

单词 家人

家人 noun, plural ()

their families pl
friends pl

家人 ()

(one's) family

人家 noun ()

family n

人家 ()

sb. else
other people
household business
sb. else's house
house of woman's husband-to-be
I, me (referring oneself as "one" or "people")
he, she or they



the whole family

出家人 n

monk n


nun (Buddhist or Daoist)

External sources (not reviewed)

目前正在起草一项法案,协调家人 权 事 务机构与负责狱政的议会专员 的各自职能。
A bill was also currently being drafted to harmonize the
[...] competencies of the national human rights institution [...]
with those of the parliamentary commissioner for prisons.
委员会建议缔约国采取必要措施,确保最低工资水平可为 人 及 其 家人 提 供 体面 的生活。
The Committee recommends that the State party take the
necessary measures to ensure that the level of the minimum wage provides a
[...] decent living for workers and their families.
[...] 最严重、紧迫或新近发生的侵犯人权状况而可以利用的工具问题;在整个理事会 工件方案中进一步接纳家人权机 构和非政府组织的参与,包括参与普遍定期审 [...]
理事会成员提出促进和保护人权的最高标准,方式包括确保理事会成员与特别程 序的充分合作;解决理事会议程中的政治不平衡情况。
It also expressed disappointment at the outcome document, particularly with regard to the issue of the tools at Council’s disposal to address the most serious, urgent or emerging situations of human rights
violations, wherever they occur; increasing the
[...] participation of national human rights institutions [...]
and non-governmental organizations
across the Council work programme, including in the universal periodic review process and better using expertise in panel discussions, briefing sessions and interactive dialogues; holding Council members to the highest standards of promotion and protection of human rights, including by ensuring their full cooperation with the special procedures; resolving the political imbalances in the Council agenda.
咨询委员会注意到,为物 色合适的家人选, 秘书处政治事务部安全理事会事务司建立了一个电子 [...]
名册,根据专业领域和其他标准对候选人进行编列(见 A/64/349,第 28 至 31 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes that in order to
[...] identify suitable experts, the Security Council [...]
Affairs Division of the Department
of Political Affairs of the Secretariat maintains an electronic roster that sorts candidates according to areas of expertise and other criteria (see A/64/349, paras. 28–31).
您可以随时家人转让 股票(受制于管限证券销售的当地法律), 但如果您选择在资格期内家人转让 股票,您就无权在这些股票上获得奖励股票。
You may transfer Shares to family members at any time (subject to local laws governing sales of securities) but if you choose to transfer Shares to family members during the [...]
Qualification Period,
you will lose the ability to receive Award Shares in respect of those Shares.
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,在过去 10 年间,人权高专办提供 服务的条约机构数量从 5 个增加到了 10 个;各条约机构年度会议的次数从 11 次 增加到 24 次;条约机构每年会议时间从 44
[...] 周增加到 73 周;条约机构的家人 数也从 74 人增加到 172 人。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that, in the past 10-year period, the number of treaty bodies serviced by OHCHR had increased from 5 to 10; the number of the sessions held annually by treaty bodies from 11 to 24; the number of
weeks in which treaty bodies hold sessions annually from 44 to 73; and the number
[...] of treaty body experts from 74 to 172.
根据《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》的规定,依照关于缔约国定期报告 形式和内容的建议,并考虑到摩尔多瓦共和国关于批准《2004-2008 年家人权 行动计划》的 2004 年 10 月 24 日第 415-XV 号议会决定以及关于国家委员会负 责批准初次报告和定期报告的 2006 年 3 月 1 日第 225 号政府决定,谨此提交 2001-2007 年摩尔多瓦共和国关于联合国《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》执 行情况的第二次定期报告。
In accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and following the recommendations on the form and contents of the periodic reports of the States Parties, and taking into account the provisions of the Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on the approval of the National Human Rights Action Plan for years 2004–2008, No. 415-XV from 24 October 2004, and the Governmental Decision on the National Committee responsible for the approval of the initial and periodic Reports No. 225 from 01 March 2006, herewith is the second periodic Report on the implementation of the International UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Republic of Moldova for years 2001–2007.
[...] 我们在消除贫困和实现公平社会方面的努力构成妨碍,我们赞赏教科文组织对发展中 家人 民 的 支持、对科学 事业中妇女作用的强调以及对地球未来的关注。
