









External sources (not reviewed)

在 刑 事 案 件 方 陎 , 该 委 员 会 认 为, 被 控 告 犯 刑 事 罪 的 人 已 经 有 充 足 的 寻 求 司 法 的 渠 道 。
In respect of criminal law cases, the Commission considered that those accused of crime were adequately catered for in terms of the Constitution as far as access to justice was concerned.
Negotiations with the government to adapt our mining contracts according to the new constitutioncontinue and whilst progress has been made, the final outcome and the timing thereof cannot be determined at this stage.
(v) 为令本公司可实现其任何宗旨或为实现本公司章程的任何变更或为可能属合 宜的任何其他目的而获得任何命令、条例国会法案,以及反对觉得 旨在直接或间接损害本公司利益的任何法律程序或申请。
(v) To obtain any order ordinance charter or Act of Parliament for enabling the Company to carry any of its objects into effect or for effecting any modification of the Company’s constitution or for any other purpose which may seem expedient and to oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company’s interests.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10(1) of the Housing Ordinance (Chapter 283), the Hong Kong Housing Authority has revoked the delegation of powers and functions conferred on the said Authority by the provisions of the Housing (Traffic) By-laws (Chapter 283)
Subsidiary Legislation A of which notice was given in
[...] G.N. 610in Gazette No.5/2003 [...]
of 30 January 2003, AND DELEGATED with effect
from 8 December 2006 the powers and functions specified in the first column of the Schedule to such committees of the said Authority, public officers and classes of public officers working in the said Authority, and officers and classes of officers of the said Authority specified in the second column of the Schedule.
28.1.3 本公司已促使在香港每日出版通行的中、英文报章(须为就该条例第 71A 条开发行出版报章名录所指定的报章)最少各一份内刊登广告,表示有意 出售该等股份,而倘若其股本在香港联合交易所有限公司上市,则须已将其意 向通知联交所,并且自刊登广告之日起计已满三个月。
28.1.3 the Company has caused an advertisement to be inserted in English at least in one English newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese newspaper (each newspaper being published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and specified in the list of newspapers issued and published in the Gazette for the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance) giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and in the event of any of its share capital being listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited having notified the Exchange of such intention, and a period of three months has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.
於 2000 年 2 月 22 日,经修订 的草图获行政长官会同行政会议通过,并於 2000 年 3 月 3 日登,成为中区(扩展部分)分区计划大纲 图编号 S/H24/2。
On 22 February 2000, the amended draft OZP incorporating this option was approved by the Chief Executive in Council and gazettedas Central District (Extension) OZP No. S/H24/2 on 3 March 2000.
(iii) 倘该等股份於联交所上市,本公司已在於香港流通之一份主要英文 日报上以英文及一份主要中文日报上以中文(即就公司条例第 71A 条发及刊登之报章)刊登广告,作出通知表明有意出售该 等股份,并已知会联交所该意图,而且由最後一日刊登该广告之日 期後起已过三个月的期间。
(iii) where such shares are listed on the Stock Exchange the Company has caused advertisements to be inserted in English in a leading English language daily newspaper and in Chinese in a leading Chinese language daily newspaper circulating in Hong Kong, being newspapers issued and published in the Gazettefor the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance, giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and has notified the Stock Exchange of such intention and a period of three months has elapsed since the date of the last of such advertisements.
2002 年 5
[...] 月底,《荔枝角分区计划大纲草图编号 S/K16/10》订「住宅(甲類)」地带地积比率限 [...]
制,在《注释》内该「住宅(甲類)」地带的「备注」中 列明地积比率限制(即整幢为住用建筑物的为 7.5 倍, 一幢建筑物内住用与非住用各占部分的为
9.0 倍,或现 有建筑物的地积比率,兩者中以數目较大者为准。
At the end of May 2002, the draft Lai Chi Kok OZP No.
[...] S/K16/10wasgazetted,in which the [...]
plot ratio restriction for “R(A)” zone
was revised. The plot ratio restriction was specified in the Remarks of the Notes for “R(A)” zone of the OZP (i.e. the plot ratio for the building shall not be in excess of 7.5 for a domestic building or 9.0 for a building that is partly domestic and partly non-domestic, or the plot ratio of the existing building, whichever is the greater.
