

单词 审问



under interrogation (for a crime)
on trial

See also:

try (in court)


prudent adj


ask v

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 采取措施确保对警察局和拘留所进行的所 审问 进 行录音或录像,作 为防止酷刑和虐待的进一步手段。
(d) Take measures to ensure the audio- or
[...] videotaping of all interrogations in police stations [...]
and detention facilities as a further
means to prevent torture and illtreatment.
与这一规定相反,他被逮捕审问以 及 被控犯有特别 严重罪行之时,并无律师在场。
Contrary to this requirement, he
[...] was arrested, interrogated and charged [...]
with having committed a particularly serious crime in the absence of a lawyer.
柬埔寨法院特别法庭的制度似乎 审问 式 诉 讼制度典型的长 预审阶段和诉讼辩护制度往往需要的长审判阶段结合在一起。
The system at the Extraordinary Chambers appears to have
[...] combined the long pretrial phase typical [...]
of inquisitorial systems with the long trial
phase often required in adversarial proceedings.
虽然《刑事诉讼法》第275 条规定原告有审问被告 ,但现行法律不保障被告向原告提问的权利,因此提交 人在这方面的权利没有受到侵犯。
While the right of the prosecutor to interrogate the accused is [...]
set forth in article 275, of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
the legislation in force does not guarantee to the accused the right to address questions to the prosecution, and thus there has been no violation of the author’s rights in this respect.
该组织还指出,引渡 17 名准军事指挥官是伸张正义的严重
[...] 障碍, 因为如 果在哥伦比亚对他们 进审问,就可 能 透 露 重 要的信息。
It also cited the extradition of 17 paramilitary commanders
as a serious obstacle to justice, preventing important revelations from emerging if
[...] they had been questioned in Colombia.
私营 军事和安保公司继续提供范围广泛的服务,其中包括:为在国际机构、政府部门 或私营实体中工作的军事和文职人员提供人身保护、场地安保和车队安保以及从
[...] 事治安和安全保护服务、情报资料收集和分析、监狱私营管理 审问 被 拘 留者和 据报的各种秘密活动。
Private military and security companies continue to provide a wide range of services, including personnel protection, site security and convoy security for military and civilian personnel working for international institutions, Governments or private entities, as well as policing and security protection services, intelligence data
collection and analysis, private
[...] administration of prisons, interrogation of detainees and [...]
reportedly covert operations.
[...] 敌对行动;发动战争和/或作战行动;接收囚犯;制定法律;间谍;情报;转让 有军事、安全和治安用途的知识;使用大规模毁灭性武器及其他有关活动;警察 的权力,特别是逮捕或拘留的权力,包 审问 被 拘 留者的权力;以及缔约国视为 国家固有职能的其他职能。
Each State party shall define and limit the scope of activities of PMSCs and specifically prohibit the outsourcing to PMSCs of functions which are defined as inherently State functions, including direct participation in hostilities, waging war and/or combat operations, taking prisoners, law-making, espionage, intelligence, knowledge transfer with military, security and policing application, use of and other activities related to weapons of mass destruction, police powers, especially the powers of
arrest or detention
[...] including the interrogation of detainees, and other functions that a State party considers to be inherently [...]
State functions.
相反,在许审问式的 诉讼制度中,调查法官作 为一个公正的司法当局参与诉讼的调查和预审阶段,并事先选定证据。
On the contrary, in many inquisitorial systems, [...]
the evidence is selected beforehand by the investigating judge, as an impartial
judicial authority present during the investigation and pretrial phases of the proceedings.
(b) 为保护儿童在刑事诉讼程序中免受困苦,采用儿童敏感程序,例如使
[...] 用专为儿童设计的问讯房间,采用儿童敏感性讯问方式;并且尽量减少口审 问、提供诉状和出席听证的次数。
(b) Use child-sensitive procedures to protect children from hardship during the justice process, including by the use of special interview rooms designed
for children, child-sensitive
[...] methods of questioning; and by reducing [...]
the number of interviews, statements and hearings.
经正式认 可的律师可出席所审问会议 。20 小组委员会认为,从刑事调查一开始就有律 师在场的权利是防范酷刑和虐待的重要手段。
