

单词 家境


家庭环境 n

family environment n


PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)

External sources (not reviewed)

又重申在每一家境内人 人有权自由迁徙和居住,人人有权离开任何国家, 包括其本国在内,并有权返回他的国家
Reaffirming also that everyone has
the right to freedom of movement and
[...] residence within the borders of each State, [...]
and to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country
(c) 政府會擴大免入息審查貸款計劃和低 息貸款計劃的資助範 圍 ,並會家境最貧困的學生提供學費減 免。
(c) the Government will extend the scope of assistance offered to students under the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme and low interest loan scheme, and will offer fee remission to the most needy students.
委员会建议缔约国用法律规定,对 家境 内 所有拘留者的审讯进行录音和录像, [...]
The Committee
[...] recommends that the State party establishes [...]
the legal requirement for the audio and video recording of all
interrogations of detainees throughout the country as a further means to prevent torture and ill-treatment.
国家保障公民和法人对自身财产的所有权,以及其在其他 家境 内 财产 的所有权。
The State protects the right of its citizens and of legal entities to own property, including
[...] on the territory of other States.
但是除了 有一个案件涉及在刑事管辖权的 家境 内 所 犯的罪行以外,实践和裁决并不表明 有这种排他性的趋势。
Practice and decisions, however, did not reveal a trend in favour of such exclusions, except in the one case when the crime was committed in the territory of the State exercising jurisdiction.
摩尔多瓦共和国通过了一系列涉及移徙程序和 家境 内 外 国公民及无国籍 人员地位的规范性法案:《摩尔多瓦共和国民事诉讼法》(第 454-456 条)和《摩 尔多瓦共和国民法》(第五部分)、《移民法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国关于外国公民 和无国籍人员地位的法律》、《难民地位法》、《摩尔多瓦共和国出入境法》、 [...]
《关于摩尔多瓦共和国境内外国公民和无国籍人员居留的规则》、《关于移徙工 人临时就业的政府决定》、《关于外国公民和无国籍人员在摩尔多瓦共和国教育
Republic of Moldova adopted a list
[...] of normative acts that regulate the migration processes, the status of foreign citizens and stateless persons present on the territory of the country: [...]
Civil Procedure
Code of the Republic of Moldova (art. 454–456) and the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova (Fifth part), Law on migration, Law on the status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova, Law on the status of refugees, Law on departure and entry in the Republic of Moldova, Rules on stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova, Government Decision on temporary employment of migrant workers, Regulations on education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova.
它们还应制订具体措施,监测边界或武器过境 点,并调查受制裁家境内的 涉嫌违反禁运行为。
They should also put in place concrete measures to monitor borders or
[...] weapons crossing points and to investigate suspected embargo violations in States under sanctions.
在中部非洲区域土著人民保护方面取得了显著进展,这包括中非共和国批准 了《国际劳工组织(劳工组织)关于独立 家境 内 土 著和部族人民的第 169 号公 约》,以及喀麦隆将有关土著人民权利的信息列入其最近一次向消除种族歧视委 员会提交的定期缔约国报告(CERD/C/CMR/15-18)之中。
With regard to the protection of indigenous peoples in the Central African region, notable progress included the ratification, by the Central African Republic, of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples, and the inclusion of information relating to the rights of indigenous peoples by Cameroon in its most recent periodic State party report submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/CMR/15-18).
首先, 第 4
[...] 条似非明确针对惯常居住在与其国籍国发生武装冲突的 家境 内 的 外国人 群。
First, article 4 does not seem to refer clearly to the
case of a group of aliens usually residing in the territory of a State in armed
[...] conflict with their State of nationality.
秘密拘留还依赖跨界( 区域或全球)
[...] 合作系统;在许多情况下,外国安全部队 确实在其他家境内自由开展行动。
Secret detention has relied on systems of trans-border (regional or
global) cooperation; in many instances, foreign security forces indeed operate
[...] freely in the territory of other States.
[...] 山、科索沃和前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国各确定一个机构作为前南问题国际 法庭公共机构的托存地点(如果能够提供阿尔巴尼亚语和马其顿语材料),那 么信息中心还将与所述机构以及开发署进行联络,以查明这些国家可采取哪 些最佳方式来利用其他三个家境内 所 设信息中心生成的信息。