於一份或以上报章刊载」 指
倘相关地区为香港,则为以付费广告方式至少於一份英文报 章以英语刊载及至少於一份中文报章以中文刊载,在每一种情况下,该家报纸须为每日出
[...] 版,在香港普遍行销,及依据香港政务司辖下公司条例第 71A 条之目的,而指定发 行及出版之报纸。
advertisement in one or more newspapers" in context where Relevant Territory is Hong Kong shall mean a paid advertisement in English in at least one English language newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese Language newspaper, being in each case a newspaper published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and
specified in the list of newspapers issued and
[...] publishedin the Gazettefor thepurposes [...]
of section 71A of the Companies Ordinance
by the Chief Secretary of Hong Kong.
根据本章程细则提交或发出之任何通知或文件须以书面方式作出,本公司 可能送达成员本人或通过预付邮资之信件、信封或封套按登记册所示登记 地址邮寄至有关成员或送交或留置於该成员於登记册登记之地址或(如属 通知)须在最少一份英文报章以英文及一份中文报章以中文(於香港每天 刊发及一般流通之报章,且在各情况下,该份报章应名列公司条例第 71A 条定发行及刊登之报章名单内)刊登付款广告。
Any notice or document to be given or issued under these Articles shall be in writing, and may be served by the Company on any member either personally or by sending it through the post in prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to such member at his registered address as appearing in the register or by delivering or leaving it at such registered address as appearing in the register or (in the case of a notice) by publishing the same as a paid advertisement in English in at least one English language newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese language newspaper, being in each case a newspaper published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong being newspapers specified in the list of newspapers issued and published in the Gazettefor the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance.
除根据细则第26条发出通知,有关获委任接收每次催缴付款之人士及付款 指定时间及地点之通告,可藉在香港以英文在最少一份英文日报及以中文在最少一份
[...] 中文日报刊登付费广告之形式发出通告知会股东(惟上述日报须名列香港政公司条例第71A条发出及刊登报章之名单内)。
In addition to the giving of notice in accordance with Article 26, notice of the person appointed to receive payment of every call and of the times and places appointed for payment may be given to the members by notice to be published as a paid advertisement in English in at least one English language daily newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese language daily newspaper (provided that the aforesaid daily newspapers shall be included in the list of
newspapers issued and published in the Hong Kong
[...] Government Gazetteforthe purpose [...]
of section 71A of the Companies Ordinance).
Although a lot of countries base referendums on constitutions, there are also some other countries, which have no constitutional basis for referendums, introduce consultative orlegally-binding referendums.
(5) 在本条中,“指明期间”(specified period)
[...] 就根据第(1)款作出的个别修订而言,指该项修订登後的30天期间。
(5) In this section, “specified period” ( ), in relation to a particular
amendment made under subsection (1), means the period of 30 days after the
[...] publicationin theGazette of thatamendment.
除根据细则第 26 条发出通知外,有关获委任接受每次催缴股款付款的人士及指定付 款时间及地点的通知可藉公司条例第 71A 条所刊登的报章名单中所规定的一份中文报 章及一份英文报章刊登一次通告的方式发放予股东。
In addition to the giving of notice in accordance with Article 26, notice of the person appointed to receive payment of every call and of the times and places appointed for payment may be given to the members by notice to be published once in oneChinese newspaper and one English newspaper as specified in the list of newspapers and published in the gazette for the purpose of Section 71A of the Companies Ordinance.
正在根据新玻利维亚政府协商修订Sinchi Wayra的采矿合约。
Negotiations with the Bolivian government to amend Sinchi Wayra’s mining contracts in accordance with the new constitution are on-going.
On the other hand, in Switzerland, Italy and several states in the United States, voters have the right to initiate referendums on constitutional and policy reviews.
吴平华先生說,在考虑上一次业界谘询論坛所收到的意見後,食物环境衞生署(食 环署)决定提早於二零零九年五月中登上述修订的生效日期公告,而有关修订 的生效日期仍然是二零一零年七月一日。
Mr. P. W. NG said that, after considering the views received at the last Trade Consultation Forum, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) decided to advance the date of publishing the
吴荣奎先生是资深公务员,一九七一年加入政务职系,退休前担任的高级职位计 有副铨敍司(人事管理)(一九八五至八七年)、公务员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 秘书长(一九八九至九一年)、布政司办公室辖下行政署长(一九九一至九四年)务司(一九九四至九七年)及运输局局长(一九九七至二零零二年)。
Senior positions he held prior to his retirement include Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service (Staff Management) (1985 – 1987), Secretary-General of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service (1989 – 1991), Director of Administration of the Chief Secretary’s Office (1991 – 1994), Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (1994 – 1997) and Secretary for Transport (1997 – 2002).