Considering that the world is facing major global changes: accelerating environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, pollution, and emerging impacts of a changing climate and recognizing that all of these challenges impede efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve an equitable
society, we commend the Director General’s
[...] support of developing nations, the [...]
role of women in science, and the future of our planet.
[...] 包括可调动态范围,将性能维持在午夜低级别下,避免打家人。
It can be implemented featuring simple user presets or full user
controls, including adjustable dynamic range to maintain performance at low late-night levels that
[...] won’t wake up the family.
札·宾特·纳赛尔·阿勒米斯奈德殿下以教科文组织 基础和高等教育特使的身份,于 1 月 15 日致信秘书
[...] 长,呼吁安全理事会和国际社会确保加沙的教育机构 受到必要保护,以便为加沙儿童及 家人 提 供 一个安 全的避难所,使人道主义援助和基本物资得以进入, [...]
This situation prompted Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned, Consort of His Highness the Emir of Qatar, in her capacity as UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education, to address a letter to the Secretary-General on 5 January, calling upon the Security Council and the international community to ensure the necessary protection for educational institutions in Gaza with a view to
providing a safe haven for the children
[...] of Gaza and their families, allowing access to [...]
humanitarian assistance and basic materials
and evacuating the sick and the wounded.
此外,家人和朋 友的沟通能力 可以成为防范虐待的一种保障,在最封闭的环境中虐待行为往往大量增加。
Moreover, the ability to
[...] communicate with family and friends can be [...]
a safeguard against ill-treatment, which tends to flourish
in the most closed environments.
马尔代夫通过遵守国际人权法,寻求在改善马尔代夫所有 人的生活质量的总政策之下,加强 家人 权 框 架。
Through its respect for international human rights law, the Maldives seeks to consolidate the national human rights framework under its general policy of improving the quality of life for all Maldivians.
他们承认,被剥夺自由者依靠家人 和 朋 友获取食物, 这得到了警察和宪兵的证实。
They acknowledged, as confirmed by
police officers and gendarmes, that persons deprived of their liberty
[...] relied on their families and friends to [...]
receive food.
(d) 在下次定期报告中提供最新资料,说明有关种族歧视行为的申诉,以
[...] 及在刑事、民事或行政法院程序中作出的相关决定,加之 家人 权 机 构的相关决 定,包括向此类行为受害者提供任何赔偿的决定。
(d) Provide in the next periodic report updated information on complaints about acts of racial discrimination and on relevant decisions in
penal, civil or administrative court
[...] proceedings and by State human rights institutions, [...]
including on any reparations provided to victims of such acts.
[...] 诉的情况和法院对有关刑事、民事或行政诉讼的判决以及 家人 权 机 构作出的裁 决,包括对这类行为的受害者提供的恢复原状措施或其他补救办法。
The Committee requests the State party to provide in next report updated information on complaints about acts of racial discrimination and on relevant decisions in
penal, civil or administrative court
[...] proceedings and by State human rights institutions, [...]
including on any restitution or
other remedies provided to victims of such acts.
周末活动通常是在海中游泳或冲浪、参加或观看体育比赛、同朋友们一起烧烤,以及 家人 共 度 闲暇时光。
A typical weekend may include a swim or
surf in the ocean, participation or attendance at a sporting match, a barbecue with
[...] friends and spending time with family.
决定第 10 段是完整补救方法模式的极好例子:要求采取非承袭的补救措 施,重建、满足并保障非重复(对事件进行深入调查、释放活着的受害者、将死 亡受害者的遗体归家人并对 犯有侵犯行为的责任人进行起诉、审判和惩罚); 在决定中,委员会还要求采取承袭的补救措施(对提交人以及若还活着的 Kamel Djebrouni 所蒙受的侵权行为进行适当的赔偿)。
Paragraph 10 of the Committee’s decision is an excellent illustration of a comprehensive approach to reparation; it orders non-pecuniary measures of restitution and satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition (a thorough and effective investigation of the facts, freeing of the victim if he is still alive, handing over his remains if he is dead and the prosecution, trial and punishment of those responsible for the violations committed); the Committee’s decision also orders pecuniary measures of reparation (adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive).
推出家庭健康日活动后,普里西拉和她 家人 现 在 可以获得他们需要的医疗服务与援助。
With the introduction of Family Health Days, however, Priscilla and her family can now receive the care and attention they need.
行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其关于 2005 年世 界首脑会议成果的报告(A/60/7/Add.13 和 Corr.1 和
2)中,要求对秘书处内道德操守方面的活动进行综合 审查;于是,道德操守办公室审查了各部厅以下方面
