单词 | 密帐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 密帐 —secret account (e.g. bank account)See also:帐—tent • canopy • covering veil
如果其他人在您知情或不知情的情况下使用您 的 密 码 或 帐 户 , Solvusoft公司对您因此可能蒙受的任何损失不承担任何责任。 solvusoft.com | Solvusoft Corporation will not be liable for any [...] loss that you may incur as a result of someone else [...] using your password or account, either with [...]or without your knowledge. solvusoft.com |
您有 任保持您的帐户信息及密码的机密性 ,同时还应对在 您 帐 户 下 发生的所有行为负责。 microsoftstore.com | You are responsible for [...] keeping your account information and password confidential and are responsible for all activity [...]that occurs under your account. microsoftstore.com |
您负责维护您个人信息的保密性( 包括您 的 帐 户 和 密 码 ),并限制他人访问您的计算机,以防未经授权访问 “HH 积分网店商城”。 shoptoearn.hhonors.com | You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, [...] including your account and password, and for restricting access to [...]your computer to prevent unauthorized access to HH Shop-to-Earn Mall. shoptoearn.hhonors.com |
最理想的情况是,应该为每台扫描站指 定属于它自己的唯一用户名和密码, 而且这 些 帐 户 应该包含在特别为扫 描站保留的组内。 graphics.kodak.com | Optimally, each Scan Station should be assigned its [...] own unique username and password and these accounts should be contained within a group that [...]is reserved specifically for Scan Stations. graphics.kodak.com |
预算与财务委员会将密切监督使帐目 时 时更新的进展,并还将 确保 2004--2005 年双年度的预算能在该双年度一开始就定下来并可输 [...] 入财务与预算系统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Agreed. The Committee on Budget and [...] Finance will monitor closely the progress being [...]made in bringing the accounts up to date [...]and will also ensure that budgets for the 2004-2005 biennium are finalized and ready for input into FABS by the start of that biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
使用您的Microsoft帐户和密码登 录到您的Microsoft Store帐户。 microsoftstore.com | Sign in to your Microsoft Store account [...] using your Microsoft account and password. microsoftstore.com |
请记住这一点,你必须自己全权负责 保 密 用 户名 、 密 码 和任 何 帐 户 信 息。 cn.trustico.com.hk | Ultimately, you are solely responsible for [...] maintaining the secrecy of your user name and passwords and any account [...]information. trustico.com.au |
如果您在主帐户下添加交易帐户,系统将只会给你登陆M T4 的 帐 号 和 密 码 (交 易 帐 户 号 码,交 易 密 码 和 投资人密码,服务器地址),没有PIN。 fxopentrading.com | If you add any trading accounts under the main account, the system will only give you the details to access Meta Trader 4 ( trading account number, trader’s and investor’s passwords and server address), but no PIN code. fxopentrading.com |
帐户和交易密码用来登陆您的帐户到交易平台和我的 FXOpen.帐户开户邮件以及帐户详细信息将发送到您的邮箱中 . fxopenasia.com:80 | The account number and the trader password are used to login to your [...] account in the trading terminal MetaTrader 4. An account [...]opening email with the details of your account will be sent to your email address. fxopenasia.com:80 |
如果你是这些限制区域的授权用户,你同意你有责任保证你 的 密 码 和 帐 号 的 机 密 性 , 并同意,如果你的密码丢失、被盗或被未授权的第三方破译,你将立即通知上海交泰信息科技有限公司。 jointled.com | If you are the authorized user on the restricted area, you agree that you have an [...] obligation to ensure your [...] password and account numbers confidential, and agree that if your password is lost, [...]stolen or deciphered by [...]unauthorized third party, you will immediately notify the JOINT LED Technology corporation in Shanghai. jointled.com |
如果你已经注册了FXOpen账户,在您进行任何转账或取款时系统将要求您输入您的 主 帐 户 密 码。 fxopentrading.com | If you are a registered FXOpen client, the system will ask you to enter your Main Account PIN to confirm all transfers. fxopentrading.com |
如果您已在本网站注册、注册了我们的产品,或是希捷合作伙伴项目的会员,访问您 的 帐 户 将受 到 密 码 保 护。 seagate.com | If you have registered on this Site, for [...] our Offerings or are a member of the Seagate Partner Programme, access to your [...] account will be protected by your password. seagate.com |
确认所选网络文件夹的路径存在,以及扫描站用 户 帐 户 和 密 码 具 有足够的 凭证来访问网络共享文件夹。 graphics.kodak.com | Verify the path to the selected [...] network folder exists and the Scan Station [...] user account and password have sufficient [...]credentials to access the network shared folder. graphics.kodak.com |
是否可以把我的登录帐户和密码留 给她们? colgate.com | Is it okay to give them my log-on and password? colgate.com |
汇丰所提供的网上理财服务除采用符合业内标准的保安技术和处理方法外,更专注三个方面──保障私隐、先进技术和身分 保 密 , 以 保护您 的 帐 户 不 会被人擅自挪用及个人资料不会外泄。 hsbc.com.cn | At HSBC, we use industry standard security technology and practices, focusing on three key areas - privacy, technology and identification to safeguard your account from any unauthorized access. hsbc.com.cn |
