

单词 家奴

家奴 noun

retainer n

See also:


slave n
journeyman n

External sources (not reviewed)

陳偉業議員表示,議員並非候任行政 長官的"家奴"。
Mr Albert CHAN said that Members were not servants of the CE-elect.
近年来 ,一个值 得 注意的趋势是
[...] 已查明的被贩运男性以及被贩运后从 事 受剥削劳动的人员,包括被贩运后 家奴 的 妇女人数显著增加。
A notable trend in recent years has been a marked increase in the identification of
trafficked males as well as persons trafficked for labour exploitation, including women
[...] trafficked into domestic servitude.
他们制订了具 有时限的行动计划,以便就采矿家 庭 奴 役 中的强迫和抵押劳工、奴役儿童的现 [...]
They developed time-bound action plans to follow up on forced and bonded
[...] labour, child slavery in mining and [...]
domestic servitude.
[...] 有关的非政府组织提供资金的方式向所 家 庭 奴 役 的 受害者提供充分 的和无条件的援助以保护他们、安置他们和重新融合他们。
Provide all
[...] victims of domestic servitude with adequate [...]
and unconditional assistance to protect, rehabilitate and reintegrate
them, including by funding relevant nongovernmental organizations.
经过了几十年的停滞不前之后,最终看到了国际劳动法为确保家务工作的体 面标准,从而防家庭奴役方 面所取得的进展。
After decades of stagnation, progress in
international labour law is finally in sight to ensure decent standards for domestic work
[...] and thereby prevent domestic servitude.
普遍定期审议建议应该解家庭奴役 及 在保护家庭佣工方面 相关的不足之处。
Universal periodic review recommendations should
[...] address domestic servitude and related shortcomings [...]
in the protection of domestic workers.
家庭奴役并 不是在真空中产生的,而是与以下的广泛存在的模式相关联: [...]
Domestic servitude does not emerge [...]
in a vacuum but is linked to wider patterns of social and economic exclusion, discrimination
and, most importantly, a lack of State protection.
[...] 富和人类价值观,包括妇女、儿童和青年的价值观, 都成了这些家奴役和 占领其他国家的霸权主义趋 势和倾向的牺牲品。
All cultural identities, lives and values, as well as the wealth of nations and human values, including of women,
children and youth, are sacrificed to their hegemonistic tendencies and their
[...] inclination to enslave and capture other [...]
各条约机构在审议缔约国报告时应特别注 家 庭 奴 役 的 所有形式。
Treaty bodies should attribute particular attention to all forms
[...] of domestic servitude when considering state party reports.
[...] 童、流动的寻求庇护人和难民、最恶劣的童工劳动形式 家 庭 奴 役 、 以及类似奴 役情况下的劳工剥削等问题。
Major challenges addressed in the report include the implementation and knowledge gap, child exploitation for economic purposes, the situation of migrant
asylum-seekers and refugees, worst forms of child labour, domestic servitude and labour
[...] exploitation in slavery-like situations.
然而,为寻找家务工作移民的妇女中有相当一部分沦 家 庭 奴 役 之 中。
However, a sizable minority of women who emigrate in search of domestic
[...] work ends up in domestic servitude.
(c) 贩运妇女和儿童,包括在境内贩运人口,以便进行商业性剥削和强 迫劳动,特别是用家庭奴役,以及 家 没 能 尽职尽责地防止这类侵害行为, 并及时而充分地调查、起诉和惩处所有行凶者,以及那些助长性剥削需求的 [...]
(c) Trafficking in women and children, including internal human trafficking, for the purposes of forced
labour, in particular
[...] for domestic servitude, and commercial sexual exploitation, as well as failure by States, resulting [...]
in a climate of impunity,
to exercise due diligence to prevent such violations and to adequately and in a timely manner investigate, prosecute and punish all perpetrators, as well as those fuelling the demand for sexual exploitation, such as identified sex tour operators
[...] 上的短缺,加强司法和体制能力,加强保护移徙家政工人和防 家 庭 奴 役 , 并为 受害者提供有效补救的措施。
The Special Rapporteur also draws attention to the major challenges and makes recommendations to fill the legislative gaps, strengthen enforcement of the law and institutional capacity, step up
measures to protect migrant domestic workers, and
[...] prevent domestic servitude and provide effective [...]
remedies to victims.
[...] 子相似;而其他一些暴力形式更多是专门对妇女和女童的,使她们成为蓄意的性 暴力或生殖暴力或不家庭奴役形 式的牺牲品。
Some forms of violence that women are subject to are similar to those suffered by men; others are more specific to women and girls,
subjecting them to systematic patterns of sexual or reproductive violence or to
[...] different forms of domestic enslavement.
[...] 展的举措包括:不受保护的工作,无形的剥削: 家 庭 奴 役 目的进行的贩运问 题会议(2010 [...]
年 6 月 17 日至 18 日,维也纳);为剥削劳力而进行的贩运问题技 术研讨会,侧重于农业部门(2010 年 4 月 27 日至 28 日,维也纳);以及关于预
防现代奴役的会议(2009 年 9 月 14 日至 15 日,维也纳)。
