单词 | 室内乐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 室内n—interiorn 内室—bedroom inner room
受到欧洲室内乐、爵士乐及亚洲音乐的启发,形成不拘一格、不落俗套的演出风格,被称为“室内爵士乐”与“现代奥地利世界音乐”的最佳结合。 yp.mo | Inspired by European chambermusic and jazz, as well as by Asian sounds, the group’s eclectic style has been dubbed “Zappa-folk”, “chamber-music [...] jazz” and “modern Austrian world music”. yp.mo |
来自伦敦的英国古乐合奏团是世界优秀的室内乐团之一, 1973年由世界着名大键琴演奏家特雷弗. yp.mo | Based in London and created by world-renowned harpsichordist Trevor Pinnock in 1973, The English Concert is among the world’s most distinguished chamberorchestras. yp.mo |
演艺学院每年举办逾200 场音乐会,所有学生均有机会参与各类独奏、室内乐、合奏或合唱活动。 ipass.gov.hk | The Academy hosts over 200 concerts each year, and students take part in a range of [...] solo, chamber, orchestral andchoral activities. ipass.gov.hk |
此外,她还经常与各国着名独奏家合作演出室内乐。 yp.mo | Along with her activity in the Choir, she regularly [...] takes part in chamber musicprogrammeswith prominent [...]soloists from Lithuania and other countries. yp.mo |
他与着名的欧洲和亚洲乐团和歌剧院有过一系列的合作,如法国国家交响乐团,法国广播交响乐团,法国里昂国立交响乐团, [...] 法国图鲁兹歌剧院交响乐团, 斯特拉斯堡爱乐乐团,贝藏松交响乐团,嘎纳交响乐团, 比利时国家交响乐团, [...] 柏林交响乐团, 圣彼德堡爱乐乐团,维也纳室内乐,哥本哈根爱乐乐团, 西班牙国家广播交响乐团, [...]义大利圣切利亚音乐学院交响乐团 ,米兰威尔第交响乐团,托斯卡尼尼交响乐团 [...],海牙交响乐团, 新加坡抒情歌剧院,台湾国立交响乐团, 台湾省立交响乐团, 台北市立交响乐团等等。 hkphil.org | Following his débuts with some of the most important European and Asian orchestras, he has made an unbroken string of return appearances with (among others) the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, the Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the [...] Orchestra Filarmonica “Arturo Toscanini”, [...] the OrchestreRegionale dell’Emiglia [...]Romagna, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, [...]the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan (Taiwan Philharmonic), the Singapore Lyric Opera, the Orchestre de Bretagne, the Orchestre symphonique de Nancy, the Wiener Kammerorchester and the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philhamonic Orchestra, the RTVE Symphony Orchestra Madrid and the Orchestra della Toscana. hkphil.org |
女士 Surmelian 已事业有成作为钢琴演奏家在欧洲,她给了无数独奏会,演出独奏与乐团及室内乐音乐会。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Surmelian has had a distinguished career as a concert pianist in Europe where she has given numerous recitals, solo performances with orchestra and Chamber Music concerts. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
在室内乐方面,於1994年创立「台北凡雅三重奏」, 1996出版第一张演奏专辑。 hifitrack.com | Inthe Chamber Musicgenre, Leungfounded [...] the "Taipei Fine Arts Trio" in 1994, which has its first album released in 1996. hifitrack.com |
出於对现代音乐的热爱,在学生年代与人共同创立了圣彼德堡室内乐团,并将现代音乐介绍给俄国观众。 hkphil.org | Passionate about contemporarymusic,he co-founded the St. Petersburg Chamber Philharmonic while still a student and introduced contemporarymusic toRussian audiences. hkphil.org |
他亦是一位从独奏到室内乐,声乐和交响乐的全能型作曲家,他的作品”Fanfare for a Frazzled Earth”由着名的德国化学公司—LANXESS– [...] 委托制作,并於近日在新加坡国家演艺中心由新加坡国家青年交响乐团首演。 hkphil.org | A composer of musicranging from instrumental to chamber, vocal and orchestral works, [...] his “Fanfare for a Frazzled Earth” [...]was commissioned by leading German chemicals company, LANXESS, and recently premiered by the Singapore National Youth Orchestra at the Esplanade Concert Hall in Singapore. hkphil.org |
R13系列适合各种音乐家、管弦乐或室内乐、军乐队、独奏家、教师、学生及业余演奏家使用。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The R13 is suitable for all types of musician, symphony or chamber music, soloists, teachers, those in marching bands, students and amateurs. tomleemusic.com.hk |
生动清新、风情万种的木管五重奏,传统室内乐组合的非传统演绎,带你领略木管重奏的莫大乐趣,这将是一次超乎你想像的室内乐全新体验。 yp.mo | With two member-composers and a deep commitment to commissioning new work, the group is enriching the traditional wind quintet repertoire while meaningfully bridging the European, American, African and Latin American traditions. yp.mo |