A duly accredited lawyer may be
[...] present at all questioning sessions.20 The [...]
SPT considers the right to have a lawyer present
from the very beginning of the criminal investigation as an important means of preventing torture and ill-treatment.
当Brian和他的助手到达加拿大边境时,被扣留并 审问 了 1个 小时。
When Brian and his assistant arrived at the Canadian border they
[...] were detained and questioned for an hour.
这些职能 包括:直接参与敌对行动、发动战争和(或)作战行动、接收囚犯、制定
[...] 法律、间谍、情报、转让有军事、安全和治安用途的知识、大规模毁灭 性武器的使用及其他有关活动、警察的权力(特别是逮捕或拘留的权力, 包审问被拘 留者的权力),以及缔约国视为国家固有的其他职能。
Among such functions are direct participation in hostilities, waging war and/or combat operations, taking prisoners, law-making, espionage, intelligence, knowledge transfer with military, security and policing application, use of and other activities related to weapons of mass destruction and police powers, especially the powers of
arrest or detention
[...] including the interrogation of detainees and other functions that a State Party considers as inherently [...]
State functions.
任何人如未及时得到司法当局或其他当 审问 的 有 效机会,不应予以拘留。
A person shall not be kept in detention without being given an effective opportunity to be heard promptly by a judicial or other authority.
It is the responsibility of police, prosecutors and judges to ensure
that those who appear before them who cannot afford a lawyer and/or who are vulnerable
[...] are provided access to legal aid.
鉴于缺乏足够数量的执业 律师和覆盖剥夺自由各个阶段的完全成熟的法律援助体系,小组委员会建议当
[...] 局,作为一项临时措施,给予被拘留者权利,在初始拘留 审问 期 间 有一个可信 任的第三方在场。
In the absence of a sufficient number of certified lawyers, and a fully fledged legal aid system covering all stages of deprivation of liberty, the SPT recommends that the authorities, as an
interim measure, grant detainees the right to have a trusted third
[...] party present during questioning in initial custody.
10 条订明在法院前平等及接受公正公 审问 的 权 利。
Article 10 of HKBOR provides for the right of equality before courts and right to fair and public hearing.
其他的调查行为(如,对被拘留者的第一次司 审问 、 搜查律师或医生办公 室或银行机构,或者阅读被查封的信件)必须由法官(调查法官)进行,其他调查必 [...]
Other acts of inquiry (such as the
[...] first judicial interrogation of a detained, [...]
searches in a lawyers’ or doctor’s offices
or in a bank agency, or the reading of seized correspondence) must be performed by a judge (judge of inquiry), and others must be ordered by such a judge (for example, home searches and seizure of correspondence).
据称对超过 400 名男人和 80 名妇女进行审问,对 很多住家进行了搜查。
Over 400 men and 80 women were
[...] reportedly interrogated, and many homes [...]
were searched.
法律规定大多数嫌疑犯有权在被拘留 审问 的 初 期寻求法律帮助,尽管警察经常会对嫌疑犯行使这一权利进行干预。
The law gives most suspects the right to seek
legal counsel shortly after their initial
[...] detention and interrogation, although police [...]
frequently interfered with this right.
委员会建议缔约国审问所有 人员时都要进行视频录像定为标准程序,并在警察 局和宪兵队各处安装视频监控摄像头,以扩大并加强对受到警方关押的被拘留人 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party make
[...] video recording of interrogations of all persons questioned a standard procedure, [...]
and install video
surveillance cameras throughout police stations and gendarmeries in order to extend and strengthen the protection afforded to detainees in police custody.
(b) 没有专门进行儿童相关调查审问触 犯 法律的儿童的执法人员
(b) There are no law enforcement personnel specialized in child-related
[...] investigations and in interrogation of children [...]
in conflict with the law
审问记录 。报告还称,在犯罪嫌疑人有自杀倾向并正在经受停服毒 品痛苦的情况下,警察从拘留中释放他是“不负责任”的。
The report also called the police “irresponsible” for releasing the suspect — who was suicidal and suffering drug withdrawal — from custody.
