

单词 客观的

See also:



客观 adj




External sources (not reviewed)

公立学校也以中立客观的方式教授一般的宗教历史和 道德知识。
Public schools may also teach the general history of religions and
[...] ethics in a neutral and objective way.
如果没有合 理客观的标准 可证明有道理,那么,基于健康状况而剥夺健康保险的权利就意 味着歧视。
Denial of access to health insurance on the basis of health status will amount to discrimination if no reasonable or objective criteria can justify such differentiation.
摩尔多瓦共和国卫生部与国家统计局合作,在世界银行的资助和世界卫生 组织欧洲局专家们的帮助下,开始准备预计在 2008 年上半年开展的家庭调查,
[...] 以便于评估与卫生保健相关的家庭支出,其中包括在对缴纳保费时需要国家补助 的人员更加公客观的鉴定 后对其非正式支出项目的评估。
In cooperation with the National Bureau of Statistics, under the auspices of the World Bank and with the contribution of the experts of the European Bureau of the WHO the preparation of the organisation of the household survey have been initiated, planned for implementation in the half of 2008, which will allow the valuation of
the healthcare related expenses, including
[...] of the informal payment with a much more [...]
objective identification of persons that
require direct financial protection from the state when paying insurance premiums.
专家组认为,通过利用各种主观 客观的 指 标 ,可 以全面评估矿区的社会经济发展情况。
The Group considers that by using a range of subjective and objective indicators, generated data will allow for a comprehensive assessment of social and economic development in mining areas.
少数民族的成员,除其他外,享有以下权利:培育、发展 和公开表达自己的民族、种族、文化和宗教特性;在公共场所使用自己的符号; 使用自己的语言和文字;在他们的人口占多数的地方,在国家机构的诉讼程序中
[...] 他们的人口占多数的地方,以其自己的语言书写传统的本地名称、街道和住区名 称及地名;以自己的语言接受完整、及时 客观的 信 息 ,包括表达、接收、发送 和交流信息和想法的权利;建立自己的大众媒体。
Members of national minorities have, inter alia, the following rights: to foster, develop and publicly express their national, ethnic, cultural and religious specificity; to use their symbols in public places; to use their language and script; to have proceedings conducted in their languages before State bodies in areas where they make up a significant majority of population; to receive education in their languages in public institutions and institutions of autonomous provinces; to found private educational institutions; to use their name and family name in their own languages; to have traditional local names, names of streets and settlements and topographic names written in their languages, in areas where
they make a
[...] significant majority of population; to receive complete, timely and objective information [...]
in their language, including
the right to express, receive, send and exchange information and ideas; and to establish their own mass media.
(c) 向儿童提供有关有毒物质的准确 客观的 资 料 ,并对力图放弃使用或 依赖此种物质的人提供支助。
(c) Providing children with accurate and objective information on toxic substances, as well as support to those attempting to abandon their use or dependency.
关于报告建议 29,加拿大人口与发展行动要求土库曼斯坦 政 府 审 查 对 传 染 病 的 官 方政策 ,以便 对该国的状况客 观的评 价 ,制定政策切实 保 障 所有土库曼人 达 到 最 佳身心 健 康 的权利。
With reference to recommendation 29 of the report, ACPD, called on the Turkmen Government to review the official policy on infectious diseases and allow for an objective assessment of the country’s situation, with the view of designing policies that will effectively guarantee the right of all Turkmen to the highest attainable level of health.
解决这一案件的关键在于,作为受害方的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国需要有机 会在科学客观的基础上核实和评价“调查结果”。
The key to resolving the case lies in that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which
is the victim, takes an opportunity to verify and evaluate the “investigation
[...] result” on a scientific ad objective basis.
对于人权事务高级专员 宣称愿意以公平、公正客观的方式 行使其职权并 避免将人权问题政治化,中国表示非常高兴,同时 也希望获得更多详细信息,了解在人权问题上即将 采取的措施。
China appreciated the statement by the High Commissioner that she intended to carry out her functions in a fair, impartial and objective manner, while avoiding politicization of the issue of human rights, and sought greater detail on the measures that were going to be taken to that end.
然而,在许多情 况下客观的给政策工具排名很难。
However, in many cases it can be difficult to rank instruments in an objective manner.
WIPO 经济分 析的目的是向知识产权公共政策论坛提 客观的 经 验 意见。
WIPO economic analysis seeks to offer an objective and empirical input into the public policy discourse on IP.
[...] 在联邦层面通过一份关于土著人状况的综合战略,以便统一说明本国的行动并加 强行动的效力,并确保待遇上的差别是基于合理 客观的 理 由
The Committee recommends that the State party coordinate its various policies, strategies and programmes on Aboriginal peoples and African Canadians by adopting a comprehensive strategy on the situation of Aboriginal people at the federal level, so as to give a coherent picture of its actions
and enhance their efficiency, and ensure that any differences of treatment are based on
[...] reasonable and objective grounds.
通过这部黑白的三频录像,非常正式的严格视角和中立的空间在这些醉汉之间循环,维尔英成功的为这些人绘制了一 客观的 肖 像,不带任何的评判或道德说教。
Through the black and white aesthetics of the three-channel video, the formal strictness of the chosen view and the neutrality of the room, in which the drinkers are circulating, Wearing succeeds in drawing a mainly objective portrait of these people, without judging or moralising.
该网站的目的在于给出宝贵客观的 建 议 和意见,为业内专业人员提供更多在饲料行业中使用近红外技术的信息。
The goal is to produce valuable, objective advice and opinions, to give industry professionals more insight into the use of NIR in the Feed industry.
一国可同时驱逐某外国人群体的成员,条件是,驱逐是在对该群体的每 位成员的具体情况进行了合理 客观的 审 查 之后并在审查基础上进行。
