

单词 宫外孕

See also:

castration (as corporal punishment)
surname Gong
first note in pentatonic scale


pregnant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

1975 年,仅有 16%的妇女采用避孕药具,其中大多 宫 内 避 孕 器 (9 %)。20 年后,这一比例上升 到 27%。
In 1975 only 16 per cent of women used contraceptives, which were mostly intrauterine (9 per cent) and 20 years later the number increased to 27 per cent of women.
基督教聯合醫院及伊利沙伯醫院會為本 孕 婦 提外病床,以應付高峰期的需求。
Extra beds would be
[...] provided for local pregnant women in United Christian [...]
Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital to meet
the demand during the peak period.
医学资 料和统计研究所指出,2005 年有
[...] 51%的育龄妇女采用医生推荐的避孕方法, 45%的妇女采用激素类避孕药具,其他妇女采 宫 内 避 孕 器。
According to the Institute of Medical Information and Statistics, in 2005 contraceptives prescribed by a doctor were used by 51 per cent of women of
fertile age, 45 per cent of women used hormonal contraceptives and the rest
[...] of the contraceptives used were intrauterine.
美利坚合众国代表报告了在妇女的机制领域取得的进展,该代表 向会议通报说该国家设立了:(a)白宫妇女和女孩问题理事会,该理事会负 责协调应对同工同酬、家事假、儿童保育、对妇女的暴力行为问题和妇女 的医疗卫生等领域的问题;(b) 设立了宫制止 对妇女暴力行为问题顾问 和全球妇女问题无任所大使的职位,其工作重点是努力将妇女问题纳外 交政策。
The representative of the United States of America reported on progress in the areas of women’s machinery, informing the Meeting of the establishment of (a) the White House Council on Women and Girls, which provided a coordinated response to issues such as equal pay, family leave, child care, violence against women and
women’s health; and (b)
[...] the position of White House Advisor on Violence against Women and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, whose work focused on integrating women’s issues into foreign policy.
关于实际工作时间的计算,除了使用上述消减系数之外,还应扣除所有的 缺勤时间,以下情况除外:由于常见疾病及职业病而休的病假,工伤或非工伤外;怀孕、哺 乳、收养等需暂停劳动合同的行为;以及其他根据劳动法规定有权 支薪的非工作行为。
As regards calculation of time actually worked, for purposes of application of those coefficients no account is taken of absence from work other than absences on medical grounds in respect of
ordinary or occupational
[...] disease, accident - work- or non-workrelated - suspension of the employment contract for maternity, adoption, care or risk during pregnancy; and absences authorized [...]
as qualifying
for payment under the relevant labour legislation.
外,孕妇中 的感染率不断上升,严重威胁到全球各地 的妇女,秘书长的全面报告(A/64/735)中强调了这一 点。
Moreover, the increasing rate of infection among pregnant women is a serious [...]
threat to women globally and the main cause
of mortality among them, as underscored in the Secretary-General’s comprehensive report (A/64/735).
在 63 个有数据的低生 育率国家中,两种现代和高度有效的方法,即口服避孕药 宫 内 避 孕 器 , 是主要 避孕方法;口服避孕药是其中 20 个国家的主要方法宫内避孕器则 是 14 个国家 使用的主要方法,两种面向男性的方法 ( 避 孕 套 和 体 外 射 精 )是下一个层级的国家 中所使用的主要方法。
Two male-oriented methods (the condom and withdrawal) are dominant in the next tier of countries.
在较为发达的区域,口服避孕药和避孕套是最常用的方法,而在不太 发达的区域,最常用的方法是女性绝育 宫 内 避 孕 器 ( 避 孕 环 )。
In the more developed regions, the pill and the condom are the most commonly used methods, whereas in the less developed regions, the most popular methods are female sterilization and the intrauterine device (IUD).
在几个低生育率国家(包括阿尔巴尼亚、波斯尼亚和 黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、希腊、日本、马耳他和塞尔维亚)中,最常用的两种方 法是孕套和体外射精
In several low-fertility countries (including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Japan, Malta and Serbia), the two most commonly used methods are the condom and withdrawal.
口服避孕药是最多中等生育率国家(17 个)使用最多的方法,然后宫内避孕 器和女性绝育,各是 9 个国家中的主要方法。
The pill is the most used method in the largest number of intermediate-fertility countries (17), followed by the IUD and female sterilization, each being the main method in nine countries.
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和 宫 颈 癌 检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理性细胞检查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切外科手 术治疗;乡村产科护理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。
Other noteworthy initiatives include the
[...] Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical [...]
care, such
as training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.