香港弦乐四重奏由小提琴家王思恒创立於1993年,乐队精於奏演室内乐,致力参与香港校园及民间的艺术教育、音乐传播工作。 yp.mo | Devoted to [...] promoting chamber music, theQuartet has made recordings and radio broadcasts, participated in activities at schools and hospitals and has organised a number of chamber music [...]workshops for the young. yp.mo |
被《弦乐》杂志(String Magazine)誉为「室内乐的将来」的型格弦乐四重奏组合「布鲁克林骑士」,演奏难度之高,音乐领域涉足之广,傲视同侪,绝对非常经典。 yp.mo | The intrepid, genre-defying, Brooklyn Rider combines a widely diverse repertoire with a fascinating performing style that is attracting fans and drawing critical acclaim from classical, world and even rock critics. yp.mo |
梁建枫经常以香港音乐家的身份,出席及参与多个国际音乐盛会,早於1986年,以苏格兰阿贝丁音乐节管弦乐团及室内乐团团长身份,代表香港参与当地之国际青年音乐节、1994年受邀请与钢琴家傅聪赴欧洲巡回演出室内乐、1996年受台湾邀请参加台北国际艺术节、1994至1996年被推荐代表台湾参加泰国为庆祝泰皇登基的周年音乐会、1996年应台湾海基会邀请前往香港、北京、上海及广州进行文艺交流和演出、1997年应邀前往美国西岸多个城市举行巡回演奏会、1999年应驻美国的香港经济贸易办事处邀请,於美国首都华盛顿的甘乃迪表演艺术中心举行独奏会,并与中美音乐协会交响乐团於当地演奏“梁祝”小提琴协奏曲、2000年开始每年受邀代表香港参加於东京举行的“世界超级乐团”音乐节,与世界各重要乐团的团长及首席团员一同演奏。 hifitrack.com | Leung hasrepresented Hong Kong in many international musicevents. Early in 1986 he represented Hong Kong at the International Youth Music Festival in Aberdeen, Scotland, where he was the concertmaster of both the philharmonic and chamber orchestras. hifitrack.com |
Étoile星星室内乐团这次又带给大家丰富的法国香颂以及创作曲目,经由可爱的串场小故事让大家了解每首曲目的涵意,以活泼逗趣的演出方式让大家轻松地进入音乐的天地。 taipeifringe.org | With Étoile, you will feel very relaxed at this concert and get to know some interesting life stories from Paris. eng.taipeifringe.org |
学校校舍拥有体育馆、室内暖水游泳池,网球场和康乐场,还有剧院、图书馆和专业的电脑室、艺术室、音乐室、厨房及摄影间。 risesmartedu.com | The College campus is well equipped with a sports hall, indoor heated swimming pool, tennis courts and extensive playing fields. risesmartedu.com |
校舍内设有音乐室、电脑中心、学生休息室、医疗室等设施。 risesmartedu.com | Thereare musicrooms,computer centres, student common room, medical room in the campus. risesmartedu.com |
在电视两旁配置一对 BeoLab 12-3 ,房间後方再加上一对 BeoLab [...] 12-2 或 12-1,就能组成一套完美的环绕音效系统,营造出整体一致的室内风格,为娱乐享受注入新生命。 bang-olufsen.com | With two BeoLab 12-3s around your television, paired with two BeoLab 12-2s or 12-1s in the rear of the [...] room, you have the perfect surround sound system in a cohesive [...] design language to breathe life into yourentertainment. bang-olufsen.com |
纽约新开设的家庭娱乐中心─LIFE占地两万九千平方英尺,设有三千平方英尺的大型电玩区、雷射枪战区、迷你保龄球区、室内攀岩、儿童游乐场、派对空间、及LIFE Café,提供儿童喜欢吃的披萨、鸡块、沙拉、素食餐点、及给成人的义式Panini三明治。 taiwanslot.com.tw | LIFE: The Place to Be has opened in Ardsley, N.Y. The 29,000-square-foot FEC and event center features a [...] 3,000-square-foot arcade, laser [...] tag arena, mini bowling alleys, a climbing wall, soft-play [...]area, party rooms, and the Life [...]Café, which serves kid-friendly foods like pizza and chicken nuggets, along with salads, veggie sliders, and Panini sandwiches for adults. taiwanslot.com.tw |
这些学校也会在教室内的音响设备作出调校,以 帮助有听障的学生。 sfusd.edu | These schools also have acoustical modifications in the learning environment to assist students with hearing impairments. sfusd.edu |
(16) 联同他人或自行经营作为各类大众娱乐、体育、文娱、竞赛及消闲活动(不论室内或户外)东主、推广人、制作人、策划人及经理之所有或任何业务, 以及就该等业务购买、租赁、租用、建设、提供、营运、配备、装修及配置 任何必需或方便之土地、楼宇、设施、构筑物、仪器及设备。 equitynet.com.hk | (16) To carry on all or any of the business whether togetheror separately of proprietors, promoters, producers, organisers, and managers of all kinds of public entertainments, sports, recreation, competitions, and amusements whether indoor or outdoor and in connection therewith to purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip, furnish and fit out any necessary or convenient land, buildings, facilities, structures, apparatus and equipment. equitynet.com.hk |