If it were decided to have one institution as the depository of ICTY public records in Montenegro and in Kosovo and FYROM (provided that materials are available in Albanian and Macedonian), the Information Centres would also liaise with the institution in question and with UNDP in order to identify
the best ways for these
[...] countries to benefit from information generated by Information Centres in the three other countries.
[...] 展,其中除其他外有《国际劳工组织关于独立 家境 内 土 著和部落民族的第 169 号公约》、《联合国教育、科学及文化组织世界文化多样性宣言》(2001 [...]
年)和有关 公约以及《联合国土著人民权利宣言》(2007
年),特别是其中关于自决权的第 3 条和关于土著人民有权确定和制定开发或利用其土地或领土和其他资源的优先 重点和战略的第 32 条。
Participants pointed out there have been positive developments in standard setting that can support indigenous peoples rights, which include, inter alia, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention
concerning Indigenous and Tribal
[...] Peoples in Independent Countries (No. 169), the United [...]
Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and related conventions and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), in particular article 3, on the right to self-determination and article 32, on the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands, territories and other resources.
[...] 利昂问题特别法庭和柬埔寨法院特别法庭,它们都设在有关 家境 内 , 相关决议 表明,设立法庭的宗旨还包括加强相关国家的司法系统。
In the case of the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Extraordinary Chambers in the
Courts of Cambodia, both
[...] located within the country concerned, the [...]
relevant resolutions state that the purpose for establishment
also includes the strengthening of the national judicial system.
令人遗憾的是,冷战结束已经很久,基于核保护伞的军事联盟仍然存在,核 共享仍在继续,仍有国家在其他无核武器 家境 内 部 署核武器。
It is regrettable that, a long time after the cold war, military alliances based on the nuclear umbrella still exist, and that nuclear sharing continues and deployment of nuclear weapons in the territory of other non-nuclear-weapon States is still being exercised.
如果过境行动是通过空中进行,并需要在欧洲联盟另一成员国或其他实行 2003 年 11 月 25
[...] 日关于对空中驱离所需过境给予协助的理事会指令 2003/110/EC 规定程序的家境内作 中途停留,警方可请该国主管当局对中途停留给予协助。
If the transit operation is effected by air and requires a stopover in the territory of another European Union member State or another State applying the procedure laid down in Council Directive
2003/110/EC of 25 November 2003 on
[...] assistance in cases of transit for the purposes [...]
of removal by air, the police may ask the
competent authority of such State for assistance during the stopover.
许多家境内存 在根深蒂固的买卖钻石和黄金的非法网 络,而这些钻石和黄金往往得自在正式法律范围之外活动的个人小规模经营者, [...]
因此,要采用《采掘业透明度倡议》和《金伯利进程证书制度》之类的办法,就 有更大程度的复杂性。
The existence in many countries of entrenched illegal [...]
networks for trading diamonds and gold, often acquired from artisanal
and smallscale operators operating outside the formal law, adds a degree of complexity to the introduction of processes such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
她还想知道,人权理事会可以建议采用何种机 制来解决在发达家境内发 生的侵犯人权行为,仅 举几个例子,包括歧视、虐待被拘留者和难民以及 [...]
通过对发展中国家实施单边制裁的方式侵犯其发展 权问题。
She also wondered what mechanisms the Council might propose to
address the human rights violations taking
[...] place in developed countries, including discrimination, [...]
ill-treatment of detainees and
refugees and violation of the right to development through unilateral sanctions against developing countries, to name a few.
为确立 这一涉及非政府组织筹款的现代化转变,现在已对新的共同资助制度作出规定 (从
[...] 2011 年起),至少应有 60%的资金花在荷兰的伙伴家境内。
In order to establish this modernization of the NGO-funding the requirement was imposed for the new
co-funding system (starting in 2011) that a minimum of 60 per cent of the funding should be
[...] spent in Dutch partner countries.
总体计划确定了这些家境内 的 骨干道路和铁路网络并提出了逐步建设 这些网络的现实的投资战略。
The Master Plan has identified the backbone road and rail
[...] networks in those countries and presented a realistic [...]
investment strategy to gradually develop these networks.
[...] 流离失所者人权问题的秘书长代表的关键援助之下,在该国制定 家境 内 流 离失 所者政策方面提供支持。
In Kenya, UNHCR and other protection cluster members, with critical assistance from the Representative of the
