单词 | 宣教士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宣教士 noun —missionary nSee also:宣教—preach a religion 宣—declare (publicly) • surname Xuan 教士—clergy • churchman
在破晓策略实行成功的国家里,国家委员会由不同的福音派教会的代表组成,有时甚至也包括外 国宣教士的代表。 sallee.info | In countries with successful DAWN strategies, the national [...] committee is composed of representatives of various [...] evangelical denominations and, sometimes, even foreign missionaries. sallee.info |
宣教士工作的90%都集中在占世界人口33%的已经宣称是基督徒的人当中,只有2-4%的跨文化的见证人去服侍那28%的未得之民。 conversation.lausanne.org | Only 2-4% of Christian cross-cultural witnesses serve this 28%. conversation.lausanne.org |
第二次 当他们跟宣教士交谈的时候,他们说他们一直在宣告这种权柄,再也没有听到声音了。 sallee.info | The next time they [...] talked with the missionaries, they said they [...]had been claiming this authority and had heard no more voices. sallee.info |
前往白族的第一位宣教士是1881年中国内地会的乔治. amccsm.org | The first missionary to the Bai was George [...] Clarke of the China Inland Mission in 1881. amccsm.org |
以上的引用文字撷取自Asian Report的一篇文章,它指出中国教会开始差 派 宣教士 到 海 外时所面临的问题。 amccsm.org | These quotes, taken from an article in Asian Report, show some of the [...] problems Chinese churches are facing as they begin to send missionaries overseas. amccsm.org |
以下是宣教士的近況: 陶更生牧師-香港 事工方面,機構拓展在亞洲多一個工場,他們在當地訓練領袖,當地人們很接受他們。 sfefc.org | They are training leaders in this new location and are well accepted by local people. sfefc.org |
富能仁走出图书馆,那个问题一直在他的脑海中迴盪,并且改变了他的生命方向,前往中国,成为向未得之民传福音 的 宣教士。 amccsm.org | J.O. Fraser went out of the library with that [...] question ringing in his ears, and changed the course of his life to go [...] to China as a missionary to reach the [...]unreached. amccsm.org |
是否他们从来没有听过这些宣教士的 故事,他们以前从来没有真正地经历过这些经验? amccsm.org | Were these stories of missionaries new to them, [...] something they had not really encountered before? amccsm.org |
特别请中华福音神学院吴宪章牧师专题分享;本会欧 洲 宣教士 陶 恩 光牧师及美国西雅图Dale Wine牧师作海外宣教专题报告,帮助员工更能明白自己在这个世代的福音使命与方向。 ortv.com | Guest speaker Dr. Timothy Wu of China Evangelical Seminary, ORTV missionary in Europe [...] Pastor Ivan Tao, and Pastor Dale Wine [...]from Seattle shared stirring messages encouraging our staff to fulfill the Great Commission, and methods to share the Gospel. ortv.com |
我们在中东的宣教士告诉 我们,到目前为止,他们只能够和两叁个邻居分享福音。 amccsm.org | Our missionaries in the Middle East are [...] telling us thus far they have only been able to share the Gospel with two or three [...]neighbours," a Chinese pastor shared. amccsm.org |
地理上的隔绝:许多族群像西藏人和游牧部落居住在遥远的地区,与外界联系很少,所以,向那里差派和支持跨文化 的 宣教士 非 常 困难;另外,气候等自然条件也常常阻碍这 些 宣教士 在 一个地方长期居住。 conversation.lausanne.org | This makes it difficult to send and support [...] cross-cultural missionaries, and natural conditions like climate often prevent these missionaries from living in [...]an area for an extended time. conversation.lausanne.org |
在一次很大的宗派项目中,外国 宣教士聚 集在一起,制定了一个十年的目标。 sallee.info | In one very large denominational program, the foreign missionaries got together [...] and set a ten-year goal. sallee.info |
宣教士说:“我去看她的时候,她告诉我她一整天都疼痛难忍。 sallee.info | The missionary said, "When I [...] went to see her, she told me that she had been having unbearable pain all day. sallee.info |
作为牧师、教授、宣教士、朋 友和顾问,他帮助其他人明白神要怎样使用他们,并 鼓励他们在别人注意到他们之前就为主作工。 sallee.info | As a pastor, professor, missionary, friend and [...] counselor, he helps others see how God will use them and encourages them [...]to work for the Lord before others notice them. sallee.info |
一对宣教士夫妇 解释:“和家乡的连结非常重要。 amccsm.org | The link with home is very [...] important," one missionary couple explained. amccsm.org |
由 Freehold 團契支持的宣教士 ─ 蔡耀明教師夫婦於 9 月 18 日特到團契,與弟兄 姊妹們一同分享宣教十八年 ─ 神的榮耀與恩典。 mccc.org | Mr. and Mrs. Tsai (蔡耀明教師夫婦), missionaries supported by our Fellowship, came to our meeting on September 18, and shared with us God’s glory and grace during their 18 years in the mission field. mccc.org |
她將與建民 在香港有新的事奉,建民修讀道士學位,慧嫦繼續中 信 宣教士 身 分 在戒賭機構服侍戒賭家 庭成員。 sfefc.org | Sindy will continue her missionary position with CCM working at a gamblers rehab organization ministering to the gamblers’ family members in Hong Kong. sfefc.org |
作者:黄志诚牧师, 伦敦中华基督教会宣教士 (原文为中文) 在过去基督教教会的历史中, 神曾在某些期间大而有力地施展能力, 更新信徒的信心和 叫数不胜数的未信者归信基督。 ccineurope.org | Written by: Pastor Wong [...] Chi-Shing, missionary of the Chinese Church in London (Original text in Chinese) Throughout the history of the Christian church, there had been [...]periods of intense and [...]powerful activities by God in a way that the faith of many believers were renewed and a great number of unbelievers were brought mightily to Christ. ccineurope.org |
