

单词 宽广度

See also:


broad adj
lenient adj

宽度 n

widths pl
height n
breadth n

广度 n

depth n

External sources (not reviewed)

两大事件都必须从波兰制药产业的 过去和未来这样一个更宽广的角 度去看
Both of them must
[...] be viewed in the broader context of the [...]
past and future of the industry in Poland.
超出这个范围, 互易律对黑白胶片失效,但是宽广 的 曝 光 宽 容 度 通 常可以有效地进行曝光速度补偿。
Above and below these speeds, black-and-white films are subject to reciprocity failure, but their wide exposure latitude [...]
usually compensates
for the effective loss in speed.
应注意技术性制约因素(文档大小和格式、有限的频 宽度 等 …),应特别注意确 保广泛分发所有可获得的材料。
Attention should be given to constraints of a technical
nature (file sizes and
[...] formats, limited band width, …) and special care should be taken to ensure the widest distribution [...]
of all the available materials.
SLAR 可以在足够高的度飞行,以快速扫宽广的区 域,最大可扫视飞 机两侧各 20 海里的范围。
SLAR can be flown at sufficient altitude to provide a rapid sweep over a wide area, up to 20 [...]
nautical miles either side of the aircraft.
中小企业过去的活动和规划的活动 广度 和 宽度 很 不 寻常,应 该 同上述政策一起 使印度能够实现淘汰目标。
The magnitude and broadness of past and planned activities for SME is unusual and should, together with the policies mentioned above, enable India to achieve [...]
the phase-out targets.
产品特性包括宽广的工作频带 (VHF 至 8 GHz)、高功率容量、高隔度、低 插入损耗 以及处于高隔离状态时的反射式或吸收式端口。
Performance characteristics include broadband operation (VHF to 8 GHz), high-power handling, high [...]
isolation, low-insertion loss,
and reflective or absorptive ports when they are placed into their high-isolation states.
宽广的频率范围和90度乘50度的覆 盖角,这款扬声器对于乐队或DJ作为他们主扩声,或是作为音乐会舞台侧补,或是作为舞厅或演出场所的固定安装扬声器来说,都是非常理想的选择。
With a wide frequency range and broad 90 degree by 50 degree coverage [...]
angles, this speaker is ideal for bands or DJ’s as
their primary PA, use as a side-fill on a concert stage, or as an install speaker in a dance club or performance venue.
这些胶片是在全球范围内咨询了众多摄 影师的意见后,专门针对他们提出的希望获得颗粒更加细腻,宽 度 更 为 宽广 的 乳剂结 构,以及更加自由的影像创作空间等要求所设计的。
Those films were designed with considerable advice from cinematographers around the world who defined their needs for finer-grained emulsions with specific imaging characteristics that gave them more latitude for creating artful images.
即使在较差的照明条件下,用户也可享受到优 异的清度和宽广的视角。
This offers the advantages of high
[...] definition and a wide viewing angle, even in adverse [...]
lighting conditions.
这位于美国加州的设计中心与安森美半导体位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特(Bucharest)的设计中心密切协作,共同推进新的知识产权(IP)开发、IC设计和布线,以及针对E2PROM存储器产品和包括LED驱动器、稳压器、 度 传 感器、电压监控器、数字电位计和总线产品在内 宽广 范 围 模拟/混合信号IC的下一代晶圆厂工艺技术开发。
The design center located in Santa Clara, California works in tandem with the ON Semiconductor Design Center in Bucharest, Romania for new IP development, IC design and layout, and next-generation
foundry process
[...] technology development for E2PROM memory products and a wide range of analog/mixed-signal ICs, including LED drivers, [...]
voltage regulators,
temperature sensors, voltage supervisors, digital potentiometers and bus products.
拼接液晶屏,采用专业的DID显示技术,亮度高达700cd/㎡,并拥有极高的亮度均匀性;对比度高达3000:1;10000K的色温,即使在阳光下依然完美显示,画面清晰亮丽;色彩饱和度及还原度高;支持VGA~UXGA、WXGA区间高分辨率信号;拥有双方向 1 7 8 度 超 宽广 视 角
Mosaic LCD screen, a professional DID display technology, brightness of up to 700cd/ ©O, and has high brightness uniformity; contrast up to 3000:1; 10000K color temperature, even in the sunlight still perfect display, clear bright screen; the color saturation and high reduction
degree; support for VGA¡« UXGA, WXGA interval high resolution signal double
[...] direction 178 degrees; with super wide angle.
我们的目的是使看待游戏的狭隘的方法变 宽广 , 提 供更加广阔的可能性和更加综合的基础 来考虑儿童生活的独特背景。
Our intention is to extend some of the narrow ways of looking at play and offer the possibility of a broader, more synthesised [...]
base that considers
the unique contexts of children’s lives.
西非的三个特派团(联科行动、联利特派团和联合国塞拉利昂建设和平综合 办事处(联塞建和办))以及联合国西非办事处(西非办)继续在一些领域开展合 作,其中包括:与联利特派团开展联合边境巡逻,以防止非正规的武装集团和武
