

单词 家贫如洗

External sources (not reviewed)

发展中国家、 特别是民众生活维艰、贫如洗的国 家 , 受 这些疾病 的影响最为严重。
Developing countries, especially those with the poorest and most needy [...]
populations, suffer the most from these diseases.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童, 如 难民 儿童、农村地家庭的儿童贫困 线以 下 家 庭 的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those
from marginalized
[...] communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
然而,经常性短 缺造成的非常显而易见的结果是,提供给早已贫 如洗的难民人口的服务质量不断下降。
One very visible result of the constant
shortfalls, however, was the deteriorating quality of services provided
[...] to an already underprivileged refugee population.
两个月前,他家人逃 到这里,在黎巴嫩北部找到了栖身之地,但这里的生活却 贫如洗。
He escaped two months ago with his family and found shelter in north Lebanon, where they live in abject poverty.
家庭生 活在黎巴嫩阿卡地区收容叙利亚难民的临时营地, 贫如洗。
The family live in abject poverty in a makeshift encampment for Syrian refugees, in Akkar region, [...]
事实上,我希望维护民主成就,并且海地人民,包括 统治者和被统治者,在国际社会的支持下迎接巨大的 挑战,重建和再建我们贫如洗和特 别是遭遇 2010 年自然灾害后果的家。
My wish, in fact, is that the democratic gains be maintained and that the people of Haiti, both the governing and the governed, with the support of the international community, take up the tremendous challenges of the reconstruction and
re-establishment of
[...] our country resulting from our endemic poverty and especially from the consequences [...]
of the natural disasters that hit us in 2010.
我见到许多妇女和男子在苦海中漂泊, 他们即便在最好的时候也是贫如洗。
I met many women and men, who have very little in the best of times, awash in a sea of suffering.
数百万人变得贫如 洗,几乎或者根本无法获得基本必需品,如粮食、用 水、适当的住所以及谋生手段。
Millions are left destitute, with little or [...]
no access to basic necessities such as food, water, adequate shelter and means of livelihood.
如,贫困家庭的 儿童被当局清理和置于收容机构的风险更大。
For example, children from families living in poverty are at greater risk [...]
of being removed by the authorities and placed in institutional care.
医药的价格对发展中家贫穷人 口的重要性可能是显而易见的,但值得强调的是 如 果由 于某医药产品受专利保护某位患者必须支付更多金钱的话,那就意味着他或她要减少在食 品或住所等方面的其它生活必需品,而由于没有现成的医药或买不起医药则可能导致长期 [...]
But it is worth emphasising that if a sick person has to pay more for a pharmaceutical product as a result of [...]
a patent, it means that he or she will
have less to spend on other essentials of life such as food or shelter.
如果几内亚比绍政府符合下列条件,欧洲联盟同意恢复暂时中止的对预防冲 突、水和能源、道路交通管理和私营部门等领域项目和方案的支持:(a) 提交有 关落实西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)和葡萄牙语国家共同体制订的安全部 门改革路线图的政府承诺时间表;(b) 敲定、通过、制定和公布安全部门改革一 揽子立法;(c) 批准和协助旨在支持安全部门改革和保护政治人物的专家访问 团;(d) 切实执行有关安全部门改革以及打击贩毒 洗 钱 战 略的 家 行 动 计划。
The European Union agreed to lift its suspension of support for projects and programmes in the areas of conflict prevention, water and energy, the management of road transportation and the private sector if the Government of Guinea-Bissau complied with the following conditions: (a) the submission of a timetable
[...] [...] for the implementation of the Government’s undertakings on the security sector reform road map developed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries; (b) the finalization, adoption, enactment and publication of the security sector reform legislative package; (c) the approval and assistance of an expert mission to support security sector reform and the protection of political figures; and (d) the effective implementation of national operational plans on security sector reform and on strategies for combating drug trafficking and money-laundering.
主 要关注的议题是如何收集活动数据 (这对具有取得 卫星图像、清单和历史数据问题的 贫 穷 国 家 来说 特别困难),以如何根 据这些信息精确地估计排 放和汇的清除。
The main issues of concern were how to compile activity
data (a particular
[...] difficulty for poorer countries with problems in accessing satellite imageries, inventories or historic data) and how, based on this [...]
information, to accurately
estimate emissions and removals by sinks.
在去该地区一些家,如刚果 民主共和国、吉布提、厄立特里亚、加蓬、刚果和苏丹进 行正式访问时,总干事与有关最高当局签署了备忘录和/或联合公报,确定了今后合作的优 先事项及重点,例如:提高能力,师资培训;艾滋病预防教育;文化遗产和非物质文化遗产 的保护与振兴,以及这两者以消贫 困 为目标的横向结合。
During his
[...] official visits to several countries of the region, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Gabon, Congo and Sudan, the Director-General signed with the highest authorities memoranda and/or joint communiqués identifying the priorities and main thrusts of future cooperation in priority areas, such as capacity-building, teacher-training, HIV/AIDS prevention education and the protection and revitalization of the natural heritage and the intangible cultural heritage, all under a cross-cutting approach aimed at poverty eradication.
可用于制家庭和工业/公共设施 用品如洗衣剂、洗洁精、洗车剂和轻质液体洗涤剂。
Can be used in a
[...] variety of household and industrial/institutional applications such as laundry [...]
detergents, dishwash, car wash and lightduty liquids.
今天,我们心中毫不怀疑,人们尤其是青年 一无所有、贫如洗和毫 无希望,这是各国内部和全 球范围的和平与安全所面临的可核查和迫在眉睫的 [...]
Today, there is no doubt in our minds
[...] that deprivation, destitution and desperation, [...]
especially among young people, are veritable
and imminent threats to peace and security within countries and globally.
许 多索马里人告诉 我,海 盗 的
[...] 赎金所提供的从 天 而 降 的 收 入为索马里贫 如 洗 、 饱 受战争 之 苦 的 居 民 提供一些重要的服 务 。
I was told by many Somalis whom I spoke to that their windfall income from
ransom money from the pirates is providing some
