

单词 宽吻海豚

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External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Lomond湖和Trossachs或柯瑞根国家公园,你可能会遇到一 宽吻海豚 , 苏 格兰野猫,山兔,松鼠和几个品种的金雕。
Those who prefer to enjoy the works of nature could unleash their inner photographer while taking a stroll in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs or
Cairngorms national parks,where you may
[...] encounter a bottlenose dolphin, Scottish wildcats, [...]
mountain hares, red squirrels and
golden eagles to name but a few.
该名病者在饮用刺规鱼干汤后出现与 豚 毒 素中 毒 吻 合 的 症状。
The patient developed symptoms
[...] compatible with tetrodotoxin poisoning after consuming [...]
a soup made from dried porcupine fish.
该《公约》所列海洋物种包括某些海龟、 大鲸鱼、姥鲨和鲸鲨、各种海马 海豚。
Marine species are listed under that Convention,
including some species of sea turtles, great whales, the basking and whale sharks, the entire genus
[...] of seahorses and dolphins.
大嶼山西面水域海豚發現率遠高於其他調查區,說明大嶼山西面水 域是這海豚最經常使用的水域(圖 2.1)。
The dolphin encounter rate was much higher in West Lantau than in all other survey areas, indicating that West Lantau was the area most regularly used by dolphins (Figure 2.1).
危地马拉自愿执行保海豚的核证做法,考虑采用新的 标准和系统来确保只让合法活动所获鱼产品进入市场。
Guatemala voluntarily implemented the dolphinsafe certification, and would consider the adoption of new standards and systems to ensure that only fish products from legal activities reach the market.
最容易受到过度捕捞的深海鱼种是市场上易卖的鱼种,其生命周期延长,繁 殖力低,生长缓慢,分布地区与市场较近(如橙连鳍鲑、 吻 鳕 、 蓝翎及许多海鲨鱼)。
The deepwater fish species most vulnerable to overfishing are the easily marketable species with extended life cycles, low fecundity, slow growth and
distribution areas comparatively close to markets (e.g.,
[...] orange roughy, roundnose grenadier, blue ling and many deepwater sharks).
(d) 有 1 位反對者就附近範圍的並行工程項目對中華 海豚 的 累 積影 響表示關注,有關影響包括有機氯和重金屬的生物積聚以及這些 物質對不同年齡組海豚的毒 性;反對者也關注欠缺工程項目範 圍附近最新的漁業資源資料。
(d) One objector had concerns on the cumulative impacts from
concurrent projects in
[...] the vicinity on Chinese White Dolphins including bioaccumulation of organochlorines and heavy metals as well as their toxicity to dolphins of different age groups, and [...]
on lack of updated
information on fisheries resources in the vicinity of the project site.
其总体目标是,确保每一个非洲国家都通过宽带光纤 链路与邻国连接,非洲通宽带海底 电 缆与世界其他地区连接。
Its overarching objective is to ensure that every African country is connected to its neighbours
through broadband fibreoptic links and that, in turn, Africa is linked to the rest of
[...] the world by broadband submarine cables.
有效性/无效性”和“有效/无效”等词的使 用,与委员会在 2006 年通过的“保留的有效性”一语宽 泛 定义 是 吻 合 的 ,以 “描述用于确定以下事项的思维过程:一个国家或一个国际组织单方面提出的旨 在摒除或更改有关条约中若干规定在适用于该国或该国际组织时所具有的法律效 力的声明是否能够产生提出保留原则上所要产生的效果”。
The use of the words “validity/invalidity” and “valid/invalid” is consistent with the broad definition of the expression “validity of reservations” adopted by the Commission in 2006 in order “to describe the intellectual operation consisting in determining whether a unilateral statement made by a State or an international organization and purporting to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to that State or organization was capable of producing the effects attached in principle to the formulation of a reservation”.823
一些代表认为有必要赋海委会更为 宽 泛 的 职责。
Some delegates saw a need to give IOC a broader mandate.
