单词 | 家姐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 家姐 —(polite) my older sistermy sister姐姐 noun —sister nmy sister n
来自世界遗产中心、咨询机构、中国政府、亚太地区 国 家 、 姐 妹 二 类中心等近50代表参加了本次会议,嘉宾包有世界遗产中心亚太部主任景峰博士、国际文物保护与修复研究中心遗产部主任Joseph [...] KING先生、项目主管Gamini WIJESURIYA博士、国际古迹遗址理事会咨询顾问Carolina [...] Castellanos女士、世界自然遗产保护联盟世界遗产官员Haifaa Abdulhalim女士、国际古迹遗址理事会副主席郭旃先生、中国住房与城乡建设部城建司副司长李如生先生、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会杜越先生。 whitr-ap.org | About 50 representatives from WHC, the Advisory Bodies, [...] Chinese Government, countries in the Asia-Pacific [...]region and other delegation participated [...]in the Meeting, including Dr. Feng JING (Director of the Asia-Pacific Unit of WHC), Mr. Joseph KING (Director of Site Unit of ICCROM), Dr. Gamini WIJESURIYA (Project Manager of ICCROM), Ms. Carolina Castellanos (Consultant of ICOMOS) and Ms. Haifaa Abdulhalim (World Heritage Officer of IUCN), Mr. Zhan GUO, Deputy President of ICOMOS, Mr. Rusheng LI, Deputy Director of Department of Urban Construction of Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Mr. Yue DU, Secretary-General of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. whitr-ap.org |
我 在 1985 年 進 入 立法局時 , 當 時 的“大家姐 ”鄧蓮 如 請 我 們 飲 “ tea”,並 且 逐 個 介紹, 到 介紹李 汝 大的時 候 , 問 :“Desmond, [...] 你 的 中 文 名 字 叫 甚 麼? legco.gov.hk | When it came to the turn of Mr Desmond LEE, she asked him, "What is your Chinese name? legco.gov.hk |
劇情 首播日期: 2012.03.08 [...] 本片改編自真人真事,講述一位生長於大家庭的少爺Roger與自幼照顧自己長大的 媽 姐家 傭 桃 姐 之 間所發生的一段溫暖人心的主僕情故事:鍾春桃(桃姐)自13歲就到梁家當傭人,轉眼60年過去,她已伺候了梁家老少五代人。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2012.03.08 Inspired by a true story of the producer, Roger Lee, and his servant, the film [...] tells about a heartwarming [...] relationship between a young master of a big family, Roger (Lau) and [...]the servant of the family [...]who raised him, Sister Peach (Ip). justlatte.com |
山区的简单生活与大城市的精致生活之间的鲜明对比增强了阿尔卑斯世界的传奇性:被姑妈送到 富 家 小 姐家 的 海蒂是个孤儿,代表着阿尔卑斯山区生活的特征。 swissworld.org | The orphan child sent by her impoverished aunt to her grandpa in the mountains came to symbolise the unique nature of the alpine environment. swissworld.org |
古巴将继续忘我地为 [...] 区域合作举措作出贡献,并申明古巴妇女为援助其他 国家兄弟姐妹所作的努力是真诚的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba intended to continue to contribute selflessly to regional cooperation initiatives and [...] affirmed the sincerity of the efforts being made by Cubans on behalf of men and [...] women in the other countries of the South. daccess-ods.un.org |
為揭開序幕,科技園公司與來自韓國的國際知名藝 術 家 安 畢妍 小 姐 合 作,於2010年3月至4月期間在科學園展出安小姐的作品「ADAMAO」。 hkstp.org | Making a remarkable start, HKSTPC [...] collaborated with Ms. Ahn Pilyun, an internationally renowned artist from [...]Korea, to set up an exhibition [...]of her masterpiece "ADAMAO” from March to April 2010. hkstp.org |
我很喜乐,能够和这么多来自许多国 家 的 弟 兄 姐 妹 一起事奉,其中有些人已经成为我最亲近的朋友。 amccsm.org | I have had the joy of working alongside so many [...] wonderful brothers and sisters from many nations, [...]some of whom have become my closest friends. amccsm.org |
El-Araby Houfeya 是家里 7 个兄弟姐妹中 最小的一个,他在很小的时候就意识到自己和其他人不同。 specialolympics.org | The youngest of seven siblings, El-Araby Houfeya had realized at an early age that he was different. specialolympics.org |
专家:提供礼仪小姐,IT 人员,同声传译,音频/视频技术人员和其他专家。 msccruises.com.cn | SPECIALISTS: hostesses, IT personnel, simultaneous [...] interpreters, audio/video technicians and a host of other specialists can be provided. msccruises.com.eg |
他解释说,由于他母亲患有严重的精神疾病,他的父亲决定抛 弃 家 庭 ,他 们兄弟姐妹事实上是自己养活自己。 daccess-ods.un.org | He explains that due to his mother’s [...] severe mental illness and his father’s [...] decision to abandon the family, the siblings have, in effect, [...]raised themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
