

单词 密不透风

External sources (not reviewed)

密不透风, 将潮湿和灰尘阻挡在外。
So that Humidity, Dust & Co. stay outside.
此舉是為確保 所有在投票站內的人士,在如作虛假聲明便會受處罰的情 況下,對選民的投票密,尤其是不 會 透 露 哪 名選民投票 支持哪位候選人。
This is to make sure that, subject to penalty of making a false declaration, all persons
inside a polling station
[...] will observe the secrecy of the vote of the elector and, in particular, not to divulge which [...]
elector has voted for which candidate.
(1) 主席須告知證人,他可以向有關方面在 密 情 況下解釋 其理由,而該有關方面將向委員會作出裁定,但 不會 透露證人聲稱他應有特不透露的任何資料或文據、簿 冊、紀錄或文件。
(1) The chairman shall inform the witness that he may explain his reasons in confidence to the relevant body and
that the relevant body will then
[...] deliver an opinion to the committee without disclosure of any information or paper, book, record or document claimed by the witness to be privileged from disclosure.
如上文所述,项目时间表和费用不可靠 不透 明 , 这意味着负责项目供资和 管理的机构(指导委员会、管理委员会和大会)不是非常了解项目的进度和费用, 使其无法有效和及时地做出决策,以减 风 险。
The lack of
[...] robustness and transparency with regard to the project timetable and the costs outlined above has meant that those charged with funding and governing the project (the steering committee, the management committee and the General Assembly) do not have a clear view of project progress or costs that would enable them to make effective and timely decisions to mitigate risks.
本處素有實施程序,確保有關任何個人、住戶或企業的資料絕對 密 , 不 會 向外 界 透 露。
Procedures are in place to ensure that information relating to any particular
individual person, household or undertaking will
[...] be kept strictly confidential and will not be divulged [...]
to external parties.
亚美尼亚共和国常驻代表试图指责阿塞拜疆进行“反亚美尼亚的宣传”以及 煽动“对亚美尼亚人的仇恨”,并对霍贾里事件进行模糊事实、出于政治动机和 毫无根据的解读,与此同时该代不 仅 避 而 不 谈 欧 洲人权法院和权威的国际非政 府组织 表达的意见,而且也未能澄清该国高级官员和罪行直接参与 透 露 的口 风,后 者明确承认负有杀害霍贾里居民和守护者的罪责。
While trying to accuse Azerbaijan of alleged “anti-Armenian propaganda” and “hatred towards Armenians” and referring to ambiguous, politically motivated and groundless interpretations of the events in Khojaly, the Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Armenia at
[...] the same time not only refrains from commenting on the views expressed by the European Court of Human Rights and authoritative international non-governmental organizations, but also neglects to clarify the revelations of his country’s high-ranking officials and the direct participants in the crime, who in turn unequivocally [...]
admit culpability
for the extermination of the inhabitants and defenders of Khojaly.
早前曾協助政府研究全港都市氣候圖的中文大學建築系 吳恩融教授便表示,觀塘區未來將會是其中一 密不透 風 和 被塞死的高 危社區。
Earlier on, Professor Edward NG of the Department of Architecture of The Chinese University of Hong Kong assisted the Government to conduct a study on the urban climate map.
又关切地注意到,母婴健康与非传染性疾病及 风 险 因 素有 密不 可 分 的关 联,具体地说,产前营养不良和出生体重过低导致今后易患肥胖症、高血压、心 脏病和糖尿病的体质,而妊娠情况,诸如孕产妇肥胖和妊娠糖尿病,也与母亲及 [...]
Note also with concern that maternal and
[...] child health is inextricably linked with non-communicable diseases and their risk factors, specifically [...]
as prenatal malnutrition
and low birth weight create a predisposition to obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes later in life, and that pregnancy conditions, such as maternal obesity and gestational diabetes, are associated with similar risks in both the mother and her offspring
我們從東涌地鐵站向外望,超過 20 幢屏風式樓宇如 同一道牆般排密不透風。
Looking out of the Tung Chung MTR Station, we will see that more than 20 screen-like buildings are arrayed in one single line, forming something like a wall that allows no air circulation.
