

单词 容不得



unable put sth objectionable out of one's mind
not prepared turn a blind eye
can't bear having grit in one's eye [idiom.]

See also:


may not
must not
not be allowed


should notv
refrain fromv

External sources (not reviewed)

本宪章的任何容不得释为《欧洲人权公约》所保障的任何权利受到限 制或减损。
Nothing in this Charter shallbe construed aslimiting or derogating from any of the rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights.
同 样重要的是,能够证明我们是在容不得藐视人 类尊严做法的价值观而战。
It is just as important to be able to demonstrate that we are fighting on behalf of values that preclude any practices that undermine human dignity.
(bb) 本条容不得为於上述日期之前销毁任何文件或在没有 本条的任何其他情况下而对本公司施加任何责任;及
(bb) Nothing herein
[...] contained shallbe construedas imposing upon the Company any [...]
liability in respect of the destruction
of any such document earlier than as aforesaid or in any other circumstances which would not attach to the Company in the absence of this Article; and
Producing quality milk is a complex process and in today’s highly competitive dairy industry, there is little room for error.
本《指南》中的容不得构成推荐或意见陈述,意图影响人们做出参与本计划的决定,也不得视为提供与取得或处置股票相关的 推荐或意见。
Nothing in this guide should be taken toconstitute a recommendation or statement of opinion that is intended [...]
to influence a person
in making a decision to participate in the Plan or to give a recommendation or opinion in relation to acquiring or disposing of Shares.
如果用户希望在TRW Automotive的网站上加入一个链接,可根据本协议或任何未来TRW Automotive网络访问和使用协议的条款和条件进行操作,但是:用户不得使用或复制TRW Automotive不得TRW Automotive内容创建浏览器、边界环境或边框;不得暗示TRW Automotive认可用户或用户的产品或服务;不得曲解用户与TRW Automotive的关系;不得提供TRW Automotive产品或服务的虚假信息,并且,用户链接的网站不得包含可被认为是冒犯、无礼或争议性的不得不适合所有年龄、种族、宗教或其他受法律保护团体的内容,或者TRW Automotive认为不可接受的内容。
If you wish to provide a link to a TRW Automotive Web Site, you may do so under the terms and conditions of this or any future TRW Automotive web access and use agreement, but: you may not
use or replicate TRW Automotive Content; you agree not to create a browser, border environment or frame for TRW
[...] Automotive Content; you may not imply that TRW Automotive is endorsing you or your products or services; you may not misrepresent your relationship with TRW Automotive; you may not present false information about TRW Automotive products or services; and your linked web site shall not contain content thatcould beconstrued as distasteful, offensive or controversial, and or contain content that is not appropriate [...]
for all age, racial,
religious or other groups protected by law or content that TRW Automotive deems unacceptable at its sole discretion.
Mr. Talbot stated that
[...] if learning contentwas not relevant and useful, the right to education wasnot being fulfilled.
正如《墨西哥合众国宪法》第一节第 76 条规定的,如果国际条约要获得墨
[...] 西哥国内法的地位,该条约必须得到参议院的核准,其容不得墨西哥合众 国宪法》条款相冲突。
As is stipulated in article 76, section I, of the CPEUM, for an international treaty to have the status of Mexican
internal legislation, it must be approved by the
[...] Senate anditscontent must not runcounter [...]
to the provisions of the CPEUM.
出具本函件的目的纯粹在於供独立董事委员会及独立股东在考虑出售事项时用作参 考,故除收录於通函内,在未经吾等事先书面同意前,本函件的全部或部分容不得述 或转述,亦不得用作任何其他用途。
This letter is issued for the information for the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders solely in connection with their consideration of theDisposal.
It is the allegations contained in the communication form that must not be based exclusively on media reports
(b) 本细则的容不得释为倘本公司在上述情况之前或若无本细 则本公司无须承担责任的任何其他情况下销毁任何该等文件,则须 承担任何责任;及 尽管本细则载有任何条文,董事可在适用法例准许下授权销毁本细则所述 任何文件或与股份登记有关的任何其他文件,不论以微型缩影或电子方式 储存於本公司或由股份登记处代本公司储存者,惟本条细则仅适用於以诚 信态度及在本公司并无接获任何明确通知指保存该文件乃与一项申索有 关的情况下销毁的文件。
(b) nothing herein contained shall beconstrued asimposing upon the Company any liability in respect of the destruction of any such document earlier than as aforesaid or in any other circumstances which would not attach to the Company in the absence of this Article; and
Save to the extent expressly permitted under
the Terms and Conditions, the Contents(including any
[...] downloaded Contents) may not be modified, adapted, reproduced, forwarded, transmitted, used for training purposes or otherwise[...]
made available by the User in
whole or in part to any third party without the express prior consent of ActivTrades.
The matter of
[...] the motionmay not beabout using [...]
the judicial power of a lawsuit that is in process.
The form was born from perusing the grey market in Mumbai, and the microphones are rewired to emit sound in reverse, creating a sense of urgency as one listens to a
five-minute audio loop about people who have
[...] disappeared, becoming mere numbers whose existence is nearly impossibleto calculate.
及被视为本公司利益订立一项不可推翻的推定,即登记册中宣称根据任何如上所述销 毁的文件作出的每项记载均为妥善及适当地作出,每份如上所述销毁的股票均为妥善 及适当销毁的有效股票,每份如上所述销毁的转让文书均为妥善及适当登记的有效文 书,每份根据本条销毁的其他文件依照本公司账册或记录中记录的文件详情均为有效
[...] 的保存与申索有关的情况下销毁的文件;(2)本细则的容不得为对本公司施加责 任,使本公司须就早於上述时间销毁文件或未能符合上述第(1)项但书的条件而负责; [...]