[...] important services to the poverty-ridden, war-ravaged [...]
population of Somalia.
根据所提供的上述资料如果贵 国制定了 家贫 困 线 ,生活在 家贫 困 线 以上的全国人口和农村人口所占百分比?
On the basis of the information you have
[...] provided above, if your country has a national poverty line, what is the percentage of the national and rural population living above the national poverty line?
家内部和外部的主要变革是:一些家为克 服财政赤字及相关问题实行了财政和管理改革;一些专制或半专制政权 经历了民主化;公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自由主义改革;市场 (金融、贸易、服务业、制造业)的全球化以及信息时代的到来;此外还有不断增 加的世界性问题,如贫穷、 不平等、安全、移民、恐怖主义和气候变化。
The main changes inside
[...] and outside the State were the fiscal and managerial reforms undertaken by States to overcome their fiscal deficits and related problems; the democratization of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization of public power; the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society organizations; economic liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance, trade, services, manufacturing); and the rise of the information age, in addition to increasing world problems like poverty, inequality, security, [...]
migration, terrorism, and climate change.
萨赫勒区域各国目前也在竭力应对成千上万遭 受创伤、贫如洗的回 返者大量涌入的问题。
Countries in the Sahel region are also contending with the influx of hundreds of thousands of
[...] traumatized and impoverished returnees.
如果回答是否定的,贵国是否评估了全国贫困率(即生活在 家贫 困 线 以上全国人口所占百分比, 如 果 使用了单独的 农村贫困线,则生活在农村贫困线以上的人口所占百分比)?
If No, does your country assess
[...] the national poverty rate (i.e. the percentage of the national population living above the national poverty line or in cases where a separate, [...]
rural poverty line is
used, the rural poverty line)?
偷 运移民议定书》第 15 条第 3 款要求各缔约国“应在家、区 域和国际各级酌情 促进或加强发展方案与合作,同时考虑到移民现象的社会经济现实并特别注意 经济和社会状况不景气地区,以便铲除造成偷运移民问题的社会经济根源如 贫困和不发达状况。
Article 15, paragraph 3 of the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol requires States parties “to promote or strengthen, as appropriate,
development programmes and
[...] cooperation at the national, regional and international levels, taking into account the socio-economic realities of migration and paying special attention to economically and socially depressed areas, in order to combat the root socio-economic causes of smuggling of migrants, such as poverty and underdevelopment.
然而,许多人和许多家,特别是 贫 困 的 人和 家 不 能有效地和公平 地利用信息,并因此得不到发展的机会。
[...] many people and nations, especially the poorest ones, do not have effective [...]
and equitable access to information,
and therefore, to development opportunities.
例如,无源红外传感器,只有在小便池使用之后才会自动 洗 : 英 国的 家 水 务 公司 反映如果在他们的办公地点安装这些设备,可节约 65%的水。
For example, urinals can be fitted with
passive infrared controls
[...] which only flush the urinals only when they have been used: one UK water company reported water savings [...]
of up to 65% when
these devices were fitted in their office premises.
最终,贫如洗的加 沙人民应当 有机会在和平、安全地与以色列毗邻共处的未来巴勒 斯坦国中拥有理应属于他们的位置,并且为这样一个 [...]
At the end
[...] of the day, the impoverished people of Gaza should [...]
have the opportunity to claim their rightful place in, and
make their indispensable contribution to, a future Palestinian State, living side by side with Israel in peace and security.
委员会深表关切的是,缔约国内住房紧缺,包括完善的住宅,尤其是在人 口密集的城区,居住在这里的弱势和边缘化个人和群体, 如贫 困 家 庭 、 国内 流离失所者、老年人和残疾人,都住在缺乏基本的基础设施和服务的非正式住 区、住房和营地里。
The Committee is deeply concerned about the acute shortage of adequate housing in the State party, including sound housing units, especially in
the densely populated
[...] urban areas where the disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups, such as poor families, IDPs, older [...]
persons and people with
disabilities, live in informal settlements, shelters and camps which lack basic infrastructure and basic facilities and services.
弗兰克认为他是一个十几岁的孩子,通过自己作为一个想象中的朋友,谁总是需要帮助 家 庭 作业 和 洗 他 的 球衣,并吃掉所有的食物,弗兰克从商店购买,但其他人都认为并 如 此。
Frankie thinks he’s a teenage kid passing himself off as an imaginary
friend, who
[...] always needs help with homework and washing his jerseys, and eats all the food that Frankie buys from the store, but everyone else believes [...]
虽然重要的家和区域举措(例如贫穷 -环 境举措)已经证明,采用跨活动 领域的办法执行方案能够产生倍增效应,但要使这一办法成为更为规范的做法 [...]
While important country and regional initiatives have given [...]
evidence of the multiplier effects of programmes with cross-practice
approaches (e.g., poverty-environment initiative), to make such approaches more the norm will require integrated support throughout UNDP’s practice architecture, at Headquarters, regional and country levels.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据贫困、 获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of
recognition as a
[...] specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to [...]
education, public services,
employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
2015 年使生活在极度贫困的人口 比例减半的工作更为复杂而艰巨,同时使我们的国家滋生出大规 贫 困 , 而 如果 目前的趋势继续下去,我们家贫困 人 口的绝对数量将继续增加。
This complicates and frustrates efforts to halve the proportion of
our people living in extreme poverty by 2015, making our countries the
[...] locus of massive poverty and, if the current trends continue, the absolute number of poor people in our countries will keep increasing.




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