

单词 宪性

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宪法》(第八编和第 75 条)规定,宪法委员会负责评判法律的 宪性 ,并 保障人的基本权利。
The Constitution provides (Title
VIII and article 75)
[...] that the Constitutional Council shall rule on the constitutionality of laws and [...]
uphold fundamental human rights.
然而,自提交上次定期报告以来,以色列尚未颁布任何有关经济、社会和文化权 利的更进一步的基本法(以色列的 宪性 法 律 )。
However, Israel has not enacted any further basic laws (Israel’s constitutional law) on economic, social and cultural rights since the submission of its previous periodic reports.
宪法》第34 条规定,高等法院和最高法院有权评估并确认任何法律是否 具有有效的宪性。
Under Article 34 of the Constitution, both the High Court
and the Supreme Court have the power to assess and
[...] determine the validity of any law in terms of its constitutionality.
监察员有权就“与《宪法》抵触的法律和违反基本人权和自由的事项” 直接同《宪法》法院联系,并要求它确立“其 宪性 ”。
The Ombudsman was empowered to contact directly the Constitutional Court on matters concerning laws
in contravention and violation of basic human rights and freedoms and request it to
[...] establish their unconstitutionality.
宪 法法院的处理结果可以是宣布相关国际条约因符合关于宪法法院的
[...] 1979 年 10 月 2 日的第 2/1979 号组织法第六卷第 78 条的规定而具有宪性。
Such a request may give rise to a declaration of constitutionality of the international treaty in accordance
with the provisions of title VI –
[...] article 78 – of the Constitutional Court Organization [...]
Act (No. 2/1979) of 2 October 1979.
此外我们有理由认为,国会过去曾怀疑超过 6 个月的拘留的宪性。
We do have reason to believe, however, that Congress
[...] previously doubted the constitutionality of detention for more than six months.
宪法法院专门负责管 理当局规则和其他行为的宪性。
The Constitutional Court is specifically responsible for
[...] controlling the constitutionality of rules and other [...]
acts of the authorities.
[...] 中解释《宪法》本身的条文、控管“国民议会采取的法律和其他行为”以及“共 和国总统的行为”的宪性,宣 布“保加利亚共和国签署的任何国际条约”在批 [...]
准之前与《宪法》的一致性,以及“任何国内法”与“公认的国际法准则”的一 致性。
It is vested with the powers, in each case it is seized of, to interpret the Constitution itself, to control the constitutionality of the laws and other acts taken by the National Assembly, as well as the acts by the
President of the Republic, to pronounce
[...] itself on the consistency of any international [...]
treaties signed by the Republic of
Bulgaria with the Constitution prior to their ratification, as well as on the consistency of any domestic laws with the universally recognized standards of international law.
宪性问题 的产生是因为曾 试图向合同中指明的地址之一发送通知但不可能做到,这就是通过类推适用 《仲裁法》第 [...]
5(a)条的原因,从而使该省高级法院对该条是否符合宪法产生了 怀疑。
The question of constitutionality had arisen because [...]
the intention had been to send a notification to one of the addresses
indicated in the contract, but that had not been possible, which was why article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act had been applied by analogy, thus giving rise to the doubt in the Provincial High Court as to whether it was constitutional.
该宪法委员会拥有双重职能,既评判法律的宪 性,又保障基本人权和公共自由。
The Constitutional Council both judges the constitutionality of laws and [...]
guarantees fundamental human rights and civil liberties.
宪法法院宪法性质的事项拥有具体的管辖权,即管理法律规则的 宪性 (《宪法》第 277 至 283 条)。
The Constitutional Court has specific jurisdiction over matters of a constitutional nature, namely the control of the constitutionality of legal rules (articles 277 to 283 of the Constitution).
检察官办公室是一个独立的国家机构,负责起诉刑事罪行和其他应该处罚的 行为的肇事者,为保护宪性和合 法性采取措施。
The Public Prosecutor’s Office shall be an independent State body prosecuting the
perpetrators of criminal and other punishable acts and take measures in
[...] order to protect constitutionality and legality.