然 而,审计委员会注意到,项目时间表既不可靠, 不透 明 ,这意味着,负责管理 项目的机构(指导委员会、管理委员会和大会)对项目进度没有足够明确的认识, 因而不能有效及时地做出决定以减轻出现 风 险 造 成的影响。
The Board notes, however, that a lack of
[...] robustness and transparency over the project timetable has meant that those charged with governing the project (the steering committee, the management committee and the General Assembly) have not had a clear enough view of the progress of the project to enable them to make effective and timely decisions to mitigate any risks that have arisen.
電訊局亦會繼續與消委會在 消費者教育方面保持密的合作, 透 過 電 視、電台、報章及網 站等多不同的 途徑,提醒消費者在與電訊服務供應商簽訂任何 服務合約之前,須留意及明白合約的條款及瞭解其責任,以免蒙 [...]
The OFTA will also
[...] continue to work closely with the Consumer Council to undertake consumer education through various channels [...]
such as television,
radio, newspapers and websites, to remind consumers to pay close attention to and gain full understanding of the contract terms and their obligations before entering into any service contracts with telecommunications service providers, so as to prevent any loss that may incur.
However, the problem does not lie in whether or not there is adequate protection in the labour legislation for employees, and as a matter of fact, the laws cannot be water-tight.
在㆒個像香港那樣富裕的社會,竟有這許多的家庭 每月繳付數以千元來租住㆒密不透 風 的 房間,而老年㆟則每月付數百元來租住㆒個籠 屋,實在可恥。
In an affluent society like Hong Kong it is shameful that so many families are paying thousands of dollars a month for an airless room, and that elderly people are paying hundreds of dollars for a cage.
6.9 风险可以通密集的 推广活动来降低,以使各国最大程度地使用体系——这样可减少使不充分 的状况——以充分利用本体系增进的效率和成本效益。
Risks may be mitigated by intensive promotion activities to maximize the potential use of the system by countries - and thereby reducing any [...]
- to take advantage of the increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system.
均匀密、低断针风险及可控的纤网牵引,即使在极高的生产速度下 不 例 外:格罗茨-贝克特的GEBECON®刺针拥有引人注目的特性。
Uniform compactness combined with lower risk of breakage and controlled web draft, even at extremely high production [...]
speeds: GEBECON®
needles from Groz-Beckert have impressive properties.
关于通报要素的任何规定都应考虑通报对有关个人和设施造成的安全和保风险,对商业密的合法要求,以及公司规模和结构 不 同。
Any stipulation of what would constitute adequate
communication should take
[...] into account risks that it may pose to the safety and security of individuals and facilities; legitimate requirements of commercial confidentiality; and variations [...]
in companies’ size and structures.
贸易法委员会的这种态度被认为是最 透 明 度 和滥风 险最 低的,反映了《示范法》通篇一般禁止在选出中标供应商或承包商之后进 [...]
The UNCITRAL approach is
[...] considered the most transparent and at lowest risk of abuse, and reflects [...]
the general prohibition
of negotiations after the selection of the successful supplier or contractor throughout the Model Law.
Adobe公司的PostScript技术可复制任何字号 密 度 与 风 格 的字体,并把它们与边缘平滑的物体、连续调图像和复杂的美术作品一起印刷,且很少有网点出现 不 当 的 地方。
Adobe's PostScript technology can be a copy of any size, density and style of fonts, and smoothing them with the edge of the object, for transfer of images and the complexity [...]
of the printing art
together, and the little dots appear in the wrong place.
还可以制订旨在分享 最佳做法、管理事故、建立信任、减 风 险 及提 高 透 明 度和稳定性的措施。
Such measures could also be designed to share best practices, manage incidents, build
[...] confidence, reduce risk and enhance transparency and stability.
为了满足安装和维护的特殊要求,福伊特洋 透 平 机 与 风 力 透 平 机 的内部构造差异很大。
In order to meet the special requirements as regards installation and maintenance, the tidal current turbine from Voith differs significantly from a wind turbine in terms of its interior.