有 趣的是,2008 年后期,一些县的 县长 [...] 联合采取了一项共同立场,敦促 迅速解决绑 架问题,包括采取措施恳请其他国家 的 姐 妹 城 市支持努力解决绑架问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Interestingly, a number of governors of prefectures came together in late 2008 to adopt a common position advocating for a prompt resolution [...] of the problem, including measures to invite their [...] sister cities in other countries to support efforts [...]in this respect. daccess-ods.un.org |
协会旨在为弱势儿童提供家园,让兄 弟 姐 妹 团 聚一堂。 clarinsusa.com | The aim of the association is to [...] give a home to all children from underprivileged backgrounds and to reunite brothers and sisters. clarinsusa.com |
我要向安理会保证,葡萄牙仍然致力于支持东帝 汶努力巩固民主与发展,它是葡萄牙语国家共同体中 的一个姐妹国家,也是我国在许多重要领域的主要发 展伙伴。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to assure the Council that Portugal remains deeply engaged in supporting Timor-Leste in its efforts to consolidate [...] democracy and [...] development, both as a sister-country within the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries and as a major development partner of my country in a number [...]of significant areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,她与父母以及兄弟姐妹一起在 家 里 的自助洗衣店工作。 specialolympics.org | Currently she [...] works in the family laundromat alongside her parents and siblings. specialolympics.org |
友邦香港及友邦強積金同時榮獲由東周刊雜誌主辦之「香港服務大獎 2013」, 友邦香港首席市場總監李滿能先生及友邦強積金首席營運總監 劉 家 怡 小姐 在頒獎禮上一同分享得獎殊榮。 aia.com | AIA Hong Kong and AIA MPF both win the ‘Hong Kong Service Award’ organised by East Week Magazine. Mr. Thomas Lee, Chief [...] Marketing Officer of AIA [...] Hong Kong and Ms. Elaine Lau, Chief Operations Officer of AIA MPF receive the award at the presentation ceremony. aia.com |
創新科技署副署長黎志華先生(左)、韓國裝置藝 術 家 安 畢妍 小 姐 ( 中 )及 香港科技園公司行政總裁陳蔭楠先生(右)參觀「藝術@科學園」的首個展覽 – 由國際知名的韓國裝置藝術家安畢妍 小 姐 創 作 的最新作品「ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel」。 hkstp.org | Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Left), Korean installation artist Miss Pilyun Ahn (Middle) and Mr. E. Anthony Tan, CEO of HKSTPC (Right) visited “ADAMAO – Uncomplying Tunnel”, [...] the first exhibition of “Art in the Park” launched by HKSTPC. hkstp.org |
他们相信,瑞典决心将他们遣返到一个他们几乎不了解又没有任何兄 弟姐 妹的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | They believe Sweden is determined to [...] deport them to a country which they barely know and where they do not have any siblings. daccess-ods.un.org |
此时,她儿子在她姐姐家中。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the time, the author’s son was at her sister’s house. daccess-ods.un.org |
我还要代表拉丁美洲和加勒比集团,与其他发言 者一道,对使姐妹国家利比亚陷入悲痛的不幸空难表 示哀思。 daccess-ods.un.org | On behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean Group, I would also like to join [...] in the expressions of sorrow over the unfortunate air accident that has [...] plunged the sister nation of Libya into mourning. daccess-ods.un.org |
冈比亚严重依赖英联邦办事处和尼日利亚 等 姐 妹 国 家 技 术 援助派来 的顾问和法官。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Gambia heavily relies on counsel and judges sent on technical assistance from the Commonwealth [...] Office and sister countries such as Nigeria. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.18 代表團聽 取 了 下列人士簡報 就業及 退休保障部職權範圍 [...] 內的反貧窮措施:經濟顧 問 Nicola GILPIN小姐、家庭 貧窮及就業 科 主 管 [...]Julia SWEENEY小姐及退休科 官員Yasmin GHAZALI小姐。 legco.gov.hk | 2.18 The delegation received briefings on anti-poverty measures within the purview of the Department [...] for Work and Pensions by Miss Nicola GILPIN, the Economic Adviser, Miss Julia [...] SWEENEY, Head of Family Poverty and Work [...]Division, and Miss [...]Yasmin GHAZALI, an official of the Pensions Division. legco.gov.hk |
