

单词 客堂

See also:

(main) hall
of the same clan
relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family
large room for a specific purpose


customer n
guest n
visitor n

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 至於其他改善措施,當局已作出安排,在晚㆖ 6 時至 11 時的繁忙時 間內,增派航空護衛有限公司㆟員在抵港 客 大 堂 控 制 旅 客 流 量
(d) As regards other improvement measures, arrangements have been put in place to assign
additional Securair
[...] staff to the Arrivals Hall during the evening peak period from 6 pm to 11 pm to regulate passenger flow.
(b) 據建築署署長初步估計,興建斜路接連抵港 客 大 堂 與 停 車場,在 技術㆖是可行的。
(b) A preliminary assessment by the Director of Architectural
Services indicates that construction of a ramp
[...] connecting the Arrivals Hall to the carpark area [...]
is technically possible.
[...] 處處長正研究根據吸煙(公眾衛生)條例,將機場內的抵港 客 大 堂 和 其 他公眾㆞ 方指定為法定禁止吸煙區的可行性,使大部份不吸煙的市民,能在啟德機場享受到 [...]
The Director of Civil Aviation is
therefore examining the feasibility of
[...] designating the Arrivals Hall and other public [...]
areas within the airport as statutory non-smoking
areas under the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance to enable the non-smoking majority of the public to enjoy a fresher indoor environment at Kai Tak.
(三 ) 有否計劃 向 經 該管制站 出 入 境的長者 及 行動不 便 人士提供優惠 安 排 (例如設 立 特 別 通道), 尤 其 是 在 繁忙時 段 , 使 他 們無須在客大堂外 排隊等 候 ; 若 有 , 計 劃的詳 情;若 否 , 原 因為何 ?
(b) whether it will formulate measures, such as that being deliberated by the South Korean Government, to prevent clandestine photo-taking with such mobile phones; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
我們亦已經在中客運碼頭離境等候 堂 , 設 置新的 客座 位,為客提供更舒適的環境。
We have also
[...] installed new passenger seating in the Departure Waiting Halls of the China Ferry Terminal (CFT) to provide a more comfortable environment for passengers.
他们自己水景园的实现是客户的 一片 堂 , 因 为您的日常业务是很多花园主人儿时的梦想。
The realisation of their own water garden
[...] is a piece of paradise for your customers because the everyday [...]
business for you is the childhood dream of many garden owners.
(i) 設置貨物處理設施和旅客設施( 例如私家車和旅遊巴士檢查關 卡和檢查設施、旅檢大樓和客出 入境 大 堂 、 在 香港口岸提 供服務的政府部門的設施)
(i) provision of cargo processing and passenger related facilities such as processing kiosks and
examination facilities for private
[...] cars and coaches, passenger clearance building and halls, accommodation [...]
for facilities of the government
departments providing services in connection with the HKBCF
(i) 旅客出入堂, 大堂內的入 境和出境通道分 別設有 44 和 47 個 出 入 境檢查櫃檯, [...]
四 個 和兩 個 海 關檢查室 ;以及
(i) passenger clearance halls with 44 and 47 immigration [...]
counters in inbound and outbound directions respectively, and four
and two customs inspection cubicles in inbound and outbound directions respectively; and
(c) 與旅客有關的設施,包括私家車和旅遊巴士過關亭 和檢查設施、旅檢大樓和客出入境 大 堂等
(c) passenger related facilities
including processing kiosks and examination facilities for private
[...] cars and coaches, passenger clearance building and halls, etc
(一 ) 現時,港鐵網絡內共設有979條扶手電梯和207部 客 升降 機,方便客往返地面、堂及月 台各層。
(a) Currently, there are 979
[...] escalators and 207 passenger lifts in the MTR network to facilitate passengers' travelling between ground level, concourse level and [...]
platform level.
大 膽 構 思,細 心評估 , 努 力 執行, 改 善 環境” 是 促 進本港旅遊業 發 展 的 重 要 方 向 , 希望政 府 接 納 這 16 字 “ 真 言 ” ,致力 將 本港發 展 成 為客 的 天 堂 。
