

单词 家子



descended from an old family


the whole family


respectable woman
woman from a respectable family

External sources (not reviewed)

公司总部位于瑞士圣安特尼诺市,这家上市公司在全球拥有 28 家子公司、约 1,500 名员工。
Headquartered in Sant‘ Antonino, Switzerland, the exchange-listed company employs some 1 500 people at 28 enterprises around the globe.
家子公司将通过开展合作来发挥分散矿业和油气 开发领域风险和投资的作用。
These subsidiaries fulfill similar [...]
roles of engaging in partnerships to dilute risk and investment in the areas of mining
and hydrocarbon exploration respectively.
Alcube 工业集团请巴西美铝公司家子公司 为采购 5 228.47 吨挤压型材的 7 英寸和 8 英寸铝坯料材料报价。
The Alcuba industrial group made an offer to a subsidiary of Alcoa Brazil to acquire 5,228.47 tons of 7- and 8-inch aluminium billets to make extruded shapes.
多份媒体报道称,115 CSS Alliance的家子公司 ,即名为CSS全球公司的 [...]
According to media
[...] reports,115 a United States-based company [...]
named CSS Global, an affiliate of CSS Alliance, has secured
a contract with the Transitional Federal Government for services relating to counter-piracy and counter-terrorism.
普惠加拿大公司是美国联合技术公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:UTX)旗下的 家子 公 司
P&WC is a United Technologies Corporation company (NYSE: UTX).
公司发起“希望工程 1+1 手牵手”捐助活动,得到 20 多家子公司员工的大力支持。
Emerson announced the "Project Hope 1+1 Hand in Hand" program, which solicited donations from more than 20
[...] Emerson divisions across the country.
家子公司 天鍛機電及天鍛液壓機已分別於二零零九年十二月十日及二零一零年九月一日註銷。
Two subsidiaries, namely Tianduan Machinery and Tianduan Pump Machines, were dissolved on 10 December 2009 and 1 September 2010, respectively.
裕民航运于1994年在新加坡设立子公司,续于2002年在香港设立第 家子 公 司 ,并在台成立营运总部。
After establishing a Singapore subsidiary in 1994, U-Ming Marine Transport opened its second affiliated company in Hong Kong in 2002 and set up an operation head office in Taiwan.
关于确定债务人主要利益中心的问题,欧洲法院裁定,若债务人是 家子公 司 ,其注册办事处和母公司的注册办事处位于两个不同的成员国,则《欧洲理 事会破产条例》第 3(1)条所规定的关于该子公司的主要利益中心在其设有注册 [...]
With respect to the question concerning the determination of the COMI of a debtor, the ECJ
ruled that where a
[...] debtor is a subsidiary company with its registered office and that of its parent company in [...]
two different member
states, the presumption laid down in article 3 (1) of the EC Insolvency Regulation, that the COMI of that subsidiary is situated in the member state where its registered office is situated, can be rebutted only if factors that are both objective and ascertainable by third parties indicate that a different situation exists.
故事大綱:大衛、佩芝夫婦與泰利、嘉菲夫婦是多年好友,亦是香橙鎮的左鄰右里, 家子 女 更是由細玩到大。
David and Paige Walling (Hugh Laurie, Catherine Keener) and Terry and Cathy Ostroff (Oliver Platt, Allison Janney) are best friends and neighbors living on Orange Drive in suburban New Jersey.
集 團 內 一 子
[...] 公 司 以 其 賬 面 價 值 為 人 民 幣',''0千 元 的 房 產 抵 押 取 得 短 期 借 款;另家 子 公 司 以 其 賬 面 價 值 為 人 民 幣','06千 元 的 房 產 及 賬 面 價 值 為 人 民 幣''',0''千 [...] [...]
元 的 機 器 設 備 抵 押 取 得 長 期 借 款。
A subidiary of the Group pledged real estate properties with a book value of RMB3,990,000 as security for short-term loans.
集 團 內家 子 公 司 以 其 賬 面 價 值 為 人 民 幣3,'08千 元(200'年12月31日:人 民 幣3,''0千 元 )的 房 產 取 得 短 期 借 款,另家子公司 以其賬面價值為人民幣','0'千元的房產及賬面價值10,'38千元的設備抵押取得短期借款; 集 團 內 另家 子 公 司 以 其 賬 面 價 值 為 人 民 幣10,''3千 元(200'年12月31日:人 民 幣8,'0'千 元 )的 房 產 及 賬 面 價 值 為 人 民 幣112,''1千 元(200'年12月31日:人 民 幣121,0''千 元 )的 機 器 設 備 抵 押 取 得 長 期 借 款。
Another subsidiary of the Group pledged real estate properties with a book value of RMB','0',000 and machinery equipment with a book value of RMB10,'38,000 as security for short-term loans. Two subsidiaries of the Group pledged real estate properties with a book value of RMB10,''3,000 (31 December 200': RMB8,'0',000) and machinery equipment [...]
with a book value of RMB112,''1,000
(31 December 200': RMB121,0'',000) as security for long-term loans.
凯斯纽荷兰国际(CNH International SA)是凯斯纽荷兰全球(CNH Global NV)旗下的家子公司 ,负责在非洲、中东、独联体、亚洲和大洋洲(包括澳大利亚、中国和印度)的120多个国家从事本品牌农业和建筑设备的销售、分销和售后业务。
CNH International SA, a subsidiary of CNH Global NV, is the company responsible for the sales, distribution and after-sales operations of agricultural and construction branded equipment in over 120 countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Asia and Oceania, encompassing Australia, China and India.
