单词 | 容止 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 容止 —looks and demeanor
操作说明书中包括规定技术图纸, 禁止复制、传播其中的任何内容,禁 止 非 法 用于竞争或告知他人。 interroll.com | This manual includes regulations and technical drawings which may not be copied or duplicated either in whole or in part. interroll.com |
本細則概無內容禁止董 事 會確認獲配發人以其他人士為受益人而放棄獲配發或臨時配發任何股份。 ntpharma.com | Nothing in these Articles shall preclude the Board from recognising a renunciation of the allotment or provisional allotment of any share by the allottee in favour of some other person. ntpharma.com |
假若教師發現學生不適合在中四初段時修讀單元,可考慮以 [...] 大部分課時先教授必修部分,直至學生的數學程度較為成熟,可以掌握足 夠的數學概念和知識以學習單元中的 內 容 為 止。 3890.com.hk | However, if teachers find it inappropriate for their students to start the module at the beginning of S4, they may consider making use of most of the allocated lesson time for Mathematics in S4 to teach the Compulsory Part first until students are [...] more mathematically mature and are equipped with enough mathematical concepts and knowledge for [...] the learning of the module. 3890.com.hk |
但第三国是否愿意事先接受使参加内部冲突的国家 更 容 易 终止 或中止其条约义务的规则呢? daccess-ods.un.org | But will third States be prepared to accept, in advance, rules [...] which make it easier for States participating in an [...] internal conflict to terminate or suspend their treaty [...]obligations? daccess-ods.un.org |
环糊精可作为这类物质的运输容器, 防 止 它 们蒸发和升华,同时还保护了客体分子的原有特性。 wacker.com | Cyclodextrins [...] act as transport containers for such substances, [...]protecting them against evaporation and sublimation while [...]also preserving the desirable properties of the included molecule. wacker.com |
瓦克明确保留在非事先通知的情况下更改、增加或删除部分或全部 内 容 、 或 终 止 网 站 发布的权利。 wacker.com | WACKER expressly reserves the right to change, expand or [...] delete website content, in whole or in part, or cease publication of [...]the website, without prior notification. wacker.com |
禁止骚扰别人,广告和散播不合法的 内 容] 用户禁止利用平台散播内容和从 事妨碍人民 福利的活动,宣传其他广告形式内容的网址。 blc4u.com | Prohibition on disturbance of people, [...] advertising and [...] disseminating illegal content] Users are prohibited from using the Platform for the purposes of expressing content and undertaking [...]activities that disturb [...]the well-being of other people, promoting other Internet sites, expressing content in the form of advertisements etc. blc4u.com |
与禁止相比,预防危机、冲突、不容 忍和 仇恨言论要容易得多;禁止不能解决那些本可以通 过加深了解和沟通来解决的结构性原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was much easier to prevent crises, conflicts, intolerance and hate speech than to prohibit them; prohibitions did not solve [...] the structural causes [...]that could be resolved with better understanding and communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于正在辩论的问题,《中部非洲和安会议定书》 的有关案文将以下问题列入其第 6 条,这些内容是: 遏止越境 犯罪和国际恐怖主义;防止不受控制的扩散 和非法贩运武器、弹药、爆炸物和其它有关材料。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the matters being debated, the Protocol on COPAX includes the following issues in its article 6: combating cross-border crime, international terrorism, the uncontrolled proliferation and illicit trafficking of arms, ammunition, explosives and all other related materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
捷克共和国重申其本国以前所做答复的实质 内 容 , 即 迄今 为 止 捷 克 共和国 尚未通过任何国内法律规范这一事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Czech Republic reiterates the substance of its earlier reply, namely, that so far the Czech Republic has not adopted any own national law that would regulate this matter. daccess-ods.un.org |
建立一种独立的特别机构,监测关于种族和宗教歧视以及不容忍行为 的整个进程:收集、编辑、分析、公布以及传播关于种族主义和种族歧视的 [...] 统计数据;帮助受害者;调查案件;监测法律的实施;为警察、检察官以及 法官提供关于立法以及有关规定的制定和实施的培训以及提高公众对于促进 容忍和防止诋毁宗教问题的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | Establish an independent specialized body to monitor the whole process related to racio-religious discrimination and intolerance: collect, compile, analyse, publish and disseminate statistical data on racism and racial discrimination; assist victims, investigate cases, monitor legislation, and provide training to police, prosecutors and judges on legislation, planning and execution of [...] relevant provisions of the instrument as well as raise [...] awareness on promoting tolerance and preventing defamation of religions. daccess-ods.un.org |