子宫内膜异位症系子宫内膜组织生长于 宫 腔 以 外 , 主 要是在卵巢或输卵管上,有时甚至在膀胱上或盆腔内。
Endometriosis occurs when the tissue from
[...] the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus, [...]
primarily in the ovaries and/or
the fallopian tubes, but even sometimes on the bladder, pelvic floor or bowls.
该 P-3 员额 的任职者将负责协调法院、卡内基基金会和和平宫其它租户之间、以及和 宫 之 外 的 国 际法院 管理机构(联合国和其它国际组织以及东道国)之间的复杂安保事项。
The incumbent of the P-3 post would coordinate between the Court, the Carnegie
Foundation and other tenants of
[...] the Peace Palace, as well as between the International Court of Justice authorities outside the Peace Palace (the United Nations [...]
and other international
organizations, as well as the host authority) on complex security matters.
[...] 育龄妇女中艾滋病毒的初级预防;(b) 预 防感染艾滋病毒妇女的外怀孕;(c ) 防止感染艾滋病毒的妇女将病毒传染给她 [...]
的婴儿(母婴传播);(d) 为感染艾滋病毒的妇女及其子女和家庭生活提供适当的 治疗、护理和支助。
The approach has four programme components: (a) primary prevention of HIV
among women of childbearing age; (b)
[...] prevention of unintended pregnancies among women living [...]
with HIV; (c) prevention of HIV
transmission from a woman living with HIV to her infant (perinatal transmission); and (d) providing appropriate treatment, care and support to women living with HIV and their children and families.
计划生育是防止流产和外怀孕的最有 效方式。
Family planning was the most effective way to
[...] prevent abortion and unplanned pregnancies.
同年对《人工受孕法案》做了一项修订,赋予女同性恋夫妇 外 受 孕 的 权 利。
That same year an amendment was made to the Act on Artificial Fertilisation, whereby lesbian couples were given
[...] the right to in vitro fertilization.
委员会敦促各国政府 保护和促进充分尊重人权和基本自由,而不论年龄和婚姻状况,包括消除针对女
孩和妇女的一切形式歧视,强调须加强保健制度,确保保健制度优先普及性信息 和生殖信息及保健服务,包括计划生育、产前护理、安全分娩和产后护理,以消
[...] 除可预防的孕产妇死亡率和发病率,且在各级采取行动消除性健康和生殖健康不 佳、外怀孕、不 安全人工流产引起的并发症以及孕产妇死亡率和发病率等相互 [...]
The Commission urged Governments to protect and promote full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms regardless of age and marital status, including by eliminating all forms of discrimination against girls and women, and stressed the need to strengthen health systems and ensure that they prioritized universal access to sexual and reproductive information and health-care services, including family planning, prenatal care, safe delivery and post-natal care, in order to eliminate preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and to take action at all levels to address the interlinked
root causes of sexual and reproductive
[...] ill health, unintended pregnancy, complications [...]
arising from unsafe abortion and maternal mortality and morbidity.
随后使用最多的避孕方法是安全期避孕法(在 8 个国家占主导地 位)、女性绝育(在 5 个国家是主要方法)、其他传统方法(在 4 个国家是首选方法) 和宫内避孕器(在 3 个国家占主导地位)。
The next most used contraceptive methods are the rhythm method (dominant in eight countries), female sterilization (a major method in five countries), other traditional methods (preferred in four countries) and the IUD (dominant in three countries).
另一方面,纤维瘤是生长在子宫内或 宫外 的 肌 瘤。
Fibroids on the other hand are growths that form on the outside or inside [...]
of the uterus.
自 2005 年发起性权利和生殖权利国家政策以来,卫生部分发避孕方法给卫生统一系统用户: 紧急药丸和小丸剂(自 2006 年起)、可注射孕药、子宫帽、男用 孕 套 和 子 宫 内 装 置。
Since the 2005 launch of the National Sexual and Reproductive Rights Policy, the Ministry of Health has distributed contraceptive methods to SUS users: emergency pills and mini-pills (since 2006), injectable contraceptives, diaphragms, male condoms and intra-uterine devices (IUDs).
性教育与预防性传播疾病和外怀孕 相 联系;这点是必要的,但是不能成为 国家政策的依据,因为国家政策必须将性教育本身作为一项权利对待。
Sexual education is associated with the
prevention of sexually transmitted
[...] diseases and unwanted pregnancy; while this is [...]
necessary, it cannot provide a basis for
State policies, which must consider sexual education as a right in and of itself.
长期服用易导致骨流失的药物,包括糖皮质激素、GnRH拮抗剂(治疗子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位症、前列腺癌等)、长效 宫 黄 体 酮( 孕 药 ) 、甲状腺素、抗癫痫药和抗肿瘤药物等。
Taking certain medications over a long period of time, including corticosteroids, GnRH antagonists (used to treat uterine myoma, endometriosis, prostate cancer etc.), Depo Provera, thyroxine, anti-convulsants, and certain drugs used in the treatment of cancer