[...] 的情况:制定细则、指导方针或培训,向工作人员说 明如何履行职责,同时确保他们、他们 家人 和 有关 第三方没有受益于、或似乎受益于他们的决定、影响 [...]
In response to the request for a comprehensive review of ethics-related activities in the Secretariat made by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions in its report on the 2005 World Summit Outcome (A/60/7/Add.13 and Corr.1 and 2), the Ethics Office had conducted a survey of departments and offices regarding rules, guidelines or training that had been developed to inform staff members how to
discharge their duties while ensuring
[...] that they, their family members and associated [...]
third parties did not benefit or appear
to benefit from their decisions, influence or access to information.
为尊重和促进人权提供实际保障,这一点体现在国家一级的各种计划和战 略中,比如:《2005-2009
年政府活动方案“国家的现代化――国家的福利”》、摩 尔多瓦共和国-欧盟《关于欧洲邻国关系的行动计划》、摩尔多瓦共和国-北约
[...] 《关于个别伙伴关系的行动计划》、《 家人 权 行 动计划》、在《美国“千年挑 战” 方案》范围内形成的《摩尔多瓦共和国国家初步方案》等等。
The guarantee and assurance of respect and promotion of human rights is reflected at national level in various plans and strategies, as for instance: The Programme of Activity of the Government for the years 2005–2009 “Modernisation of the country – welfare of the nation”, European Neighbourhood Action Plan Republic of Moldova — EU, Republic of Moldova
— NATO Individual Partnership Action
[...] Plan (IPAP), National Human Rights Action [...]
Plan, Preliminary Country Programme of the
Republic of Moldova within the USA Programme “Millennium Challenges” etc.
[...] 常驻国家代表团、专门机构、其他政府间组织和符合《巴黎原则》的 家人 权机 构以及拥有咨商地位的非政府组织的共享和参与,同时铭记需要确保这类参与完 [...]
The Council shall explore the feasibility of using information technology, such as videoconferencing or videomessaging, to enhance access and participation by non-resident State delegations,
specialized agencies, other intergovernmental
[...] organizations and national human rights institutions [...]
consistent with the Paris Principles,
as well as by non-governmental organizations in consultative status, bearing in mind the need to ensure full compliance of such participation with the Council’s rules of procedure and rules concerning accreditation.
[...] 《公民及政治权利国际公约》提交的具体条约报告一起概述了马尔代夫在履行家人权义务上采取的立法、司法、行政及其他措施。
Together, the Common Core Document and the ICCPR treaty specific report outline the legislative,
judicial, administrative and other measures in the Maldives, which
[...] give effect to the country’s human rights obligations.
[...] 请,以及其心理状况导致他离开加拿大并到美国寻 家人 的 支 持,他不能对当时 未在加拿大继续其庇护申请或未申请准假和对宣布撤销的决定进行司法审查负 责。
Given the application for protection that he filed in the United States under the Convention against Torture, and the psychological circumstances
that led him to leave Canada and seek
[...] the support of his family in the United States, [...]
he cannot be held responsible for
not having pursued his asylum application in Canada at that time or for failing to apply for leave and judicial review of the decision to discontinue the proceedings.
[...] 童图像在内的儿童身份、有关儿童或其家庭的详细介绍、儿 家人 的 姓 名或地 址以及视听记录,则一概不得予以提供或公布,尤其不得在媒体上予以提供或 [...]
This generally implies that no information or personal data may be made available or published, particularly in the media, that could reveal or indirectly enable the disclosure of the child’s identity, including images of the
child, detailed descriptions of the child
[...] or the child’s family, names or addresses [...]
of the child’s family members and audio and video records.
(g) 已经采取了哪些措施,以提高包括在偷运过程中遭受暴力的移民、移 民人及其家人的识 别度,并且改进对针对移民、移民 人 及 其 家人 的 暴 力行 为的指控的调查和起诉?
(g) What measures have been taken to increase the identification
of migrants, migrant
[...] workers and their families who have experienced violence, including during smuggling, as well as to increase investigations and prosecutions resulting from allegations of violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families?
许多石油资源丰富的家人民收入低, 政府缺乏效率,政治和经济活动的目的都是为了从资源 收入中分一杯羹,而不是促进全面经济和社会发展,使 [...]
The low incomes and ineffective
[...] governments of many oil-rich countries result in political [...]
and economic activity focused on acquiring
a share of resource revenues rather than promoting general economic and social development, making these countries more prone to internal instability and conflict.




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