在加盟怡安之前,陳小姐於香港一家 大 型保險公司及一家國際性福利諮詢公司分別服務10年及7年之久。 aon.com | Prior to joining Aon, she spent over 10 years with a major insurance company and 7 years with an international benefits consulting company in Hong Kong. aon.com |
突尼斯赞同卡塔尔常驻代表以阿拉伯集团名义 [...] 所做的发言,以及哈萨克斯坦代表以伊斯兰合作组织 的名义和姐妹国家埃及 共和国代表以不结盟运动名 义所做的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tunisia associates itself with the statement to be delivered on behalf of the Arab Group by the Permanent Representative of Qatar, as well as the statements made by the representative of Kazakhstan on behalf of the Organization [...] of Islamic Cooperation and by the [...] representative of the sisterly Republic of Egypt on behalf [...]of the Non-Aligned Movement. daccess-ods.un.org |
科威特国已不止在一个场合单独或通过其所属 的区域和国际组织对刺杀沙特阿拉伯大使的阴谋表 示谴责,并就针对姐妹国家沙特 阿拉伯王国的恐怖行 为,包括针对外交使团或应受国际保护人员的犯罪行 为,向沙特王国表示声援。 daccess-ods.un.org | individually or through the regional and international organizations to which it belongs, has expressed its condemnation of the plot to assassinate the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, and expressed its solidarity with the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in connection with the terrorist acts targeting the Kingdom, including crimes against diplomatic missions or internationally protected persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
請列出孩子的兄弟姐妹或其他家中孩子的名字和年齡。 countdowntokindergarten.com | Please list the names and ages of your [...] child’s brothers and sisters or other children in the home. countdowntokindergarten.com |
他们建议联合国教科文组织应当同其 姐 妹 机 构在 国 家 层面 上密切合作以在计划编制讨论和实施时认可各国家委员会并将其纳入其中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They suggested that UNESCO should [...] work closely with sister United Nations agencies at the country level to recognize and incorporate the National Commissions [...]during the programming discussions and exercises. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对他们的父母、兄弟姐妹、被拆散的 家 庭 和社 区,我们说对不起。 australia-unsc.gov.au | To the mothers and the fathers, the [...] brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, [...]we say sorry. australia-unsc.gov.au |
在南方(拉丁美洲和加勒比地区、非洲、亚洲和中东地区)新的地缘政治框架 内,正在继续开展承认各姐妹国家(有 学 生在委内瑞拉大学留学)学位协定的工 [...] 作,原则是平等和社会相关性,明确目的是加强玻利瓦尔革命在国际舞台上的信 誉和战略定位。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the framework of the new geopolitics of the south (Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East), work is continuing [...] on degree recognition agreements with the [...] various sister countries with a presence [...]in Venezuela’s universities, based on [...]the principles of quality and social relevance and with a clear orientation toward the strengthening, credibility and strategic positioning of the Bolivarian Revolution on the international scene. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国儿童基金会驻泰国副代表安德鲁.莫里斯(Andrew [...] Morris)说,“YCDP不仅改变了参加这项计划的年轻人的生活,还改变了他们的兄 弟 姐 妹 和 家 人 的 生活,因为这些年轻人把挣到的钱寄回家供他们上学。 unicef.org | Not only has it changed the lives of the young people who went [...] through YCDP, but also the lives of their [...] brothers, sisters and families because of the [...]money they have sent back home for their education. unicef.org |
大會很榮幸邀請到Stylesight的Valerie Wilson Trower小姐為研討會作主講嘉賓,為大家介紹「2012年秋冬女士配飾設計趨勢」; 同時Peclers Paris的陳欣欣小姐亦會為大家分享「2012-2013秋冬男女服飾及生活潮流趨勢」。 fashionaccess.aplf.com | Valerie Wilson Trower of Stylesight will conduct a seminar on ‘Fall/Winter 12 Design Directions for Women’s Accessories’; while Mary Yan Yan Chan, who represents Peclers Paris, will talk on the topic ‘Fall/Winter 12-13 Women’s and Men’s lifestyle and fashion trends for RTW & Accessories Collections’. fashionaccess.aplf.com |