

单词 室外温度

See also:



室外 adv

outdoors adv
indoor adj

室外 n

exterior n

External sources (not reviewed)

给定室室外温 度之后即可进行温度计算, 结果可作为插图 插入ATHENA图件中.
After entering
[...] the internal and external temperature, a temperature computation [...]
is carried out and inserted into the ATHENA drawing.
订货时,请给出名称和型号类型,例如 室外温度 传 感器QAC22。
When ordering, please give name and
[...] type reference, e.g.: Outside sensor QAC22.
失热计算—计算房间BTU损失,要素包括建筑材料的传导率,空气渗透的损失,实际或预计 室外温度 与 室 内期望温度的差异。
HEAT LOSS CALCULATION -- Calculation to determine house BTU loss; factors include conduction through construction materials, air
infiltration losses and the difference between actual
[...] or projected outside temperatures and desired temperatures inside the house.
室外温度34°C和 相对湿度65%的情况下,室内的最高温度是26°C,相对湿度为60%。
The standard room temperature during summer time will [...]
be 26° C with an air humidity level of 60 % while outside temperatures
will be around 34° C with an air humidity level of 65 %.
室外温度传感器用于采室外温度, 更能进一步感应太阳辐射,风力影响与外墙温度。
Passive sensors
[...] for acquiring the outside temperature and – to a lesser degree – solar radiation, the wind effect and the temperature of the wall.
Emerson 新型谷轮强热型涡旋™压缩机 室外温度 较 低的情况下能够更加高效地运转,并可提供更大的热容——为满足空间供热需求及更多欧洲房主对于清洁热水的需求,热泵必须扩大其应用范围。
Emerson’s new Copeland Scroll Heating™ compressors provide greater heating
capacity and operates more
[...] efficiently at low outdoor temperatures – expanding the application [...]
of heat-pumps to meet the
space heating and sanitary hot water production needs of an increasing number of European homeowners.
除了监外,所有温室度记录 必须存档,具有可追溯性。
Besides monitoring, the temperature and humidity records [...]
must be kept and documented for traceability.
背景:在第1/CP.16 号决定中,缔约方会议决定借鉴现有报告和审评指南、 程序和经验制订该工作方案,内容除其 外 涵 盖修订国家信息通报审评指南,包 括两年期报告、度温室气体清单和国家清单体系。
Background: The COP, by decision 1/CP.16, decided on a work programme, building on existing reporting and review guidelines, processes and
experiences, covering, inter alia, the revision of guidelines for the review of
[...] national communications, including biennial reports, annual greenhouse gas inventories and national inventory systems.
缔约方也考虑了有关“其他问题”的议程 项目,其中包括温室气体 ;部门和源的类别;针 对部门排放的办法;方法问题外溢 效 应。
Parties also considered an agenda
item on “other issues”
[...] comprising: greenhouse gases; sectors and source categories; approaches targeting sectoral emissions; methodological issues; and spillover effects.
至于教科文组织的气候中和行动,2010 年温室气体排放(GHG)调查显示,与 2009 年相比,空中排放下降了 15.2%,建筑物和地面旅行排放下降了 27%(但巴西外的基本飞 行数据仍在上升)。
Concerning climate neutral actions at UNESCO, the 2010 green house gas emissions (GHG) survey showed drops of 15.2% in air emissions and 27% in buildings and surface travel-related emissions compared to 2009 (but underlying flight numbers excluding Brazil were still rising).
但是,如果温改变 (例如从室内移动 室外或 从室外移动 到室内),则必须重设白平衡。
However, it must be
[...] reset if the color temperature changes, such as when you move from indoors to outside, or vice versa.
相关的观测包括但不 限温室气体 、悬浮颗粒和空气质量参数的测量及其变化情况;植被和土地利 用,毁林情况,包括森林火灾、土地退化和荒漠化造成的毁林情况;森林生物 量的变化;生物多样性的丧失;冰川后退和波动;以及海平面 度 测 量 、降 水、云和全球水循环的变化。
Related observations included, but were not limited to, measurements of and changes in greenhouse gases, aerosols and air quality parameters; land cover and land use, deforestation, including from forest fires, land degradation and desertification; changes in forest biomass and loss of biodiversity; glacial retreat and surges; and sea surface altimetry, precipitation, clouds and global water circulation changes.
