

单词 容式



heavy on form, light on substance
stress form at the expense of content

External sources (not reviewed)

作为业界第一个多点触摸屏一个无框AIO的设计,利用精确的B520和舒适的用户体验的项目多点触摸 容式 触 摸 (PCT)的一个更。
As the industry’s first frameless AIO design with a multitouch touchscreen, the B520 utilizes Project Capacitive Touch (PCT) for a more accurate and comfortable multitouch user experience.
向绿色经济转型是 希望资源开发有利于可持续性、 容式 社 会发展和经济增长。
The hope is that a transition to a green economy
will result in resource exploitation that contributes to
[...] sustainability, inclusive social development [...]
and economic growth.
(c) 实施容式教育 ,促使有特殊需要的儿童融入社会,确保弱势儿童群 体、包括上述群体,在教育系统中不受歧视
(c) Introduce inclusive education and promote social integration [...]
of children with special needs and ensure that vulnerable
groups of children, including the abovementioned groups, are not discriminated against in the education system
有意见认为,外层空间领域目前面临的问题和挑战应当通过 容式 的 发 展 来解决,也就是包括不仅促进外层空间环境和资源的可持续开发,而且也确保 [...]
空间活动造福于所有国家,特别是无空间能力的发展中国家,以及造福于既包 括当代也包括子孙后代的全人类。
The view was expressed that the present issues and challenges faced
in the field of outer space should be
[...] addressed through inclusive development, [...]
which encompassed not only promoting the sustainable
development of the outer space environment and resources but also ensuring that space activities benefited all countries, especially developing countries without space capability, as well as all humankind, both current and future generations.
至於在耐用性上,全曄容式產品 的表面硬度達9H,而一般市面產品的硬度僅有7H。
As for durability, the surface hardness of Chenmtech's capacitive products reaches 9H, but most products in the market only have the hardness of 7H.
此类风险和不确定性因素包括但不局限于立迪思公司的 容式 触 摸控制器集成电路产品或触摸技术缺乏市场应用,推迟这些新产品的量产计划,延迟把我们的产品整合到消费电子产品中,我们对第三方制造商的依赖,整个便携电子及半导体业的发展趋势,以及其他立迪思公司经常在提交给美国证券交易委员会的报告中详细描述的风险,这些报告包括截至2007年12月31日的10-K表年报以及截至2008年9月30日的10-Q表季报。
Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, lack of market adoption for Leadis' capacitive touch controller ICs or the haptics technology, delays in ramping these new products into production, delays in the integration of our products into consumer electronic devices, our reliance on third-party manufacturers, general portable electronics and semiconductor industry trends, and other risks detailed from time to time in Leadis' reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission including its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 and Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2008.
本新闻中的警戒性声明包括但不局限于立迪思公司的LDS6010、LDS6040、LDS6018和LDS60 48 电 容式 触 摸 控制器集成电路产品的功能和优势、这些产品的预期市场应用以及Immersion公司触摸技术许可的好处,这些声明均为前瞻性声明,受许多风险和不确定性因素的影响和制约,这些风险和不确定性因素可能会导致结果与预期产生巨大的差别。
Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, the features and benefits of Leadis' LDS6010, LDS6040, LDS6018 and LDS6048 capacitive touch controller ICs, the anticipated market adoption of these products, as well as the benefits of the license to Immersion's haptics technology, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations.
但是一些实际限制,如需要200伏极化电压和高输入阻抗放大器,多年来制约了 容式 传 声器的广泛使用。
Practical limitations such as the need for 200 V polarization voltage and a high input impedance amplifier limited a widespread use of condenser microphone for many years.
我们的专利容式触摸技术和算法与经过优化并支持触摸感应的 Atmel AVR® 微控制器相结合,可以实现无限次的触摸、快速的响应时间、手写笔支持和低功耗等优点。
Our patented
[...] capacitive touch technology and algorithms, combined with an optimized and touch-sensing [...]
enabled Atmel AVR®
microcontroller, provide an unlimited number of touches, fast response time, stylus support and low power consumption.
微型傳感器,可在所有的行動模式:感應式,光電,磁性, 容式 和 超 聲波傳感器。
