单词 | 寄件者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 寄件者 noun —sender nSee also:寄 v—send v • mail v 寄—depend • entrust • lodge • live (in a house)
當收到含有附件的電子郵件時,請先確 認 寄件者 是 否 相識的,和電子郵件的內容是否正常。 hkcert.org | When receiving emails with attachments, ensure whether you know the sender and the content of the email is normal. hkcert.org |
委員關注到,公司的要求未必成功 送抵接收者,而寄件者及接 收者未必知悉有關要求未能送抵接 收者。 legco.gov.hk | Members are concerned that the request from the company may not have been successfully delivered to the recipient and both the sender and the recipient may not be aware of failure of the delivery. legco.gov.hk |
注意:這只會搜尋寄件者名稱和訊 息標題,而非搜尋訊息文字。 garminasus.com | Note: This only [...] searches the sender name and headers of the messages, not the message text. garminasus.com |
由於有關短訊來自收件人的親友,並非來歷不明 的 寄件者 , 因 此較容易令收件人上釣。 ipress.com.hk | Recipients are easily tricked because the invitation to download the app is coming from someone they know rather than from an unknown sender. ipress.com.hk |
同時,病毒電郵的寄件者亦變 成受害者。 hkcert.org | The name of the sender appeared on the infected email is also a victim. hkcert.org |
Symantec勸告各位用戶,如收到來自不知 名 寄件者 的 電 郵及SMS短訊,或者來自親友的可疑訊息,切勿點擊訊息內的連結。 ipress.com.hk | Symantec advises users to refrain from clicking links found in messages such as emails and SMS messages from unknown senders as well as suspicious messages from known senders. ipress.com.hk |
很多公司都會安裝電腦病毒防護閘道,閘道會攔截受感染的電郵,並會向 收 件者 及 寄件者 發 出 警告訊息。 hkcert.org | For companies that installed an anti-virus gateway, the gateway may intercept the infected email and send a warning message to both the sender and recipient. hkcert.org |
可以加入寄件者到『白名單』(White List) 以防止正常的郵件被錯誤標示,高達 200 個。 communilink.net | Up to 200 senders could be adding in White List, to prevent normal emails marked as spam. communilink.net |
例如,他們的電郵伺服器或會拒絕傳輸那些並非 由 寄件者 撰 寫 的電子郵件(好像拒絕把服務訂戶所收到的電郵轉寄給第三者);又或整理出一份電郵伺服器黑名單(即拒絕接收從黑名單上伺服器所發出的電子郵件);又或限制那些預先繳費戶口發送電郵的數量。 hkcert.org | For example, their email servers may refuse the transmission of emails not composed by the sender (such as rejecting to forward an email received by the subscriber to the third party); or they may maintain a blacklist of email servers (i.e. reject to take in emails sent from blacklisted servers); or they may limit the quantity of emails sent from prepaid accounts. hkcert.org |
此外,虛假寄件者的電 郵地址會混淆蠕蟲的來源,亦會對那些根本沒有發送任何蠕蟲電郵的電子郵件帳戶持有人造成滋擾。 hkcert.org | It also caused nuisance to the email address owner of the spoofed address who did not send out any worm mail. hkcert.org |
最新的電腦病毒懂得從受感染電腦硬碟收集電郵地址,並以這些地址作為 收 件者 及 寄件者 , 然 後發出付有病毒的電郵,因此,追查發送病毒的源頭是十分困難的。 hkcert.org | Latest computer viruses employed email harvesting techniques to [...] get email addresses [...] from the victim's hard disk, and insert these email addresses in both the sender and recipient fields of [...]the infected email [...]and it is therefore difficult to trace the origin of the sender. hkcert.org |
第三者郵件驛遞指一個電郵伺服器從不知 名 寄件者 接 收 郵件後,再把它們發送到一個或多個不屬於該電郵系統用戶的收件者。 hkcert.org | A third party mail relay is an email [...] server receiving email from an unknown sender and then sending it on to a recipient [...]or recipients that are not users of that email system. hkcert.org |
若寄件者的郵件伺服器設定不支援發送至第二組電郵伺服器紀錄,便無法進行暫存。 communilink.net | If email server setting of sender is not supporting sending to secondary email server record, then it is unable to store email temporarily. communilink.net |
