

单词 寄予





place high hopes

See also:



live (in a house)

(archaic) I

External sources (not reviewed)

这个国家显然对南南合作项寄予的期望,教科文组织可以在其中发挥 催化作用,促进交流全球最佳做法。
The country is clearly placing high expectations on south-south cooperation projects where UNESCO could play a catalytic role in exchanging best-practices worldwide.
所以,我希望大家在对政寄予之余,也不要忘记如果不通过第 9A 条的话,我们便不能做到我们想政府做到的事情。
For this reason, I hope that even as we pin a lot of hope on the Government, we must not forget that if clause 9A cannot be passed, we will not be able to achieve what we want the Government to do.
约旦对安全理事会的真诚与和密集的努 寄予,并赞赏埃及的倡议。该倡议可推动在结束这一悲 [...]
惨局势方面取得进展,为兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民提供援 助,减轻他们的苦难,恢复认真谈判,以实现两国解 决办法——这是确保该地区安全与稳定的唯一途径。
Jordan has great hopes for the sincere and
[...] extensive efforts of theSecurity Council [...]
and appreciates the Egyptian initiative,
which should serve as an incentive to make progress in ending this tragic situation, by providing humanitarian assistance to the brotherly Palestinian people, alleviating their suffering and returning to serious negotiations in order to achieve the two-State solution, which is the only way to ensure security and stability in the region.
检查干事根据情况避而不谈信息来自何 方,以维护受访者在访谈中对寄予赖。
The Inspector does not cite information sources, where appropriate, to protect the confidence interviewees entrusted to him during the interviews.
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可藉预付邮
[...] 资的信函及在信封或封套上注明其为收件人而将通知 寄予士,以身故者代表或破 产者受托人的称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可将通知寄往声称如上所 [...]
(2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental
disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending
[...] it throughthepost in aprepaid letter, [...]
envelope or wrapper addressed to him
by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
这些观察人员将被部署在急需保护的抗议者之 中,而这种保护是观察人员没有条件或没有授权提供
[...] 的。部署的观察人员人数之少,无法覆盖整个国家, 然而这一人数又足以让寄予 ,假如叙利亚政府 不履行持续停止暴力的承诺的话,这种期望是根本不 [...]
They are going to be deployed in the midst of protesters who are desperate for a protection that the monitors are not equipped or mandated to provide, and they will be deployed in numbers too
small to cover the entire country but large
[...] enough to giverise to expectations [...]
that will be impossible to meet if the Syrian
Government does not fulfil its commitments towards a sustained cessation of violence.
这既 是各方满意的一种体现,也反映出了一些值得关注的问题。主要风险包括:非物 质遗产的概念遭到削弱或混淆;出于商业或政治目的对遗产进行开发;遗产持有 人群体对《公约》所采取的保护方 寄予,但最终还是会失望;以及最严重 的风险,即忘记了《公约》的真正目的:保护非物质文化遗产。
Threats include the risk of diluting and confusing the concept of intangible heritage, the risk of exploitation for commercial or political ends, the risk of disappointing bearer communities, which place great hope in the approach taken by this Convention, and most of all the risk of losing sight of the real objectives of the Convention: safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.
但是,坦率地说,我们有时感觉到,对于产油国寄予 望超过了它们的能力,甚至到了令人不解的程度。
But frankly speaking, sometimes we feel that expectations are imposed on the oil-producing countries beyond their capabilities, even to the point of confusion.
如果政府要求我们相信特首,因为特首是对政府的整 体运作负上最後责任的,我们的回覆当然便是:由於这个特首不是我们选出 来的,他是在今天这个环境下被钦点的,他应否享有至高无上的权力,凌驾 一些我寄予和应独立自主、公正运作的监管机构呢?
If the Government wants us to trust the Chief Executive as he is the person who is ultimately responsible for the overall operation of the Government, our reply is: Since this Chief Executive is not elected by us but he is appointed, should he enjoy such supreme powers and override a regulatory body which we have great expectations for and one which should operate in an independent, autonomous and impartial manner?
每一 支柱都是相互关联和动态的预防和补救措施体系的一个不可或缺的组成部分:国 家负有保护义务,是因为它处于国际人权制度的核心;公司负有尊重责任,是因 为社会在人权方面对工商企寄予;获得补救的机会是因为无论怎样通力合 作,都不能保证再不发生侵犯人权行为。
Each pillar is an essential component in an inter-related and dynamic system of preventative and remedial measures: the State duty to protect because it lies at the very core of the international human rights regime; the corporate responsibility to respect because it is the basic expectation society has of business in relation to human rights; and access to remedy because even the most concerted efforts cannot prevent all abuse.
