...]in the US with a Master degree in Business Administration. wingtaiproperties.com |
他曾在多家跨国企业担任法律顾问,包括CMS能源公司(一个总部位于美国密歇根州的电力和天然气集团)的高级法律顾问。 squiresanders.com | He held several in-house counsel positions [...] with various multi-nationals, including senior counsel [...] at CMS Energy, aMichigan-based electricity [...]and natural gas utility. subscribe.squiresanders.com |
於二零零二年, 马先生亦於密歇根州立大学 (Michigan State University) [...] 取得 工商管理硕士学位。 westchinacement.com | Mr. Ma also obtained a Master of Business Administration in Integration [...] Management from Michigan State University [...]in 2002. westchinacement.com |
在位于美国密歇根州的阿德里安生产基地,我们还有一个专门的员工小组,他们负责为各种鸟类搭建巢箱和维护一条2400米长的“自然小径”。 reports.wacker.com | A group of employees at our US [...] site in Adrian (Michigan)hasset up nesting [...]boxes for various species of bird and maintains a 2.4-km nature trail. reports.wacker.com |
位于密歇根州Livonia的现代化发动机测试机构可容纳16个测试平台,能实施持久及可靠性测试、稳态排放测试、发动机制造拆卸评估、动力总成工程设计、噪声和振动研究。 bksv.cn | The modern engine testing [...] facility in Livonia, Michigan can operate around [...]the clock and houses 16 dynamometer test cells [...]capable of doing endurance and reliability testing, steady-state emissions testing, engine build tear down evaluation, powertrain engineering and design, noise and vibration studies. bksv.com |
采购换进展技术审查小组成员包括粮农组织、农发基金和世界银行;其他成 员来自国际粮食政策研究所、乐施会、Sasakawa Global 2000、美洲农业合作研 究所和密歇根州立大学。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members of the Purchase for Progress (P4P) technical review panel include FAO, IFAD and the World Bank; other members are drawn from the [...] International Food Policy [...] Research Institute, Intermón, Oxfam,Sasakawa Global 2000, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture and Michigan StateUniversity. daccess-ods.un.org |
通用汽车位于美国密歇根州Alternate Energy Center 的 3000 [...] 平方米电池测试实验室将测试雪佛兰沃特电动汽车的电池单元和电池组。 bksv.cn | General Motors’ 3000 sq.m battery test laboratory at The Alternate [...] Energy Center,Michigan,USA tests battery [...]cells and packs for the Chevrolet Volt electric vehicle. bksv.ru |
ROHM 在北美市场的业务持续扩大,设有位于加利福尼亚州圣迭戈的物流总部、位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞的设计中心、位于密歇根州诺维的质量保证中心、位于墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的销售办事处,销售网络覆盖市场营销、销售和工程设计,能够支持从加拿大到巴西的北美和南美客户。 digikey.cn | ROHM's presence in the North American market continues to expand with a logistic headquarters in San Diego, [...] California, a design center in [...] San Jose, California, a QA Center inNovi, Michigan, a salesoffice [...]in Guadalajara, Mexico and [...]a sales network that covers marketing, sales, and engineering support for the North and South American clients from Canada to Brazil. digikey.cn |
见 R.H. Lauwaars, “联合国法律和其他国际组织的法律之间的相互关系”,《密歇根州法律评论》,第 82 卷 (1983-1984 年),第 1604 页起。 daccess-ods.un.org | See R.H.Lauwaars,“The Interrelationship between United Nations Law and the Law of Other International Organizations”, Michigan Law Review, vol. 82 [...] (1983–1984), p. 1604 ff. daccess-ods.un.org |
在密歇根州三河市的凯登研发中心,我们可通过特定客户的操作测试各种设备组合和系统组件。 aestf.com | At the Kadant Research & Development Center in [...] Three Rivers, Michigan, wetest different [...]equipment combinations and system components [...]under the conditions of a particular customer's operation. aestf.com |
为支援合作伙伴和客户向日本国外扩张,Oiles开始进军北美和欧洲 市场,於1976年在美国密歇根州成立了第一个海外办事处。 pacnet.com | To support its partners and customers’ expansion beyond the shores of Japan, Oiles started tapping [...] into the North American and European markets, establishing its first [...] overseas office in Michigan, UnitedStates [...]in 1976. pacnet.com |
韦恩州立大学是美国着名的公共研究公立大学之一,致力于通过多学科研究和教育方法以及与政府、行业和其他机构的持续合作,推动经济增长和改善底特律市、密歇根州乃至全世界人民的生活品质。 china.blackstone.com | Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to [...] enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of [...] Detroit, stateof Michiganandthroughout [...]the world. blackstone.com |
在此之前的 2008 [...] 年,庄臣开始为其生产 Ziploc® 品牌袋子的密歇根州贝城工厂购买风电,电量接近该厂运营所需电量的一半。 scjohnson.com | Prior to that, in 2008, SC Johnson began buying wind [...] power for nearly half of the electricity required to [...] run our Bay City, Michigan, factory, which [...]produces Ziploc® Brand bags. scjohnson.com |
在普遍定期审议协商活动中,包括在密歇根州底特律的会议上,穆斯林、 阿拉伯裔美国人以及南亚社区居民介绍了他们经历的不容忍现象,并要求作出额 [...] 外努力,对抗错误看法和歧视性成见,防止恶意破坏行为,打击仇恨罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | At our UPR consultations, including [...] the meeting inDetroit, Michigan, Muslim, Arab-American, [...]and South Asian citizens shared [...]their experiences of intolerance and pressed for additional efforts to challenge misperceptions and discriminatory stereotypes, to prevent acts of vandalism, and to combat hate crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