系統的服務範圍是將寄件者的文 件格式,轉換至收件者的格式。 legco.gov.hk | The scope of the DTTN service is to [...] transform the document structure from the sender's format [...]to the recipient's format. legco.gov.hk |
若您的電郵伺服器3天後仍未恢復正常,雲端備援平臺便會將3天前的電郵逐一退回 給 寄件者。 communilink.net | If your email server still have not restored at that time, cloud backup platform will return email to sender that received 3 days ago. communilink.net |
隔除的垃圾郵件會以電郵報告的形式發送給用戶,同時用戶可以加 入 寄件者 到 『 白名單』以防止正常的郵件被錯誤標示。 communilink.net | Spammed emails will be reported by email to user's email account periodically or anytime by [...] administrator. In addition, Up [...] to 200 senders could be adding in White List, to further increase the effectiveness of Anti-spam system. communilink.net |
這個討論區的 e-mail 表單特徵包含可以測試與追蹤寄件者 的 保 護資訊,您應該將它完全地轉寄給管理員,其中包 含 寄件者 的 詳 細資料這是非常重要的,管理員將可依此採取適當的行動。 forum.qnap.com.tw | The e-mail form feature of this board includes safeguards to try and track users who send such posts, so e-mail the board administrator with a full copy of the e-mail you received. forum.qnap.com |
若您选择"允许所有AOL及AIM会员之来信"或者"封锁所 有 寄件者 之 来 信"选项,,您将不会收到 AsiaFind的来信。 asiafind1.com | If you choose [...] the "Allow mail only from AOL and AIM members" or the "Block mail from all senders" options, [...]you will NOT receive your AsiaFind email. asiafind1.com |
透過這些網路寄送或接收的每一封電郵都完全且安全地加密 , 寄件者 和 收 件者都極為清楚加密的情形。 symanteccloud.com | Every single email sent or received via these networks is fully and securely encrypted, with the application of encryption remaining totally transparent to both sender and recipient. symanteccloud.com |
系統管理員能設定他們的電腦病毒防護閘道,暫時不傳送通知 至 寄件者 的 電 郵地址,這能減低因為蠕蟲使用虛假郵址所引發,從電腦病毒防護閘道送出的垃圾郵件。 hkcert.org | System Administrators can configure their anti-virus gateway configuration temporarily not to send notification messages to sender email address. hkcert.org |
必须强调的是外部求职者在必要时,仍可通过正常 邮 件寄 来 申 请。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It should be underlined that external candidates will continue to have the possibility to send their applications by regular mail, when so required. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如要求者欲以掛號寄送 所要求的資料,則另須繳付掛號郵費。 housingauthority.gov.hk | If the requestor prefers the requested data to be sent by registered [...] mail, the registered mail fee will also be charged. housingauthority.gov.hk |
(iv) 倘以電子方式寄發,於該通告或文件傳輸或發送,而發件者並無收到 表示以電子方式發出之通告或文件尚未送達收件人之通知,則該通告 或文件須被視為已送達、交付或寄發 , 惟並非 發 件者 所 能 控制之傳輸 故障不得使該通告或文件之發送無效;及 shuntakgroup.com | (iv) if sent by electronic means, shall be deemed to have been served, delivered or sent at the time of the transmission or despatch, provided that no notification that the notice or document sent by electronic means has not reached its recipient has been received by the sender, except that any failure in transmission beyond the sender’s control shall not invalidate the effectiveness of the notice or document being served; and shuntakgroup.com |
(2) 因股東死亡、精神紊亂或破產而享有股份權利的人士,本公司會以其姓名 為收件人以 已預付郵資信函及信封或封套 郵 寄 , 以身 故 者 代 表或破產受托人或其他相似稱 謂而享有股份權利的人士,本公司可郵寄通知予上述享有股份權利的人士就此目的所給提 供的地址(如有),或(直至獲提供該地址)倘股東沒有死亡、精神紊亂或破產,本公司以原 來的方式發出通知。 gca.com.hk | (2) A Notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental [...] disorder or bankruptcy of [...] a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee [...]of the bankrupt, or by [...]any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the Notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred. gca.com.hk |