Be bold in conceiving ideas, be careful in making assessment, be diligent in implementation be keen the environment" — such are important orientation in the promotion of tourism in Hong Kong.
我想瞭解一下,鑒於羅湖管制站的等候地方不多, 深圳方面會否因為知道大量香港旅客仍在等候辦理港方入境手續,所以便稍 為拖延深圳的出境檢查手續,待部分旅客辦妥港方入境手續後才再讓另一部 分客進入大堂,辦 理深圳的出境檢查,以致實際上旅客的等候時間會較 30 分鐘為長?
In view of the limited space in the waiting area at the Lo Wu Control Point, will the departure clearance in Shenzhen be slowed down to a certain extent since the Shenzhen side is aware of a large number of passengers waiting for arrival clearance on the Hong Kong
side, so that when
[...] after some of the passengers have completed the arrival clearance, some other passengers can be allowed to enter the Arrival Hall to complete the departure [...]
clearance in Shenzhen?
在繁忙時間,各個車站大堂都會擠滿㆟群,但㆞鐵公司並不 認為車站堂有大量乘客等候 會構成嚴重問題。
Concourses at stations are busy during
peak hours but MTRC does not consider that
[...] large numbers of passengers waiting at concourses [...]
present a serious problem.
(iv) 在上文第(iii)項所述的新車站提供相關的鐵路 設施,包括車站堂、乘客等候 區、月台、控 制與信號系統等
(iv) associated railway facilities at
the new stations in (iii) above
[...] including station concourses, passenger waiting areas, [...]
platforms, control and signalling systems, etc.
新逾越节哈加达(New Passover Haggadah)是以色列艺术家艾舍尔•卡尔德隆(Asher
[...] Kalderon)创作的,他在这本书的介绍了提到了他想要传达逾越节家宴里家庭 客 人 欢聚 一 堂 的 兴 奋。
The New Passover Haggadah was created by Israeli artist Asher Kalderon, who in
his introduction to the book noted that he wanted to convey the
[...] excitement of family and guests gathered for the Seder.
(f) 上環站-進一步修改中央堂 以改善乘客流通情 況。
(f) Sheung Wan Station – Further modifications to
[...] the central concourse to improve passenger circulation.
如果说黄金湾是背客的旅行天堂, 那么塔卡卡镇则是探索黄金湾周围不计其数观光名所,特别是亚伯塔斯曼国家公园(Tasman [...]
National Park)的完美留宿地。
Golden Bay is a mecca for backpackers and Takaka town is [...]
the perfect base for exploring the many nearby sights and attractions,
especially Abel Tasman National Park.
現有車站大堂 亦會進行大規模改善工程,增加堂 空 間 ,為 客 提 供 更方便和 舒適的轉線服務。
Substantial modification will be made to the existing station concourse to make it
[...] more convenient for passengers to interchange between [...]
railway lines.
如果由前台接待人员使用书面日志登记 访 客 来 管理 大 堂 , 很 容易导致不安全, 访 客 列 表 中很可能会有不准确的信息、难以辨认的手写字体,并且缺乏对访客列表的隐私保密。
Having lobbies manned by receptionists using paper-based log to register visitors, while is easy [...]
and convenient provides minimal
security attributed by inaccurate information, illegible handwriting, lack of privacy and confidentiality of visitors' list.
此外, 也 不 是 每個站的堂 都 設客升降 機 接 載 乘 客上落月台 。
Besides, a passenger lift is not installed in the concourse of every [...]
station carrying passengers to and from the platform.
天福堂位於中國重慶市九龍坡區,天福堂設有 堂 、 賓 客 室 、 出售殯儀物料的服 務中心、靈堂、焚香井、停車場、殯儀服務專用車及現代化、已消毒及衛生的停 [...]
Tian Fu is located at Jiulongpo District of Chongqing
municipality, the PRC. Tian Fu is equipped
[...] with a catering hall, guest rooms, services [...]
centre offering funeral related accessories
for sale, funeral halls, incense burning wells, car park, designated cars for funeral services and a modernized, sanitized and hygienic mortuary and autopsy room which is used for post-mortem autopsy and cosmetic beautification and make-up for the deceased .
堂向该客服中 心的业务,提供新增的客户应对窗口机制,由经过资生堂 培训的一支专业队伍,向客户提供优质服务。
