

单词 家景

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如果在这些专业人员中有能够说投资者的母语的成员,熟 悉投资者的家背景,对于投资来说,无疑是一件锦上添花的好事。
There is an added benefit to the
investor, if members of
[...] the team of experts speak in the native language of the investor and have knowledge of the home country of the investor.
家远景规划》阐述了三个相互关联的经济目标:维持较高生活水平、 [...]
The National Vision articulates [...]
three interrelated economic goals: sustaining a high standard of living, expanding innovation
and entrepreneurial capabilities and aligning economic outcomes with economic and financial stability.
[...] (與車身顏色相同的車頂),玻璃車頂或 家 全 景 式 活 動車頂連MAGIC SKY CONTROL功能。
Unlike its predecessor, three versions are available for the new SL: painted, with glass roof or
[...] with the unique panoramic vario-roof with [...]
本委员会由来自不同家、背景和观点的成员组成,我们把各自迥异的观点带到 议事桌上来,尽力综合代表着发达国家和发展中国家的声音,涵盖的范围包括科学、法律、 [...]
We incorporate voices from both developed
[...] and developing countries: from science, [...]
law, ethics and economics and from industry, government and academia.
9.76 为实现本次级方案的目标,该司承担三项核心职能:(a) 协助大会和经济及社会理事会发现和
[...] 重大共有问题的影响;(b) 促进和传播联合国就世界经济展望及其对发展中 家 前 景 的 影 响形 成的统一观点;(c) 加强发展中国家将宏观经济政策和社会政策纳入国家发展战略的能力。
9.76 To achieve the subprogramme’s objectives, the Division carries out three core functions: (a) assisting the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in identifying and better understanding new and emerging economic development issues and challenges, in particular in the context of the Millennium Development Goals, and with full consideration of the implications of major cross-cutting issues such as climate change; (b) fostering and disseminating a unified United Nations view on the world
economic outlook and its
[...] implications for the prospects of developing countries; (c) strengthening [...]
the capacity of developing
countries to integrate macroeconomic and social policies in national development strategies.
大韩民国也正在实施“公路转铁路”政策,得 到新的“低碳绿色增长”家远景规 划 的支助,使铁路运输更安全,更舒适,更 [...]
便宜,更容易,为此对铁路进行大量投资,到 2020 年把社会基础设施资本投资 中的铁路份额从 29.3%增加到 50%。
The Republic of Korea is also implementing a “road to rail” policy
[...] supported by the new national vision entitled “Low [...]
carbon, green growth”, to make rail
transport safer, more comfortable, less expensive and easier to use by investing heavily in railroads with the target of increasing railroad share in social overhead capital investment from 29.3 per cent to 50 per cent by 2020.
在后一次活动期间,发起了“非洲地球科学教育行动”,改进非洲的地质 科学教育,提高非洲地质家的职业 前 景。
During this latter event, the Earth Science Education Initiative
for Africa was launched to improve geosciences education in Africa and to
[...] improve career prospects for African geologists.
国际社会必须寻找可行的办法,解决气候变化对最 不发达家发展前景的不利影响。
The international community must
find viable solutions to the negative impact of climate change on
[...] the least developed countries’ development prospects.
债务的长期可持续能力取决于所有债权人和债务人进行负责任的借贷、可持 续经济增长、最不发达国家的结构转型和增强最不发达 家 的 市场 前 景。
Long-term sustainability of debt depends on, inter alia, responsible lending and borrowing by all creditors and debtors, sustainable economic
growth, structural transformation in
[...] least developed countries and enhanced market prospects for least developed countries.
此外,法官的同 事有着同样的法律景,在同一家 受 过 训练,一般也曾在相同的文化环境中成 长。
In addition, the judge’s colleagues had
[...] the same legal background as he or she, having been trained in the same country and generally [...]
brought up in the same cultural milieu.
4.3 缔约国强调,阿尔及利亚立法者在对《和平与民族和解宪章》进行全民公
[...] 决后,考虑到一般概念失踪所包含状况的多样性和复杂性,主张通过在“家 悲剧”背景下救 助所有失踪人员,在整体框架下处理失踪人员的问题,支持所 [...]
