

单词 容易接受的

See also:


liable (to)

接受 v

accept v
take v
receive v
undergo v
take up v
take on v

接受 n

acceptance n
recipient of n

External sources (not reviewed)

他自稱赤字「有益」,相信市民 對此難以理解,而市民比 容易接受的 是 前 任財政司彭勵治所指本港赤字是「揮霍無 [...]
What the community finds easier to understand is former [...]
Financial Secretary Sir John BREMRIDGE's comment that Hong Kong's
Budget deficit is "a wantonly wasteful but highly popular expedient".
对于操作工来说,该设备的可靠性和使用 的简易性是容易接受的。
The reliability and undemanding usage are appreciated by every operator.
但如果民建聯今 天是那容 易接受政 府 的 游 說 ,我 對 你 們的黨 格 和原則也 有一些質 疑 。
But if today the DAB is doing exactly this, then I cannot help but have doubts on the integrity of the party and its professed principles.
容易接受来自世界各地人的种 种 文化影响有助于相互交融,使城市地区真正成 为一个文化间对话的实验室。
The permeability of cities to all the cultural influences of people from differing [...]
horizons fosters cross-fertilization
which makes the urban environment a veritable laboratory for intercultural dialogue.
他 表示,待本 港 經 濟 大 致 上全面 復 蘇 後 , 委員及市 民 大 眾 會容易接受提高票價的 做 法
He said that members and the public
[...] would find it easier to accept the fare increases when the general economy [...]
had fully recovered.
此外,在討論政改時,假如真的沒有其他選擇,28%市民表 容易接受 一 些 自己不支 的 方 案 ,表示有困難的佔47%。
Meanwhile, when discussing the political reform
proposals, if there is no other
[...] choice, 28% said they were easy to accept policies which they do [...]
not support, while 47% said
they found it difficult to accept.
因此, 他们容易接受新思想,尝试不的 技 法
They are therefore more open to new ideas and to experimenting [...]
with different techniques.
该Soundcraft Vi6让技术人容易接受,因为它的易 用 性和完美的音质相结合。
The Soundcraft Vi6 easily convinced the technical crew because of its ease of use, combined with perfect sound quality.
尽管确定和同意消除“最糟类型的童工”可能相容易,但“可接受的工作 ”和“有害的劳工”之间的区别不总是 明确,当地和传统的实践和信仰使评估混乱。
While it may be relatively easy to identify and agree to eliminate the “worst forms of child labour”, the distinction between “acceptable work” and “harmful [...]
labour” is not always clear
and assessments can be muddled by local and traditional practices and beliefs.
如果容 易 接 受 政 府 的 說 法,到此為止, 不要再 問 , 再 問便有 危險, 而不看 清楚背 後 的理據,不 看 清楚究 竟 有 [...]
甚麼資 料 支 持 這 說 法,這 才 是 最 大 的 分別。
If someone accepts the Government's version very easily, and just stops [...]
there without asking any further questions because
any further question may mean danger, and he does not try to find out the underlying justifications as well as the information supporting such a version, then this is where the greatest difference lies.
[...] 候,不止要陳述最優秀、最有利的觀點,很多時候也要面對一些不利 的觀點,寧願把它們說出來,以化解危機、拆彈,使法官或陪審團容易接受整體論點的優劣
To the legal profession, and as many barristers in this Chamber know very well, when we argue a case in Court, not only do we state the best, the most favourable viewpoints, we also often face unfavourable viewpoints, and we prefer to state these viewpoints to resolve crises or to
"defuse the bomb", in the hope that the Judge or
[...] the Jury will more readily accept the merits of our arguments on the whole.
宏觀分析,香港市民反對台灣重新加入聯合國的比率,總是低於反對台灣獨立的比率(請參閱網站中半年結數字),顯示巿民雖然反對台獨,但卻比 容易接受 台 灣 有自 的 國 際 空間。
From a macro perspective, Hong Kong people's opposition to Taiwan's attempt to rejoin
[...] United Nations has consistently been lower than their opposition [...]
to the independence of Taiwan (see half-yearly figures in the POP Site).
的思想並無成見,容 易接受新概 念;他們仍然與動植物保持自然和諧的關係。
Children have an open and receptive mind to new concepts and [...]
they still retain a natural and harmonious relationship with animals and plants.
如果要求节省经费的呼 吁是基于有的多边 主义和平等而不是不公正和双 重标准,那么尼日利亚代表团会 容易接受。
His delegation would
[...] have been more receptive to calls for cost savings if they had been based on effective multilateralism and equity rather than injustice [...]
and double standards.
因此,对会员国来说,方案(b)可能 容易接受 , 在 这种情况下,总干事将承诺 在实际零增的预算 上限内吸收贝尔蒙计划贷款的偿还及安全措施的开支,并在这个总预算 范围内对某些领域进行加强。
Hence, option (b) might be more acceptable to Member States and in this case the Director-General would [...]
undertake to absorb the requirements for
the Belmont Plan loan repayment and security measures within the ZRG budget ceiling and would also provide for strengthening of certain areas within this budget envelope.
许多发言者指出,绝大部分外国接 投 资 集中于采矿业和初级商品,这些 部门与国内其他经济部门的联系很少,而且没有多少创造就 的 空 间, 很 容易受 外部冲击影响。
Many speakers noted that the
[...] bulk of foreign direct investment had been concentrated in extractive industries and commodities, which were sectors with few links to the rest of the domestic economy with little space for job creation and high exposure to external shocks.
受 过教育的妇女更懂得在怀孕和分娩期间需要适 的 护 理, 更 容易接受 达 到适当年 龄后再结婚的观点,更懂得预防早孕,也更善于行使其生殖保健方面的决策权。
Educated women are better able to understand the need for appropriate care during pregnancy and delivery and are more likely to be prepared to delay marriage until an appropriate age, prevent early pregnancies and exercise their reproductive health choices.
他同样想了解妨碍人权维护者的言论自由和 集会权利的主要障碍,可以加强对特 容易受到 攻击的人权 维护者的保护的方法,以及通过何种 途径可以运用普遍定期审查来改善人权理事会接受审 查的国家中人权维护者境况的监测。
He would appreciate information about the main obstacles impeding the exercise of freedom of expression and assembly by