The miniature sensors are
[...] available in all modes of action: an [...]
inductive, photoelectric, magnetic, capacitive and ultrasonic sensors as.
愛特梅爾公司是全球領先的微控制器、 容式 觸 控 解決方案、先進的邏輯電路、混合訊號、非揮發性記憶體和無線射頻 (RF) 部件的設計和製造商。
Atmel Corporation (Nasdaq: ATML) is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of microcontrollers, capacitive touch solutions, advanced logic, mixed-signal, nonvolatile memory and radio frequency (RF) components.
预极化容式传声 器的出现是便携式仪器的重大突破,打开了使用恒流源驱动器(DeltaTron)技术的道路,昂贵的7引脚传声器电缆由廉价的同轴电缆所取代,在前置放大器的同一导体中传输信号和提供电源电压。
The availability of pre-polarized condenser microphones
was a breakthrough for portable instruments
[...] and opened the way for the use of Constant [...]
Current Line Drive (DeltaTron™)
techniques, where the expensive 7-lead microphone cable is replaced by a cheaper coaxial cable that carries the signal and supply voltage for the preamplifier on the same conductors.
我们全方位的解决方案包括 LCD 驱动器、LED 控制器、实时时钟 (RTC) 以及包括 I/O 扩展器到容式传感 器在内的其它诸多产品。
A very broad spectrum of outstanding solutions including LCD drivers, LED controllers and real-time clocks (RTCs), as well as many other devices from I/O expanders to capacitive sensors.
作為一種補充與銀納米線的最新的觸摸, 容式 多 點 觸摸技術(PCT投射 容式 觸 摸 屏)線和ITO傳感器是寬屏顯示器的在16:提供9格式。
As a complement to the wire and ITO-based sensors with Silver Nanowire the latest touch technology, the capacitive multi-touch (PCT Projected Capacitive touch screen) is for widescreen displays in 16: offered 9 format.
利用所有的 Windows 优化 8 与多点触控显示容式技术与对角线的基础的高清晰度 10,1 英寸。
Take advantage of all that Windows optimization 8 with Multitouch display high definition based on capacitive technology with diagonal 10,1 inches.
集合Ⅱ型高压并联电容器获国家重大技术装备成果一等奖;电气化铁道专用高压集合Ⅱ型并联电容器被评为国家级产品; 2006年开发的1000kV电容式电压 互感器顺利通过武汉高压研究院的型式试验,并在武汉特高压试验基地一次投运成功;公司新产品Univar电容器成套装置获得成功推广,并被广泛应用。
Shunt capacitor type Ⅱ wins the first prize of country significant technical equipment achievement, the electrical railway specialized capacitor get the national product reward; In 2006 the company developed 1000kV CVT smoothly then
through the Wuhan High Voltage Research
[...] Institute of the Type Test, and ran [...]
well without any problems in the Wuhan test
base; Univar is a kind of new product the company make, this capacitor obtains the successful promotion and widely used.
OnC LevelSens料位传感器可采用的测量方法包括雷达、超声波、振动、流体静压和 容式 测 量
The available measurement procedures of the OnC LevelSens include radar, ultrasound, vibration, hydrostatic pressure and capacitive processes.
基于Symbian的,新的诺基亚Astound的特点是优雅的不锈钢设计,运动一720p高清视频拍摄800万像素摄像头,双LED闪光灯和,加上3.5“AMOL ED 电 容式 触 摸 屏。
Symbian based, the new Nokia Astound features an elegant stainless-steel design, sporting an 8-megapixel camera with dual-LED flash and 720p HD video capture, plus a 3.5″ AMOLED capacitive touch screen.
片上集成一组外设,使得该家族产品特别适合实时控制应用环境,如电机控制和通信应用、 容式 触 摸控制和显示控制或者LED照明。
A set of peripherals is featured which enables the use in real-time-control environments like motor control as well as for communication purposes, capacitive touch and display control or LED lighting.
[...] (连续工作3~6个月)、电磁海流计、声学多普勒海流剖面仪( 容式 、 直读式和船用式)、电导率温度深度剖面仪、声学应答释放器、远洋深海潮汐测量系统(布设海底
Underwater sealed electrical connectors, efficiency> 90% of the reverse osmosis desalination with energy recovery efficiency> 85% of the high-pressure pump with reverse osmosis desalination, reverse osmosis desalination membrane (desalination rate of> 99.7%), Nissan 2 million tons of low-temperature multi-effect distillation desalination plant, marine ecosystem monitoring buoys, profiling floats, one-time use of the conductivity temperature and depth measurement instruments (XCTD), on-site water quality measurement instruments, intelligent marine water quality monitoring with chemical sensors (continuous Work 3 to 6 months), electromagnetic
