

单词 宪制



constitutional monarchy

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

1938 年,罗马尼亚国王卡罗尔二世推行王室专 政,强行颁布一部新《宪法》,废除君主 宪制。
In 1938, King Carol II of Romania introduced a personal regime and
[...] imposed a new Constitution that sanctioned it.
香港居民在 香港特区境内迁徙和出入境的自由 宪制 上 继续受《基本法》第三十一条保护。
Hong Kong residents’ freedom of movement within the HKSAR and the
right to enter or leave the HKSAR continues to be
[...] protected at the constitutional level under article [...]
31 of the Basic Law.
宪制和法 律上对施以酷刑或不人道待遇的保障一如第一次报告第II部第 105至107 [...]
The constitutional and legal protection [...]
against torture or inhuman treatment remain as mentioned in paragraphs 105 to 107
of part II of the initial report.
卢森堡的政治制度是君主宪制形式 下的议会民主制。
The Luxembourg political system consists of a parliamentary democracy under
[...] the form of a constitutional monarchy.
二) 在构成联邦,但按照联邦宪制无须采取立法手段的各个州、县以及省或行政区的法 律管辖下实施本公约的各项条款时,联邦政府应当将这些条款连同其关于通过这些条 款的建议一并通知各个州、县以及省或行政区的主管当局。
(b) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual constituent States, counties, provinces or cantons which are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States, counties, provinces or cantons of the said provisions, with its recommendation for their adoption.
极为震惊并关切地注意到最近在世界不同地区的某些发展中国家,包括在发 生武装冲突地区出现了雇佣军活动,对受影响国家 宪制 秩 序的完整与应有尊重 构成威胁
Extremely alarmed and concerned about recent mercenary activities in some developing countries in various parts of the world, including in areas of armed
conflict, and the threat they pose to the integrity of and
[...] respect for the constitutional order of the affected [...]
1997年10月28 日宪制性法律,从而强化了政党在公共生 活中的作用,并增加了可要求对之进行全民投票决定的对国家的未来具有至关重 [...]
Such amendments include the constitutional law of 28 October [...]
1997, which reinforced the role in public life of political
parties and expanded the number of issues of vital interest to the future of the country on which a referendum may be sought.
有 鉴于此,人权高专办尼泊尔办事处敦促该国政府,包括正在审议 宪 法 的 制宪会 议采取措施,保障这些机构的独立性。
With that in mind, OHCHR Nepal urges the Government, including the
Constituent Assembly in its
[...] deliberations over the new Constitution, to take measures [...]
to safeguard the independence of these institutions.
代表团谈到成立了一个可参与制宪 议 会 ,这 制宪 议会 将使国家走向一个可以自由交流的社会。
The establishment of a constituent and participatory assembly would enable moves
[...] towards a society in which exchanges were unrestricted.
作为肩负起草东帝宪法的制宪大会的成员,皮雷斯女士提倡《宪法》要载有尊 重和保护妇女参与政治决策权利的适当条款。
Pires was an advocate a Constitution which contains [...]
sufficient provisions to the respects and protection of the rights of
women to participation in political decision.
为了达到这一目的,皮雷斯女士制宪大会 的其他成员一道推动起草宪法的协商进程以及制定保护和促进妇女权 [...]
In order to achieve that, Mme. Pires was among the members of the
Constituent who pushed for a more consultative
[...] process for the elaboration of the draft [...]
constitution, and for strong constitutional
provisions to protect and promote the rights of women.
(a) 管理民主过渡阶段,包括为利比亚选举进程和全国过渡委员 制宪 路线 图所述的利比亚新宪法的起草和制订工作,提供技术咨询和援助,并提供援助以 [...]
提高机构的能力、透明度和问责制,促进妇女和少数民族的权能和政治参与,支 持利比亚民间社会的进一步发展
(a) manage the process of democratic transition, including through technical advice and assistance to the Libyan electoral process and
the process of preparing and
[...] establishing a new Libyan constitution, as set out in [...]
the National Transitional Council’s Constitutional
Roadmap, and assistance that improves institutional capacity, transparency and accountability, promotes the empowerment and political participation of women and minorities and supports the further development of Libyan civil society
有无设立负责确保实现该项权利的独立审查机构,其构成和 作用以及这些机构执行的方案和采取的措施 最后一项反动决定,即解散国民议会的决定作出后,在 国民的努力下,也迫于国际压力,秘鲁当即召集成立制宪议会 ,并于 1993 年制定颁布了《秘鲁宪法》(《大 宪章》),秘鲁由此转变为一个法治国家,迄今已有 18 年,秘鲁也设立了若干独立机构。
The existence, composition and role of independent review organizations to ensure the fulfilment of this right, as well as the programmes and measures adopted by these bodies There are a number of independent institutions in Peru operating under the rule of law that has been in place for almost 18 years now (ever since the last anti-democratic decision was taken to dissolve Congress, which was immediately followed — thanks in large part to international pressure — by a call for elections to choose the members of the Constituent Assembly that framed the Peruvian Constitution of 1993).
联合国方针的另一个重要方面是, 制宪 进 行 有意义的公共磋商,特别是同 边缘群体和弱势群体进行磋商。
Another key aspect of the United
Nations approach is meaningful public
[...] consultation on constitution-making, especially [...]