human rights
[...] defenders, ways of ensuring increased protection for the mandate of defenders particularly exposed to attacks and the means whereby the universal periodic review might contribute to [...]
improved monitoring
of the situation of defenders in countries being reviewed by the Human Rights Council.
某些社会群体尤容易受到酷刑的迫 害 ,例如妇女、儿童、青年、被关押人 员以及女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性者,特别是在安蒂奥基亚。
Some social groups are particularly vulnerable to torture, [...]
such as women, children, youth, incarcerated persons, and LGBT
persons, in particular in Antioquia.
尽管在多数情况下,它们对其他驻扎在实地的人道主义机构产 生同样的影响,但难民署对约制接 触 受 关注人 的 能 力 或取得当地民众认同感 的能的那些措施尤容易受到影响。
While in most cases they have an equal effect on other field-based and humanitarian agencies, UNHCR is particularly
[...] sensitive to measures that curtail its ability to reach its populations of concern or gain the acceptance of local communities.
但与加强参与的好处和其他备选方案的不肯定情况相比,这一方 的相 关风险也许令人容易接受。
Nonetheless, the risks associated with
[...] this approach may be more acceptable in comparison with the benefits [...]
of enhanced engagement
and the uncertainty of alternatives.
因此,在審議條例草的過程 中,我們亦向 政府提出了這些憂慮,希望當局在訂定法例時可以一併解決這些憂慮,讓居 民可以容易接受這項新條例。
Therefore, during the scrutiny of the Bill,
we have also
[...] expressed these worries to the Government, hoping the authorities will address these worries of tenants in drafting the legislation, so that they will accept the legislation more readily.
国家负有特别责任,通过依据教育和培 的 是 否 容易获得 容易接 受、资 金是否充足和是否适当的标准调动资源,确保弱势群体享有接受人权教育 [...]
The State has a particular responsibility
[...] for ensuring the effective enjoyment of the right to human rights [...]
education and training by
vulnerable groups, by mobilizing its resources according to the criteria of accessibility, acceptability, adequate funding and suitability of the education and training.
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程接受其它 阿拉伯 的 在 线 内 容 , 开发多语种教学内容,通过提供不 同形式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available in Arabic, multilingual content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b) 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量 /再殘餘限量為骨幹,並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法;
[...] 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測 到的除害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害公眾健康,否則 容 許 輸入和售賣含有這 類除害的食物; d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加 /修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請; f) 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 [...]
g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To
provide a list of
[...] exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation [...]
with the registration
of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
164 董事會可不時並於任何時間,藉授權書委任任何經其 接 或 間 接 提 名 的公 司、商號、個人或人數不等之團體,作為本公司的一名或多於一名受權人, 而委任的目的,所授予的權力、權限及酌情決定權(以不超過根據本章程細則 歸於董事或可由董事行使者為限),以及委任的期限和規限的條件,均須按董 事會認為合適者而定;任何此等授權書,均可載有董事認為適合用以保障及 方便與任何此受權人進行易的人 ,以及可授權任何此等受權人將歸於他 的所有或任何權力、權限及酌情決定權轉授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any
time, by power of
[...] attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any [...]
such attorney as the
Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
5.3 假若閣下未有根據本客戶協議及本附表履行本身的任何責任及/或償還閣下的任何債務,包括未有提供保
[...] 證金,則吾等可無須事先通知閣下或獲得閣下同意的情況下,採取絕對酌情權:(a)拒 接受 閣 下在 交易 所交易的期權 業務發出的進一步指示;(b)將閣下與吾等之間的部分或全部客戶合約平倉;(c)訂立合約或 [...]
或 (d)處置保證金或其在任何部分並將該等處置所得收益清償閣下欠下吾等的債務,及在閣下欠吾等的一 切債務清償後的任何收益餘款支付予閣下。
5.3 If you fail to comply with any of your obligations and/or to meet your liabilities under any of the provisions of this Client Agreement including this Schedule, including without limitation failure to provide Margin, we may at our absolute discretion and without prior notice to
you or your consent;
[...] (a) decline to accept further Instructions in respect of Exchange Traded Options Business; [...]
(b) Close Out some
or all of your Client Contracts with us; (c) enter into Contracts or transactions in Securities, Futures or Commodities, in order to settle obligations arising out to or to hedge the risks to which we are exposed in relation to your failure; and/or (d) dispose of the Margin or any part thereof, and apply the proceeds thereof to discharge your liabilities to us, and any proceeds remaining after discharge of all your liabilities to us shall be returned to you.
示范战略和实际措施》增订本认识到有些特 的 妇 女 群体特 容易 遭 受暴 力 行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、移 民、无国籍人、难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区、无家可归、被机构安置 或拘留、身有残疾、是老年妇女、寡妇或生活在冲突、冲突后和灾害局势中,因 [...]
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, [...]
either because of their
nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or because they belong to an indigenous group, are migrants, are stateless, are refugees, live in underdeveloped, rural or remote communities, are homeless, are in institutions or in detention, have disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.




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