单词 | 家庭成员 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 家庭n—familyn familiespl domesticn householdspl 庭—law court front courtyard main hall 成家—settle down and get married (of a man) become a recognized expert 成员n—memberspl
(C) 准承让人须在本申请书所列的单位内居住(由非登记的家庭成员承继 业权个案除外)。 housingauthority.gov.hk | (C) The proposed assignee(s) shall live in the property as stated in this application (except in inheritance by non authorized occupant(s) cases). housingauthority.gov.hk |
包括:能与不同的团体及人口合作、熟悉服务特殊健康护理需 [...] 要儿童之加州健康护理系统、有作为特殊健康护理需要孩子家 庭成员的经验、或致力支持有特殊健康护理需要孩子的家庭、 [...]证明能协力推行和主持外展及训练、及管理後勤部署、有效的 沟通能力(口语和写作能力)、及组织能力、能在团体及独立 [...]工作自如、能使用IBM兼容电脑的文字处理软件。 familyvoicesofca.org | Requirements include: demonstrated ability to work with diverse entities and people; familiarity with California’s health care system for children [...] with special health care needs; personal [...] experience asa familymember ofa child with [...]special health care needs or demonstrated [...]strong commitment to supporting families of children with special health care needs; proven ability to collaborate and conduct outreach and training, and manage logistics; effective communication skills (both verbal and written) as well as proven organizational skills; ability to work comfortably in a group and independently; competency with word processing in IBM compatible computer systems. familyvoicesofca.org |
2.4 申请人及有关的家庭成员在每份「核对收入同意书」(SFASA003) 上,须清楚列明 [...] 每份受雇工作的联络人,以便校方跟进。 dbs.edu.hk | 2.4 For each letter (SFASA003), the applicant [...] and applicant’s family members should provide [...]information on a contact person who [...]can be contacted by the School to verify the income stated in the application. dbs.edu.hk |
0) 本 集 团 的 主 要 投 资 者 个 人、关 键 管 理 人 员 或 与 其 关 系 密 切的家 庭 成 员控制、共 同 控 制 或 施 加 重 大 影 响 的 其 他 企 业。 zte.com.cn | 0) Other enterprises [...] individually orjointly-controlled by or subject to significant influence of major investors or key management personnel of the Group or theirclose familymembers. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
於委任期内,本集团亦向郑敏泰先 [...] 生及郑碧浩女士分别提供董事宿舍,供彼等本身及彼等各自的 家庭成 员使用。 embryform.com | During the term of appointment, the Group shall also provide a director’s [...] quarter in the PRC to each of Mr. Cheng Man Tai and Ms. Cheng Pik Ho Liza for [...] himself/herself and his/her family members. embryform.com |
我们呼吁政府及 大大众肯定家庭的功能与价值,关顾雇员的家庭需要,同时促请政府制定合理的工资政策, [...] 让让雇员享有「家庭工资」,即薪酬至少能维持整个家庭的基本生活,并提供家庭成员充足的 保保障和发展空间。 hkccla.org.hk | We would also like to urge the Government to formulate a reasonable wage policy so as to enable employees to enjoy a ‘family wage’, i.e. a remuneration which can at least support [...] the basic livelihood of the whole family and [...] provide forthe family members sufficient protection [...]and development opportunity. hkccla.org.hk |
而公道合理的工资水平, [...] 最少要相等於「家庭工资」,即至少提供足够维持整个家庭的基本生活需要,并能提供家庭 成员充足的发展空间。 hkccla.org.hk | A fair and reasonable wage level should be at least equivalent to a ‘family wage’ [...] which is at least sufficient for the basic needs of thefamily and the [...] development opportunities of the family members. hkccla.org.hk |
若其他人(包括第二表家庭成员)为申请人家庭代缴任何费用,例如樓宇供款、租金开支、 保险费及/或还款等费用,申请人应在第一表甲组/乙组第二部份 [...] E 欄输入有关金额,并提供证 明文件副本。 sfaa.gov.hk | If others [...] (including Table 2 family member) havepaid any payment, such [...]as mortgage payment, rental expenses, insurance [...]premiums and/or loan repayments, etc. on behalf of the applicant’s family, the applicant should fill in the amount in column (E) under Table 1 Section A/B Part II, and provide copy of documentary proof. sfaa.gov.hk |
家庭治疗法 (family therapy):患者的家庭成员如未能确认其在问题中所扮演的角色,从而作出相对的改变,很多患者是不能完全康复的。 hsbc.com.hk | FamilyTherapy: Many patients cannot recover unless their familiesrecognize their roles in the problem and make changes. hsbc.com.hk |