[...] 除了通过租赁线路建立与科特迪瓦三个大城市的链接以外,还保持与联利特派团 的地面微波链接,以提高服务质量和 度 , 利 用尚未使用的卫星 宽 实 现 节余; 以及各特派团之间共享航空资产。
The three missions in West Africa, UNOCI, UNMIL and the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Support Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL) as well as the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), continue to work together and cooperate in a number of areas, including: joint border patrols with UNMIL to prevent cross-border movement of irregular armed groups and weapons; organizing joint training programmes between UNOCI and UNMIL, which are also attended by other missions; maintaining a terrestrial microwave connectivity with UNMIL in addition to establishing leased line connectivity to three major cities in Côte d’Ivoire to
enhance service quality
[...] and speed and achieve savings from unused satellite bandwidth; and the sharing [...]
of air assets among the missions.
在新的千年,食品生产和销售更为复杂,消费者的市场 选择更宽广。
In the new millennium, food production and distribution have become even more complex and market choices
[...] for consumers even wider.
专家在平行活动中审查了无障碍性的 度 和广 度,利 用了缔约国和幸存者在无障碍性方面的经验,并就执行《卡塔赫纳行动计 [...]
At the parallel programme, experts
[...] reviewed the depth and breadth of what constitutes [...]
accessibility, benefited from the States’
and survivors’ experiences as concerns accessibility and exchanged experiences on the application of the Cartagena Action Plan as concerns accessibility.
当 使用的介质或碳宽度小于 打印机最大打 宽度 三 分 之一时,您可能需要手动将 左侧压力块向左滑动。
When using media
[...] or ribbon widths less than one-third the printer’s maximum printing width, you may need [...]
to manually slide the
left pressure block further to the left.
研 究组根据最惠国条款在投资协定中的解释和适用问题工作文件,并根据一项为了 能概要总结在研究组总体工作中可能需要审议的问题而制定的问题框架,举行了 涉及宽广的讨 论,讨论同时还考虑到其他情况的发展,包括最新的仲裁决定。
The Study Group held a wide-ranging discussion, on the basis of the working paper on the Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements and a framework of questions prepared to provide an overview of issues that may need to be considered in the context of the overall work of the Study Group, while also taking into account other developments, including recent arbitral decisions.
在预算、选举和政府换届的双度期 间,教科文组织立场坚定地支持旨在促进教育改 革、预防青年暴力、保护物质和非物质文化遗产、增强更好地管理和开发水资源的国家能 力、促进文化间对话和文化多元性、构建民主、和平 宽 容 的 各项国家倡议,尤其是有关国 家总体发展目标和实现千年发展目标的倡议。
In the context of a biennium marked by pre-electoral, electoral and governmental transition phase, UNESCO managed firmly to position itself supporting national initiatives designed to achieve considerable national progress in the education reform, prevent youth violence, safeguard the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, strengthen national capacities to better manage and develop water resources, promote intercultural dialogue and cultural pluralism, build democracy, peace and tolerance, especially [...]
in relation to overall
national development objectives and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
应回顾,2004 年,塞浦路斯共和国向联合国提交的第 64(I)2004 号法律 宣布建立专属经济区,其外部界限从塞浦路斯共和国 1993 年确立的并
[...] 依照《联合国海洋法公约》(《海洋法公约》)规定的交存义务正式提交 联合国的领宽度测量基线起算不超过 200 海里。
It is recalled that in 2004, the Republic of Cyprus proclaimed by Law No. 64 (I) 2004, which was submitted to the United Nations, its EEZ, the outer limit of which does not extend beyond the 200 nautical miles from the baselines, as established by the Republic of Cyprus in 1993 and formally submitted to the United Nations in compliance with the deposit obligations pursuant to
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),
[...] from which the breadth of its territorial [...]
sea is measured.
[...] 的暴力问题,包括欺凌、网络欺凌、性别暴力等等的活动;学校审核和参 度广 的辩 论活动,从而有助于制定道德标准,鼓励对儿童敏感的咨询、报告、调解和 [...]
Some key components of this significant process of change include campaigns to foster learning without fear and to address specific forms of violence, including
bullying, cyber-bullying and gender violence;