(b) 不得在行政长官已按照《基本法》登解散立法会 的命令的情况下举行。
(b) if the Chief Executive has
[...] published inthe Gazette anorder dissolving [...]
that Council in accordance with the Basic Law.
有关收取每笔催缴股款之指定人士及有关指定缴付时间及地点之通知,可透过在 香港政登一次以及在一份英文报章以英文刊登及在一份中文报章以中文刊 [...]
Notice of the person appointed to receive payment of every call and of the times and places appointed for payment may be given to the members
by notice to be inserted once in The Hongkong
[...] Government Gazette and once at [...]
least in both an English language newspaper
in English and a Chinese language newspaper in Chinese.
然 而 ﹐ 会 议 的 失 败 ﹐ 加 以 中 产 阶 级 的 内 部 分 裂 的 原 因 在 於 在 革 命 时 期 ﹐ 工 人 阶 级 挑 战 中 产 阶 级 专 权 ﹐ 普 王 腓 特 烈 威 廉 不 单 拒 绝 接 受 国 会 给 予 的 皇 位 ﹐ 而 且 撤 回 对 法 兰 克支 持 ﹐ 因 而 将 国 民 会 议 的 失 败 成 为 迟 早 的 事 。
However the record of failure of the Assembly and the internal dissension between the middle classes were well-established in power due to the revolution, and the working class who challenged their monopoly of power, plus the fact that the Prussian king, Frederick William, not only refused the crown offered to him by the parliament, but also withheld his consent to the Frankfurt constitution, thus sealing the fate of the National Assembly.
(d) 向该视光师送达一封载有委员会认为内容适当的警告信,而该项命令可 以在/不登。
(d) warning letter in such terms as the Board considered appropriate which may or may not
[...] be published inthe Gazette.
递补机制不会仅因为没有用补选方式填补空缺 而构成有剥夺选举权和被选举权。
A replacement mechanism would not amount to an unconstitutional deprivation of the right to vote or the right to stand for election merely because no by-election would be held to fill a causal vacancy.
为此,从加利福尼亚州到新泽西 州,从得克萨斯州到犹他州,我们的州 议会─以旁观州为首─现在可以联合起 来行使利,在美国推行我们一 直在世界其他国家提倡却未能在国内实 现的名副其实的全民普选总统:基於多 数当选、一人一票和每张选票份量均等 三项原则。
Thus, from California to New Jersey, from Texas to Utah, our legislatures — led by the spectator states — can now unite and use their constitutional powers to give the United States something we have promoted for the rest of the world but never achieved at home: a truly national election for president based on principles of majority rule, one person-one vote, and every vote counting equally.
行 政 会 议 或 立 法 会 议 员 是 管 治 香 港 的 重 要 成 员 , 如 果 出 任 陪 审 员 会 令 他 们 无 法 履 行的 责 任 , 便 不 符 合 社 会 的 最 佳 利 益 。
Members of the Executive or Legislative Council are important elements in the governance of Hong Kong. It would not be in the community's best interests if jury service were to prevent these persons fulfilling their constitutional role.
(i) 决议案应为由有权表决之股东亲自或(如股东为公司)由其正式授权 代表或(如允许委任代表)受委代表於股东大会(须正式发出不少於
[...] 十四(14)个整日之通告)上以简单大多数票通过之普通决议案; (j) 就本公司细则任何条文明确规定之普通决议案而言,特别决 [...]
(i) a resolution shall be an ordinary resolution when it has been passed by a simple majority of votes cast by such Members as, being entitled so to do, attend and vote in person or, in the case of any Member being
a corporation, by its duly authorised
[...] representative or, where proxies are [...]
allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of which
not less than fourteen (14) days’ Notice has been duly given
年内,相关附属公司全体成员决议撤销登记 及解散附属公司,惟须根据香港公司条例第
[...] 291AA条待税务局发出并无异议的通知及於 政登拟撤销登记的通知。
During the year, all members of the respective subsidiaries resolved to deregister and dissolve the subsidiaries, which subject to the issue of the notice of no objection by the Inland Revenue Department and publication of a
notice of the proposed deregistration in
[...] the GovernmentGazette pursuant to [...]
the section 291AA of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.




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