Secretary-General on the Human Rights of IDPs (RSG), provided support to the Government in the
[...] development of a national IDP policy.
[...] 非法使用爆炸物品、拥有武器和化学武器用法文字资料、使用化学品、在 家境 内倾弃有毒废物等的规定。
Furthermore, the new penal code, which will enter into force very soon, contains provisions that severely punish, inter alia, terrorism, complicity in a terrorist act, illegal use of explosives in gatherings, possession of
weapons and writings indicating how chemical weapons are used, use of chemicals and
[...] dumping toxic waste on national territory.
在采取此类措施之前,或许有必要作进一步 研究分析,以便考虑在这些家境内 进 行起诉的实际 需求,而这很可能取决于海军部队提出移交在海上抓 [...]
Before such measures are taken, it may be necessary for further research and analysis to be carried out
to consider the actual demand for
[...] prosecutions in these States, which is likely [...]
to be generated by requests for the transfer
of suspects apprehended at sea by naval forces.
委员会还关切地感到,不在卫生保健设施内出生的儿童,包 括土著儿童家境贫困 儿童,诸如生活在偏远地区或遭社会排斥的儿童均无法获 [...]
The Committee is further concerned that children who are born outside of health-care facilities,
including indigenous children or children
[...] from disadvantaged families, such as those living [...]
in remote areas or in social exclusion,
do not have access to birth registration.
因此,有关在决议草案标题和《联合国行动纲领》 标题中提到的“从各个方面”,我们的理解是,这意
[...] 味着在处理小武器和轻武器非法贸易的问题上,不仅 要努力处理跨界问题,还要处理每个主权 家境 内的其它层面的问题,例如国家立法、储存和中介活动以 [...]
Therefore, with reference to “in all its aspects” in the title of the draft resolution and in the title of the United Nations Programme of Action, in our interpretation this means that in dealing with the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, efforts should be made
with regard not only to cross-border issues, but also to address other
[...] aspects within the borders of each sovereign State, such as [...]
national legislation,
stockpiling and brokering, as well as marking and tracing.
在这里应当区分这样两种学校 : 前者由私 人建立 ,
[...] 得到私人资金支持 , 并由私人管理 , 面家境相对优越家庭的孩子 , 而后者由公众 [...]
建立 , 得到公共资金支持 , 并由公众管理 , 服 务于那些没有得到充分帮助的群体和生活境况 艰难的孩子们。
A distinction should be made here between privately established, financed and managed
boarding schools that cater to the children of
[...] more affluent families and those that [...]
are established, financed and managed through
public means to serve underserved groups and children living under difficult circumstances.
这种长期的伙伴关系也为阿诺创建于1993年的"明日之星"基金会募得数百万美元, 家境 贫 困的儿童提供了课余活动的基金。
This longstanding partnership has also raised millions of dollars for the “After School All-Stars” Foundation that Schwarzenegger created in 1993 to provide after-school programs for underprivileged children.
3条第2 款确实规
[...] 定,应考虑到所有有关的因素,包括有关 家境 内 是 否存在一贯严重、公然、大 规模侵犯人权的情况,但它同时也规定,这样做的目的是为了确定有关个人本人 [...]
While article 3, paragraph 2, of the Convention does provide that all
relevant considerations — including the
[...] existence in the State concerned of a [...]
consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass
violations of human rights — should be taken into account, it also states that the purpose of doing so is to determine whether an individual would be at personal danger of being subjected to torture.
[...] 有效的出生登记,例如可设立、尤其是在农村和偏远地区设立流动登记站,确保 在家境内出 生的所有儿童都进行登记。
(32) The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen and further develop institutional structures that are accessible and free in order to implement effective birth registration, e.g. by introducing mobile
units, especially in rural and remote areas to ensure that all
[...] children born within the national territory are registered.
無論動機與原因為何,對許多美國民眾而言,偌大的單一家庭住宅已不適合,都市規劃專家與官員應確保社區擁有各式住宅,以順應經濟與人口趨勢變遷,容 家境 小 康 、生活節儉的美國中產階級。
Regardless of the circumstances or motivations, it’s clear that for many Americans, a
[...] large single-family house isn’t the [...]
optimal living arrangement.




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