如计算结果为正值,则应 从缔约方土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业部门核算的人 温室 气 体 源排放量和 汇清除量中减去这一数值;外,还 应将相应数值加入下一个承诺期土地利用、 土地利用的变化和林业部门核算的人 温室 气 体 源排放量和汇清除量。
Where the result of this calculation is a positive value, this value shall be subtracted
from the accounted anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks from the land use,
[...] land-use change and forestry sector of that Party; moreover, an equivalent amount shall be added to the accounted anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks from the land use, land-use change and forestry [...]
sector in the following commitment period.
为了模拟外部温度影响 的负荷,在我们 温度室 中 可 以运行各种不同的冷热循环。
In order to simulate the loads and stresses
[...] associated with external temperature influences, we run a range of cold and heat cycles in our temperature chambers.
在促进语言的跨部门方面取得进展,例如在里斯本举行了艺术教育世界会议,这是这一年里最 令人瞩目的活动之一,外还在温得 和克举办了打击盗版问题培训者的培训讲习班、在布拉扎维举 办了创造性产业问题南南合作论坛,以及在 度 举 办 了关于壁毯织物的研讨会,全世界有 600 多人 参加了该研讨会。
Progress has been achieved in promoting intersectorality in the field of languages, with the holding of the World Conference on Arts Education in Lisbon, which was one of the landmark events of the year, the workshop on the training of trainers
to combat piracy in Windhoek, the
[...] South-South Cooperation Forum in the creative industries in Brazzaville and the symposiumworkshop on textile dyes held in India and attended by more than 600 participants from all over the world.
利用特别数据(美国国家海洋与大气层管理局高分辨图像传送卫星的热成 像)、空中测量数据(使用热像仪获取的热成像)和陆上测量数据(使用 外热 温度计对红外热辐温度进行点测量,并使用接触式探头进行表层温度测量), 以及使用热像仪获取关于地面和主要高度的热成像,已经确定了最低温度,通 [...]
With the use of special data (thermal images from the NOAA High Rate Picture Transmission (HRPT) satellites), aerial data (thermal images obtained with thermovisors) and
land-based data (point
[...] measurements of infrared (IR)-thermal radiation temperature taken with IR-thermal thermometers and surface [...]
temperature measurements
taken with contact probes) and thermal images obtained with thermovisors from the ground and dominant heights, the lowest-level temperature has been determined and, by means of spatial zoning, a thematic map (space map) has been elaborated, which will make it possible to study, inter alia, dissimilar phenomena associated with drought and forest fires and to quantify and monitor changes in the physical characteristics of the land cover.
维护检查内容包括:气压调节阀的运行情况;送气阀和疏水阀有无渗漏 温度 计 、恒 温器温度记录 器、称重设备和其他量表的运行情况和准 度 ; 恒 温 器 控 制的所有泵有无 渗漏;罐体涂层有无破损;罐体和辅助设备的软管(内部 外 部 ) 和状况。
They should include functioning of steam pressure regulation valves; all steam supply
valves and steam traps for
[...] leakage; thermometers, thermostats, recording thermometers, weighing equipment and any gauge meters for function and accuracy; all pumps regulated by thermostat for leakage; integrity of tank coatings; hoses (internal and external) and condition [...]
of tanks and ancillary equipment.
在第十五次缔约方会议之前,马尔代夫呼吁:哥本哈根协议确保通过一个 充足、方便和灵活机制,为易受影响的国家最直接和最紧迫的适应需求,提供资 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳 度 降 至不超过百万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 年的全温室气体排放水平减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。
In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and
the Copenhagen agreement
[...] to help reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no more than 350 parts per million; implying the need for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions [...]