该委员会获得了来自政府、 司法部门及议会各委员会的支持,各方对 寄予 ,希望该委员会能够快速处 理案件、有效地处理卡特尔问题并遵守严格的期限以产生结果。
It had received strong support from government, judiciary and parliamentary committees, accompanied with high expectations such as providing fast-track treatment of cases, dealing effectively with cartels and observing strict time lines to produce results.
(c) 一份有关提议重选本公司退任董事、授予一般授权以发行新股份和购回本公司本身股 份的说明函件将连同本通寄予司各股东。
(c) An explanatory statement regarding the proposals of re-electing the retiring Directors of the Company, granting general mandates to issue new
shares and to repurchase own shares of the
[...] Company will bedespatched to the members [...]
of the Company together with this notice.
太平洋岛国对人权理 事会通过的关于人权和气候变化的决 寄予大 的希望,要求所有国家给予人权事务高级专员办事 处制定的关于这一问题的报告适当的关注,在政策 和有关气候变化的方案中考虑自己在人权方面的义 务,还特别指出受到气候变化伤害最大的往往是最 不发达的和污染物排放最少的国家。
It asked all Member States to study seriously the forthcoming report on the question by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and urged them to integrate their human rights obligations into policies and programmes dealing with climate change, at the same time bearing in mind that the least developed countries which had contributed least to greenhouse gas pollution would be the worst affected by climate change.
依据尽职遵从所有适用法规及规例(包括但不限于指定证券交易所之 规则)之情况下,以及为取得据其规定之所有必需同意(如有),就任何人士以非 受法规禁止之方寄予士一份摘录自本公司年度账目之财务报表摘要及董事会 报告(应按适用法例及法规规定之方式及载有所须数据)而言,细则第152条之规 定应被视为已履行;惟另有权获取本公司年度财务报表及董事会报告之任何其他人 士,倘彼透过向本公司发出书面通知作如此要求,则可要求本公司向其寄发一份财 务报表摘要以外之本公司年度财务报表及其董事会报告之详尽印刷本。
Subject to due compliance with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements of Article 152 shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner notprohibited by the Statutes, a summary financial statement derived from the Company’s annual accounts and the directors’ report which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the annual financial statements of the Company and the directors’ report thereon may, if he so requires by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial statement, a complete printed copy of the Company’s annual financial statement and the directors’ report thereon.
在其帮助各国社会摆脱冲突,为 持久和平与发展打下基础的规则中,该委员会寄 予 ,为国际和平与安全做出重大贡献。
In its role of helping societies emerging from conflict and laying the foundations for sustainable peace and development, the Commission had indeed been entrusted with a crucial contribution to international peace and security.
我们对“祖国之光”党的党寄予,你们应调动整个社会和所有党员, 解释并执行未来十年的任务,并从根本上领导这项工作,使该计划成为你们的计划。
We place high hopes on members ofthe Nur Otan party, who should mobilize all the society, all members of the party, in order to explain and implement the tasks of the forthcoming decade, basically leading this work and making it their own programme.
检察官员荣 誉守则》确定任期反映社会和国寄予别信任并随带对道德和伦理的高度 期望。
The Code of Honour of Prosecutorial Officials established that tenure of office reflected special trust on the part of society and State and brought with it high moral and ethical expectations.
连同董事会 报告及核数 师报告一寄予之 账目。
Accounts to be sent to member with Directors’ report and Auditors’ report.
28.5 将於股东周年大会向本公司股东呈报的文件的印刷副本,须於该大会日期 不少於 21
[...] 日以本文所订明本公司送达通告的方 寄予司各股东及本 公司各债权证持有人,惟本公司毋须将该等文件的副本交予本公司不知悉 [...]
28.5 Copies of those documents to be laid before the members of the Company at an annual general meeting shall not less than 21
days before the date of the meeting be
[...] sent in the manner in which notices may [...]
be served by the Company as provided herein
to every member of the Company and every holder of debentures of the Company, provided that the Company shall not be required to send copies of those documents to any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
尽管该等事件对我们的业务并无构成重大的财务 影响,但对那些受可怕惨剧影响并正重新振作的灾民,我 寄予 祝福。
While these events have had no material financial impact on our business, our thoughts are with the people affected as they go about recovering from the dreadful consequences of these tragedies.
