单词 | 宸 | ||||||||||||
释义 | 宸—imperial apartments
据了解,他住在北京,1974年莫士撝访问叶菶祺的时候,菶祺回忆他年轻时就认识个白郎宸,确是北京内画家,此外就不清楚。 e-yaji.com | When interviewed in early 1974 by Hugh Moss, Ye Bengqi remembered Bai Langchenfrom his youth and confirmed that he was a Beijing artist. e-yaji.com |
因为草木茂盛,我们推测白郎宸画的是夏景。 e-yaji.com | We have assumed the season to be summer here because of the lush vegetation. e-yaji.com |
宸㍻霞刮润惚⑪币,压附闷、娼舞、佩葎眉岳咀殆贫,低议哘尔郡哘否叟竃⑬压陈汇圭 中。 amda-imic.com | On the other hand, continual exposure to stressors may lead to over-increased immunity, causing allergic reactions or articular rheumatism that may destroy other tissues in our bodies. amda-imic.com |
宸页登仅页倦嗤灭挺押议及汇 化。 amda-imic.com | This check is the first step in finding diabetes. amda-imic.com |
戴文思女士曾供职于加利福尼亚大学、美国联邦政府下属机构、美国无线广播公司和北京卫视;Chris Verrill 曾供职于KCRB-TV、KIXE-TV、KCHO-FM、KVPT-TV、 Q97FM、 WGBC-FM、 WNAV-AM、KPFA-FM、KDVS-FM、WBJC-FM、中国国际广播电台、《轻松新闻》杂志、北京卫视和中国中央电视台;朱宸曾供职于《华盛顿时报》,现任朔光商务咨询有限公司媒介总监。 illuminantpartners.com | Our excellent bespoke media training curriculum is commonly presented by China media experts Catherine Davis (ex-University of California, U.S. federal government communications, Infinity Broadcasting and Beijing TV), Chris Verrill (ex KCRB-TV, KIXE-TV, KCHO-FM, KVPT-TV, Q97FM, WGBC-FM, WNAV-AM, KPFA-FM, KDVS-FM, WBJC-FM, China Radio International China Drive, Beijing TV, CCTV), Chen Zhu(ex-Washington Times and Illuminant’s director of media relations) with support by llluminant sector experts including chief executive Simon Cousins. illuminantpartners.com |
所以如道家一样,宸正的取名用当家人的身体之姓作为企业第一字:“宸”与 “陈”同音“CHEN:10画,十心十意,偏旁部首画“3”画乃数中最稳之数,“宸”又为北极星所在,北极星是最靠近正北的方位,千百年来地球上的人们靠它的星光来导航。 315cz.com | So as the Taoist, Chen was named by the body 's name as the enterprise first word: " Chen " and "Chen " homophonic " CHEN:10 painting, ten hearts ten meaning, radical painting " 3 " is the most stable number drawing number, " Chen " and for the Polaris, the North Star is the most close to North range, for thousands of years, people on the earth by it the stars for navigation. 315cz.com |