

单词 宣告

宣告 noun ()

announcement n
invalidation n

宣告 verb ()

declare that v


宣告性 n

declaratory n


unilateral declaration


make propaganda for sth

See also:

declare (publicly)
surname Xuan


tell v
inform v
say v

External sources (not reviewed)

透过命令状,针对拘捕、羁押或监禁合法性的司法听证会须 立即进行;宣告拘禁 为违法,须立即将被拘留之人释放。
Through this writ, a judicial hearing on the
legality of the arrest, detention or imprisonment must be held immediately, followed by an
[...] order for release, if appropriate.
提交人的丈夫在抵达医院不久后即 宣告 不 治 死亡。
The author’s husband was declared dead at the hospital [...]
shortly afterwards.
调查没有对应为 酷刑承担责任的警察提出任何指控就 宣告 结 束
No charges have been brought against any of the officers responsible for the torture and the investigation has again been closed.
与武装冲突法和国际人道主义法有关的条约、关于保护人权的条约、关于国际刑事 司法的条约以宣告、确 立或规定永久制度或地位或有关永久权利的条约,包括确定或修改 [...]
Treaties relating to the law of armed conflict and to international humanitarian law, treaties for the protection of human rights,
treaties relating to international criminal
[...] justice and treaties declaring, creating or regulating [...]
a permanent regime or
status or related permanent rights, including treaties establishing or modifying land boundaries or maritime boundaries and limits, remain in or enter into operation in the event of armed conflict.
若董事其後方得悉有關利益關係,則須於得 悉此項利益關係後的首次董事會議上申明其利益性質。就本條 細則而言,董事向董事會發出一般通知表明(a)其或其聯繫人為 一家指定公司或商號的股東,且被視為於通知日期後可能與這 家公司或商號訂立的任何合約或安排中擁有權益或(b)其或其
聯繫人將被視為於通知日期後可能與其或其任何聯繫人有關 連的指定人士訂立的任何合約或安排中擁有權益,就本條細則
[...] 而言,應被視為有關任何該合約或安排的利益的充 宣告 ;但 前提是,除非該通知於董事會議上發出,或該董事採取合理措 [...]
施確保該通知發出後於下一次董事會議中提出及宣讀,否則該 通知不會生效。
For the purposes of this Article, a general notice to the Directors by a Director to the effect that (a) he or his associates is a shareholder of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with that company or firm or (b) he or his associates is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with a specified person who is connected with him or any of his associates, shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Article in relation to any such contract or arrangement; provided that no such
notice shall be effective unless either it
[...] is given at a meeting of the Directors [...]
or the Director takes reasonable steps
to secure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Directors after it is given.
经过一系列的协会筹备会议后,亚洲瓦楞纸箱协会于1997年在新加坡注册 宣告 正 式 成立。
After a series of meetings for all organizing matters, the ACCA was established in 1997 and registered in Singapore.
关于问题的实质性内容,我国代表团愿重申,必 须铭记的是“国家管辖范围以外区域”包括两个海洋
区域——即公海和“区域”,《公约》的宗旨之一是发 展 1970 年 12 月 17 日第
[...] 2749(XXV)号决议中所载的各 项原则,其中大会郑宣告,除 其他外,各国管辖范 围以外的海床和洋底及其底土区域,以及该区域的资 [...]
With regard to the substance of the issue, my delegation wishes to reiterate that it must be remembered that the expression “areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction” covers two types of maritime areas: the high seas and the Area, and that one of the objectives of the Convention was to develop the principles embodied in resolution 2749 (XXV) of
17 December 1970, in which the
[...] General Assembly solemnly declared, among other things, [...]
that the area of the seabed and ocean
floor and the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, as well as its resources, “are the common heritage of mankind” (para. 1), and that the “exploration of the area and the exploitation of its resources shall be carried out for the benefit of mankind as a whole” (para. 7).
它通宣告式的 方式把简单的组件组合起来从而构建出任意复杂的组件。
It does this by way of the simple declarative components together to build arbitrarily complex components.
因此,我们郑宣告,我们承诺展现新的政治意愿,强有力地、负责任地负 起领导责任,以根除这一流行病,我们将考虑世界各地不同国家和区域的各种情 [...]
况和环境,与各级所有利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系,采取以下大胆和果断 行动
Therefore, we solemnly declare our commitment to [...]
end the epidemic with renewed political will and strong, accountable leadership
and to work in meaningful partnership with all stakeholders at all levels to implement bold and decisive actions as set out below, taking into account the diverse situations and circumstances in different countries and regions throughout the world
這 些 股 利 被 股 東 批 准宣 告 發 放 後,確 認 為 負 債。
When these dividends have been approved by