current meters, acoustic Doppler current
[...] profiler (self-contained, direct-reading, [...]
and marine-type), conductivity temperature
depth profiler, acoustic release unit response, offshore deep-sea tidal measurement system ( laid submarine)
切割高度取决 于容式探测环,有助于切割精确、 垂直。
The cutting height is determined by a capacitive ring.
2001 年通过的联合国教科文组织《世界文化多样性宣言》 指出,“文化多样性对人类来讲就象生物多样性对维持生物平衡那样必不可 少”,该宣言是确保全世界尊重普遍人权的 容式 世 界 治理的基础。
The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, adopted in 2001, states that “cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature”.
為掌握觸控產品商機,由台灣晁欣股份有限公司(Chao Shin Industry,簡稱CSI)轉投資的子公司-全曄科技,於二○○八年成立 「Mtouch Systems」部門,負責Touch Module業務,供應電阻式、表面容式 、 紅 外線式、表面聲波式及投射式等產品方案,並於今年七月,為電玩產業設計出新一代,防水、抗高落塵、高耐磨損性的全新 容式 產 品 ,準備作為佈局全球、打響全曄科技名聲的第一砲。
In July this year, for the gaming industry, the Department designed a whole new generation of water-resistant, anti-dust and anti-abrasive capacitive products, which are going to be the first salvo for achieving global deployment and building the reputation of Chenmtech.
这特别是因为投射容式触摸 屏(PCT)具备更好的优势,那就是这些触摸屏支持智能手机和平板电脑提供的先进多点触摸操作的广泛阵列,例如放大、缩小显示屏或用两根手指旋转图像。
This is because projection capacitive touchscreens (PCT), in particular, have the great advantage that they support the broad array of advanced multi-touch operations offered on smartphones and tablet PCs such as enlarging, reducing the display or rotating images with two fingers.
城事》很榮幸與該獎項合作,每個人在決選入圍名單內,都能找到自己所好,本屆活動共收到來自55國共555件報名案,而109項入圍構想涵蓋範圍甚廣,例如「平價住宅、預防肥胖、行動運輸、觀光旅遊、知識社會普及、 容式 治 理 」等。
A total of 555 entries were received from 55 different countries, with the 109 shortlisted ideas covering areas such as ‘Affordable
Housing, Prevention of Obesity, Transport & Mobility, Tourism, Access to the
[...] Knowledge Society and Inclusive Governance’.
LMS-3型电脑马歇尔稳定度试验系统是按《公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程JTJ052-2000》开发的新一代沥青混合料试验设备,采用先进的压力传感器和 容式 双 位 移传感器(无温漂时漂),配以CIMOS电路组成的数采仪,可以实现试验过程的全自动化(加载、自动采集、显示、卸载、停机)。
LMS-3 PC Marshall stability test system is based on the" highway engineering asphalt and asphalt mixture test code JTJ052 - 2000" the development of a new generation of asphalt mixture test
equipment, the use of advanced
[...] pressure sensor and capacitance type double displacement [...]
sensor (no temperature drift), with
CIMOS circuit composed of a data acquisition instrument, can realize the test of fully automated process (loading, automatic acquisition, display, unloading, shutdown).
而義隆電子的eFinger® 亦稱「e指神功」,更將「容式觸控 板」的Multi-Finger操作和「手寫辨識」這二種技術整合在一起,可在透明的 容式 觸 控面板上直接手寫輸入中、英文,解決了長期以來用鍵盤輸入中文的不便性,主要可應用在筆記型電腦、智慧型手機、多功能手機、MID、MP3、GPS、PMP、鍵盤等。
ELAN's eFinger® ("e" for enchanted) technology integrates the Capacitive Touchpad Multi-Finger solution with handwriting recognition, allowing user to directly [...]
input Chinese and English
characters by writing with fingertip on Capacitive Touchpad in lieu of the less convenient keyboard or keypad input. eFinger is ideal for a wide range of applications, including notebook computers, Smartphone, feature Phone, MID, MP3, GPS, PMP, keyboard, etc.
C-V和脈衝I-V是評估MEM效能常見的量測技術,特別是具有磁滯特性的 容式 感 測 器,可根據電極上的電荷量特性進行分析,此磁滯也可作為C-V量測評估的參數之一。
C-V and Pulse I-V are common measurement techniques to evaluate the performance of a MEM. In particular, capacitive sensors have hysteresis characteristics based on the amount of electrical charge being inducted to the electrodes.




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