

单词 客观环境

See also:



客观 adj


环境 n

environments pl
context n
condition n
setting n
matrix n

External sources (not reviewed)

客观环境的变 化要求商业银行快速适应环境变化、准确响应市场需求、全面提升内部能力。
The change
[...] of the whole environment requires commercial [...]
banks to rapidly adapt to the change, meet the market needs and
improve the internal capability.
如果由于自从提出授权以客观环境发生 了重大的变化以致建议过时,不再适用于当前的情况,那么做出授 权的国际组织的责任就不会发生。
The responsibility of the authorizing international organization cannot arise if, for instance, the authorization is outdated and not intended to apply to the current circumstances, because of substantial changes that have intervened since the adoption.
我们通过着力更新和完善有助于改善生 环境的 技术满客户需求。
We are meeting the needs of people by working with a clear focus on renewing and enhancing eco-friendly technologies
具体观经济和人环 境的假 设对农业和渔业产品的供求有重大影响。
These assumptions portray a specific
[...] macroeconomic and demographic environment that shapes the [...]
evolution of demand and supply
for agricultural and fish products.
环境调查机构观察员 应主席之请发言,呼吁通过一项总体战略,在不更多依赖全球 升温潜能值高的氢氟碳化物的情况下淘汰生产。
The observer for the Environmental Investigation Agency, [...]
speaking at the invitation of the Chair, called for the adoption
of an overarching strategy for production phase-out without increased reliance on high-GWP HFCs.
四.59 咨询委员会注意到,方案的组织结构包括环境署评价办公室,直接对执 行主任负责,以确客观评价环境署 活 动对核定工作方案的相关性、效率、实效 和影响。
IV.59 The Advisory Committee notes that the organizational structure of the Programme includes the UNEP Evaluation Office, which reports directly to the
Executive Director in
[...] order to ensure objective evaluation of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the activities of UNEP in relation [...]
to its approved programme of work.
本文将介绍此迁移环境,并将指出 客 户 带 来的长期利益,同时介绍从 512 字节迁移到 4K 扇区过程中要避免的潜在隐患。
This paper provides the context for this migration as well as pointing out the
[...] long-term benefits to customers and potential pitfalls [...]
to be avoided in the
move from 512 bytes to 4K sectors.
库克山青年旅舍位于南岛中部、皇后镇(Queenstown)和基督城(Christchurch) 之间的路径上,提供舒适温馨的住宿 环境 , 宾 客 可 以在温暖的休息 观 看 免 费的影碟或是在棋类游戏中挑战自我。
YHA Mt Cook backpacker hostel, located in the centre of the South Island on the road between
Queenstown and
[...] Christchurch, offers relaxed and homely accommodation with warm and inviting living areas with videos, games [...]
and a couple of guitars.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区 观 察 站 、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保 环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water
issues, the creation of
[...] subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
在总部楼房维修和正常运作范围内完成的其它紧急工程主要有:VI 号楼变压器漏机油
[...] 修理工程,紧急修理电话继电器(自动交换机)出现的渗漏现象,更换厨房的油槽,更换 V 号和 VI 号大楼雨水管,改善丰特努瓦大楼内银行分理处( 客 室 ) 的空间 环境。
Other urgent work relating to the maintenance and smooth functioning of the Headquarters buildings was carried out, including the repair of pyralene leaks from the transformers in Building VI, emergency repairs of leaks in the telephone system (automatic switchboard), replacement of the grease traps in the kitchens, replacement of the drainpipes in Buildings
V and VI, improvement and adaptation to the
[...] available space and surroundings of the reception [...]
area at the Fontenoy site.
环境调查机构观察员 敦促中国考虑采用替代技 术,在制冷和空调行业采用 HFC-410a 以及在泡沫塑料用途中采用 [...]
HFC-245fa,以避免继 续在过失的技术方面进行投资。
The observer for the Environmental Investigation Agency [...]
urged China to consider alternative technologies to the use of HFC-410a
in the RAC sector and HFC-245fa in foam applications in order not to invest in outdated technologies.
我们的URS团队将依托自己的文化背景和 观 经 济 环境 , 与 亚洲的跨国公司和本地企业展开合作,满足它们对先进分析工具的需求。