满足那些遭受冲突、自然灾害和动荡局面破坏的教育系统的需要,用促进相互了解、 和平和宽容以有助于防止暴力和冲突的方式开展教育 unesdoc.unesco.org | Meet the needs of education systems affected by conflict, natural calamities and instability and conduct educational [...] programmes in ways that promote mutual [...] understanding, peace and tolerance, and that help to prevent violence and conflict unesdoc.unesco.org |
(iv) 倘行使任何認股權證所代表認購權時,認購權儲備內的進賬額 [...] [...] 不足以繳足行使認股權證持有人所享有相等於上述差額的股份 額外面值,則董事會須動用當時或之後可供用作該用途的任何 溢利或儲備(在法律容許或並不禁止 下 包 括股份溢價賬),直 至繳足該等股份的額外面值及按上述方式配發,且在此之前不 [...] 會就本公司當時已發行的繳足股份支付股息或作出其他分派。 embrygroup.com | (iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such shortfall as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Directors shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter becoming available [...] (including, to the extent [...] permitted or not prohibited by law, share premium account) for such purpose until such additional [...]nominal amount [...]of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue. embrygroup.com |
如果在武装冲突期间,有关国家进行第 8 [...] 条草案所规定的通知,而不遵守通知的条 件——如果按照 1969 年《维也纳条约法公约》第 31 [...] 条和第 32 条对条约所作的解 释显示。条约缔约方之间对于容许 条约 终 止 、 条 约退出或条约中止并无任何共同 意愿,同时也没有任何有效理由可以根据冲突的性质和范围、冲突对条约的预期 [...] [...] 影响、条约的事项或缔约方的数目提出这种要求,这些行为就武装冲突而论,等 于认为如此行事的国家了解这些缺失。 daccess-ods.un.org | If, during an armed conflict, a State concerned makes the notification provided for in draft article 8 without complying with the conditions set out in the draft article — should the interpretation of the treaty pursuant to articles 31 and 32 of the 1969 Vienna Convention show that the parties to the treaty had [...] not expressed a common desire to [...] allow for termination, withdrawal or suspension, and that [...]there is no valid ground for [...]such a request arising from the nature and extent of the conflict, the likely effect of the conflict on the treaty, the subject matter of the treaty or the number of parties to the treaty — the State that has so acted would, at the end of the armed conflict, be considered accountable for such non-compliance. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,所有容器須能夠予以密封,以 防 止容 器 內 所載的醫療廢 物在運往處置設施途㆗濺溢或掉出。 legco.gov.hk | All containers shall be capable [...] of being sealed in a manner that [...] will prevent the spillage of the contents during transport [...]from the source of arising to the point of disposal. legco.gov.hk |
武器、军用装备和两用物品对外贸易法》(第 5 条)规定了对非国家行为者 的禁令,内容如下:“禁止任何非国家行为者,特别是为恐怖目的而进行核生化 武器及其运载工具的对外贸易、运输、转让、拥有或使用”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Law on Foreign Trade in Arms, Military Equipment and [...] Dual-Use Items (Article 5) [...] provides for prohibitions in respect of non-State actors and reads as follows: [...]“Foreign trade, transport, [...]transfer, possession or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery, in particular for terrorist purposes, shall be prohibited to any non-State actor”. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些代表认为,如果加上各项目的均应符合国家法律这一 防止 误解的内容,这一条的提法便可行了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some delegates argued that the formulation of the article would be appropriate provided a caveat be added that the purposes will be in accordance with national legislation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
原来的全明星配音阵容,令人叹为观 止 的 动画效果和迷人的歌声,Kiara和Kovu的冒险刺激所有年龄段的观众的光荣“的生活圈子”继续为新一代。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Featuring the original all-star voice cast, breathtaking animation and enchanting songs, Kiara and Kovu’s adventure thrills audiences of all ages as the glorious “Circle Of Life” continues for a new generation. seekcartoon.com |