微软香港有限公司於2012年12月委托香港大学民意研究计划(民研计划)进行是次《香港现代家庭生活模式调查》,访问年龄18至60岁操粤语,拥有最少一部电脑或流动装置,并和至少一个其他家庭成员一起 生活的香港居民。 hkupop.hku.hk | In December 2012, Microsoft Hong Kong commissioned the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong to conduct this “Modern Family Lifestyle Survey”, which targeted at Cantonese speaking HK citizens of age [...] between 18 and 60 year old who own at least one computer or mobile device and living [...] with at least one other familymembers. hkupop.hku.hk |
接受一个事实,即我们的个人职业预期可能需要重新考量,以便达成我们对残障家 庭成员的目标。 pavetheway.org.au | accept the reality that our personal career expectations may need to be reviewed in order to meet [...] our goals for our familymember with disability. pavetheway.org.au |
以此为基础,关连人士包括津 [...] 联及其附属公司、联营公司、其他国有企业及其由中国政府直接或间接控制之附属公司,及本集团能控制或有明显影响之 其他实体及公司,及本集团和津联之主要管理层及其家庭成员。cre8ir.com | On that basis, related parties include Tsinlien, its subsidiaries and associates, other state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by the PRC government, and other entities and corporations in which the Company is able to control or [...] exercise significant influence and key management personnel of the Company and Tsinlien as [...] well as their close family members. cre8ir.com |
假如申请人、其父亲或母亲﹝若申请人已婚,即申请人或其配偶﹞与其他家庭成员或人士 拥有聯名帐户,申请人须在表格 G 的第三表 E 项家庭成员编号的一欄中清楚注明有关的帐 户是与何人共同持有,并输入该帐户在截至 31.3.2013 的结存。 sfaa.gov.hk | If the applicant or his / her parents [...] have a joint account [...] with other members ofthefamily or with other persons, he / she should fill in the code numbers of the family members or the names [...]of those other persons [...]in Section E of Table 3 of Form G and state clearly that the account concerned is a joint account and give the total balance of the account as at 31.3.2013. sfaa.gov.hk |
按此基准而言,关连人士包括中国五矿及其关连公司、直接或间接 受 [...] 中国政府控制之其他国有企业及其附属公司、本公司之共同控制公司及联营公司, 以 及本公司及中国五矿之主要管理人员及彼等之近亲家庭成员。mmg.com | On that basis, related parties include CMC and its related companies, other state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by the PRC government, the Company’s [...] jointly-controlled entities and associates, and key management personnel of the Company and CMC as well [...] as their close familymembers. mmg.com |
任何 个别 人 士的近 亲 是指与 该 实体交 易 时 预 期 可 影 响 [...] 该 名 人 士 或 受 该 名 人 士 影 响的家 庭 成 员。cre8ir.com | Close family members of an individual are those [...] family members who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by, that individual [...] in their dealings with theentity. cre8ir.com |
申请批准与否,另一项考虑因素是,用來应急的估计款额,须超逾 申请人及其家庭成员一个月的家庭平均总收入。 rl.com.hk | A further consideration for giving approval is that the estimated amount of money required [...] to meet the need must exceed one month’s average household income of the [...] applicant(s) and his/her (their) family members. rl.com.hk |
(1) 倘原租约是根据「批出新租约政策」批出,在获准转换户主後,本户仍须继续按「批出新租约政策」 [...] 规定,每兩年申报家庭入息及资产一次(所有家庭成员均年满 60 岁或以上的住户除外),以便厘定 [...]应缴的租金水平。 housingauthority.gov.hk | (1) If the existing tenancy is granted under the Grant of New Tenancy Policy, upon approval of the change of tenant, my household is required to continue to declare the household income and assets every 2 years under the [...] Grant of New Tenancy Policy (except [...] that allmy household members are aged60 or [...]above), so as to facilitate determination of the payable rent. housingauthority.gov.hk |
參加PFA不要求提供儿童或其他家庭成员的移民身份证明。 sfhsa.org | There is NO requirement to provide proof of immigration status of [...] the child orother family members for PFA. sfhsa.org |
2.2 在「申请表」(SFASA001) 第 E 部分「家庭收入」的第(I)栏「受雇工作的总入息」 填上资料後,申请人及有关的家庭成员须填 妥和签署「核对收入同意书」 (SFASA003)。 dbs.edu.hk | 2.2 “Letter of Consent for Income Verification” (SFASA003) should be completed and [...] signed by the applicant and [...] the other family memberswhose income is indicated in Column (I) ‘Gross Income from Employment’ of PartE ‘Family Income’in the [...]“Application form” (SFASA001). dbs.edu.hk |