回顾其关于保护所有遭受任何形式羁押或监禁的人的原则的 1988 年 12 月 9 日第 43/173 号决议,在这方面强调指出,确保迅速将任何被逮捕或被羁押 者交由法官或其他独立司法官员当 审问 , 并 允许其迅速和定期获得医疗和法律 咨询,以及允许其家人和独立监察机构探视,是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效措施
Recalls its resolution 43/173 of 9 December 1988 on the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, and in this context stresses that ensuring that any individual arrested or detained is promptly brought before a judge or other independent judicial officer in person and permitting prompt and regular medical care and legal counsel as well as visits by family members and independent monitoring mechanisms are effective measures for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
投诉方与被诉方的律师各自向法官陈述, 审问 对 方 宣誓证人。
The complainant’s and respondent’s attorneys present arguments
[...] to the judge and question pertinent witnesses, [...]
who are under oath.
她的作品包括霓虹、录像、雕塑、绘画和文字等,她的艺术实践可以被描述为对政治的无能以及貌似定义当代艺术的单一性危机的持续 审问。
Working in neon, video, sculpture, painting and text, her practice can be described as an ongoing interrogation of the political impotence and the crisis of singularity that seem to define contemporary art today.
这是在兑现真主说的话,‘你们应 当履行诺言;诺言确是要审问的事 ’。
This was in implementation of the words of God, “Thou shalt fulfil every covenant.
2007 年3月22日第32 号法律,该法律补充了《刑事诉讼法》的若干
[...] 条款,其中包括对法警规定了一些义务,即 审问 任 何 嫌犯时,必须 告知他有权争取由自己选定的律师予以协助,并将此记录在案。
Law No. 32 of 22 March 2007 supplements certain provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure and introduces, inter
alia, the obligation for judicial police
[...] officers, when questioning any suspect, to [...]
inform him of his right to seek the help
of a lawyer of his own choice, which shall be entered into the record.
据报道,3月和12月,北京和多个省当局拘留了多名中国基督教家庭教会联合会成员, 审问 了 他 们与外国人的联系事宜,以及所谓的破坏2008年奥运会的计划。
In March and December, authorities in
Beijing and in several provinces reportedly
[...] detained and interrogated members of [...]
the China House Church Alliance about their
connections to foreigners and about alleged plans to disrupt the 2008 Olympic Games.
该官员在检查证件后, 请她出列,将她带到一审问无证 件人员和涉嫌人的内 审问 处 , 尽管她事前表 明自己是尼加拉瓜常驻联合国代表。
The Permanent Representative, after disembarking from LAN flight XL516 at 5.05 p.m., joined the line reserved for diplomats and handed the required papers to the
official on duty who, after
[...] checking them, asked her to step out of the line and took her to an internal interrogation area, where undocumented persons and suspects are interrogated, even though [...]
she had previously identified
herself as the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations.
在这种情况下, 最高上诉法院的全体大会再审问193 0年6月3 日成立条约的地位,其中规定 了国民、或至少是最惠国国民的待遇,发现“公约”已经由于战争而失效,因为 维持其义务被判定为不符合战争状态。
In this case, the Plenary Assembly of the Cour de cassation, again interrogated about the status of the Treaty of Establishment of 3 June 1930, which prescribed national or at least mostfavoured-nation treatment, found that the Convention had lapsed at the onset of war, because the maintenance of its obligations was judged incompatible with the state of war.39 In Artel v. Seymand, the Cour de cassation (Chambre civile) also concluded that that same Convention had lapsed so far as leases were concerned.40 (38) In relation to the Convention of 3 June 1930 between France and Italy, the Cour de cassation held, in 1953, that the national treatment to be granted to Italians under the Convention regarding the tenure of agricultural land was incompatible with a state of war.41 (39) This series will be closed by a somewhat peculiar case which concerns individuals but makes a foray into the field of public law.




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