正隆(1904)因合併取得4家子公司 ,分別為悅隆股份有限公司,主要經營飲食店業務,母公司持有616萬股,投資金額880萬元,持股比例56%;昕隆生活事業股份有限公司,為各種休閒育樂產業設施經營之諮詢顧問,母公司持有650萬股,投資金額4233萬4409元,持股比例54.17%;正太科技股份有限公司,經營電子零組件製造業,母公司持有860萬股,投資金額1億1533萬3123元,持股比例57.33%;Full-Tech [...] [...]
Enterprises Holdings Ltd為一般投資業,母公司持有1500萬股,投資金額5億1208萬5634元,持股比例100%。
Cheng Loong (1904) has gained 4 subsidiaries through the incorporation as [...]
detailed: Yueh Loong Corp specializes in the catering
business, and its parent company holds 6.16 million shares or 56% of shares through the investment of 8.8 million dollars; Hsin Loong Life Enterprise Corp, a consulting advisor in the administration of various recreational & entertainment facilities, whose parent company owns 6.5 million shares, or 54.17 shares, through the investment of 42,334,409 dollars; Gem-Tech Corp, in the business of electronic component manufacturing, whose parent company holds 8.6 million shares or 57.33% of shares through the investment of 115,333,123 dollars; Full-Tech Enterprises Holdings Ltd, a general investment venture whose parent company holds 15 million shares, or 100% shares, through the investment of 512,085,634 dollars.
截止到 2010 年 12 月 31 日,该企业有家子公司 和 三个附属公司,包括氧气、金属产品、焦炭和煤的生产和分销。
As of December 31, 2010, the Company had three subsidiaries and three affiliates, which involved in the manufacture and distribution of oxygen, metal products, coke and coal.117 Wuhan Iron and Steel was listed on the SSE (SSE: 600005) in 1999.
他们随后 前往其子家找他 ,限制其岳父的自由,并威胁说,如果其家属不把他交出来, [...]
They then proceeded to the home
[...] of his wife’s family in search of him, [...]
put restraints on his father-in-law, and threatened
to kill the family and burn down the house if they did not surrender the Officer to them.
通過鼓勵他們的好奇心、 灌輸家庭的價值觀和誠心誠意賞識 子 , 家庭 便 為孩子建立起一個穩固的終身學習基礎。
By encouraging curiosity,
[...] communicating family values, and genuinely appreciating the child, families establish [...]
a strong foundation for
learning that lasts a lifetime.
扶幼會提供的課程除教導學員造句、寫字外,還為家長提供學習機會,讓家長在家中可持續教導 子 , 家 校 配合,加速改善兒子學障的程度。
The programmes organised by the Centre not only provide training to students on writing and sentence structure, but also to the parents to empower them to be the trainers at home. The cooperation between parents and schools greatly improves the learning progress of my son.
本集團提供廣泛的創新技 術設計解決方案,涵蓋手機電訊、科技產品、消費 子 、 家 居 產 品、汽車及醫學應用市 場。
The Group offers wide-ranging innovative technology design solutions
covering mobile telecommunications, IT
[...] products, consumer electronics, home appliances, [...]
automobile and medical applications markets.
包括:能與不同的團體及人口合作、熟悉服務特殊健康護理需 要兒童之加州健康護理系統、有作為特殊健康護理需要 子家 庭成 員的經驗、或致力支持有特殊健康護理需要 子 的 家 庭、 證明能協力推行和主持外展及訓練、及管理後勤部署、有效的 溝通能力(口語和寫作能力)、及組織能力、能在團體及獨立 工作自如、能使用IBM兼容電腦的文字處理軟件。
Requirements include: demonstrated ability to work with diverse entities and people; familiarity with California’s health care system for children with special health
care needs; personal
[...] experience as a family member of a child with special health care needs or demonstrated strong commitment to supporting families of children with special [...]
health care needs;
proven ability to collaborate and conduct outreach and training, and manage logistics; effective communication skills (both verbal and written) as well as proven organizational skills; ability to work comfortably in a group and independently; competency with word processing in IBM compatible computer systems.
把特殊教育整合到普通学校里还有赖于权威 机构以及/或子家长们的积极推动。
The integration into general access school is subject to the positive recommendation given by a competent
[...] authority and/or the child´s parents.
通过满足最不发达国家未得到满足的计划生 育需要,妇女就会少生子,家庭和 公共部门对每名儿童的投入将会更多,从而 在改善儿童健康和教育方面取得更加飞速的发展。
By satisfying the unmet need for family
planning in the least
[...] developed countries, women would have fewer children and both families and the public [...]
sector would be able
to invest more per child, thereby making more rapid strides in improving child health and education.