解释法律的一个基本原则是,国会的一项法律的 宪性 引 起严重疑问 时,法院先要研究该项法律是否能作宪法解释。
I]t is a cardinal principle of statutory interpretation, however, that when an
Act of Congress raises ‘a serious
[...] doubt’ as to its constitutionality, ‘this Court will [...]
first ascertain whether a construction
of the statute is fairly possibly by which the question may be avoided’.
在塞尔维亚共和国,宪法法院采取下列法律程序:确定普通文书的 宪性或 合 法性的法律程序;在法律颁布之前确定它们的 宪性 的 法 律程序;就推迟执行 自治省机构的决定进行裁决的法律程序;解决有关法律管辖权的冲突的法律程 序;就选举程序作出裁决的程序;就禁止政党、劳工组织、民间社团或宗教团体 运作进行裁决的法律程序宪法性投 诉的法律程序;就共和国总统违反《宪法》 进行裁决的法律程序;就法官、检察官和副检察官提出的关于终止任期决定的投 诉进行裁决的法律程序。
The following proceedings are held before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia: the
proceedings for establishing constitutionality or legality of general instruments; the proceedings for establishing constitutionality of laws before they are promulgated; the proceedings for deciding on postponing the enforcement of decisions of the bodies of the autonomous province; the proceedings for resolving conflicts in jurisdiction; procedure for deciding on electoral proceedings; the procedure for deciding on the prohibition of the work of a political party, labour organization, citizen association or religious community; the proceedings of constitutional complaint; the procedure for deciding on violations of Constitution by the President of the Republic; the procedure of complaint by judges, public prosecutors and deputy public prosecutors on a decision about termination of tenure.57 (iii) Public Prosecutor’s Office
要求保护宪 法权利的办法是一种地方程序,可能在 宪性 和 与国 际文书的协调一致性方面遭到质疑。
was a local procedure that could be challenged
[...] in terms of constitutionality and compatibility with international [...]
此 外,监察员必须:(a)
就如何纠正不合法或不公正行为或改善行政当局的服务提 出建议;(b)
[...] 提请注意立法中的任何缺陷,并要求对任何规定的合 性 或 违 宪性 进行评价;(c) 针对共和国议会向其提出的所有问题出具意见;(d) [...]
确保对有关 基本权利和自由及其内容和重要性以及监察员的活动目标的信息进行宣传。
In addition, the Ombudsman must: (a) Recommend ways in which to correct the illegal or unjust acts or to improve the services of the administration; (b) Draw attention to any flaws in
legislation and request an
[...] evaluation of the legality or unconstitutionality of any provision [...]
whatsoever; (c) Give opinions
on all questions which are put to him by the Assembly of the Republic; and (d) Ensure the dissemination of information on the fundamental rights and freedoms, their content and value and on the objectives of his activities.
[...] 的职权主要分为三个方面:第一,对法律的 宪性 进 行控制;第二,解决国家与 自治区,或是自治区之间的权限冲突;第三,在常规司法途径已经用尽的情况 [...]
下,通过“宪法保护”的途径来保护公民的基本权利(在公民的基本权利受到侵 害、而又无法通过常规司法途径进行维权时,也可以动用“宪法保护”)。
Its competences may be divided into three large groups: first, it
[...] monitors the constitutionality of laws; second, [...]
it settles jurisdictional conflicts
that may arise between the State and the Autonomous Communities, or among the Autonomous Communities themselves; and third, it is competent to safeguard, once the ordinary judicial remedies have been exhausted, the fundamental rights of citizens through what is known as the “remedy of amparo”, by which an application for protection against an alleged violation of those rights may be lodged when ordinary judicial remedies have been exhausted.
据《马其顿共和国宪法》第 108 条规定,宪法法院是保护宪性和合法 性的国家机构。
According to Article 108 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the Constitutional Court is a state body that protects the constitutionality and legality.
在把预算草 案提交司法审查并请上诉法院就其 宪性 和 合 法性 提出咨询意见之后,总统在 2 月 12 [...]
日颁布了国家预 算法。
After having referred the proposed budget for judicial
review and a Court of Appeal opinion
[...] upholding its constitutionality and legality having [...]
been issued, the President promulgated
the State budget law on 12 February.