参与承包商选择决策过程,或者监管一名承包商,而 这名承包商与你存在财务利益关系,或者你的配偶或 其他家庭成员为其工作。 bostonscientific.com | Being involved in selection decisions [...] or supervising a contractor in which you have a financial interest, or for [...] which a spouse orother family member works. bostonscientific.com |
此外,你应该就在这些情况下的任何实际或 明显利益冲突方面谘询你的主管,特别是牵 涉到家庭成员的情况。 bostonscientific.com | Also, you should consult with your manager [...] about any actual or apparent conflicts of interest under the circumstances, [...] particularly wherefamily members are involved. bostonscientific.com |
董事会可设立或维持或安排设立或维持任何供款或非供款退休金或公积金 或养老金基金或(在经普通决议案批准情况下)雇员或行政人员购股权计 划,而受益者或向其给予或安排给予捐赠、抚恤金、退休金、津贴或酬金的 对象,为现时或於任何时间曾在本公司或属本公司附属公司的任何公司,或 [...] 与本公司或上述任何附属公司结盟或有聯系的公司受聘或服务的任何人 士,或现时或於任何时间曾为本公司或上述任何其他公司的董事或高级职员 [...] 的人士,及担任或曾经担任本公司或上述其他公司的任何受薪职位或职务的 人士,以及任何上述人士的妻子、遗孀、家庭成员及受抚养家属。 sinolifegroup.com | The Board may establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or provident or superannuation funds or (with the sanction of an ordinary resolution) employee or executive share option schemes for the benefit of, or give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and holding or who have held any salaried [...] employment or office in the Company or such other company, and the [...] wives, widows,families and dependents of any such persons. sinolifegroup.com |
Ujihara 先生是一个沉默﹐ 勤劳工作和足智多谋的人﹐他留 下给他的大家庭成员一个可爱的 回忆。 napca.org | Mr. Ujihara is described as a quiet, hard-working, resourceful man who is [...] lovingly remembered by hisextended family. napca.org |
由於本集团与国有控股企业的雇员、主要管理层人员及其家庭成员,其 他关联方之间的零售交易 的普遍性,故没有可行的方法或可信赖的系统来追踪此等交易及确保对其披露的完整性。 equitynet.com.hk | Due to the pervasiveness of the Group's retail transactions with the [...] state-controlled [...] enterprises'employees,the key management personnel and their close familymembersof state-controlled [...]enterprises, [...]and other related parties, there is no feasible way or a reliable system to track such transactions and to ensure the completeness of the disclosure. equitynet.com.hk |
董事会可代表公司发放退休酬金、退休金及退休津贴;以及可供款予任何基 金及支付保费,以购买或提供任何此等退休酬金、退休金或津贴,以及以保险或 [...] 其他福利方式支付或提供予任何曾经担任公司任何受薪职位或获利岗位的董事 [...] 或前董事,或任何与公司有关的附属公司或控股公司或该控股公司的附属公司, 或与公司有关的附属公司或控股公司或该控股公司的附属公司的前业务公司,或 其任何的家庭成员(包括配偶或前配偶),或任何须依赖其人士(在其停止担任 职位或获利岗位前)。 vitasoy.com | The Board on behalf of the Company may pay a gratuity or pension or allowance on retirement to any Director or former Director who has held any salaried office or place of profit with the Company or with any body corporate which is or has been in relation to the Company a subsidiary or a holding company or a subsidiary of such holding company or a predecessor in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary or holding company or subsidiary of such holding company or to any member of his family (including a spouse or former spouse) or to any person who is or was dependent on him and may (as well before as after he ceases to hold such office or place [...] of profit) make [...] contributionsto anyfund and pay premiums for the purchase or provisionof any such gratuity, [...]pension or allowance and [...]may make payments for or towards the provision by means of insurance or otherwise of benefits for any such person. vitasoy.com |
由於2014年颁布的可负担医疗保健法案的全面政策,有既存疾病的美国人不会受到歧视和得到他们所需要的健康承保,家人也不用担心当一个家庭成员生病的时候他们的保险会被取消或到达保额上限,或由於意外或生病的医疗费用而导致破产。 napca.org | Under the full range of policies in the Affordable Care Act to be enacted by 2014, Americans living with pre-existing conditions are free from discrimination and can get the [...] health coverage they need, and familiesare free from the worry of having their insurance cancelled or [...] capped whena family member gets sick, or [...]going broke because of [...]the medical costs of an accident or disease. napca.org |