除了其泰国最著名地标的地位外, 大 皇 宫 还 展 现了泰国人民的创造力和精湛技艺。
Apart from being the country’s most notable landmark, it also mirrors the creativity and craftsmanship of the Thai people.
其它优点有:近乎实时获取有关妊娠以及胎儿健康的关键信息,提高了病人安全性,有助于临床医师在占有信息的基础上做出决策;可机动获取胎儿和母体的波形数据和关键的妊娠数据,如预产期(EDD)、估 孕 龄 (E G A) 、 宫 颈 检 查状态和胎次/产次(gravida para);临床医师可以比较怀孕的历史数据,用以评估之后妊娠的健康状况。
Further benefits include near real-time access to critical information about a woman’s pregnancy and the health of her baby, improving patient safety and helping clinicians make informed decisions; creating mobile access to fetal
and maternal waveform
[...] data and key pregnancy related data such as estimated due date (EDD), estimated gestational age (EGA), cervical exam status, and [...]
gravida para; and allowing
clinicians to compare historical pregnancy data that can be used to evaluate the health of subsequent pregnancies.
[...] 减少计划生育资金的趋势将会严重影响国家满足这类尚未满足的服务所需的能 力并且可能破坏防止外怀孕和减 少孕产妇和婴儿死亡率的工作。
If not reversed, the trend towards less funding for family planning will have serious implications for the ability of countries to address unmet need
for such services and could undermine efforts
[...] to prevent unintended pregnancies and reduce [...]
maternal and infant mortality.
这类法律和措施要求采取孕措施( 宫 内 节 育器和女性绝育尤其普遍,据政府统计,这些方法占避孕手段的80%以上),以及在某些情况下实施堕胎。
Such laws and practices required the use of birth control
[...] methods (particularly IUDs and female sterilization, [...]
which according to government statistics,
accounted for more than 80 percent of birth control methods employed) and the abortion of certain pregnancies.
向计划生育和助产服务投资、加强生殖健康商品的安全、预防和治疗产科瘘、摒 弃切割女性生殖器的做法、消除基于性别的暴力行为、解决少女怀孕和童婚问题、
[...] 预防艾滋病毒通过母婴传播、拟订综合避孕套方案以预防 外 怀 孕 和 艾 滋病毒感 染,在紧急情况下提供生殖健康服务。
The present report provides an overview of the programmatic work of UNFPA related to maternal and newborn care, investing in family planning and midwifery, enhancing reproductive health commodity security, preventing and treating obstetric fistula, abandoning the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting, eliminating gender-based violence, addressing adolescent pregnancy and child marriage, preventing mother-to-child transmission of
HIV, comprehensive condom programming
[...] to prevent unintended pregnancy and HIV infection [...]
and providing reproductive health
services in emergency situations.
美国大使馆特派团副团长,伦敦(2003-2007 年);美国问题阿富汗协调员 (2002-2003
[...] 年);美国驻欧洲安全与合作组织大使(1998-2001 年);宫外交事 务副新闻秘书和国家安全理事会发言人(1995-1997 年);国务院副发言人和国务 [...]
Deputy Chief of Mission, United States Embassy, London (2003-2007); Afghan Coordinator for the United States (2002-2003); United States Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (1998-2001); Deputy
[...] Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs at the White House and Spokesman [...]
for the National Security Council
(1995-1997); Deputy Spokesman at the State Department and Director of the State Department Press Office; United States Consul General, Vancouver; Deputy Director of the State Department’s Operations Center.
[...] 在知识和作法方面的有利情况,但只有 40%的接受调查者能说出其他避孕药具和 行动方式,例如植入节育环宫内避 孕 器 ( 避 孕 环 )和 紧急避孕等。
While these are positive indicators of knowledge and practice, only 40 per cent of those surveyed could identify the
methods of action for other contraceptive means, such as
[...] implants, the intrauterine device (IUD) and emergency contraception.
需要将联合国的所有活动移至他处并在整个实施期间为所有工作人 员租用万宫楼群以外的空间;(b) 中期分阶段实施方案为期 8 年,费用为 6.18 亿瑞士法郎(相当于 5.91 亿美元),需要将一些活动移至他处并有足够的周转空 间在任何既定时间均可容纳约 1 000 名工作人员,这一空间拟将通过在万国宫楼 群内建造临时设施提供;(c) 长期分阶段实施方案为期13年,费用为 6.51 亿瑞 士法郎(相当于 6.22 亿美元),根据该方案将分区翻修各建筑物,所需周转空间 减少,可通过内部调动和租用数量有限的办公室和会议设施提供。
In paragraph 14 of the report of the Secretary-General (A/66/279), it is indicated that all costs, which were originally developed in Swiss francs (CHF) and converted using a current operational exchange rate of $1 = 1.046 CHF, would need to be recalculated based on the updated exchange rate at the time the project is executed.




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