With regard to the call center, an expert team, which has completed Shiseido’s training, will be aiming to provide a superior level of service which will include personal consulting.
Lobby Lounge is a favourite with guests for daytime business [...]
meetings and afternoon tea, against a background of live classical music.
但由於事故發生時正值繁忙時間,乘客的數量很多,車站職員 亦需要短時間內處理多項工作,因此未能如一般情況下的時間 內回應乘客的查詢或要求,令個別車站或 堂 一 度 出現 客聚 集的情況。
As the incident occurred during peak hour, there was a large number of passengers and station staff were required to handle various tasks within short periods of time, staff might not have been able to address passengers’ enquiries or requests within the time that it would
have taken under normal circumstances,
[...] resulting in passengers gathering in certain stations or concourses at [...]
one time.
位于墨西哥城的瓜达卢佩圣堂是世 界上 客 量 排 名第二的天主教圣地。
The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City [...]
is the second-most visited Catholic shrine in the world.
我們預期車票入閘機與離境堂之間的 客運廊 擴建工程會在 2004 年年初或之前完成,而離境大堂擴建工程和 加設離境檢查櫃檯的工程則會在 2004 年年中或之前完成。
We expect expansion of
[...] the concourse between the ticket turnstile and the Departure Hall to be completed [...]
by early 2004, and
expansion of the Departure Hall and installation of additional departure counters to be completed by mid 2004.
(b) 即使無須如(a)所述徵用有關大廈,但沿著該 等 大廈旁邊及 在 摩擦樁下建造地庫車站堂及乘客通 道 ,亦 會對該等 大 廈 構成不能接受 的建築風險,以及影響有關土 [...]
地 未來的 發 展潛力。
(b) Taking aside (a) above, construction of the basement
[...] concourse immediately alongside and passenger adits beneath [...]
the cast insitu friction pile
foundations would introduce unacceptable construction risks and reduce future development potential of the sites.
(i) 建造西九龍總站的鐵路設施,包括車站 堂、 乘客等候區、月台、控制及訊號系統等
(i) railway facilities at the WKT,
[...] including station concourse, passenger waiting areas, [...]
platforms, control and signal systems, etc.
东方海港国际大厦以LEED绿色建筑金质认证为基准,邀请美国建筑师协会副会长、美国赫勒·马努斯建筑设计事务所(HellerManusArchitects)主席----JeffreyHeller先生担任总设计,按照当今国际高端智能化写字楼高舒适度、低能耗、低碳排放、健康的国际绿色建筑的认证标准建造,且更具人性化与舒适化,设有:全球先进5A智能体系、双VAV中央空调及独立新风系统、地暖式 堂 、 门禁 访 客 识 别系统、健康直饮水系统、环保雨水回收系统、电子信报箱系统、新能源车辆充电管理系系统等。
The Eastern Harbour International Building LEED Green Building Gold certification basis, to invite the vice president of the American Institute of Architects, the President of the United States of Heller Manus architectural design firm (HellerManusArchitects) ---- President JeffreyHeller chief design, according to the high office of today's international high-end intelligent comfort, low energy consumption, low carbon emissions, the health of the international green building certification standards for the construction, and more user-friendly and comfortable, and features: advanced global 5A intelligent system, double VAV central air conditioning and
independent new wind
[...] system to warm the lobby, access control and visitor identification system, [...]
health direct drinking
water system, environmental protection, rainwater recycling system, the electronic newspaper boxes, new energy vehicle charging Management system.
焕然一新的果阿万豪度假酒店及水疗中心恭迎您的光临! 这家果阿五星级豪华酒店堂、餐厅 、 客 房 均 配备各类时尚设施,缔造无与伦比的休闲、办公、娱乐或筹办时光,卓越品质真正独树一帜。
Premier among five-star Goa
[...] hotels, our lobby, restaurants and guest rooms offer [...]
modern amenities that will inspire you
to engage, relax, work or play.




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