(B) (1) 須向本公司或本公司任何高級職員寄交或送達的任何通知或文 件,可寄交或 以留交方式或透過預付郵資並註明本公司或總辦 事處或註冊辦事處的有關高級職員為 收 件者 的 郵 件或包裹送 達。 perfectech.com.hk | (B) (1) Any notice or document required to be sent to or served upon the Company, or upon any officer of the Company, may be sent or served by leaving the same or sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to the Company or to such officer at the Head Office or Registered Office. perfectech.com.hk |
除本章程細則另有規定者外,本公司向任何股東發出的任何通知或文件及董 事會向任何股東發出的任何通知,均可以專人遞送或預付郵資 郵 件寄 至 有 關 股東於股東名冊所示的登記地址,或在上市規則以及所有適用法例及規例容 許的情況下以電子方式將其傳送至股東向本公司提供的任何電子號碼或電子 地址或網站或刊登於本公司網站上,惟股東已事先向本公司發出明確及正面 的書面確認以電子形式或(如為通知)以在報章上刊登廣告的方式收取或以 其他形式獲提供本公司將向其發出或刊發的通知及文件。 cre8ir.com | 209 Except as otherwise provided in these Articles, any notice or document may be served by the Company and any notices may be served by the Board on any member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid [...] letter addressed to [...]such member at his registered address as appearing in the register or, to the extent permitted by the Listing Rules and all applicable laws and regulations, by electronic means by transmitting it to any electronic number or address or website supplied by the member to the Company or by placing it on the Company's Website provided that the Company has obtained the member's prior express positive confirmation in writing to receive or otherwise have made available to him notices and documents to be given or issued to him by the Company by such electronic means, or (in the case of notice) by advertisement published in the newspapers. cre8ir.com |
撰 撰寫 寫與 與寄 寄送 送電 電子 子郵 郵件 件 在電子郵件中,短按功能選單按鍵,並輕觸撰寫郵件選項進入電子郵件撰寫 畫面,輸入收件者、主 指與撰寫郵件內容後,輕觸傳送按鈕以完 成 寄 送 電子郵件, 同樣若您輕觸儲存為草稿按鈕,則編輯到目前為止之內容即會儲存為草稿,若您 輕觸捨棄按鈕則會放棄目前的編輯。 camangi.com | Enter the Email, Subject, and Content; then touch the Send icon to complete the action. Also, you can touch the Save as draft icon to save the email into a draft or touch the Discard icon to cancel composing the email. camangi.com |
委员会决定如果来函作者希望的话,给他提供最后一次答复的机会,并决定如果来函 作者寄来答 复,便在下届会议上继续审议该 案 件 ( 116 EX/48 PRIV.第 306 段)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Committee decided to give the author one last opportunity to reply, if he so wished, [...] and to re-examine the case at [...] the next session only in the event of the author providing this reply (116 EX/48 PRIV., para. 306). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这涉及到您的邮件内容,以及您在向我们的邮件服务器发出请求时我们获得的数据,包 括 寄件 人 与 收信人的 ID、时间、错误信息或者邮件不能 送达时的拒绝原因等。 rolandberger.com.cn | This concerns the contents of your e-mails as such, but also data [...] obtained from queries [...] to our e-mail server, such as sender and addressee IDs, time stamp, errors or grounds for refusal if mail doesn't get [...]through. rolandberger.com |
20KG以下的货物申报价值超过120美金,需要另外加收清关费RMB144元/票;申报价值超过USD 80 或者单票重量超过20KG 的货物在海关会产生通关费2200日元,此费用会向收件人收取,如收件人拒付则自动 转 寄件 人 支 付。 sz-sinotech.com | If the declared value of the goods less than 20KG exceeds USD 120, it should charge the extra customs clearance fee for RMB144RMB/entry; if the declared value exceeds USD 80 or its weight of single entry exceeds 20KG, when on customs, the goods will have the customs clearance fee for JPY 2200, which will be charged the consignee. sz-sinotech.com |