该团伙有去Lyoko和解决问题之前奇数和Yumi瓦解并永远消失,但XANA时,试图 阻 止 他 们 ,这是 不 容 易 的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The gang has to go to Lyoko and [...] fix the problem before Odd and Yumi disintegrate and disappear forever, [...] but it’s not easy when XANA tries to stop them. seekcartoon.com |
除《基本法》外,一般法律也规定了对少数民族权利的保护,如前述《公 约》第20 条的内容,刑法禁止煽动种族灭绝及种族歧视的歧见行为和仇恨(《刑 法典》第 230 条至第233条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As mentioned before in relation to article 20 of the Covenant, criminal law severely punishes acts related to hatred and discrimination, such as genocide and incitement to racial discrimination (arts. 230 to 233 of the CCM). daccess-ods.un.org |
小组已开始跟踪其档案中的信息,内 容 涉 及被 禁 止 旅 行 个人可能所在地点, 以及可能与冻结资产名单中个人和实体有关联的资产。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel has begun to follow up on information contained in its archives concerning the possible location(s) of individuals subject to the travel ban, as well as possible assets linked to individuals and entities cited in the assets freeze list. daccess-ods.un.org |
还可以防止可能对罐槽容纳物产 生不利影响的外部污染物进入。 protectoseal.com | Protection from external sources of contamination that may [...] adversely affect the tank’s contents is also provided. protectoseal.com |
Kuijpers 先生指出,2012 年 11 [...] 月上旬提议的欧洲委员会含氟气体条例的 内 容 包 括 ,到 2020 年禁止使用全 球升温潜能值大于 2500 的氢氟碳化合物,这可能会在全球范围内影响全球升 [...]温潜能较高的制冷剂的应用。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Mr. Kuijpers noted that the European [...] Commission F regulation, as [...] proposed in early November 2012, included a ban on HFCs with a [...]global-warming-potential greater [...]than 2,500 by 2020 and that that might impact the application of those high-global-warming-potential refrigerants globally. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
本操作说明书包含技术 方面的规范和图纸,并禁止将这些内 容 以 全 部或部分形式进行复制、传播,或未经 批准擅自用于竞争目的和其他用途。 interroll.com | The operating instructions contain technical regulations and drawings which may not be reproduced partially or in full, transmitted by any means, utilized without permission for competitive purposes or disclosed to third parties. interroll.com |
撰 撰寫 寫與 與寄 寄送 送電 電子 子郵 郵件 件 在電子郵件中,短按功能選單按鍵,並輕觸撰寫郵件選項進入電子郵件撰寫 畫面,輸入收件者、主指與撰寫郵件內容後,輕觸傳送按鈕以完成寄送電子郵件, 同樣若您輕觸儲存為草稿按鈕,則編輯到目前 為 止 之 內 容 即 會儲存為草稿,若您 輕觸捨棄按鈕則會放棄目前的編輯。 camangi.com | Enter the Email, Subject, and Content; then touch the Send icon to complete the action. Also, you can touch the Save as draft icon to save the email into a draft or touch the Discard icon to cancel composing the email. camangi.com |
稳定团与海地国 [...] 家和地方的对应机构合作,在所有 12 个优先地区开张宣传禁止暴力、宽容 与和 平的运动,并与教育部共同实施一个小学推广项目,向 [...]60 所学校 30 000 名儿童 宣传非暴力的文化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Together with national and local [...] counterparts, MINUSTAH conducted [...] campaigns advocating non-violence, tolerance and peace in all [...]12 priority areas and implemented [...]jointly with the Ministry of Education a primary school outreach project promoting a culture of non-violence, which targeted 30,000 children in 60 schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
他的报告澄 清了各国必须根据国际法规定禁止的 非法 内 容 与那些被认为有害、令人反感、反对或不可取但未要求 国家禁止或定为刑事犯罪的内容之间 的区别。 daccess-ods.un.org | His report clarified the differences [...] between illegal contents, which States were required to prohibit under international law, and those considered harmful, offensive, objectionable or undesirable, but which States were not required either to prohibit or to criminalize. daccess-ods.un.org |
确认关于各种思想的公开辩论,以及各种信仰和各种文化之间在地方、 国家和国际层面的对话,可以成为防 止 宗 教 不 容 忍 现 象的最佳保障之一,并且可 以在加强民主政体和打击宗教仇恨方面发挥积极作用,深信就这些议题持续对话 [...] 有助于克服现有的错误观念 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizes that the open public debate of ideas, as well as interfaith and intercultural dialogue, at the local, national and [...] international levels can be among the best [...] protections against religious intolerance and can play [...]a positive role in strengthening [...]democracy and combating religious hatred, and convinced that a continuing dialogue on these issues can help overcome existing misperceptions daccess-ods.un.org |