应回顾,2004 年,塞浦路斯共和国向联合国提交的第 64(I)2004 号法律
[...] 宣布建立专属经济区,其外部界限从塞浦路斯共和国 1993 年确立的并 依照《联合国海洋法公约》(《海洋法公约》)规定的交存义务正式提交 联合国的海宽度测量基线起算不超过 200 海里。
It is recalled that in 2004, the Republic of Cyprus proclaimed by Law No. 64 (I) 2004, which was submitted to the United Nations, its EEZ, the outer limit of which does not extend beyond the 200 nautical miles from the baselines, as established by the Republic of Cyprus in 1993 and formally submitted to the United Nations in compliance with the deposit obligations pursuant to
the United Nations Convention on the
[...] Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), from which the breadth of its territorial sea is measured.
在这种情况 下,对阳性结果进行初步审查的反兴奋剂组织将考虑该结果是否与治疗用药豁免到期或撤销的 时间吻合。
In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE.
環境食物局首席助理局長(C)2向 委員簡介有關
[...] 政府當局指定大 嶼山西南海岸公園和索罟群島海岸公園 的 建 議,有 關 建 議的目 的 是 為 了 保護在 該 水域生 活 的中 華海 豚、江 豚和其他海 洋 生物的生境。
The Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment and Food (C)2 (PAS/EF(C)2) briefed members on the Administration’s proposal to designate the South West
Lantau Marine Park and
[...] Soko Islands Marine Park for protecting the habitats of Chinese White Dolphins and Finless [...]
Porpoises, and other marine life found within the areas.
史蒂芬•平博理将其命名为“海之 吻 ” 并 且该设计最终中标,上海市市长韩正批准将其列为“2010年世博会重要文化旅游场所”。
The proposal went on to win the competition and was
[...] rubber stamped by Shanghai Mayor Han as one [...]
of the “key cultural attractions for the 2010 Expo”.
他们去的船舶和鲁芬海豚,告 诉他们如何控制它,然后suniyo学会使用它,突然反叛的怪物出现,他们发射导弹,使uncounsious。
Then suniyo learns to use it and suddenly rebel the monster appears and they fire a missile to make it uncounsious .
[...] 的海底区域的海床和底土,如果从测算 海宽 度 的 基线量起到大陆边的外缘的距离不到二百 [...]
海里,则扩展到二百海里的距离(第 56 条第 1 段)。
Continental shelf - of a coastal State comprises the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas that extend beyond its Territorial Sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to the outer
edge of the continental margin, or to a
[...] distance of 200 nautical miles from the [...]
baselines from which the breadth of the
Territorial Sea is measured (Article 76, par. 1).
依照上述法律,对于 塞浦路斯海洋边界中没有签署划界协议的部分,包括没有同土耳其共和
[...] 国签署协议的部分,塞浦路斯共和国原则上认为,从各自 海宽 度 测量 基线起算的中线为本国专属经济区/大陆架的外部界限。
In accordance with the said Law, in those parts of the maritime boundaries of Cyprus where no delimitation agreements have been signed, including with the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of
Cyprus considers, in principle, as the
[...] outer limit of its EEZ/continental shelf, [...]
the median-line, which is measured from
the baselines from which the breadth of their respective territorial seas is measured.
其他海豚全年 使 用,但使用次數較少的水域包括:南伶仃洋、大嶼山西北、澳門、中 伶仃洋、大嶼山東北、大嶼山西南、后海灣和大嶼山以東。
Other areas
[...] used year-round by dolphins but to a lower extent [...]
included South Lingding Bay, Northwest Lantau (ie West of
the Chek Lap Kok Platform), Macau, Central Lingding Bay, Northeast Lantau, Southwest Lantau, Deep Bay and East Lantau.
这里没有凶猛狠毒野兽,只有可爱企鹅、海狮、海狗、奇异鸟 海豚 、 鲸 鱼。
There are no fierce, hazardous animals, but cute penguins, sea
[...] lions, kiwi birds, dolphins, whales instead.
當被問及葉博士的證供和他就會議所作的記錄時,陳先生 說,這是印象問題,並堅持在他的印象中,李教授沒有如葉博士所述 以恐嚇吻使用“蹂躪”一詞。
When confronted with Dr Ip’s evidence and the note he made of the meeting, Mr Chan said it was just a matter of impression and he insisted that his impression was that Professor Li did not use the word “rape” in the threatening way as described by Dr Ip.