[...] the shareholders and declared, they are recognised [...]
as a liability.
董事可制訂規例宣告當地 經理履行授予他們的權力、職責、授權及酌情決定權的方式,並且倘 若當地經理人數為兩位或以上,可授權他們任何一位或多位,無須得到其他一位或多位的同意而 行事,以及可指示當地經理舉行會議的方式與時間,並釐定該等會議的法定人數,以 宣告 填補 該團體任何一個或多個空缺的辦法。
The Directors
[...] may make regulations declaring the manner in which the Local Managers are to exercise the powers, duties, authorities, and discretions vested in them, and where the Local Managers consist of two or more persons may empower any one or more of them to act without the concurrence of the other or others of them, and may direct the manner in which and times when meetings of the Local Managers are to be held and fix the quorum for such meetings and declare how any vacancy or vacancies in their body is or are to be filled up.
主张自由邦的人民民主党和主张独立的波多黎各独立党的 领袖都说,此举表示布什总统没有认真打算在不久的未来就波多黎各的政治地位
[...] 采取行动,而主张建州的新进步党则予以欢迎,认为这 宣告 表 示在哥伦比亚特 区华盛顿的美国政府有意在波多黎各和美国 [...]
2004 年 11 月大选后处理这个问题。
Leaders of both the pro-Commonwealth PPD and the pro-independence PIP have said that the move did not indicate any serious intention on the part of President Bush to take action on the political status of Puerto Rico in the
near future, while the pro-statehood
[...] PNP welcomed the announcement as a sign that Washington, [...]
D.C., was interested in dealing
with the issue after the Puerto Rico and United States elections in November 2004.
这种语言具宣告式的 语法,继承,自定义规则等特性。
This language has a declarative syntax , inheritance, custom rules and other features .
自2005年10月开始,持续整整6年的上海宏源照明电器有限公司与德国西门子全资子公司欧司朗(OSRAM)有限公司之间的专利侵权纠纷案,历经上海第二中级人民法院、上海高级人民法院,国家知识产权局、北京第一中级人民法院、北京高级人民法院几轮诉讼历程,最终,上海高院及北京高院两纸终审判决结案 宣告 了 宏 源照明的全面胜诉。
Since October 2005, the 6-year-long patent infringement lawsuit between Shanghai Hongyuan and OSRAM ended up with Hongyuan’s wining judged by Higher People’s Court of Shanghai Municipality and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality after several rounds of litigation procedures of No. 2 Medium People’s Court of Shanghai, Higher People’s
Court of Beijing Municipality, State
[...] Intellectual Property Office, No.1 Medium [...]
People’s Court of Beijing and Higher People’s
Court of Beijing Municipality.
处于冲突和冲突后局势的各方明确和切实宣 告遵守 不使用武力或以武力相威胁的原则是创造有 [...]
利于建立互信和实现正义和安全的环境的另一项关 键要素。
Adherence to the principle of non-use of force or threat clearly
[...] and unequivocally declared by the parties concerned [...]
in conflict and post-conflict
settings is another crucial factor for creating a environment conducive to building mutual trust and in achieving justice and security.
会员国应开展国际法律合作,以此保证和加强互联网安全以及对国际 法的遵行,尤其是通过签署、批准和确保有效实施《网络犯罪公约》及其 《关宣告利用 计算机系统犯下的种族主义或仇外行为为犯罪行为的附加议 定书》,从而能够实施旨在保护社会免遭网络犯罪侵害的共同刑事政策和协 调战略。
Member States should engage in international legal cooperation as a means of developing and strengthening security on the Internet and observance of international law, in particular by signing, ratifying and ensuring effective application of the Convention on Cybercrime and its Additional Protocol concerning the criminalization of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems, in order to be able to implement a common criminal policy and coordinate strategies aimed at the protection of society against cybercrime.
内立法和国际承诺的出发,认为下列条件是必须的:核材料必须用于与制造核武 器无关的用途;必须保证核安全和实物保护;接受国在使用核材料的整个过程中
[...] 必须将核材料置于原子能机构保障措施的管理之下;材料必须仅用 宣告 的用 途,用于在特定的核发电厂的电力生产。
When a member State of IAEA concludes an agreement with the Agency for the supply of low-enriched uranium, the following conditions must be met from the point of view of the Russian Federation’s domestic legislation and international obligations: the nuclear materials must not be used for purposes relating to the development of nuclear weapons; nuclear and physical safety must be ensured; the nuclear material must remain under IAEA safeguards throughout its use in the
recipient country; and the material must
[...] be used only for the declared purpose, that is, to [...]
produce electricity at a specific nuclear power station.
(b) 应宣告凡组 织及有组织的宣传活动与所有其他宣传活动的提倡与煽动 种族歧视者,概为非法,加以禁止,并确认参加此等组织或活动为犯罪行为,依 [...]
(b) Shall declare illegal and prohibit [...]
organizations, and also organized and all other propaganda activities, which promote
and incite racial discrimination, and shall recognize participation in such organizations or activities as an offence punishable by law