with marginalized and vulnerable groups.
还与阿富汗、亚美尼亚、伊拉克和斯里兰卡合作,将性别平等和赋 予妇女权力纳入和平协定和冲突后法规;已 制宪 法 修正案,以恢复和复原波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那的政治和经济体制;已通过索马里停火协定推进裁军目标,同 [...]
尤其是在博茨瓦纳和埃塞俄比亚,本组织提供了关键的法律意见,并向国际刑事 法院提交了诉状。
It has worked with Afghanistan, Armenia, Iraq and Sri Lanka on incorporating gender equality and the empowerment of women
into peace agreements and
[...] post-conflict constitutions; has prepared constitutional amendments [...]
to restore and rehabilitate
political and economic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina; has advanced the goals of disarmament through ceasefire agreements in Somalia and peace negotiations on disarmament in Sri Lanka; and has continued to advance the rights of indigenous peoples and their property rights, especially in Botswana and Ethiopia, where the organization has provided key legal advice and filed petitions with the International Criminal Court.
在索马里,在 2 月份举行的第二届全制宪会议期间,政治部工作人员建议采取措施,以确保妇女在 未来的临时独立选举委员会、全 制宪 大 会 和新的联 邦议会成员中至少占 30%。
In Somalia, during
[...] the Second National Constitutional Conference, held in February, DPA staff advised the adoption of measures to ensure that women represent at least 30 per cent of the members of the future Interim Independent Electoral Commission, the National Constituent Assembly and [...]
the new Federal Parliament.
制宪 会议 的选举、宣布尼泊尔为联邦民主共和国以及由 尼泊尔共产党(毛派)领导的新联合政府的形成, [...]
The election of the Constituent Assembly, [...]
the declaration of Nepal as a federal democratic republic and the formation of
a new coalition Government led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) had created a better environment for human rights.
宪法》保障新闻自由,这意味着,记者与其他工作人员言论自由和创作 自由以及记者参与确定相关媒体机构的编辑方针的自由,除非其具有教义或教派 性质;记者有权获取信息来源和专业的独立性和保密保护,有权依法选举编委; 以及有权创建报纸和其他任何出版物,无论以前有何行政授权、约定或制 (《宪法》第 38(1)条)。
Freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution, implying, inter alia, the freedom of expression and creativity of journalists and other staff, as well as the freedom of journalists to take part in determining the editorial policy of the media body in question, save when it is doctrinal or denominational in nature; the right of journalists to have access to sources of information and to the protection of professional independence and secrecy, as well as their right to elect editorial boards, in accordance with the law; and the right to create newspapers and any other publications, regardless of any prior administrative authorisation, bond or qualification (Art. 38 (1) CRP).
联合国的援助应遵循我的联合国援 制宪 进 程 指导说明,其中包括促进宪法 符合国际人权以及其他规范和标准。
United Nations assistance should follow my guidance
note on United Nations
[...] assistance to constitution-making processes, which includes the promotion of compliance of constitutions with international [...]
human rights
and other norms and standards.
妇发基金的办法包括以下 4 个主要工作 领域:(a) 努力打击土著社区存在的暴力侵害妇女行为(如在实施非正式司法制 度的玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔,提高社区领导人对暴力侵害妇女行为的认识);(b) 支 持土著妇女参与决策(如在厄瓜多尔开 制宪 会 议进程期间,妇发基金支持一土 著妇女联盟提出有关促进土著妇女获得诉诸司法的机会的提议);(c) 确保土著 妇女获得诉诸司法的机会(如支持三项有关促进土著妇女获得诉诸司法的机会的 试点举措);(d) 加强土著妇女组织制订一项共同议程,并影响决策和公共政策。
The approach of UNIFEM includes four primary areas of work: (a) working to combat violence against women in indigenous communities (for example, consciousness-raising on violence against women among community leaders in Bolivia and Ecuador implementing informal indigenous justice systems); (b) supporting the participation of indigenous women in decisionmaking (for example, during the constituent assembly process in Ecuador, UNIFEM supported a proposal by an alliance of indigenous women to improve indigenous women’s access to justice); (c) ensuring indigenous women’s access to justice (for example, support to three pilot initiatives to improve indigenous women’s access to justice); and (d) strengthening indigenous women’s organizations to work for a common agenda and influence decision-making and public policy.
意识到未来政治地位研究委员会 2006 年完成的工作及该委员会于 2007 年 1
[...] 2010 年 6 月举行的美属萨摩亚第四制宪会议, 注意到在此方面美属萨摩亚总督在 [...]
2010 年 5 月 18 日至 20 日于努美阿举行 的太平洋区域讨论会上的发言和先前提交给特别委员会的政策文件,其中他表
示,虽然领土的地位类似自治,但现在应在领土与管理国之间制定合作性更强 的办法
Aware of the work of the Future Political Status Stud y Commission, completed in 2006, the release of its report, with recommendations, in
January 2007, and the creation of the
[...] American Samoa Constitutional Review Committee [...]
in the Territory, as well as the holding
in June 2010 of American Samoa’s fourth Constitutional Convention