Our URS team will work with Asian multinationals and domestics in the backdrop of their own cultures and macro-economic landscape to meet their needs for leading edge analytical tools," Bushel said.
[...] 了十年范围内在特定假设情况下预期要发生的可能情形,例如 观 经 济 环境 、国 际贸易规则和关税、厄尔尼诺现象的频率和影响、不发生与不正常鱼有关的病害 [...]
They then analyse the main results of the fish model, giving a plausible scenario in a ten-year horizon of what can be expected to happen
under a certain set of assumptions,
[...] such as the macroeconomic environment, international [...]
trade rules and tariffs, frequency
and effects of El Niño phenomena, absence of abnormal fishrelated disease outbreaks, fishery quotas, longer-term productivity trends and the non-appearance of market shocks.
Longview 学区的技术支持协调员 Jim Ward 说:“我们最初决
[...] 定采用瘦客户机,是因为负责为数百台工作站提供支持的技术 人员数量有限,而对于我们环境来 说 , 客 户 机 和虚拟桌面 是最合适的解决方案,因为可以实现远程管理。
We initially decided to go with thin clients because we had a limited tech staff trying
to support hundreds of
[...] workstations, and for our environment thin clients and virtual [...]
desktops were the best fit since you
can manage them remotely,” says Jim Ward, technology support coordinator at Longview School District.
在竞争激烈环境中,企业银行业务 客 户 提 供全面财务方案,同时亦 能善用本行之有效跨客户关系管理系统,令存款增长 26.8%。
By offering total solutions to customers and capitalising on the Bank’s efficient cross-border relationship management system, its deposits [...]
grew by 26.8% despite fierce competition.
继续通过强制性在线学习方案“廉正意识倡议”提供在线道德操守培训, 这项倡议针对的是各级工作人员,其重点放在核心价 观 和 在工 作 环境 下 应 遵守 的廉正标准。
Online ethics training continued to be provided via the mandatory online learning programme “Integrity Awareness Initiative”, which is directed at personnel
at all levels and focuses on
[...] core values and the standards of integrity to be observed within the workplace environment.
客户的环境、文档类型、扫描的照片的状况,以及是否遵循建议的清洁和更换 程序,都会导致耗材的使用寿命改变。
Customer-operating environments, document type, [...]
the condition of photos being scanned, and not following the recommended
cleaning and replacement procedures, can cause the life of the consumables to vary.
在教育领域,国家主要保证执行以下原则:教育的人道主义性质;民族和 普世价值、人的生命和健康的优先地位;人的自由和全面发展;文明觉悟的重要
[...] 性;尊重个人及其权利和自由;尊严;爱国;努力工作;责任心;容忍;培环 境观念。
In the field of education the state guarantees, inter alia, the following principles: the humanitarian nature of education; priority of national and universal values, human life and health; free and comprehensive development of an individual; importance of civic consciousness; respect to an individual and for his
or her rights and freedoms; dignity; patriotism; hard work; responsibility;
[...] tolerance; shaping an environmental outlook.
对我而言,这部电影探讨了特定生 环境 和 个人 主 观 欲 念 的前后文关系,人的所谓固定角色的微妙转换,时间和历史的问题,对于真实的定义,风格的问题,审美的问题,以及问题本身的问题,是一个异常精致的解构的思路,也如同摇滚乐般不由商量,确是无瑕纯净的。
For me, the film is about the narrative of an individual’s subjective desires in a particular situation, about the subtle changes in people’s so-called fixed roles, about issues of time and history.
最近的事态发展严峻地提醒人们注意,如果不对 更广泛的观经济环境给予更多关注,就不能够解决贫穷问题,各国 [...]
These recent developments were also a stark reminder that the problem of poverty cannot be
tackled without closer attention to the
[...] broader macroeconomic environment, and that unless [...]
regional and international policy
responses are in place, individual countries will remain as vulnerable to future crises as they were before.
作为回应,公司对基环境标准观水平 评估和规划工具、产品生命周期分析和 供应链管理日益感兴趣 (第 4 章)。
This is echoed by growing interest in landscape level assessment and planning tools, product life cycle analysis and supply chain management, based on environmental criteria (Chapter 4).
尊重科特迪瓦民族多样性的包容的政治多元 化;(b) 制定一个对政治生活伦理原则有共识的民主宪章;(c) 建立具备人力物