有受害者以使其能够克服这一困难,并赋予所有失踪受害者及其权利继承人获 得赔偿的权利。
4.3 The State party stresses that it was in view of the diversity and complexity of the situations covered by the concept of disappearance that the Algerian
legislature, following the referendum on the
[...] Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation, recommended [...]
a comprehensive approach to
the issue of the disappeared under which the cases of all persons who had disappeared during the “national tragedy” would be dealt with, all victims would be offered support to overcome their ordeal and all victims of disappearance and their beneficiaries would be entitled to redress.
[...] 且由于减少了发展中国家的出口机会,提高了商品和资本流动的波动性,正在使 发展中家的增长前景受到制约。
However, the low growth trap developed countries are in now complicates efforts at
structural reform and is limiting growth
[...] prospects of developing countries through reduced export [...]
opportunities and increased volatility
of commodity and capital flow.
因 此,国际社会必须加紧努力,防止、打击和消除小武
[...] 器和轻武器非法贩运活动,因为这一挑战有可能危害 一个家的发展前景,妨碍它在 2015 年这个目标日 期之前实现千年发展目标。
It is therefore important that the international community step up efforts to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons, a
challenge that has the potential
[...] to undermine a country’s development prospects and the achievement [...]
of the Millennium Development
Goals by the target date of 2015.
关切当前的国际经济、金融、能源和粮食危机以及气候变化带来的挑战致使 现有国际局势更形恶化并对发展中 家 的 发展 前 景 产 生不利影响,有可能进一步 拉大发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距,包括技术和收入差距
Concerned that the current international economic, financial, energy and food crises, as well as the challenges posed by climate change, aggravate the existing international situation
and have a negative impact on
[...] the development prospects of developing countries, while threatening [...]
to further widen the gap
between developed and developing countries, including the technological and income gap
在此景下,一些家已 开始对其国际投资协定和相关的投资者-国家争端解决制度进行审查。
In this context, several countries embarked on a review [...]
of their IIAs and related investor–state dispute settlement systems.
正因如此,在目前以各种持续的严峻危机为特征 的极端困难的国际环境中,海洋及其资源的长期管理
[...] 和利用就在已然危急的经济前景中构成一项艰巨的 挑战,对发展中家的经济前景尤其 如此;但是,海 洋又可被视为现在和将来的大部分人类得以生存的 [...]
That is why, in this very difficult international context, which is characterized by ongoing acute and varied crises, the long-term management and use of oceans and their resources
present a formidable challenge in
[...] the already critical panorama of the economic future, [...]
in particular that of developing
nations, but they can be seen as the guarantors of the survival of a large part of present and future generations.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝 家; ( d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的 景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and
medium sized arts
[...] groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon [...]
Culture District project.
他进一步强调,重要的是教 科文组织要明确认定其在联合国系统改革中的作用,包括在联合国对提高效率和援助效益采取统一 应对措施的景下,在国家一级 应做出的贡献。
He further stressed the importance for UNESCO to clearly identify its role in a reforming United Nations system, including
the contributions to
[...] be made at the country level in the context of a unified United Nations response aimed at increasing efficiency and aid effectiveness.
是次發放包括候選人支持程度和選民投票意欲的頻數分析,以及候選人支持率與選民政治取向、投票意欲、性別、年齡、教育程度、職業 景 及 家 庭 所屬階級交叉分析。
The release includes frequency analyses of candidate strength and voters' propensity to vote, and cross-tabulation analyses of candidate
support rates by voters' political alignment, propensity to vote, gender, age,
[...] education level, occupation and family class.
中国赞赏挪威对于发展和减贫的独特理 解及对发展援助的承诺,询问采取哪些措施改进来自移民 景家 庭 的 状况。
China appreciated Norway’s unique understanding of development and poverty reduction and its
commitment to development aid and asked about measures to improve
[...] the situation of families from an immigrant background.
在利比里亚,儿童基金会正在领导制定儿 童司法问题国家共同办法,儿童司法在 2008-2012 年联合国发展援助框架的景 下获得国家法制小组的批准,并促成了由司法部主持的儿童司法论坛。
In Liberia, UNICEF is leading the development of a national common approach to child justice that was endorsed by the national rule of law group in the context of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2008-2012), resulting in the establishment of a child justice forum chaired by the Ministry of Justice.