这种服务与地方当局合作提供,面向父母需要咨 询方能履行父母责任和确保儿童福祉和可持续发展的有 子家 庭。
The service is provided in cooperation with the local authorities and is oriented to families with children where parents are in need of
counselling to be able to
[...] fulfil their parental role and ensure the well-being and sustainable development of children.
报告了一些国家正面发展的情况,如起草旨在避免拘留有 子家 庭 的 政 策;允许进入拘留设施;为移民拘留建造分开的设施而不依赖于惩罚性的机构; [...]
Positive developments can be reported with some countries
drafting policies aimed at avoiding
[...] the detention of families with children; allowing [...]
access to detention facilities; constructing
separate facilities designed for immigration detention instead of relying on penal institutions; and issuing new detention guidelines that favourably impact asylumseekers and refugees.
此类基金会为支持儿童联合开展的活动主要包括:成立儿童艺术与体育免费 中心,在普通学校教育制度中引入“国家包容性教育模式”以帮助残疾儿童适应 社会环境,为需要社会支持的子家 庭 和 抚养残疾儿童的家庭提供物质援助,为 发现、鼓励(奖励)和进一步支持天才儿童举行全国范围的竞赛和节日, 如“新 一代”儿童艺术节、“甜蜜宝贝”儿童时尚节、“宝贝”儿童艺术体操国际锦标赛、 [...]
Central to their joint activity to support children are the establishment of free arts and sports facilities for children; the introduction into
the general education
[...] system of a national inclusive education model to mainstream disabled children; the provision of material assistance to children from large families, [...]
families lacking social
support and families with disabled children; and the organization of national competitions and festivals to identify, encourage (through grants) and then support gifted children.
除 了 其 業 務 興 趣 外 , 歐 陽
先 生 積 極 參 與 社 區 活 動 , 包 括 出 任 青 年 總 裁 會 主 席
[...] 、 港 美 中 心 副 主 席 、 聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 新 里 程 籌 款 運 動副 主 席 、 外 展 訓 練 學 校 信 託 成 員 、 香 港 青 年 工 業 家 協 會 及 香 港 貿 易 發 展局子 家 電 諮詢委 員 會 委 員 。
Apart from his business interests, Mr. Auyang is also an active member of the community, holding posts including chapter chair of the Young Presidents’ Organization, vice chairman of the Hong Kong-America Center, vice chairman of St. Paul’s Co-Educational College Landmark Fundraising Campaign, trust member of the Outward Bound
School, member of the Hong
[...] Kong Young Industrialists Council and a committee member of Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s Electronics/Electrical Appliances [...]
Industries Advisory Committee.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200
[...] 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用子手 段 传播出版物 家 具 和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 [...]
求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600
美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services,
primarily owing to increased
[...] utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, [...]
reflecting reduced
requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
家中央 局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖 子 入 境 和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and [...]
passing through the
country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
本奖于 1995 年“联合国宽容年”和 圣雄甘地诞辰一百二十五年之际设立,将于 1996 年首次颁发可颁发给那些遵循《联合国宪
章》和教科文组织《组织法》的精神,并根据《世界人权宣言》和有关人权的各项国际条约 所阐述的原则,严格地注意教科文组织大会和执行局及联合国大会有关决议和决定,特别卓
[...] 越、有效地为宣扬宽容和非暴力做出贡献的机构、组织或个人以及成为不宽容受害者的知识子家庭, 颁发该奖旨在鼓励或激发传播宽容和非暴力思想方面的新举措。
The prize, which was established in 1995 on the occasion of United Nations Year for Tolerance and the hundred-andtwenty-fifth anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi and will be awarded for the first time in 1996, may be awarded to institutions, organizations or persons who have contributed in a particularly meritorious and effective manner to tolerance and non-violence, and to the families of intellectuals who have fallen victim to intolerance, in keeping with the spirit of the United Nations Charter and UNESCO’s Constitution, in the light of the principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the International Covenants on Human Rights and with due account taken of
the relevant resolutions
[...] and decisions adopted by the General Conference and Executive Board of UNESCO [...]
and the General Assembly of the United Nations.




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