現在,這個計劃的服務對象已不再是低收入家庭,因 為政府已著眼於為那些經濟較為充裕的㆟提供較佳的居住環境,而不是協助那些被㆟遺 忘、居住在籠屋或唐樓密不透風的 房間的㆟。
Now it no longer serves the lower-income families because the Government is intent on assisting the
slightly better-off to become
[...] better housed, and not those hidden from sight in cages or airless rooms [...]
in tenement buildings.
医疗检查的结果 及任何说明,也必须由检查医生密 保 管 , 不 得 透 露 给 那些拘留病人的人。
The results, and any notes, of the
medical examination are
[...] also to be kept confidential by the examining doctor, and are not to be disclosed [...]
to those holding the patient in garde à vue.
其 结果是,像几内亚比绍这样被迫牵扯进毒品贩运循环 的国家,值得国际社会给予特别关注,因为恐怖主义 网络可能透进其领土风险非常高,对区域和世界 安全会造不可预测的后果。
For that reason, countries such as GuineaBissau, which are involved against their will in the drug trafficking cycle, deserve special attention from the
international community,
[...] because the risks from the possible infiltration of terrorist networks in their territory are extremely grave, with unpredictable [...]
consequences for regional and world security.
假如有㆟ 要挪用其入息的 30 至 50%去租用環境最惡劣的私㆟住宅,或是㆒個狹小 密不透風 的房間,即使入息增加了 10%又有何用?
What is the use of a rise in income of 10%, if one has to pay 30-50% of that income to rent even the poorest private flat, or a tiny airless room?
小组的职责范围包括:就卫生防护中心制定的风险传达策略及方案提出建议;通过建立及强化沟通网络,适时及有效地传递有关传染病及非传染病 风 险 讯息 ; 透 过 不 同 的 渠道及方法促进传染病及非传染病的风险传达,并就卫生防护中心推行的风险传达措施之成效及适切性提供独立评估及意见。
The Group is charged with the responsibility to advise on the formulation of risk communication strategies and action plans in the CHP, to establish and reinforce communication networks for
timely and effective
[...] communication of risks associated with communicable diseases (CD) and non-communicable diseases (NCD), to facilitate CD and NCD risk communication using a variety of [...]
channels and means, and to
provide independent assessment and feedback on the effectiveness and relevance of risk communication actions implemented by the CHP.
各种类型的传感器可检测定量、灰分(绝对)、厚度、光泽度、传导率 不透 明 度 、反射率 密 度 和 透气度等。
Various sensor types detect basis
weight, ash (absolute), thickness, gloss,
[...] transmission, opacity, reflectivity, density and porosity, [...]
among other things.
5) 风险分析应采用一种结构性方法,该方法由食品法典委员会所定义的三 不 同但 密切联系的风险分析成分(风险评估、风险管理和风险交流)构成1 [...]
,每个成分都是整个 风险分析不可分割的部分。
5) The risk analysis should follow
a structured approach
[...] comprising the three distinct but closely linked components of risk [...]
analysis (risk assessment, risk
management and risk communication) as defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission1 , each component being integral to the overall risk analysis.
我们最新的血液透析机“在线血液透析过滤(HDF)”提供整个透析过程中血压监测,以更大的能力清除体内有害的化学物,从超纯水和体温检测仪(BTM)更多的生物兼容,它可以降低血液透析时血压 风 险 , 使病 透 析 完 后感 不 到 筋 疲力尽。
Our latest Hemodialysis machine “ON-LINE HEMODIAFILTRATION (HDF)” provides blood pressure monitoring throughout the dialysis process, with greater ability to remove un-wanted chemicals from the body, more bio-compatible from ultra-pure water and body-temperature
monitoring (BTM), which
[...] could lower the risk of hypotension during hemodialysis, and make the patient feel less exhausted after the dialysis process
不過,匯點曾經盡很大的努力,設法把修訂弄 密不透 風 ,10 席是僱主、10 席是專業、10 席是受僱㆟士,包括學生和持家㆟士,再加㆖政界,便成為㆒個由 [...]
4 個部分 組成的選舉委員會,我很欣賞他們在這方面的努力。
However, the Meeting Point has tried their very best to
[...] make the amendment airtight by allocating 10 [...]
seats to the employers, 10 to professionals,
and 10 to employees which include students and homemakers, and also there is the political sector.




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