混合预聚物基地和的PDMS SYLGARD的184(道康宁,密歇根州)的比例为10:1彻底治疗者。 jove.com | Mix prepolymer base and curer of PDMS Sylgard [...] 184 (Dow Corning,Michigan)in 10:1 ratio [...]thoroughly. jove.com |
人出席了在以下各地举行的集会,他们代表各类社区和各种观点,并表达 了各种关切:路易斯安那州新奥尔良、纽约州纽约、德克萨斯州埃尔帕索、新墨 西哥州阿尔伯克基、亚利桑那州温多罗克、旧金山湾区、密歇根州底特律、伊利 诺依州芝加哥、阿拉巴马州伯明翰以及华盛顿哥伦比亚特区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nearly a thousand people, representing a diversity of communities and viewpoints, and voicing a wide range of concerns, attended these gatherings in New Orleans, Louisiana; New York, New York; El Paso, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Window Rock, Arizona; the [...] San Francisco Bay [...] Area; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Birmingham, Alabama; and Washington, D.C. Information about the process was also posted on the website of theU.S. Department [...]of State ( daccess-ods.un.org |
Ira期望他将在斯派曼获得十分成功的职业生涯,同时他正在安排他的家人从密歇根州搬到纽约长岛(斯派曼总部)。 spellmanhv.cn | Ira envisions a highly successful career at Spellman High Voltage and is in [...] the process of relocating with his wife [...] and daughterfrom Michigan, to Long Island, [...]New York (home of Spellman’s corporate headquarters). spellmanhv.com |
。太 平 洋 世 纪 继 续 维持耐 世 特在密歇根州萨吉诺的正常 运 转, 原 因 在於此 处 具 [...] 有人才和 专业优 势。 about.van.fedex.com | because that’s where the talent and expertise are. about.van.fedex.com |
阿里斯铁阿斯谈到了州的翻译法(),法例(nomothesia),对立法者的书籍,现在这些表情特别是近两年,当然指的是摩西五,书籍独家其他旧约:和圣杰罗姆(Comment.在密歇根州)说:“约瑟夫写道,和希伯来人告诉我们,只有摩西五书的分别为(翻译了他们72),并考虑到国王托勒密。 mb-soft.com | Aristeas speaks of the translation of the law (nomos), of the legislation (nomothesia), of the books of the legislator; now these expressions especially the last two, certainly mean the Pentateuch, exclusive of [...] the other Old Testament books: and St. [...] Jerome (Comment. inMich.) says:"Josephus [...]writes, and the Hebrews inform us, that [...]only the five books of Moses were translated by them (seventy-two), and given to King Ptolemy. mb-soft.com |
由一九九六年至二零零二年,马先生曾於美国密歇根州出任豪瑞集团 (Holcim) 的高级工艺工程师及项目 [...] 经理。 westchinacement.com | From 1996 to 2002, Mr. Ma served as a senior process engineer and project [...] manager for Holcim in Michigan, United States. westchinacement.com |
来自密歇根州,毕业於密歇根州大的Draymond Green ,向日落区的范士丹小学以及来自West Portal小学的家长和学生,呼吁教育的重要性,并鼓励学童提早为上大学做好准备,从心态上要严肃看待上学,还有开始为大学学费存钱等,今年22岁的Green,在2012年NBA新秀选拔中被勇士队相中,刚展开他的NBA职业生涯,担任菜鸟前锋,今天的活动中,金州勇士队也宣布,将赞助两个500元的奖学金名额,鼓励范士丹小学的学生上大学。 ktsf.com | The Warriors also announced to work with the school to give two students $500 college scholarships. ktsf.com |
再从佛罗里达 州至缅因州,西至威斯康星州和密歇根州的24个州均遭受雨水、洪水、雪及风暴的 [...] 袭击。 doosan.com | Rain, flooding, snow and wind from the storm affected 24 states from Florida to [...] Maine and west to Wisconsin and Michigan. doosan.com |
(CAM)今天宣布捐赠56,000美元的软件给位于密歇根州东兰辛的美国密歇根州立大学的工程学院。 autograph.dk | (C.A.M.) today announced the donation of $56,000 in software toMichigan State University, College of Engineering, East Lansing MI. autograph.dk |
该网络由遍布全球的应用工程师及 100 多个销售和分销办事处组成,其中包括位于美国密歇根州普利茅斯的 KYOCERA Display America Inc. digikey.cn | Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation has followed an aggressive policy of growth and expansion and now serves customers through an extensive in-field network of applications engineers and more than 100 sales and distribution offices throughout the world, including KYOCERA Display America Inc. in Plymouth, MI, USA and KYOCERA Display Europe in Babenhausen, Germany. digikey.com.mx |
中西部地区高等教育协议(MHEC)”于1991年成立,由12个州组成:伊利诺斯州、印第安那州、爱荷华州、堪萨斯州、密歇根州、明尼苏达州、密苏里州、内布拉斯加州、北达科塔州、俄亥俄州、南达科塔州和威斯康星州。 juniper.net | The Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC), founded in 1991, consists of twelve states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. juniper.net |
HS 模具和工程设计公司始建于 1969 [...] 年,现在已由一家小型车间发展成为美国模具制造业的主要力量,在美国密歇根州大瀑布城 (Grand Rapids) 拥有三家模具生产厂和一家检具厂,并在伊利诺州设有模具维修设施。 sescoi.cn | Formed in 1969, HS Die & Engineering Inc. has grown from a garage based workshop to a major force in the American toolmaking industry, with three mold [...] manufacturing plants and a checking fixture plant [...] in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA as well as [...]a mold repair facility in Illinois. sescoi.co.kr |