[...] school audits and broad participatory [...]
debates to inform the development of ethical
standards and encourage childsensitive counselling, reporting, mediation and victim assistance; data and research to address the root causes of violence and support children at risk; and law reform to prohibit all forms of violence in education.
打印机打印最左边的标签和最右边的标签而非打印多个标 签,这样打印输出的长度为原来的两倍, 宽度 为 原 来的一半。
Instead of printing multiple labels across
the printer, it prints the leftmost label and the rightmost label, so the printout will
[...] be twice as long but half as wide.
在今天召开的美国矫形外科医师学会(AAOS)2013年年会上,研究人员展示了一项新的研究,他们对现有文献中的与长骨( 度 大 于 宽度 的 骨头)有关的吸烟和骨折愈合的内容进行了回顾。
In a new study presented today at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), researchers reviewed
existing literature on smoking and the healing of fractures involving long bones
[...] (bones that are longer than they are wide).
选择 您需要宽度,单击“完成”按钮。
Select the thickness you want and click [...]
on the Finish button.
正如 人权高专办哥伦比亚办事处之前所提到的那样,目前第
[...] 975(2005)号法规定的伸 张正义的权利仍然在度宽松的 个性化处罚过程中受到限制。
Currently, the right to justice under Law 975 (2005), as
previously noted by OHCHR-Colombia, is limited
[...] by the excessive leniency in the process [...]
of individualization of punishment.
预计本次级方案将能够实现其各项既定目标和预期成果,但前提 是:(a) 国家和国际级别的各相关利益攸关方继续对统计发展给予必要 的重视;(b) 各相关国家机构愿意在一系列统计发展领域开展区域合作 与地方政府愿意开展相互协作,并提供相关信息;(c) 能够为确保技术 合作活动及其他各种服务均能达到所需要的 度 和 广度 调 集 到充足的预 算外资源。
The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) relevant stakeholders at the national and international levels continue to accord the necessary priority to statistics development; (b) national institutions are willing to pursue regional cooperation in a range of statistics development areas; and (c) adequate extrabudgetary resources are mobilized to ensure the necessary outreach and depth of technical cooperation activities and other services.
各位作者尤其关注到: (a)
[...] 对一些关键词语作模棱两可和/ 或过宽广的定 义,例如安全与恐怖主 义,以及对于受限制的现象作这类定义,例如对恐怖主义或极端主义提供通讯支 [...]
(a) Vague and/or overbroad definitions [...]
of key terms such as security and terrorism, as well as what is prohibited, such
as providing communications support to terrorism or extremism, the “glorification” or “promotion” of terrorism or extremism, and the mere repetition of statements by terrorists
实践证明,“媒体发展指标”在为社区媒体部门提供政策建议(如 度 )、 广播监管机制(如巴西),以及扩展公共服务广播媒体(如蒙古)等方面亦十分有用。
The MDIs have also proved useful for the provision
of policy advice to the community media
[...] sector (e.g. in India), for broadcasting [...]
regulatory mechanisms (e.g. in Brazil),
and for the expansion of public service broadcasting media (e.g. in Mongolia).
[...] 系统,丰富专业知识。此项目还有一个目的,就是把伊拉克当局融入教科文在本领域 宽广 网络 ,就像伊朗的国际暗渠与历史性的水文结构中心(ICQHS)一样,它也是实施本项目的 [...]
The project also aims at integrating the Iraqi
[...] authorities within UNESCO’s extensive network in this field, [...]
such as the International Centre
for Qanat and Historical Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS) in Iran, which is an implementing partner of this project.
更确切地说,成本将会更高,稳定气候的目标越 大,减排工作的参加者就会越少,并且灵活性 广度 会越有限(如:被允许的减排措施和是否有灵活的机 制,如:废气排放交易)。
More precisely, costs will be higher, the greater the ambitiousness of the stabilization goal, the lower the number of parties that will share the mitigation effort and the more limited the scope for flexibility (such as mitigation options allowed and flexibility mechanisms available, e.g., emissions trading).
为了保证切换开关油室内部和切换开关芯子得到充分干 燥,必须在煤油蒸汽输入管和开关头通向油室的至少两 个管接头之间接上连通管宽度至少 50 mm。
To ensure sufficient drying of the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment and of the diverter switch insert, it is necessary to connect a common tube of at least 50 mm nominal width between the kerosene vapor lead and at least two pipe connections of the on-load tap-changer head leading into the diverter switch compartment.




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