Recent initiatives include a conference on unprotected work,
invisible exploitation: trafficking for the
[...] purpose of domestic servitude (Vienna, 17-18 [...]
June 2010); a technical seminar on trafficking
for labour exploitation, focusing on the agricultural sector (Vienna, 27-28 April 2010); and a conference on the prevention of modern slavery (Vienna, 14-15 September 2009).
必须明 确探讨被当家庭佣人和奴隶利 用的妇女和女孩的地位和处境,包括特别是性 虐待和其他形式的虐待的影响及由此产生的创伤。
The status and situation of women and girls used as
[...] domestic servants and sexual slaves needs to be explicitly [...]
addressed, including, in particular,
the effects of sexual and other forms of abuse and resulting trauma.
根据这一国家政策,厄瓜多尔于 2006 年通过了“家打击奴役、 非法贩运 移徙者和性剥削及劳动剥削计划”,该计划依照以下原则实施:国家责任,法律 [...]
前平等,不歧视,男童、女童及少年最高利益,民主参与,拟订政策和方案时以 儿童及少年为绝对优先。
On the basis of this national policy, Ecuador adopted the National Plan to Combat [...]
Human Trafficking, Illegal Trafficking
in Migrants, and Sexual and Labour Exploitation in 2006. The Plan is based on the principles of State responsibility, equality before the law, non-discrimination, the best interests of children and adolescents, democratic participation, and the overriding priority of childhood and adolescence in the development of policies and programmes.
[...] [...] 是,其中包括圣文森特和格林纳丁斯的John Chatoyer、圭亚那的库乔和巴西的Zumbidos Palmares,以及诸如秘鲁的拉蒙·卡斯蒂利亚·马克萨 多总统等仁人志士,马克萨多总统的立法工作对在 这个南美家结束奴隶制有重要贡献。
Indeed, all across the Americas, heroes of resistance to slavery abound: John Chatoyer of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Cudjoe of Guyana and Zumbi dos Palmares of Brazil, as well as personalities such as President Ramón
Castilla y Marquesado of Peru, whose legislative agenda was
[...] important to ending slavery in that South American country.
大绿皮书》新涵盖的权利包括禁止使用被视为现 奴 隶 的 家 庭 佣人;杜绝 这一可悲现象是为了实现受压迫群体的权利。
Rights newly covered in the Document include a ban on the
use of domestic servants, which it
[...] regards as modern-day slaves; to eliminate this [...]
deplorable phenomenon is to realize the rights of a suppressed group.
[...] 司有关供应链中的贩运和奴役标准,要求直接的供货商核证在其产品所用材料方 面遵守了其在做生意的国家或若干 家 有 关 奴 役 和 人口贩运的法律,对没有达到 公司关于奴役和贩运标准的雇员或承包商施行内部问责标准和程序,并就人口贩 [...]
运和奴役问题向公司雇员和管理层提供培训(第 3(c)条)。
The disclosure must include information about the extent to which the seller or manufacturer engages in verification of product supply chains, conducts audits of suppliers to evaluate supplier compliance with company standards for trafficking and slavery in supply chains, requires direct suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into the
product comply with the
[...] laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the country or countries in which they [...]
are doing business,
maintains internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors failing to meet company standards regarding slavery and trafficking, and provides company employees and management with
历史将对我们这代人作出评判,其 衡量标准是我
[...] 键领域内的问题,比如我国所在区域内或者区域附近 人们称之为残暴的僵持冲突的问题;国际社会仍有许 多家处于暴政奴役之 下;像阿拉伯 家 一 样,有 一些地方已经迎来了自由的新春天,正开始艰难的改 革。
History will judge our generation by how actively we help to answer this question, particularly in a series of pivotal arenas, in what people call abusively
frozen conflicts in
[...] and near my own region, in the many countries in the international community that [...]
remain under tyranny’s
yoke and in the places like those Arab States that have achieved a new spring of freedom and are starting the difficult work of reforms.
[...] 定其行使普遍管辖权的具体罪行:一些国家仅提出海 盗,其他家则仅提到奴役罪、种族灭绝罪和战争罪, 但另一些国家则认为行使管辖权必须以条约为基础。
Moreover, States did not agree on the specific crimes that would lend themselves to the exercise of universal
jurisdiction: some cited piracy
[...] alone, others mentioned slavery, genocide and war crimes, [...]
while yet others believed the
exercise of jurisdiction must be treaty-based.
谢尔盖耶夫先生(乌克兰)(以英语发言):我国代 表团非常荣幸代表东欧家集团 ,在本 奴 隶 制和跨 大西洋贩卖奴隶行为受害者国际纪念日大会特别纪 念会议上发言。
(Ukraine): It is a particular honour for my delegation to take the floor on behalf of the Group of Eastern European States at this special commemorative meeting of the General Assembly on the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