我们乐於见到已有数间专业团体及专上学院,正研究利用无线网络、无线射频辨识系统、蓝芽及红外线等资讯传输技术,发展供视障人士在室内及室外走动之导航仪器;日後,视障人士将无须限於使用手杖走在引导径上进出各大厦及商场、到巴士站、铁路站及月台列车出入口等。 hksb.org.hk | We are pleased to see that a number of professional institutions are doing research on applying new data transmission technology such as WIFI, [...] RFID, Blue [...] Tooth, Infra-Red and etc, in the development of new mobility aids to assist the visually impaired in indoorand outdoor navigation, other than using a walking cane on tactile guide paths to go in and out of buildings, [...]shopping [...]malls, locating bus stops, entrance and exit gate inside rail stations and on platforms. hksb.org.hk |
(12) 经营(无论共同地或单独地)全部或任何部份公共娱乐、体育、休闲、竞 技及游乐园(不论是室内或室外)之拥有人、发起人、制作人、组织者及 经理的业务,并就此购买、租赁、聘用、建造、提供、经营、装备、装 [...] 修及配备任何所需或便利之土地、楼宇、设施、建筑、装置及设备。 mmg.com | (12) To carry on all or any of the businesses whether together or separately of proprietors, promoters, producers, organizers, and [...] managers of all kinds of public [...] entertainments,sports, recreation, competitions, and amusementswhether indoor or outdoor and [...]in connection therewith [...]to purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip, furnish and fit out any necessary or convenient land, buildings, facilities, structures, apparatus, and equipment. mmg.com |
无论是舞台照明、激光表演、摇头灯、 透视或视频墙、游戏、手势识别、 3D 电视、眼动追踪、广告牌,或是 触摸屏;无论是高对比度或高能效,室内抑或室外环境,小型或是大型 应用,欧司朗光电半导体始终能够提供 理想的解决方案,实现最多元化的娱乐、家庭娱乐以及资讯娱乐应用。 osram-os.net | Whether stage lighting, show laser, moving heads, see-through or video walls, gaming, [...] gesture [...] recognition, 3D-TV or eyetracking, billboards or touch-screens – whether high contrast or high efficiency,indoor or outdoorenvironment, small size or large scale, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors has the perfect solution [...]for the [...]most diversified entertainment, home entertainment and infotainment applications. osram-os.net |
一开始的清纯花果香,在飘散的瞬间扑鼻而来的是由洋梨、香橘与甜桃皮组成的前调,如同摇滚乐瞬间节奏的开场;渐入香调的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉与荷花,带来清新与诱惑的味道,就像旋律由内心释放出来,引领听者到更高的境界;而在香调的一连串音符谱出摇滚的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所组成,雪松木、琥珀与香草,让这首摇滚旋律散发能量,并以最温暖的味道结尾,让香味自己谱出一曲摇滚乐,让聆听者随着乐曲的律动,感受ANNA [...] SUI摇滚天后的摇滚魅力。 hk.eternal.hk | At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top [...] notes, like rock and [...] roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, [...]lead the listener to [...]the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm. hk.eternal.hk |
在计算这项成本 时,运输署会考虑假如不兴建中环湾仔绕道及 P2 道路网,则在 2011 年道路使用 者因中区填海第一期地段内康乐广场、民耀街、民祥街等道路塞车而引致的延 误。 devb.gov.hk | In deriving the cost, TD has taken into account the delay in time that road users will suffer from congestion in the CRI area, namely along Connaught Place, Man Yiu Street and Man Cheung Street, for not having the CWB and Road P2 in place by 2011. devb.gov.hk |
(d) 进行建造及建筑承包商、室内及室外装饰商、以及土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各 [...] 自之内任何产业权或权益拥有人的业务;管理屋村及物业;接受及徵收租金;以及按本公司 认为适当的条款与条件,就土地与可继承产、宅院或物业单位及其各自之内的任何产业权或 [...]权益,为任何一位或多位人士、公司或法团,担任代理人或代理商及进行各类代理及佣金业 务,以收取佣金或对价。 cre.com.hk | (d) To carry on the business of construction and building [...] contractors, interior and exterior decorators, [...]and owners of land and hereditaments, [...]messuages and tenements and any estate or interest therein Hong Kong Stamp Duty $20.00 5-8-65 — 2 — respectively, to manage estates and properties, to receive and collect rents, and to act as attorneys or factors and transact all kinds of agency and commission business so far as regards lands and hereditaments, messuages and tenements, and any estate or interest therein respectively for any person or persons, company or corporation for such commission or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Company shall think fit. cre.com.hk |