它们建议斐济共和国应当欢迎这一磋商和报告进程,将它作为一次机 遇,宣告斐济 的人权现状,明确制定改善现状的行动,并将它作为未来人权报 告的一个参考点。
They recommended that the Republic of Fiji ought
to welcome this
[...] consultative and reporting process and treat it as an opportunity to declare the current status [...]
of human rights in
Fiji and articulate actions to be taken to improve the situation and employ it as a benchmark for future human rights reporting.
(j) 歸屬由本公司收購或屬於本公司、或任何人士或公司代表本公司或有利於本 公司的任何不動產或個業物業、權利或權益,而不論是否以本公司為受益人 的任何宣告的信託。
(j) To vest any real or personal property, rights or interest acquired by or belonging to the Company in any person or
company on behalf of or for the benefit of the Company, and
[...] with or without any declared trust in favour of [...]
the Company.
全国选举委员会和最高法院在国内有着各自的管辖权,分别负责处理和审查 对选举进程的法律挑战以及就选举的合法性作 宣告 , 它们已经公布确定已宣布 的结果的决定,并要求在候选人卡洛斯·戈梅斯·茹尼奥尔和昆巴·亚拉之间举 [...]
The National Electoral Commission and the Supreme Court, charged with respective jurisdictions, at the internal level, to deal with and examine legal challenges to
the electoral process
[...] and to make pronouncements on the validity of the polls, have already publicized their decisions [...]
in favour of confirming
the results that were announced and which called for a second round presidential run-off between candidates Carlos Gomes Júnior and Koumba Yalá.
省高等法院 在审理上诉时裁定,尽管初审法院按照《民法》第 1124 条宣告合同无效时使用 的是西班牙判例法,但仍提及了《示范法》,特别是第 39、46 和 49.1(a)条。
The Provincial High Court, hearing the appeal, ruled that, although the Court of First Instance had used Spanish case law with regard to the avoidance of the contract under article 1124 of the Civil Code, it had, nonetheless, referred to CISG, particularly articles 39, 46 and 49.1 (a).
因此,少数宣称代表国际社会并对某些《不扩散条约》 成员国采取行动的国家是错误的,应当纠正其行动并 改变其已宣告失败的政策。
Therefore, those few countries claiming to represent the international community and taking action against some NPT Member States are on the wrong path and should rectify their actions and change their policies, which have already failed.
修正案中新增了第 5A(a)条,根据该条款,法庭可在特定情况下允许行使财产分 割权,即夫妻中任何一方均可在上述各种形式的离婚 宣告 婚 姻无效之前获得夫 妻总财产的一半的权利。
The Amendment added Section 5A(a), according to which, the court may allow, under certain circumstances, the realization of the right to division of property, namely the right of each spouse to half of the couple’s total property, prior to the divorce or the marriage annulment in each of the aforementioned forms.
这特别涉及到抓获在 逃犯、将案件移交给国家司法机关、移交已经被定罪的犯人,以执行其刑期和重 新安置宣告无罪人员或服满刑期者。
This relates in particular to ensuring the arrests of the remaining fugitives, the possible referral of cases to national jurisdictions, the transfer of convicts for the enforcement of their sentence, and the relocation of acquitted persons and persons who have served their sentence.
擬議第 26A條就餌誘式告宣傳罪 行提供了額外免責辯護:有關商戶已要約 在一段合理時間內,按在有關告中 宣 傳 的 價格,向有關消費者供 應合理數量的該產品或同等產品,或已要約促致第三者在一段合理 時間內,按該價格向該消費者供應合理數量的該產品,而倘若該要 約獲該消費者接受,該商戶已如此供應或已促致第三者如此供應該 產品。
The proposed section 26A provides an
[...] additional defence to defendants in proceedings for the offence of bait advertising in circumstances where the trader offered to supply, or to procure a third person to supply, the advertised or equivalent [...]
products to the consumer
within a reasonable time in a reasonable quantity and at the advertised price and, if that offer was accepted by the consumer, the trader so supplied, or procured a third person to so supply, the products.
平版印刷名片、告宣傳看版貼合用紙、登山旅遊路線圖、教學掛圖、兒童遊戲圖、印刷用背膠標籤、片裝貼瓶用環罐標籤、彩色商業平版印刷海報、年曆、月曆、 告宣 傳 旗 幟、彩色平版印刷╴產品說明書、畫刊、雜誌、文字印刷╴產品操作說明書、雜誌內頁用紙、航空用行李吊牌、貨運包裹用吊牌、服飾吊牌、百貨標示吊牌、貼合面材用紙(貼合紙板用)、中、小型手提袋、大型手提袋。
Promotion pasted paper, Mountain-climbing and travel maps, Teaching hanging chart, Children's game pictures, Printing pressure adhesive label, Sheet wrap around stick label, Lithographic printing posters, Calendars, commercial and promotion flags, Lithographic press -Catalogue, pictorial magazine, magazine, Character printing paper- Catalogue, Magazine inside paper,aviation baggage tag, Shipment of commodities package tag, Clothing tag, General merchandise name board tag, Laminated surface paper(laminated cardboard), Middle-size and small-size shopping bag, Large-size shopping bag.




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