第 29802 号最高法令第 2
条指出,凡在农业活动中,庄园主或地主通过胁迫、 未经工人们完全同意、或未履行支付工资义务(以实物替代工资或支付的工资低 于国家最低工资标准),从而以侵犯基本权利的形式利用社区、家庭或个人提供
[...] 劳力或服务的地方,便存在着奴役、强迫劳动、债务雇工和 (或 ) 奴 役 家 庭 或 个人 的制度或类似做法。
Article 2 of Supreme Decree No. 29802 states that a system of servitude, forced labour, debt servitude and/or enslavement of captive families or persons or similar practices exists where farming activities are conducted using communities, families or persons whose labour or service is provided to the owner or holder of the farmed land in violation of fundamental rights, through coercion and without the full consent of the workers, or when the obligation to pay
wages is not met, either because payment is made in kind or because it is lower
[...] than the established national minimum wage.
建议的几个新的“其他优先事项”包括:保护传统知识体系和振兴文化遗产,推动可 持续发展; 保护和保存可移动文化遗产,博物馆、图书馆和档案馆的能力建设;文化产业、 文化产品和服务;传统音乐和艺术表现形式; 实实在在地推动家层面 的文化间对话,开展 人与人之间的交流; 通过本地内容的数字化实现语言多样性,经济发展政策的文化问题; 利用信息与传播技术促进文化多样性;拓 奴 隶 之路项目的范围。
Several additional “other priorities” were proposed: preservation of traditional knowledge systems and the revival of cultural heritage as a source for sustainable development; safeguarding and preservation of moveable cultural heritage, capacity-building for museums, libraries and archives; cultural industries, cultural goods and services; traditional music and artistic expressions; tangible forms
of promoting
[...] intercultural dialogue at national levels involving people-to-people interactions; linguistic diversity through digitalization of local contents, cultural dimensions of the politics of economic development; ICTs for the promotion of cultural diversity; and the need to broaden the Slave Route [...]
[...] 然关切的是,许多年幼儿童仍然从事有害工作,如带 奴 役 特征 的 家 庭 佣工,以 及在垃圾场、香蕉种植园和采矿业从事危险工作,包括强迫劳动,其中许多儿童 [...]
It is, however, concerned that many young children still perform
harmful work, such as domestic work with
[...] characteristics of slavery, and hazardous work [...]
in garbage dumps, banana plantations
and the mining industry, including forced labour, and that many of these children do not attend school.
[...] 办“关于非洲人在拉普拉塔河地区的存在”的分地区研讨会,以期创 奴 隶 之家委员 会和制定一项有关记忆遗址的项目。
Participation in the holding of a subregional seminar in Montevideo, Uruguay, and in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the African presence in the Rio de la Plata, organized in collaboration with the Montevideo
Bureau with a view to stimulating
[...] the establishment of national Slave Route committees [...]
and the establishment of a project on memorial sites.
为了在玻利维亚消除奴役现象,玻利维亚政府颁布了废除第 25763 号最高法 令的第 29215 号最高法令第 157
[...] 条,其中明确指出,农村地区奴役制度、强迫劳 动、债务雇工和(或)奴役家庭或 个人的存在危害社会,与集体利益背道而驰,从 而成为履行经济社会职能的障碍。
In order to eliminate slavery in Bolivia, the Government promulgated article 157 of Supreme Decree No. 29215 repealing Supreme Decree No. 25763; it establishes that the existence of a system of
servitude, forced labour, debt
[...] servitude and/or enslavement of captive families or persons in [...]
rural areas is detrimental to society
and against the collective interest and is therefore an obstacle to performance of the social and economic function.
2004 年 3 月 15 日,教科文组织参与了在塞内加尔举行的赞颂戈雷 奴 隶 之 家 纪 念馆馆 长 Boubacar Joseph Ndiaye 先生的活动,感谢他对废除奴隶制作出的杰出贡献。
UNESCO joined with Senegal, on 15 March 2004, in paying tribute to Mr Boubacar Joseph Ndiaye, curator of the Slave House on the Island of Gorée, in recognition of his remarkable contribution to the denunciation of slavery.
教科文组织达喀尔办事处、戈雷市政府,以及“纪念反对和消除奴隶制”活动组织委 员会通过组织各种各样的活动(合唱会、音乐会、纪念跋涉、拜 奴 隶 之 家 、 展 览揭幕式和 放映电影)及动员群众和合作伙伴,非常积极的参与了 8 月 23 日的纪念活动。
The UNESCO Office in Dakar, Gorée City Hall and the organizing committee of the commemoration of the struggle against slavery and its abolition were particularly active in the commemoration of 23 August, in terms of the diversity of activities (concerts, music, a memory walk, a pilgrimage to the Slave House, the opening of an exhibition, and a film projection) and the mobilization of the local community and other partners.




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