任何按照本细则以邮递方式送达寄予成员或存置於任何成员的登 记地址的通知或文件,不管有关成员当时是否已身故或破产,及无论本公司是否 接获其身故或破产的通知,均被视为已就任何登记股份获正式送达(无论该股东 属单独或联同他人持有,直至其他人士已替代该成员登记成为有关股份的持有人 或联名持有人为止),而就本细则而言,上述送达情况应视作有关通告或文件已充 分送达其遗产代理人及与其共同持有任何有关股份权益的所有人士(如有)。
Any notice ordocument delivered or sent by post to, or left at the registered address of any member in pursuance of these presents, shall notwithstanding that such member be then deceased or bankrupt and whether or not the Company has notice of his death or bankruptcy, be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof, and such service shall for all purposes of these presents be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on his personal representatives and all persons (if any) jointly interested with him in any such shares.
Naturally, many actors are now focused on the
[...] upcoming months, and expectations are high.
倘「「生」以邮递方式将「「 生消费卡」结寄予最後书面通知「「生」之地址,该「«生消费卡」结单将於付邮後2天视作已由阁下收到。
Where a Card statement is supplied to you by Hang Seng bypost,such Card statement shall be deemed to have been received by you two days after posting to your address last notified in writing to Hang Seng.
每个系列的珠宝,由构思、初稿至问世都经过多重工序, FREY WILLE的艺术团队经历岁月的试炼,将每件珠宝精制成巧夺天工的艺术品,在创作过程中,他们追求手工精致和完美 寄予的浪漫情感,创造永垂不朽的传奇。
The final collections have always undergone a long process of development. From the first ideas through to drafts - the final designs and production, the whole process can often last many years in which the famous FREY WILLE artists create promising pieces that stand the test of time.
[...] 济和生态安全内容在内的人权领域中长期发展战略的实 寄予
The Kyrgyz Republic places great expectations in the implementation of the President’s Agenda for National Renewal, medium- and long-term development strategies in the area of
human rights, including the eradication of poverty,
[...] and measures tostimulate economic [...]
growth and protect the environment.
任何与「赛马团体户口」或「合股人户口」有关之「户口结单」、通知或其他通讯,则会分 寄予体经理」或「主管合股人」;任 何由「「生」发给予「会员」、「团体经理」或「主管合股人」之「户口结单」、通知或其他通讯,除非另有证明,否则将於寄出後两 天视为已由「会员」、「团体经理」或「主管合股人」收到。
Any Account Statement, notice or other communication given by Hang Seng to a Cardmember, Syndicate Treasurer or a Managing Partner shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardmember, the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner two days after posting, unless proved otherwise.
同 时,该组织有兴趣并关切地注意到,根 寄予 局的厚望以及特设局目前承担 的各项任务,包括大会赋予的任务,需要加强特设局的能力。
At the same time, it had observed with interest and concern that, with the weight of expectations being placed on the Special Unit and its current mandates, including those from the General Assembly, its capacity needed to be strengthened.
(c) 遵 照 上 市 规 则 第 17 章 有 关 条 文 规 定 之 方 式 将 建 议 更 新
[...] 计 划 授 权 限 额 之 通寄 予, 该 通 函其中 载 [...]
有 上 述 条 文 所 规 定 之 资 料 。
(c) a circular regarding the proposed refreshment of the Scheme Mandate Limit
[...] has been despatched to the Shareholders [...]
in a manner complying with, and containing
the matters specified in, the relevant provisions of Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules.
电信行业资深观察人士应该还记得,在2001年中国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO)後,从美国电话电报公司(AT&T)到欧洲的沃达丰等国外电信公司,纷纷对中国市 寄予
Longtime industry watchers will recall that foreign telcos running the range from AT&T (NYSE: T) in the US to Europe’s Vodafone (London: VOD) held out big hopes for the China market after the country officially joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
寄予的LED领域方面,虽然LED TV、LED照明等都可为PCB业者带来成长机会,其在节能和多样化的功能方面也越来越被市场和消费者所接受,但是,中国LED发展也不如想象中顺畅,对短期内还属于“奢侈品”的LED产品来说,大面积的推广工作还存在许多困难,像核心技术的匮乏、价格居高不下、技术标准保护力度缺乏等,都对其推广的速度和广度造成阻碍。
The LED in the field than expected, although LED TV, LED lighting for the PCB industry can bring opportunities for growth and diversification of its energy-saving features are also increasingly being accepted by the market and consumers, but China LED development is not as imaginary smooth, on short-term belong to the "luxury" of LED products, the promotion of a large area there are still many difficulties, such as the lack of core technology, high prices, lack of technical standards for such protection efforts are to promote the speed and breadth of its obstruction.




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