这类教会大多位于乡村,多半是1949年以前的外 国 宣教士 结 的 果子。 amccsm.org | They are mostly in the countryside and are often an end product of the work [...] of the pre-1949 foreign missionaries. amccsm.org |
因为所有到西藏去的宣教士都把焦点放在西藏人的需要上,Keji需要在他们漫长的历史上第一次得以听闻福音。 amccsm.org | Because all missionaries who go to Tibet [...] focus on the needs of the Tibetans, the Keji have yet to hear the Gospel for the [...]first time in their long history there. amccsm.org |
印度:有一个地方,历史上曾经被称为 “ 宣教士 的 坟 场” , 宣教士 们 在 那里的比哈尔(Bhojpuri)方言群体中间开展了一场教会植堂运动。 conversation.lausanne.org | India: In a place historically known as a [...] “missionary graveyard,” a church planting movement among the Bhojpuri people over 20 years resulted in more than 80,000 new churches and [...]over 4 million baptized, obeying believers. conversation.lausanne.org |
随着时日一天一天的过去,他越来越肯定神呼召他离开高薪厚职去 作 宣教士。 ccineurope.org | But with each passing day, he grew [...] in his spiritual life and was more certain that God was calling him to leave his commission [...] and go out as a missionary. ccineurope.org |
我们鼓励青少年参加暑假 的短宣,有将近30 [...] 人响应!我们也播放了一段关于前中国内地 会 宣教士 富 能 仁( 又译傅雷塞,本名 James [...]O. Fraser) 的影片,当他们看到这个英国人为中国的傈僳族带来的深远影响,开始深思自己可以如 何被神使用,为神的国度做奇妙的事。 hkmbc.org | We also showed a short video [...] of former CIM missionary James O. Fraser, [...]encouraging the youth to consider how they too can [...]be used to do amazing things for God's kingdom as they witnessed this man from England make a lasting impact on the Lisu people of China. hkmbc.org |
我经常使用这段影片,因为它提到各世 代 宣教士 的 勇 气和牺牲,他们将福音带到中国这样的地方。 amccsm.org | I use the video often because it speaks of the courage and sacrifice of that [...] generation of missionaries, who took the [...]Gospel to lands like China. amccsm.org |
就饱和地建立教会、祷告运动、传福音、怎样培训和从你 的当地教会差派宣教士、属灵的争战、青年事工、儿童事工等主题进行培 训,对于建立教会运动在一个国家的发展是重要的。 sallee.info | Training on such topics as saturation church planting, prayer [...] movements, evangelism, how to train [...] and send out missionaries from your local church, spiritual [...]warfare, youth ministry, outreach [...]to children, etc., are all important for the growth and development of a church planting movement in a country. sallee.info |
在過去二十多三十年,我們看見神興起了一隊宣教的 奇兵,就是呼召和使用一批又一批不太年青的「織帳棚」 的宣教士到世界各個角落,特別是傳 統 宣教士 再 不 能到之 地,把福音傳揚。 lordsgrace.ca | In the last few decades, we have [...] witnessed the movement of not-so-young [...] tent-makers being sent by God to places not as accessible by traditional missionaries. lordsgrace.ca |
希腊教科文组织全委会主席 Ketty Tzitzikosta 女士宣布会 议开始,并欢迎各方代表来到 希腊参加这次会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The consultation meeting was opened by Ms Ketty Tzitzikosta, President of the Hellenic National Commission, who welcomed the participants to the meeting and to Greece. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些发言者包 括儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生、暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代表玛 尔塔·桑托斯·派斯女士、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪 卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士(通过录像发言)以及联合国儿童权利委员会主席 Yanghee Lee 教授(由 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处副主任 Maggie Nicholson 女士宣读 其发言稿)。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, Ms. Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (whose remarks were delivered through a video recording), and [...] Professor Yanghee Lee, [...] Chairperson, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (whose remarks were delivered by Ms. Maggie Nicholson, Deputy Director, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年,五,如亚历山大黑尔斯理查德米德尔顿,尤其是圣文德埃克尔西亚(医 生 宣 布 由 西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其神学为了在较广泛的各界的关键,冷静,常常深奥 博 士教 学 的 微妙。 mb-soft.com | Besides Scotus, the order had other highly-prized teachers, such as Alexander of Hales, Richard of [...] Middleton, and especially [...] St. Bonaventure (proclaimed Doctor ecclesia by Sixtus V in 1587), the ascetico-mystical trend of whose theology was more suited to wide circles in the order than the critical, dispassionate, and often abstruse teaching of the Subtle Doctor. mb-soft.com |