3. A State may expel concomitantly the members of a group of aliens, provided that the expulsion takes place after and on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual member of the group.
应该为确定某个具体人员是否拥有适合调动的技能 制定明确的标准,从而确保进 客观的 审 查 和避免 采用内部司法制度。
Clear criteria for determining whether a particular individual had transferable skills should be developed so as to ensure an objective review process and avoid recourse to the system of administration of justice.
这份主要宣传文件每两年出版一期,旨在为决策人员、民间社会及以渔业和水产养殖为生计的群体提供有关捕捞业、水产养殖业和相关政策问题的全 客观的 全 球 概览。
This premier advocacy document is published every two years to provide policy-makers, civil society and those whose
livelihoods depend on the sector a
[...] comprehensive, objective and global view of capture fisheries and [...]
aquaculture, including associated policy issues.
[...] 商品的信息;缔约国应确保,与就业和教育有关的任何语言要求都是基于合理客观的标准
Therefore, information about public services and goods, for example, should also be available, as far as possible, in languages spoken by minorities, and States parties should
ensure that any language requirements relating to employment and education are based
[...] on reasonable and objective criteria.
为实现这个目标,发展中国家不应被剥夺发达国家在发展早期阶段曾享受过的谋划本国知 识产权政策的自由权,发达国家不应在没有就较高知识产权标准对发展中国家发展将产生 的影响进行认真客观的评估 之前就将该标准强加给后者。
To achieve that end, so far as possible developing countries should not be deprived of the flexibility to design their IP systems that developed countries enjoyed in earlier stages of their own development, and higher IP standards should not be pressed on them without a serious and objective assessment of their development impact.
较高的政策利益、意见通常两 极化的公共辩论,以及需要可的、 客观的 信 息以加强对知识产权的认识,均对正在开展的交流活 动过程中对 WIPO 提出了挑战。
High policy interest, a public debate in which views are often polarized, and the need for reliable, objective information to increase understanding about IP, present an on-going communications challenge for WIPO.
小组委员会 建议当局为选择非政府组织受权查访拘留地点制定明确 客观的 标 准 ,并考虑赋 予这些非政府组织永久查访权。
The SPT recommends that the authorities develop clear and objective criteria for selecting NGOs to be granted the right to visit places of detention, and that they consider granting those NGOs permanent authorization to visit.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长在公平地域代表性的基础上设立一个政府专 家组,从 2010 年开始审查军事支出标准汇报表的运作和进一步发展问题,同时 考虑会员国就此问题提出的看法以及秘书长关于军事情 的客观 情 报 ,包括军事 支出的透明度的报告,并将专家组的报告转递大会第六十六届会议,以供审议(第 62/13 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to establish a group of governmental experts, on the basis of equitable geographical representation, to review the operation and further development of the Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures, commencing in 2010, taking into account the views expressed by Member States on the subject and the reports of the Secretary-General on objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures, and to transmit the report of the group of experts to the General Assembly for consideration at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 62/13).
关于改善委员会工作方法的问题,有关第 1373(2001)号决议执行情况的初步评估具有根本性 的重大意义;它们作为与各国进行定期对话的基本文 件,也是监测各国反恐努的客观、 不 加歧视和有系 统的基础。
In terms of improving the Committee’s working methods, the Preliminary Implementation Assessments regarding resolution 1373 (2001) continue to be of fundamental importance; they serve as basic documents for regular dialogue with States and as an objective, non-discriminatory and systemic foundation for monitoring the counter-terrorism efforts of States.
[...] 组会议,以期开展坦诚和建设性对话,代表团相信,对国家报 的客观 评 估与各 国的建议将有助于吉尔吉斯斯坦增进和保护人权。
Despite the political changes, the delegation took part in the Working Group session with a view
to an open and constructive dialogue,
[...] confident that an objective assessment of [...]
the national report and the recommendations
of States would serve the promotion and protection of human rights in Kyrgyzstan.
但是,这些评估和结论没有得到赞同,相反,它 的客观性 受 到质疑,具体的理由是这些评估没有列入以色列的官方数据和报告;评估没有 [...]
However, these assessments and conclusions are not shared-
[...] rather their objectivity has been challenged, [...]
specifically on grounds of non-inclusion
of Israeli official data and reports in these assessments, and on grounds that these do not consider the positive measures announced by Israel to progressively ease the restrictions.
恐怖主的客观存在 和预防恐怖主义的措施使人们重新重视关于教育质量的辩论,这 一专题将是大会期间部长级圆桌会议的主题。
The realities of terrorism and measures to prevent it have also given a new focus to the debate on educational quality, a topic that will feature at a Ministerial Round Table during the General Conference.
同样,但是,基于不同的理由,尽管有些委员有反对意见,委员会不认为 应该把一客观上错误的解释 ――例如,违反审理这个事项的国际法庭所给予的 [...]
(12) Similarly, but for different reasons, and despite the opposing views of some of
its members, the Commission declined to
[...] consider that an objectively wrong interpretation [...]
— for example, one that is contrary
to the interpretation given by an international court adjudicating the matter — should be declared impermissible.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相的 任 务规定,并受助于一 个独立客观和能妥善发挥作的管 理 结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并 [...]
办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate
linked to
[...] organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with approved [...]
annual work
plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.




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