[...] 力的独立制度和机制,以保障基本的民主活动 客观 性 和 公正性,如选举、资助 其他政党、公平地获得信息和交流技术和尊重基本自由。
Rebuilding democracy should focus on (a) achieving inclusive political pluralism that respects the diversity of the Ivorian people; (b) drafting a consensual democratic charter on ethical principles in politics; and (c) establishing independent institutions and mechanisms with the
necessary human and material resources to
[...] guarantee the objectivity and impartiality [...]
of basic features of democracy such as
elections, financing of political parties, equal access to information and communication, and respect for basic freedoms.
[...] 展教育在这⾥变得切实可见,只是因为它拥有了学校中 关环境管理的播客,或 是利用了⼀个芳香的花园, 在这种花园⾥可直接闻植物的芳香。
ESD was made tangible here just as it
[...] was with a podcast on environmental management in schools [...]
or with an aromatic garden,
where the aroma of plants can be smelt first hand.
UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/67/13 号文件,他强调指出,已经 作出最大努力来遵守执行委员会关于精简进度报告的第 66/16 号决定,使报告成为提供执
[...] 行情况信息的更为有效的工具,同时努力确保繁重的汇编过程并不妨 环境 署 向 客 户 提供 服务。
The representative of UNEP, introducing document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/67/13, emphasized that every effort had been made to comply with Executive Committee decision 66/16 on streamlining progress reporting and to make the report a more effective tool for providing information on implementation,
while endeavouring to ensure that the heavy compilation process did not hinder
[...] the provision of services by UNEP to clients.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a)
[...] 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助于一 个独立客观和能 妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) [...]
办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并
完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to
organizational objectives and is supported by an
[...] independent, objective and well-functioning [...]
management structure with approved
annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
由于认识到无线电频谱和基于无线电的遥感系统和应用对于监测气候、减 少灾害风险、适应和缓解气候变化消极影响的气象 环境观 测 来说极端重要, 2009 年气象组织和国际电联在气象组织日内瓦总部举办了它们的第一个联合研 [...]
Recognizing the crucial importance of radio-frequency spectrum and radio-based remote sensing
systems and applications for
[...] meteorological and environmental observations for climate monitoring, [...]
disaster risk reduction,
adaptation and mitigation of negative effects of climate change, in 2009 WMO and ITU held their first joint seminar, on the theme “Use of the radio spectrum for meteorology: weather, water and climate monitoring and prediction”, at WMO Headquarters in Geneva, as an open forum for exchange of views and information between representatives of meteorological and radiocommunication communities.
在同次会议上,核准了一个政府间组织,即中东欧区 环境 中 心 以 观 察 员 身 份参加可持续发展委员会第十九届会议政府间筹备会议的请求(E/CN.17/IPM/ 2011/L.1)。
At the same meeting, the application for accreditation by an
[...] organization, the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (E/CN.17/IPM/2011/L.1), to participate as an observer in the Intergovernmental [...]
Preparatory Meeting was approved.
此外, 也有必要在财政和金融工具以及奖励机制的鼓励下,建立有利的环境,促进创新, 推动加强科学研究和增进知识,并推广节能和无 环境 技 术( 宏 观 经 济 增长与能 源消耗脱钩工作事例见方框 5)。
Furthermore, it would be necessary to establish an enabling environment, encouraged by fiscal and financial tools and incentives, that promotes innovation and increased scientific research and knowledge, as well as the
acquisition of
[...] energy-efficient and environmentally sound technologies (see box 5 for an example of efforts to decouple macroeconomic [...]
growth from energy consumption).




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