and it shall conclusively be presumed in favour of the Company that every entry in the Register purporting to be made on the basis of any such documents so destroyed was duly and properly made and every share certificate so destroyed was a valid certificate duly and properly cancelled and that every instrument of transfer so destroyed was a valid and effective instrument duly and properly registered and that every other document destroyed hereunder
was a valid and effective document in
[...] accordance with the recorded particulars thereof [...]
in the books or records of the Company.
痛惜联合国和阿拉伯国家联盟联合特使六点计划未得到执行从而给人 权造成令人震惊的后果,要求所有各方立即紧急、全面地执行其各项不得任何先决条件,并且按照计划规定的次序进行
Deplores the alarming humanitarian and human rights consequences of the lack of implementation of the six-point plan of the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the League of Arab States, and calls for the urgent, comprehensive and immediate implementation by all sides of all its elementswithout any preconditions and in the sequence prescribed by the plan
(601)(b)(1)条 中规定该法任何容不得变、损害或排除反托拉斯法的适用”的“保留条 款”在本案中是否应当适用。
There was also the question of whether the “saving clauses” in the Telecommunications Act, section (601)(b)(1), which state that nothing in the Act should contribute to, “modify, impair or supersede the applicability of antitrust laws”, would be appropriate to apply in this case.
37.2 本项章程细则的容不得为对本公司施加除本项章程细则所列载以外或任何其他情 况下,设若没有本项章程细则,则本公司无须承担的有关销毁任何该等文件的任何责 任
37.2 nothing in this Article shall be construed as imposing upon the Company any liability in respect of thedestruction of any such document otherwise than as set out in this Article, or in any other circumstances, which would not attach to the Company in the absence of this Article
本公约的任何容不得缔约国在其所签署的任何有关知识产权的现行国际文件中 所享有的权利和承担的义务。
1. Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as affecting the rights and obligations of the States Parties under any existing international instrument relating to intellectual property rights to which they are parties.
(3) 根 据 上 文 第 ( 2 ) 款 发 出 的 任 何 指 令 的不 得对 《 1 9 7 9 年 海 关 管 理 法 令 》 第 1 6 4 条 下 可 行 使 的 任 何 权 力 施 加 限 制 。
(3) Nothing in any order under subsection (2) above shall be taken to limit any powers exercisable under section 164 of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979.
It helps you avoid the Swing code mixed with application logic and let you in with the application of the increases will not make the source code isnot easy to read.
Not only does this make navigating around your database easy, [...]
it also makes it possible to highlight any potential problems with the database.
Preventing a health problem is better than having to cure one, so don't wait until serious health issues prompt you to take your child to the doctor.
例如,Red Hat Linux 支持的文件系统类型比较广泛(包括许多其它操作系统常用的文件系统),从而使件系统之间的数据交换得容了。
For example, Red Hat Linux supports a wide
variety of file systems
[...] (including manycommonly used by other operating systems), making data interchange between different file systems easy.
例如见 1966 年《消除一 切形式种族歧视国际公约》第 20 条第 2
[...] 款,该款规定:“凡与本公约的目标及宗旨抵触的保不得容其效果足以阻碍本公约所设任何机关之业务者,也不得准许。
See, for example, article 20, paragraph 2, of the 1966 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which states: “A reservation
incompatible with the object and purpose of this
[...] Convention shall not bepermitted, nor [...]
shall a reservation the effect of which
would inhibit the operation of any of the bodies established by this Convention be allowed.
约旦认为,联合国承认巴勒斯坦国既不能代替直 接谈判,也不是为了剥夺以色列的合法性,因为对巴 勒斯坦国的这种承使最终地位谈判所涉的五 点容得决,而这意味着冲突将继续下去,无法 得到全面解决。
Jordan believes that recognition of the Palestinian State within the United Nations is neither a substitute for direct negotiations nor is it aimed at delegitimizing Israel, for such recognition of the Palestinian State would leave five points of the final status negotiations pending, which means that the conflict would continue without being fully addressed.
(b) 由 於 某 些 说 过 的 话 或 做 过 的 事 所 致,而 以 当 时 的 情 况 来 说 , 这 些 说 过 的 话 或
做 过 的 事 , 很 可 能 会 令 该 人 因 此 而 作 出 的 供 认 变
[...] 得 不 可 靠 , 则 法不 得 容出 此 供 认 作 为 [...]
针 对 该 人 的 证 据,但 若 然 控 方 能 在 无 合 理 疑 点 的 情
况 下 向 法 庭 证 明 此 供 认( 即 使 是 有 可 能 属 於 真 实 )并 非 以 上 述 方 式 取 得,则 属 例 外。
the court shall not
[...] allow the confession to be given in evidence [...]
against him except in so far as the prosecution proves
to the court beyond reasonable doubt that the confession (notwithstanding that it may be true) was not obtained as aforesaid.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本
[...] 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费不得有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 [...]
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock
exchange in Hong Kong,
[...] the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in thecase of any [...]
other share capital,
such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.




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