本案涉及马德里省高级法院(该机构负责执行仲裁裁决)遇到的一个 宪性问 题,即第 60/2003 号《仲裁法》第 5(a)条(该条相应于《仲裁示范法》第 3 条第 1(a)款)是否与《西班牙宪法》第 9、14 和 24 条相抵触。
This case concerned a question of constitutionality that had come before the Madrid Provincial High Court (the body responsible for the execution of an arbitral award), namely whether article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act No. 60/2003 (which corresponds to MAL art. 3, para. 1 (a)) was contrary to articles 9, 14 and 24 of the Spanish Constitution.
[...] 公室作为一个独立的单独当局,保护公民的法定权利和自由以及法人的权益, 从而确保宪性和合法性。
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Prosecutor’s Office was an independent and separate authority that protected statutory
rights and freedoms of citizens and rights and interests of legal
[...] persons, thus ensuring constitutionality and legality.
无论如何,宪法法院的这些判决未提及普遍管辖权的“ 宪性 ” ,而是法官 和法院有义务依据法律行使此种管辖权,从而尊重获得有效司法保护的宪法权 利。
In any event, these Constitutional Court judgements do not refer to the “constitutionality” of universal [...]
jurisdiction, but
rather to the obligation of judges and courts to exercise such jurisdiction in accordance with the law, thus respecting the constitutional right to effective judicial protection.
基本法规定要对法律的宪性进行 监控。
The Constitution provides for monitoring of the constitutionality of laws.
在这方面,法院有权裁定抽象管理(包括 宪性 的 预 防管理、 宪性 连 续管 理和管理疏忽所致的宪性)和司 法案件 宪性 管 理
In this context, the Court has competence to rule on both cases of abstract control
(including the preventive
[...] control of constitutionality, the successive control of constitutionality and the control of unconstitutionality by omission) and control of constitutionality in judicial cases.
它进一步根据《宪法》和法律规定验证组建政党和联盟的合法 性,评估其名称、缩写和符号的合法性,并下令废处之,以及提前验证国家、区 域和地方全民投票的宪性和合法性。
It further verifies the legality of the formation of political parties and coalitions, assessing the legality of their names, initials and symbols, and ordering their abolition, all as laid down by
the CRP and the law, and
[...] verifies in advance the constitutionality and legality of national, [...]
regional and local referenda.
宪法法院驳回了这种宪性质疑 ,理由是:第一,《仲裁法》第 5(a)条并不适 用,或者只在(《仲裁示范法》第 3 条第 1 款所指的)当事人(合同应指明函 [...]
The Constitutional Court dismissed the constitutional challenge on the grounds, [...]
first, that article 5 (a) of the Arbitration
Act did not apply, or that it applied only in the absence of agreement between the parties (of MAL art. 3, para. 1) that the contract should specify a domicile to which communications should be sent.
[...] 政府意见之后宣布赦免和减刑,并要求宪法法院审查国家立法和国际公约所载规 范的宪性(《宪法》第 134 条)。
The PR also submits matters of relevant national interest to a referendum, declares states of siege or emergency, grants pardons and commutes sentences, upon hearing the Government,
and requests the Constitutional Court
[...] to examine the constitutionality of norms contained [...]
in national legislation and international conventions (Art. 134 CRP).
在此,我国代表团强调《联合国宪章》第八章规 定的相性。《宪章》 如今是发展联合国与非洲联盟, 特别是安全理事会与非洲联盟和平与安全理事会之 间的伙伴关系的起点。
Here, my delegation highlights the relevance of the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations, which today serves as a springboard for developing the partnership between the United Nations and the African Union, in particular between the Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council.
头两个计划分别覆盖 2007-2010年和 2011-2014 年,其中包括驾驭多样
[...] 性问题的管理计划,鼓励各组织通过多 性宪 章 表 达它们增进多样性的决心,并 建立“多样性礼仪和标签”,并设立奖项,对那些促进这些价值观的人给予承认 [...]
The first two plans covering the periods 2007–2010 and 2011–2014, respectively, included a management plan for
diversity encouraging organizations to
[...] adopt a diversity charter to demonstrate [...]
their commitment to promoting diversity and
to establish “etiquettes and labels of diversity” and prizes to recognize and honour those promoting those values.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的非
[...] 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运宪章的可行性 及 范围的初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”,
and 5.23 “Preliminary
[...] report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games [...]
and sports”.




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