替代部件增加了本组织的费用,本组织原 本可以通过海地共用卫宽带节 约资金,但因卫星技术不同而难以做到。
The substitution also impacted the savings the
organization could obtain by
[...] pooling satellite bandwidth with Haiti, as the satellite [...]
technologies used differ to the extent that this is impossible.
如薪酬調整方案與職方的薪酬調整要求並 吻 合 , 當局會再次 諮詢職方,然後請行政長官會同行政會議作出最後決定。
If the pay offer advised by the CE-in-Council is different from the staff sides’ pay claims, the staff sides will be consulted again and then the CE-in-Council will be invited to make a final decision.
尽管如此,认为这些物资在乍得境内发生了转用的 推测与正义运动以前派别的成员的陈述 吻 合 , 这些成员告诉专家组说,正义运 动向他们提供了武器和弹药,包括一箱 1 000 发 5.56 毫米弹药,正义运动在乍 得获得了这些武器和弹药,然后违反军火禁运,走私到达尔富尔。
However, the presumed diversion of the materiel within Chad would correspond to allegations made by members of the former JEM faction, who informed the Panel that JEM had provided them with arms and ammunition, including the box of 1,000 cartridges of 5.56 mm ammunition, that JEM had acquired in Chad and had then trafficked into Darfur in violation of the arms embargo.
专属经济区(EEZ)--是领海以外并邻接领海的一个区域,从测量 海宽 度 的 基线量起,不 得超过二百海里(第 55 条和第 57 条)。
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - is an area
beyond and adjacent to the
[...] Territorial Sea and shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from [...]
the baselines from which the
breadth of the Territorial Sea is measured.
海之吻”高 度接近埃菲尔铁塔,利用其独特的拱形结构获得了绝无仅有的城市全景鸟瞰,是一般的轮型结构建筑因高度有限而无法企及的。
The Kiss similar in height [...]
to the Eiffel tower took advantage of its unique arch type structure to provide high level views
over the city that are not possible from the structurally restrictive ferris wheel.
危地马拉尽管不是一个市场国,却支持开展负责任的贸易,并按照《国海豚养护 方案协定》采用了追踪和核查金枪鱼的系统,以确保按照《协定》规定 的管理措施捕捞金枪鱼。
Although not a market State, Guatemala supported responsible trade and, in accordance with AIDCP, it applied the system for tracking and verifying tuna in order to ensure that tuna was caught in accordance with the management measures established under the Agreement.
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场, 海豚 、 海 狮 、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the
world's largest aquarium, aquarium and
[...] marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer [...]
whale and other amazing stunts; and
every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
在科克郡(County Cork)的开普可利岛(Cape Clear
[...] Island)位于爱尔兰的最南端,包围着那里的大西洋海水不仅是海狮的休憩场所,也是各种候鸟、鲸鱼、鲨鱼 海豚 的 天 堂。
The Atlantic waters around Cape Clear Island, County Cork, the most
southerly tip of Ireland, is a popular service station not only for seals, but for migrating
[...] birds, whales, sharks and dolphins.
向心力将气泡牵引到涡流的中心地带,展现出否则看上去是无形的结状结构,并让科学家们看到它是如何贯穿液体进行移动的——这一整套想法受到 海豚 玩 气 泡圈的网络视频(Youtube)的启发。
Centripetal force drew the bubbles into the center of the vortex, revealing its otherwise invisible, knotted structure and allowing the scientists to see
how it moved through the fluid—an idea they hit on while watching
[...] YouTube videos of dolphins playing with bubble rings.
在被占领东耶路撒冷于 2000 年 9 月 28 日爆发阿克萨 起义之后,以色列单方面把这一距离减少到 12 海里,并指定一个从以色列边界 起宽为 1.5 海里名 为 K1 的“封闭安全区”和一个从埃及边界起 宽为 1 海里 名为 M1 的类似海区。
Following the outbreak of the Aqsa Intifada in occupied East Jerusalem on 28 September 2000, Israel unilaterally reduced this zone to 12 nautical miles and also designated a “closed
security area”, dubbed KI, with a
[...] breadth of 1.5 nautical miles from the Israeli border and a similar area, dubbed MI, with a breadth of 1 nautical mile from the Egyptian border.




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