1 该报告讨论了暴力侵害儿童现象所发生的五种 景 : 家 庭 , 学校,监护机构和拘 留所,工作场所,社区。
It addressed violence against children in five settings: the family, schools, alternative care institutions and detention facilities, places where children work and communities.
在这一景下,应在家一级 制订和执行北冰洋驯鹿 牧场综合管理计划,确保土著驯鹿放牧社区未来的可持续性,并在北冰洋区域气 [...]
Against this background, there is a need to develop [...]
and implement integrated management plans for reindeer pastures in the
Arctic, on national levels, to secure future sustainability of indigenous herding communities and cultures in the face of climate change and land use change in the Arctic region.
这一点必须适用于所有 人,无论个人景、家庭关 系或贫富程度如何。
That must apply
[...] irrespective of personal background, family connections or wealth.
在此景下,国家医疗政策的实施是在 1992 年正式通过的重大改革基础上进行 的,通过医疗卫生部门政策宣言,以及 [...]
1993 年的落实初级医疗护理重定向宣 言。
The implementation of the national policy on health [...]
is based on major reforms officially adopted in 1992 via a health sector
policy statement, and the 1993 primary health care reorganization statement.
(1) 收養國中央機關如信納申請人符合資格和適宜領養
[...] 兒童,則須擬備一份報告,內容包括關於以下事項的資料:申請 人的身分、符合資格程度和適宜領養程度、 景 、 家 庭 史、病歷 、社會環境、領養原因、作跨國領養的能力以及申請人會合資格 [...]
(1) If the Central Authority of the receiving State is satisfied that the applicants are eligible and suited to adopt, it shall prepare a report including information about
their identity, eligibility and
[...] suitability to adopt, background, family and medical history, [...]
social environment, reasons for
adoption, ability to undertake an intercountry adoption, as well as the characteristics of the children for whom they would be qualified to care.
在贸易和投资在 后复苏所需援助的增加前景暗淡,难以料定的 景 下 , 发展中 家 需 要得到支 柱,以便发展巨灾保险风险覆盖能力,填补与灾害的代价有关的缺口,同时降低 全球供应链遭受干扰的程度。
At a time of bleak landscape and uncertainty about increasing aid assistance for post-disaster recovery in trade and investment, developing countries need support to [...]
develop capacities for
catastrophic insurance risk coverage to fill gaps associated with cost of disaster to also reduce the disruptions to the global supply chain.
虽然必 须考虑到国家和区域特点以及不同的历史、文化和宗教 景 , 但 所有 家 , 不 论 其政治、经济和文化体系为何,均有义务促进和保护所有人权和基本自由。
While the significance of national and regional particularities and
various historical, cultural
[...] and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, all States, regardless [...]
of their political, economic
and cultural systems, have the duty to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
由於非華語學生的種族景、家庭期 望和留港時間差別很大,我 們明白有需要透過香港課程發展議會所編訂的中國語文課程制訂補充 [...]
指引,為學校提供額外支援,有關的中國語文課程架構靈活而寬廣, 適用於全港中小學生,而學校可因應學生( 包括非華語學生)
的學習能 力調適課程,以照顧學生的全面及個人發展,協助他們奠下良好的中 文基礎。
Given the vastly
[...] different ethnic backgrounds, family expectations and [...]
durations of residence in Hong Kong of the NCS students,
we appreciate the need for rendering additional support in the form of a supplementary guide to the Chinese Language curriculum designed by the Curriculum Development Council of Hong Kong.
[...] 照料和发展问题,并应涵盖儿童的个性特征和发展特点、种族、文化、语言和宗 教景、家庭和社会环境、医疗病史及任何特殊需要。
Assessment should be carried out expeditiously, thoroughly and carefully. It should take into account the child’s immediate safety and well-being, as well as his/her longer-term care and development, and should cover the child’s personal and developmental
characteristics, ethnic, cultural,
[...] linguistic and religious background, family and social environment, [...]
medical history and any special needs.




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