reduction by 2020 from
1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050.
一般的生活常识告诉我们,当使用高压锅完成蒸煮食品时,需放汽减压方可打开锅盖,此时我们会发现锅内食品是热的,约100℃;当我们在一个容器底部放置一个“快放”阀门做热喷试验时,我们会发现喷出物的温度同样在100℃附近;当我们利用汽爆工艺试验台做汽爆试验时,我们测得:当采用4Mpa的蒸汽压,即250℃温度汽爆后,其爆出物料温度在0.00875秒瞬间降至约20℃( 室 内 温度 略 低 ),其反应过程时间与压力无关,与装料多少容积大小无关。
General knowledge of life tells us that when using a pressure cooker to complete cooking the food, the need to put the steam vacuum before opening the lid, then we will find the pot of food is hot, about 100 ℃; when we put a bottom in a container "quick release" valve for thermal spray test, we will find that the temperature of ejecta around the same at 100 ℃; when we used to do test-bed steam explosion process steam explosion experiments, we measured: When using 4Mpa of vapor pressure, steam temperature is 250 ℃ after the explosion,
which broke the moment
[...] the material temperature in 0.00875 seconds to about 20 ℃ (slightly lower than room temperature), the reaction time [...]
has nothing to do
with the pressure, volume and number of loading size.
对这些适应的需求的确并不取决于 不同气候变化情景下的特温室气体 浓 度 水 平
Indeed, the need for these adaptations may not depend
[...] on specific greenhouse gas concentration levels and thus [...]
climate change associated with scenarios.
除恢复外,还需要努力开创和保持长期的全球经济绿化进程,重组企业和 基础设施,使自然、人力和经济资本投资产生更好的回报,同时在生态系统的承 受能力范围内减温室气体 排放,减少开采和使用自然资源,减少污染和废物, 并缩小社会差距。
Beyond recovery, efforts are needed to initiate and sustain a long-term process of greening the global economy, by reconfiguring businesses and infrastructure to deliver better returns on natural, human and economic capital investments, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions, [...]
extracting and using
fewer natural resources, creating less pollution and waste and reducing social disparities, while remaining within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
工厂设有 11 个用于晶体和振荡器温度室,以 及三个可自动测试、带装、卷装 [...]
5 x 7 mm 振荡器的机器人工作站。
Eleven temperature chambers are used for [...]
both crystal and oscillators, along with three robotic stations that automatically
test, tape, and reel 5 x 7 mm oscillators.
雷格兰索斯凯普生度假青 年旅舍注重环保,其设施包括无毒建筑材料、泥土地面、太阳能LED灯、太阳 室 内- 室外 淋 浴 间、生态厕所和重力供给的山泉水。
YHA Raglan, Solscape Eco Retreat’s environmentally conscious backpacking
facilities include non-toxic
[...] building materials, earth floors, solar powered LED lighting, solar heated indoor-outdoor showers, composting toilets and gravity-fed fresh mountain stream water.
(b) 支持目前正在进行的毒品和犯罪问题办 室外 地 业 务的重新构建工 作,以期通过以下措施更有效地参与联合国系统外地一级的活动:将毒品和犯 罪问题办公室的任务授权和优先事项纳入新一代发展援助框架;在关于跨国有 组织犯罪、腐败和毒品等主题小组中起带头作用;尽量加大联合编制方案的度;增强毒品和犯罪问题办公室同开发计划署的合作伙伴关系;积极参加区域 主任小组,对各区域驻地协调员和国别小组提供战略指导和支持
(b) Supporting
[...] the current reconfiguring of UNODC field operations, with a view to engaging more effectively with the United Nations system at the field level by including UNODC mandates and priorities in the new generation of development assistance frameworks; taking the lead in thematic groups on transnational organized crime, corruption and drugs; maximizing joint programming efforts; [...]
reinforcing the UNODC partnership
with UNDP; and participating actively in the regional directors teams to provide strategic guidance and support to resident coordinators and country teams in the respective regions
室温下呈液态,它是良好的电导体,具有高密度及高表面张力,可 随着压力温度的变 化在整个液体范围内均一延展/收缩,并且对微生物(包括病原体)和其他害虫都 具有毒性,因此是一种可用于许多用途的优良材料(UNEP 2002)。