独立党首先呼吁进行去殖 民化,随后呼吁举行地位问制宪会 议 ,所有选择 方案都必须满足第 1514(XV)号决议和相关国际法规 [...]
It had proposed first a call for decolonization, to
[...] be followed by a Constitutional Assembly on Status, [...]
where all alternatives had to meet
the requirements for decolonization established in resolution 1514 (XV) and relevant international law.
制宪会议选举于 2008 年 4 月 10 日圆满结束,并且各方制宪会议 成立 以来在协力组建民主政府方面取得了进展,包括 制宪 会 议 第一届会议上决定将 尼泊尔建成一个联邦民主共和国
the successful conclusion of the Constituent Assembly elections on 10 April 2008, and the progress made by the parties since the formation of the Constituent Assembly in working towards a democratic government, including the decision made at the first session of the Constituent Assembly to establish Nepal as a federal democratic republic
This reduction raises questions
about the quality of the public consultations, which are essential for ensuring
[...] national ownership of the Constitution.
自从我上次 向安理会通报(见
[...] 索马里和平进程提供了重要的推动力:第一,上月举 行了第二次加罗韦索马里全制宪协 商 会议;第二, 通过了关于扩大非洲联盟索马里特派团(非索特派团) 并为之提供充沛资源的第 [...]
11 天前刚刚举行了伦敦会议。
Since my last briefing to the Council (see S/PV.6494), three major developments have provided momentous impetus to the Somalia peace
process: first, the
[...] second Somali National Garowe Consultative Constitutional Conference held last [...]
month; secondly, the
adoption of resolution 2036 (2012) on an expanded and well-resourced African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); and thirdly, the London conference held just 11 days ago.
[...] 前关于波多黎各,特别是关于波多黎各自由邦地位 和确定地位制宪会议 的相关性的决议,呼吁停止 对波多黎各人实施死刑,要求大会重新审议波多黎 [...]
Accordingly, the Special Committee, in its draft resolution, must reaffirm its earlier resolutions on Puerto Rico, in particular on
its Commonwealth status, as well as
[...] the relevance of a constitutional assembly on status, [...]
call for an end to the application
of the death penalty, and demand that the General Assembly reopen consideration of Puerto Rico’s right to selfdetermination.
安全 理事会第 2009(2011)号决议设立了支助团,任务是支 持利比亚全国作出努力,以恢复公共安全和秩序,促
[...] 进法治;开展包容各方的政治对话,促进民族和解, 着手开制宪和选 举工作;扩大国家的权力范围,包 括加强新机构和恢复公共服务;促进和保护人权,并 [...]
By its resolution 2009 (2011) the Security Council had established the Mission, with the mandate of supporting Libyan national efforts to restore public security and order and promote the rule of law; undertake
inclusive political dialogue, promote national reconciliation, and
[...] embark upon the constitution-making and electoral [...]
processes; extend
State authority, including through strengthening emerging institutions and restoring public services; promote and protect human rights and support transitional justice; take the steps required to initiate economic recovery; and coordinate any request for support from other multilateral and bilateral actors.
安理会通过它在 2004 年至 2010
年期间通过的多项决议和主席声明,申明对海地主权、独立,领土完整和统 一的坚定承诺;确认联海稳定团在确保稳定和安全方面的关键作用;支持区域和
[...] 次区域组织、国际金融机构及其他与海地当局互动合作的主要利益攸关方的参 与;支持维护法治,公共安全和公共秩序,并鼓 制宪 政 治 进程。
Through numerous resolutions and presidential statements adopted between 2004 and 2010, the Council has affirmed a strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of Haiti; recognized the critical role of MINUSTAH in ensuring stability and security; supported the engagement of regional and subregional organizations, international financial institutions and other major stakeholders that interact with Haitian authorities; supported the
maintenance of the rule of law, public safety and public order;
[...] and encouraged the constitutional and political [...]
具体而言,制宪进程 方面,与国会特别委员会的接触使全国非政府组 织协会得以监测宪政改革外联进程,并建立一个平台,以便民间社会组织定期会 [...]
晤国会特别委员会,解决外联进程中报告的暴力和恐吓问题、分享信息和共同解 决问题。
In particular, related to the constitution making process, [...]
engagement with the Parliamentary Select Committee allowed NANGO
to monitor the constitutional reform outreach process and the creation of a platform where CSOs regularly meet the Parliamentary Select Committee to address reports of violence and intimidation in the outreach process, share information and jointly resolve problems.
防范小组委员会可以明确表示, 洪都拉斯现行制宪和立 法标准不会阻碍人身保护权以各种形式得到应用,如避 [...]
The Subcommittee has
[...] ascertained that the constitutional and legislative [...]
norms in force in Honduras do not impede the simple
and speedy implementation of habeas corpus in its various forms, whether to prevent or terminate unlawful or arbitrary detention or to address any unlawful deterioration in the conditions of detention.




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