答:您可在“您的帐户”页上更改密 码。 knowledge.seagate.com | A. You can change your password on your account page. knowledge.seagate.com |
为了向您提供不同的、高质量的服务,公司会将您与服务相关的个人信息和数据与公司目前从事或将从事的邮购业务和电子商务的会员信息结合起来,包括通过www.hankooktire.com.cn和相关网站获得的信息,通过公司和线下客户数据操作综合会 员 帐 户 ( 用户 ID 和 密 码 ) ,通过 此 帐 户 , 您可获得公司提供的服务。 hankooktire.com.cn | In order to provide you with diverse and high quality services, the Company may integrate and use/manage your personal information and data related to service usage with member information from mail order business and e-commerce that the Company is currently engaged in or will engage in in the future, including information gained via the "www.hankooktire.com" website, related websites through which you may receive services [...] by using the single [...] integrated member account (user ID and password) operated by the Company and offline customer data. hankooktire.ca |
要登录到 OANDA MT4,您需要使用创建 MT4 帐户时选择的 MT4 帐号和密码。 fxtrade.oanda.com | No. In order to login to OANDA MT4 you need to use your MT4 account [...] number and the password you selected during the MT4 account creation. fxtrade.oanda.com |
遵循每项信息技术资源的安全程序和控制措施, 并保护您的帐户和密码。 tenneco.com | follow established security procedures and controls for every information technology resource you use and [...] safeguard your accounts and passwords. tenneco.com |
本行对客户帐户资料的保密极为关注。 hangseng.com.cn | Confidentiality of customer account information is [...] our utmost concern. hangseng.com.cn |
使用本网站,包括网站所有的服务和资料,表示您同意:不上传、张贴、或以其他方式传输任何病毒或其他有害的、破坏性或破坏性档案;不使用假身份;未经授权不使用或尝试其它用户 的 帐 户 、 密 码 、 服务或系统;不破坏或干扰任何其他用户的站点或站点附属或链接网站;不破坏或干扰网站的安全性或以其他方式损害网站或任何服务、材料、系统资源 、 帐 户 、 密 码 、 服务器及通过本网站连接的网络或链接网站或链接点。 haifa-group.com | In using the Website, including all services and materials available through it, you agree: not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit through the Website any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; not to create a false identity; not to use [...] or attempt to use [...] another’s account, password, service, or system without authorization from; not to disrupt or interfere with any other user’s enjoyment of the Site or affiliated or linked sites; not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website, or any services, materials, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks [...]connected to or accessible [...]through the Website or any linked sites. haifa-group.com |
要链接这些帐户,请在下面输入飞利 浦 帐 户 密 码。 secure.philips.com.cn | To link these accounts, please enter [...] your Philips account password below. secure.philips.co.uk |
您填写存款单时,你也应该进入你的比 赛 帐 号 和 密 码 的 竞赛账户。 fxpips.com | When you fill in the deposit form you should also enter your contest account [...] number and the password of your contest [...]account. fxpips.com |
也 不建议将登录帐户或密码贴 在计算机上或留在计算机包中。 colgate.com | Also, it is not advisable to [...] tape log-ons or passwords to your computer [...]or keep them in your computer bag. colgate.com |
如果您使用这个站点,您负责对维护您 的 帐 户 和 密 码 的 机 密 和 对 您的计算机的制约的通入,并且您同意承担发生在您 的 帐 户 或 密 码 之 下的所有活动的责任。 cn.diagnosispro.com | If you use this site, you are responsible for [...] maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. en.diagnosispro.com |
配置包括服务名、显示名、服务类型以及可执行服务的名称、加载顺序、附属项 、 帐 户 名 、 密 码 等。 evget.com | The configuration includes the service name, display [...] name, service type, and the name of the service executable, the load order, [...] dependencies, account name, password and more. evget.com |
如果您以前注册过,您可以查看您目前的论 坛 帐 户 和 密 码. fxopenasia.com | You can use your [...] existing Forum login and password if you have [...]registered earlier. fxopenasia.com |
您同意,如果发现对您的帐户或密码 的 非授权使用或任何其他的破坏安全的行为,会立即通知罗技。 logitech.com.cn | You agree to notify Logitech immediately of any unauthorized use of [...] your account or password, or any other breach [...]of security. logitech.com |
您的帐户,您的密码及 您对网站的使用权均不可转让或指定。 haifa-group.com | Your account, your password and your right [...] to use the Website is not transferable or assignable. haifa-group.com |
NSCG红熊猫网络安全管控平台是红熊猫公司自主研发的经多种安全技术加固的平台,实现了企业机房中计算机和网络设备的集中管控(比如IP地址、端口、位置信息 、 帐 号 密 码 、 访问方式等),同时实现对设备管理人员身份和访问的统一管理,降低了设备管理员工作复杂度,提高了工作效率,增强了目标设备的安全性,具备极高的安全防护能力和风险预防能力。 skyworthttg.com | NSCG (Redpanda Network Security Control Platform) is a secure hardware SSO platform used to manage multiple network devices through a common unified user interface. skyworthttg.com |