Being liquid at room temperature, being a good electrical conductor, having very high density and high surface tension, expanding/contracting [...]
over its entire liquid range in response to changes in pressure and temperature, and being toxic to micro-organisms (including pathogenic organisms) and other pests, mercury is an excellent material for many purposes (UNEP 2002).
可單獨處理各種色彩;反光杯表面得到優化後改善了填充系數;而採用全黑色外殼也 使對比度更卓越;當使用經典黑色表面時就會出現極高的光 度 ; 還 有其優化了室外穩定性。
Individual addressability of each color, improved fill factor thanks to optimized reflector surface, premium
contrast thanks to completely black
[...] housing, premium intensity thanks to classic black surface and optimized outdoor stability.
一名埃及代表指出,埃及希望在记录中注明,该国在对决定草案案文相关 章节进行协商期间提出了对第60段(a)和(c)
[...] 方在国家信息通报内容和频率方面的负担应低于《公约》附件一所列缔约方”, 以及“发展中国家可依照其能力和在提交报告方面获得支持的 度 , 每 两年提交 一次更新报告,载入国温室气体 清单的最新情况,包括一份国家清单报告及有 关缓解行动、需要和收到支持的资料”。
A representative of Egypt stated that Egypt wanted it put on the record that it had proposed during consultations on the relevant section of the draft decision text different formulations for paragraph 60 (a) and (c), namely “The content and frequency of national communications from non-Annex I Parties will be less onerous than that for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention” and “Developing countries, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support provided
for reporting, may
[...] also submit biennial update reports, containing updates of national greenhouse gas inventories [...]
including a national
inventory report and information on mitigation actions, needs and support received”.
前瞻性表述基于阳光油砂在阳光油砂历史趋势上的经验、当前信念、假设、信息和看法,受各种风险和不确定性影响,包括但不限于资源定义与预期储量及潜在资源评估;意料 外 的 成 本和开支;监管批准;石油天然气价格波动;预期未来产量;获得充足资本为未来开发和信用风险提供资金支持的能力;阿尔伯塔省监管架构的变化(包括监管批准过程和土地使用指定、特许权使用费、税收、环保 温室 气 体、碳排放及其他法律法规的变化)和所带来的影响;以及与合规相联系的成本等。
Forward-looking statements are based on Sunshine''s experience, current beliefs, assumptions, information and perception of historical trends available to Sunshine, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to those associated with resource definition and expected reserves and contingent and
prospective resources
[...] estimates, unanticipated costs and expenses, regulatory approval, fluctuating oil and gas prices, expected future production, the ability to access sufficient capital to finance future development and credit risks, changes in Alberta''s regulatory framework, including changes to regulatory approval process and land-use designations, royalty, tax, environmental, greenhouse gas, carbon [...]
and other laws or regulations
and the impact thereof and the costs associated with compliance.
[...] :最大风力、实时风力、最大风 速、平均船速、船舱外温度、湿 度、重力、风向、位置等等, 甚至还有船只在航行时的倾斜角。
The system records a very wide range of data from maximum wind strength and the wind at the
time of report, to maximum speed,
[...] average boat speed, temperature inside and out, [...]
humidity, G-Force, wind direction, position
report… even the exact angle of heel at which the boat is sailing.
我们将微机械硅技术和 Melexis 混合信号设计相结合,开发了 外温度 计 、 加速计和压力传感器,为客户在汽车、家用电器、工业机械和消费品市场的前沿系统领域带来了新的机遇。
Micro-machined silicon technology coupled
with Melexis mixed signal
[...] design has yielded infrared thermometers, accelerometers and [...]
pressure sensors that opened new opportunities
for its customers in leading edge systems for cars, appliances, industrial machinery and consumer goods.




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